package fitnesse.slim; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class StackTraceEnricherTest { private static final String JUNIT_JAR_PATTERN = "[junit"; private static final String RT_JAR = "rt.jar"; private static final String COMMONS_LANG_VERSION = "2.6"; private static final Pattern COMMONS_LANG_JAR = Pattern.compile("commons-lang(-2.6)?.jar"); private Throwable exception; private Throwable exceptionWithCause; private StackTraceEnricher enricher; @Before public void setUp() { exception = createException(); exceptionWithCause = createIllegalArgumentExceptionWithCause(); enricher = new StackTraceEnricher(); } private Exception createException() { Exception exception = null; try { org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance(null, null); fail("StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance() changed its contract, expected IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { if (iae.getStackTrace() == null || iae.getStackTrace().length == 0) { iae.fillInStackTrace(); } exception = iae; } return exception; } private IllegalArgumentException createIllegalArgumentExceptionWithCause() { IllegalArgumentException exception = null; try { throwIllegalArgumentExceptionWithIOExceptionCause(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { exception = iae; } return exception; } private void throwException() throws Exception { throw createException(); } private void throwIllegalArgumentExceptionWithIOExceptionCause() { try { throwException(); fail("No Exception was thrown."); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Custom IllegalArgumentException message", e); } } private StackTraceElement getCommonsLangStackTraceElement(Throwable exception) { StackTraceElement javaLangElement = null; for (StackTraceElement element : exception.getStackTrace()) { if (element.getClassName().startsWith("org.apache.commons.lang")) { javaLangElement = element; break; } } if (javaLangElement == null) { fail("Unable to find a org.apache.commons.lang class in the stack trace."); } return javaLangElement; } @Test public void shouldWriteEnrichedStackTraceToWriter() throws Exception { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); enricher.printStackTrace(exception, writer); assertTrue("JUnit jar " + JUNIT_JAR_PATTERN + " not found in stack trace written to writer", writer.toString().contains(JUNIT_JAR_PATTERN)); } @Test public void shouldWriteEnrichedStackTraceToOutputStream() throws Exception { ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); enricher.printStackTrace(exception, outputStream); String output = new String(outputStream.toByteArray()); assertTrue("JUnit jar " + JUNIT_JAR_PATTERN + " not found in stack trace written to output stream", output.contains(JUNIT_JAR_PATTERN)); } @Test public void shouldReturnEnrichedStackTraceAsString() { assertTrue("JUnit jar " + JUNIT_JAR_PATTERN + " not found in stack trace as String", enricher.getStackTraceAsString(exception).contains(JUNIT_JAR_PATTERN)); } @Test public void shouldParseRtJar() { assertTrue("Java RT jar not properly determined.", enricher.getStackTraceAsString(exception).contains(RT_JAR)); } @Test public void shouldAddVersionWhenAvailable() { String stackTraceAsString = enricher.getStackTraceAsString(exception); String fragment = ".jar:2.6"; assertTrue(String.format("Version not added for commons-lang.jar. Did not find '%s' in \n%s", fragment, stackTraceAsString), stackTraceAsString.contains(fragment)); } @Test public void shouldGetVersionForClassInJarWithVersion() { assertTrue("Version not retrieved for org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils", enricher.getVersion(org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils.class).contains(COMMONS_LANG_VERSION)); } @Test public void shouldGetVersionForStackTraceElementInJarWithVersion() { StackTraceElement commonsLangElement = getCommonsLangStackTraceElement(exception); assertTrue("Version not retrieved for " + commonsLangElement.getClassName(), enricher.getVersion(commonsLangElement).contains(COMMONS_LANG_VERSION)); } @Test public void shouldGetLocationForClassInJarWithVersion() { assertEquals("Location not retrieved for java.lang.reflect.Method", enricher.getLocation(java.lang.reflect.Method.class), RT_JAR); } @Test public void shouldGetLocationForStackTraceElementInJarWithVersion() { StackTraceElement commonsLangElement = getCommonsLangStackTraceElement(exception); assertTrue("Version not retrieved for " + commonsLangElement.getClassName(), COMMONS_LANG_JAR.matcher(enricher.getLocation(commonsLangElement)).matches()); } @Test public void shouldParseDirectories() throws Exception { String classPath = System.getProperty("java.class.path"); String testLocation = enricher.getLocation(this.getClass()); if (!testLocation.contains(".jar")) { assertContainsPath("Location of unit test (" + testLocation + ") not found on the classpath (" + classPath + ").", testLocation, classPath); } else { // TODO Find a way to test this if the unit test is executed from a jar. System.err.println("Unit test executed from jar file, no stable method available for testing the parsing of " + "directory locations."); } } public void assertContainsPath(String message, String path, String paths) throws URISyntaxException { File testFile; if (path.startsWith("file:/")) { testFile = new File(new URI(path)); } else { testFile = new File(path); } String[] parts = paths.split(System.getProperty("path.separator")); for (String part : parts) { if (testFile.equals(new File(part))) { return; } } fail(message); } @Test public void shouldWriteToSystemErrByDefault() { PrintStream originalErrStream = System.err; try { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); System.setErr(new PrintStream(out)); enricher.printStackTrace(exception); String output = new String(out.toByteArray()); assertTrue("JUnit jar " + JUNIT_JAR_PATTERN + " not found in stack trace written to default System.err stream", output.contains(JUNIT_JAR_PATTERN)); } finally { System.setErr(originalErrStream); } } @Test public void shouldParseCauseExceptions() { String parsedString = enricher.getStackTraceAsString(exceptionWithCause); assertTrue("No IllegalArgumentException found as cause in stacktrace.", parsedString.contains("\nCaused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:")); } }