package org.js.model.workflow.util; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace; import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path; import org.eclipse.emf.common.CommonPlugin; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.TreeIterator; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceSetImpl; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil; import org.eclipse.jwt.meta.model.core.Model; import org.eclipse.jwt.meta.model.core.PackageableElement; import org.eclipse.jwt.meta.model.processes.Action; import org.feature.model.utilities.ResourceUtil; import org.js.graph.transform.stagemodel.StageModel; import org.js.model.feature.Attribute; import org.js.model.feature.Constraint; import org.js.model.feature.Feature; import org.js.model.feature.FeatureModel; import org.js.model.feature.FeatureState; import org.js.model.feature.Imply; import org.js.model.rbac.AccessControlModel; import org.js.model.rbac.Role; import org.js.model.workflow.ACMConnector; import org.js.model.workflow.EFMContainer; import org.js.model.workflow.Log; import org.js.model.workflow.RoleConnector; import org.js.model.workflow.StagingConnector; /** * This class is used as help methods. * * @author Xi * * */ public class WorkflowUtil { public static final String WORKFLOW_FILE_EXTENSION = "workflow"; public static final String WORKFLOW_VIEW_FILE_EXTENSION = "workflow_view"; public static final String WORKFLOW_CONF_FILE_EXTENSION = "workflow_conf"; public static final int MANDATORY_GROUP = 1; public static final int OPTINAL_GROUP = 2; public static final int ALTERNATIVE_GROUP = 3; public static final int OR_GROUP = 4; public static URI featureModeluri = null; /** * get the workflow view resource for the given workflow resource. * * @param workflowResource * @return workflow view resource */ public static Resource getWorkflowViewReousrce(Resource workflowResource) { URI workflowViewUri = workflowResource.getURI().trimFileExtension().appendFileExtension(WORKFLOW_VIEW_FILE_EXTENSION); ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl(); return resourceSet.getResource(workflowViewUri, true); } /** * get the workflow configuration resource for the given workflow resource. * * @param workflowResource * @return workflow configration resource */ public static Resource getWorkflowConfReousrce(Resource workflowResource) { URI workflowConfUri = workflowResource.getURI().trimFileExtension().appendFileExtension(WORKFLOW_CONF_FILE_EXTENSION); ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl(); return resourceSet.getResource(workflowConfUri, true); } /** * get the resource for the given uri. * * @param uri * @return */ public static Resource getResource(URI uri) { ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl(); return resourceSet.getResource(uri, true); } /** * get the resource for the given url. * * @param fileresource * @return */ public static Resource getResource(URL fileresource) { String path = fileresource.getPath(); URI uri = URI.createFileURI(path); ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl(); return resourceSet.getResource(uri, true); } /** * get uri for the given file. * * @param file * @return */ public static URI getURI(File file) { IWorkspace workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace(); IPath location = Path.fromOSString(file.getAbsolutePath()); IFile newFile = workspace.getRoot().getFileForLocation(location); URI newFileUri = URI.createPlatformResourceURI(newFile.getFullPath().toOSString(), true); return newFileUri; } public static org.eclipse.jwt.meta.model.organisations.Role getWorkflowRole(Role role, Model workflow) { org.eclipse.jwt.meta.model.organisations.Role workflowRole = null; EList<PackageableElement> workflowElements = workflow.getElements(); stop: for (PackageableElement packageableElement : workflowElements) { if (packageableElement instanceof org.eclipse.jwt.meta.model.organisations.Role) { org.eclipse.jwt.meta.model.organisations.Role jwtRole = (org.eclipse.jwt.meta.model.organisations.Role) packageableElement; RoleConnector connector = (RoleConnector) WorkflowConfUtil.getAspectInstance(jwtRole, WorkflowConfUtil.ROLE_ASPECT); Role referencedRole = connector.getRoleref(); if (EcoreUtil.equals(referencedRole, role)) { workflowRole = jwtRole; break stop; } } } return