package fitnesse.slim; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; //Extracted Test class to be implemented by all Java based Slim ports //The tests for PhpSlim and JsSlim implement this class public abstract class HashWidgetConversionTestBase { private static final String OTHER_INSTANCE = "otherInstance"; private static final String MY_INSTANCE = "myInstance"; protected StatementExecutorInterface statementExecutor; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { statementExecutor = createStatementExecutor(); createMapReceptorInstance(); } protected abstract StatementExecutorInterface createStatementExecutor() throws Exception; protected void createMapReceptorInstance() throws Exception { statementExecutor.create(MY_INSTANCE, mapReceptorClassName(), new Object[] {}); } protected abstract String mapReceptorClassName(); protected abstract String mapConstructorClassName(); private void assertConvertsTo(String string, List<List<String>> list) throws Exception { assertEquals("true",, "setMap", string)); assertEquals(list,, "query", new Object[] {})); statementExecutor.create(OTHER_INSTANCE, mapConstructorClassName(), new Object[] {string}); assertEquals(list,, "query", new Object[] {})); } @Test public void fromEmptyString_shouldCreateEmptyMap() throws Exception { assertConvertsTo("", new ArrayList<List<String>>()); } @Test public void fromGarbageString_shouldCreateEmptyMap() throws Exception { assertConvertsTo("sdfwewdfsdfwefsdfsdfswe", new ArrayList<List<String>>()); } @Test public void fromEmptyTable_shouldCreateEmptyMap() throws Exception { assertConvertsTo("<table></table>", new ArrayList<List<String>>()); } @Test public void fromTableWithNoColumns_shouldCreateEmptyMap() throws Exception { assertConvertsTo("<table><tr></tr><tr></tr></table>", new ArrayList<List<String>>()); } @Test public void fromTableWithOneColumn_shouldCreateEmptyMap() throws Exception { assertConvertsTo("<table><tr><td>0</td></tr></table>", new ArrayList<List<String>>()); } @Test public void fromTableWithMoreThanTwoColumns_shouldCreateEmptyMap() throws Exception { assertConvertsTo( "<table>" + "<tr>" + " <td>0</td>" + " <td>0</td>" + " <td>0</td>" + "</tr>" + "</table>", new ArrayList<List<String>>()); } @Test public void fromTableWithTwoColumnsAndOneRow_shouldCreateMapWithOneEntry() throws Exception { assertConvertsTo( "<table>" + "<tr>" + " <td>name</td>" + " <td>Bob</td>" + "</tr>" + "</table>", asList(asList("name", "Bob"))); } @Test public void fromTableWithTwoColumnsAndTwoRows_shouldCreateMapWithTwoEntries() throws Exception { assertConvertsTo( "<table>" + "<tr>" + " <td>name</td>" + " <td>Bob</td>" + "</tr>" + "<tr>" + " <td>address</td>" + " <td>here</td>" + "</tr>" + "</table>", asList(asList("address", "here"), asList("name", "Bob"))); } @Test public void fromTwoValidTables_shouldCreateEmptyMap() throws Exception { assertConvertsTo( "<table>" + "<tr>" + " <td>name</td>" + " <td>Bob</td>" + "</tr>" + "</table>" + "<table>" + "<tr>" + " <td>name</td>" + " <td>Bob</td>" + "</tr>" + "</table>", new ArrayList<List<String>>()); } }