package fit; import fit.exception.FitParseException; import fit.testFxtr.TestActionFixture; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import; import; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class ActionFixtureTest { private ActionFixture fixture; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { fixture = new ActionFixture(); } private String getStringFor(Parse table) { StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(stringWriter); table.print(out); out.flush(); out.close(); return stringWriter.toString(); } private String tableOf(String rows) { return "<table>" + "<tr> <td>Action Fixture</td> </tr>" + rows + "</table>"; } private String row(String... cells) { String row = "<tr>"; for (String cell : cells) row += "<td>" + cell + "</td>"; row += "</tr>"; return row; } private Parse doTableOf(String rows) throws FitParseException { Parse table = new Parse(tableOf(rows)); fixture.doRows(; return table; } private TestActionFixture actionFixture() { return (TestActionFixture) fixture.getActor(); } @Test public void tryToLoadAMissingActor() throws Exception { Parse table = doTableOf(row("start", "NoSuchFixture")); assertTrue(getStringFor(table).contains("Could not find fixture: NoSuchFixture.")); } @Test public void tryToStartAMissingActor() throws Exception { Parse table = doTableOf(row("start")); assertTrue(getStringFor(table).contains("You must specify a fixture to start.")); } @Test public void tryToStartABlankActor() throws Exception { Parse table = doTableOf(row("start", "")); assertTrue(getStringFor(table).contains("You must specify a fixture to start.")); } @Test public void tryToStartARealActor() throws Exception { Parse table = doTableOf(row("start", "fit.testFxtr.TestActionFixture")); assertNotNull(fixture.getActor()); assertTrue(fixture.getActor() instanceof TestActionFixture); } @Test public void tryCheckWithoutStartingAnActor() throws Exception { Parse table = doTableOf(row("check", "method")); assertTrue(getStringFor(table).contains("You must start a fixture using the 'start' keyword.")); } @Test public void tryCallingCheck() throws Exception { Parse table = doTableOf( row("start", "fit.testFxtr.TestActionFixture") + row("check", "data", "42")); assertTrue(actionFixture().checked); } @Test public void tryCheckWithNoValue() throws Exception { Parse table = doTableOf( row("start", "fit.testFxtr.TestActionFixture") + row("check", "data")); assertTrue(getStringFor(table).contains("You must specify a value to check.")); } @Test public void tryCheckWithUnadaptableReturn() throws Exception { Parse table = doTableOf( row("start", "fit.testFxtr.TestActionFixture") + row("check", "unadaptable", "42")); assertTrue(getStringFor(table).contains("Could not parse: 42")); } @Test public void tryCheckWithNoFunction() throws Exception { Parse table = doTableOf( row("start", "fit.testFxtr.TestActionFixture") + row("check")); assertTrue(getStringFor(table).contains("You must specify a method.")); } @Test public void tryCheckWithBlankFunction() throws Exception { Parse table = doTableOf( row("start", "fit.testFxtr.TestActionFixture") + row("check", "")); assertTrue(getStringFor(table).contains("You must specify a method.")); } @Test public void enterPassesCorrectData() throws Exception { Parse table = doTableOf( row("start", "fit.testFxtr.TestActionFixture") + row("enter", "data", "42")); assertEquals(42, actionFixture().entered); } @Test public void tryEnterWithNoArg() throws Exception { Parse table = doTableOf( row("start", "fit.testFxtr.TestActionFixture") + row("enter", "data")); assertTrue(getStringFor(table).contains("You must specify an argument.")); } @Test public void tryEnterWithUnparseableArg() throws Exception { Parse table = doTableOf( row("start", "fit.testFxtr.TestActionFixture") + row("enter", "data", "unparseable")); assertTrue(getStringFor(table).contains("Could not parse: unparseable,")); } @Test public void tryEnterWithOverloadedFunction() throws Exception { Parse table = doTableOf( row("start", "fit.testFxtr.TestActionFixture") + row("enter", "overload", "1")); assertTrue(getStringFor(table).contains("You can only have one overload(arg) method in your fixture.")); } @Test public void tryEnterWithUndefinedFunction() throws Exception { Parse table = doTableOf( row("start", "fit.testFxtr.TestActionFixture") + row("enter", "undefined", "1")); assertTrue(getStringFor(table).contains("Could not find method: undefined.")); } @Test public void pressCallsRightFunction() throws Exception { Parse table = doTableOf( row("start", "fit.testFxtr.TestActionFixture") + row("press", "button")); assertTrue(actionFixture().buttonPressed); } @Test public void tryArbitraryFunction() throws Exception { Parse table = doTableOf( row("start", "fit.testFxtr.TestActionFixture") + row("arbitrary")); assertTrue(getStringFor(table).contains("NoSuchMethodException")); } @Test public void tryBlankFunction() throws Exception { Parse table = doTableOf( row("start", "fit.testFxtr.TestActionFixture") + row("")); assertTrue(getStringFor(table).contains("NoSuchMethodException")); } }