workflowRole; } /** * store the stakeholder's inputs temporarily. * * @param stakeholderName * @param stakeholderTypeName * @param stakeholderGroupName * @param acm * @param shTypes * @return */ public static StakeholderInput analyzeShInput(String stakeholderName, String stakeholderTypeName, String stakeholderGroupName, AccessControlModel acm, EList<org.js.model.rbac.Role> shTypes) { org.js.model.rbac.Role stakeholderType = null; org.js.model.rbac.Role stakeholderGroupLeader = null; for (org.js.model.rbac.Role role : shTypes) { if (role.getId().equals(stakeholderTypeName)) { stakeholderType = role; break; } } // for (Group group : acm.getGroups()) { // if (group.getRepresents().getId().equals(stakeholderGroupName)) { // stakeholderGroupLeader = group.getRepresents(); // break; // } // } for (org.js.model.rbac.Role role : acm.getRoles()) { if (role.getId().equals(stakeholderGroupName)) { stakeholderGroupLeader = role; break; } } return new StakeholderInput(stakeholderName, stakeholderType, stakeholderGroupLeader); } public static org.js.model.rbac.Role getRBACRole(Model model, String name) { AccessControlModel acm = getAccessControlModel(model); return getRBACRole(acm, name); } public static AccessControlModel getAccessControlModel(Model workflow) { ACMConnector acmConnector = (ACMConnector) WorkflowConfUtil.getAspectInstance(workflow, WorkflowConfUtil.ACM_ASPECT); AccessControlModel acm = acmConnector.getAcmref(); return acm; } public static StageModel getStageModel(Model workflow) { StagingConnector stagingConnector = (StagingConnector) WorkflowConfUtil.getAspectInstance(workflow, WorkflowConfUtil.STAGEMODEL_ASPECT); StageModel sm = stagingConnector.getStageModel(); return sm; } /** * get the role in acm with the given name. * * @param acm * @param name * @return */ public static org.js.model.rbac.Role getRBACRole(AccessControlModel acm, String name) { EList<org.js.model.rbac.Role> roles = acm.getRoles(); for (org.js.model.rbac.Role role : roles) { if (role.getId().equals(name)) { return role; } } return null; } /** * get the role referenced by the given action. * * @param action * @return */ public static org.js.model.rbac.Role getRBACRole(Action action) { RoleConnector roleConnector = null; if (action.getPerformedBy() != null) { roleConnector = ((RoleConnector) WorkflowConfUtil.getAspectInstance(((Action) action).getPerformedBy(), WorkflowConfUtil.ROLE_ASPECT)); } if (roleConnector != null && roleConnector.getRoleref() != null) { return roleConnector.getRoleref(); } return null; } /** * copy a file. * * @param oldPath * @param newPath * @return */ public static File copyFile(String oldPath, String newPath) { try { int byteread = 0; File oldfile = new File(oldPath); if (oldfile.exists()) { InputStream inStream = new FileInputStream(oldPath); FileOutputStream fs = new FileOutputStream(newPath); byte[] buffer = new byte[1444]; while ((byteread = != -1) { fs.write(buffer, 0, byteread); } inStream.close(); return new File(newPath); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /** * get the efm model from the given uri. * * @param uri * @return */ public static FeatureModel getFeatureModel(URI uri) { ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl(); Resource rbacRes = resourceSet.getResource(uri, true); try { rbacRes.load(Collections.EMPTY_MAP); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } TreeIterator<EObject> rbacIt = rbacRes.getAllContents(); FeatureModel fm = null; while (rbacIt.hasNext()) { EObject object =; if (object instanceof FeatureModel) { fm = (FeatureModel) object; } } return fm; } /** * handle the relation and constraint of the given feature in the efm. * * @param feauture * @param featureModel */ public static void handleFeatureLogic(Feature feature, FeatureModel featureModel) { // if the feature is selected if (feature.getConfigurationState().equals(FeatureState.SELECTED)) { for (org.js.model.feature.Group group : feature.getGroups()) { // if feature is mandatory if (group.getMinCardinality() * group.getMaxCardinality() == 1) { if (group.getChildFeatures().size() == 1) { Feature subFeature = group.getChildFeatures().get(0); subFeature.setConfigurationState(FeatureState.SELECTED); handleFeatureLogic(subFeature, featureModel); } } } for (Constraint constraint : featureModel.getConstraints()) { // TODO: here only implies express is handled, we still need to // handle the other expresses if (constraint instanceof Imply) { Imply expression = (Imply) constraint; if (expression.getLeftOperand() instanceof Feature) { Feature operand1 = expression.getLeftOperand(); if (operand1.getId().equals(feature.getId())) { Feature operand2 = expression.getRightOperand(); operand2.setConfigurationState(FeatureState.SELECTED); handleFeatureLogic(operand2, featureModel); } } } } } else { // if the feature is deselected for (org.js.model.feature.Group group : feature.getGroups()) { for (Feature subFeature : group.getChildFeatures()) { subFeature.setConfigurationState(FeatureState.DESELECTED); handleFeatureLogic(subFeature, featureModel); } } for (Constraint contraint : featureModel.getConstraints()) { // TODO: here only implies express is handled, we still need to // handle the other expresses if (contraint instanceof Imply) { Imply expression = (Imply) contraint; Feature operand2 = expression.getRightOperand(); if (operand2.getId().equals(feature.getId())) { Feature operand1 = expression.getLeftOperand(); operand1.setConfigurationState(FeatureState.DESELECTED); handleFeatureLogic(operand1, featureModel); } } } } } /** * save stakeholder's configuration into the feature model. * * @param log * @param featureModel */ public static void handleFM(Log log, FeatureModel featureModel) { // for (ConfigurationOperation configDecision : log.getConfigurationOperations()) { // if (configDecision instanceof FeatureOperation) { // Feature feature = ReferenceResolverUtil.findFeature(((FeatureOperation) configDecision).getFeature().getId(), // featureModel); // if (RbacHelper.isSelectFeatureOperation(configDecision)) { // feature.setConfigurationState(FeatureState.SELECTED); // } else { // feature.setConfigurationState(FeatureState.DESELECTED); // } // // handleFeatureLogic(feature, featureModel); // } else { // if (RbacHelper.isSelectDomainValueOperation(configDecision)) { // AttributeValueOperation operation = ((AttributeValueOperation) configDecision); // Attribute oldAttribute = operation.getAttribute(); // String attributeName = oldAttribute.getName(); // String featureName = oldAttribute.getFeature().getId(); // Feature newFeature = ReferenceResolverUtil.findFeature(featureName, featureModel); // Attribute newAttribute = ReferenceResolverUtil.findAttributeForFeature(attributeName, newFeature); // int value = operation.getValue(); // String valueString = FeatureModelHelper.getAttributeValue(value, operation.getAttribute()); // newAttribute.setValue(valueString); // } // } // } URI uri = featureModel.eResource().getURI(); ResourceUtil.persistModel(featureModel, uri); } /** * get the group which contains the given feature. * * @param feature * @param root * @return */ public static org.js.model.feature.Group getGroup(Feature feature, Feature root) { org.js.model.feature.Group featureGroup = null; for (org.js.model.feature.Group group : root.getGroups()) { if (group.getChildFeatures().contains(feature)) { return group; } else { for (Feature subFeature : group.getChildFeatures()) { featureGroup = getGroup(feature, subFeature); if (featureGroup != null) { return featureGroup; } } } } return null; } /** * get the group which contains the given feature. * * @param feature * @param featureModel * @return */ public static org.js.model.feature.Group getGroup(Feature feature, FeatureModel featureModel) { return getGroup(feature, featureModel.getRoot()); } /** * get the group type. * * @param group * @return */ public static int getGroupType(org.js.model.feature.Group group) { int type = 0; int minCard = group.getMinCardinality(); int maxCard = group.getMaxCardinality(); int size = group.getChildFeatures().size(); if (minCard * maxCard == 1) { if (size == 1) { type = MANDATORY_GROUP; } else { type = ALTERNATIVE_GROUP; } } else if (minCard == 0 && maxCard == 1 && size == 1) { type = OPTINAL_GROUP; } else if (minCard == 1 && maxCard == size && size > 1) { type = OR_GROUP; } return type; } /** * get the direct parent feature of the given child feature. * * @param childFeature * @param root * @return */ public static Feature getParentFeature(Feature childFeature, Feature root) { Feature parentFeature = null; for (org.js.model.feature.Group group : root.getGroups()) { for (Feature feature : group.getChildFeatures()) { if (feature == childFeature) { parentFeature = root; return parentFeature; } else { parentFeature = getParentFeature(childFeature, feature); if (parentFeature != null) { return parentFeature; } } } } return null; } /** * get all parent features of the given feature. * * @param childFeature * @param featureModel * @return */ public static ArrayList<Feature> getParentFeatures(Feature childFeature, FeatureModel featureModel) { ArrayList<Feature> parentFeatures = new ArrayList<Feature>(); Feature parentFeature = getParentFeature(childFeature, featureModel.getRoot()); while (parentFeature != null) { parentFeatures.add(parentFeature); parentFeature = getParentFeature(parentFeature, featureModel.getRoot()); } return parentFeatures; } /** * get all mandatory features of the given feature. * * @param childFeature * @return */ public static ArrayList<Feature> getMandatoryChildFeatures(Feature childFeature) { ArrayList<Feature> mandarotyChildFeatures = new ArrayList<Feature>(); for (org.js.model.feature.Group group : childFeature.getGroups()) { if (WorkflowUtil.getGroupType(group) == WorkflowUtil.MANDATORY_GROUP) { for (Feature feature : group.getChildFeatures()) { mandarotyChildFeatures.add(feature); mandarotyChildFeatures.addAll(getMandatoryChildFeatures(feature)); } } } return mandarotyChildFeatures; } /** * get all child features of the given feature. * * @param childFeature * @return */ public static ArrayList<Feature> getChildFeatures(Feature childFeature) { ArrayList<Feature> childFeatures = new ArrayList<Feature>(); for (org.js.model.feature.Group group : childFeature.getGroups()) { for (Feature feature : group.getChildFeatures()) { childFeatures.add(feature); childFeatures.addAll(getChildFeatures(feature)); } } return childFeatures; } /** * get all features that are in the same group. * * @param feature * @param featureModel * @return */ public static ArrayList<Feature> getGroupFeatures(Feature feature, FeatureModel featureModel) { ArrayList<Feature> groupFeatures = new ArrayList<Feature>(); org.js.model.feature.Group group = getGroup(feature, featureModel.getRoot()); if (group != null) { groupFeatures.addAll(group.getChildFeatures()); } return groupFeatures; } /** * get all right operands which are included in the implies constraints. * * @param feature * @param featureModel * @return */ public static ArrayList<Feature> getImpliesConstraintRightOperands(Feature feature, FeatureModel featureModel) { ArrayList<Feature> constraintFeatures = new ArrayList<Feature>(); EList<Constraint> constraints = featureModel.getConstraints(); for (Constraint constraint : constraints) { if (constraint instanceof Imply) { Imply expression = (Imply) constraint; Feature operand1 = expression.getLeftOperand(); if (operand1.getId().equals(feature.getId())) { Feature operand2 = expression.getRightOperand(); constraintFeatures.add(operand2); } } } return constraintFeatures; } /** * get all left operands which are included in the implies constraints. * * @param feature * @param featureModel * @return */ public static ArrayList<Feature> getImpliesConstraintLeftOperands(Feature feature, FeatureModel featureModel) { ArrayList<Feature> constraintFeatures = new ArrayList<Feature>(); EList<Constraint> constraints = featureModel.getConstraints(); for (Constraint constraint : constraints) { if (constraint instanceof Imply) { Imply expression = (Imply) constraint; Feature operand2 = expression.getRightOperand(); if (operand2.getId().equals(feature.getId())) { Feature operand1 = expression.getLeftOperand(); constraintFeatures.add(operand1); } } } return constraintFeatures; } /** * trace the configured efm of the previous action * * @param workflowModel * @param role * @param action * @return feature model */ public static FeatureModel tracePreEFM(Model workflowModel, Role role, Action action) { Action preAction = WorkflowModelUtil.getPrecedeAction(action); FeatureModel oldFM = null; if (preAction == null) { // it is the first enabled action // get original efm ACMConnector acmConnector = (ACMConnector) WorkflowConfUtil.getAspectInstance(workflowModel, WorkflowConfUtil.ACM_ASPECT); AccessControlModel acm = acmConnector.getAcmref(); oldFM = acm.getFeatureModel(); } else { // get the efm of previous action EFMContainer efmContainer = (EFMContainer) WorkflowConfUtil.getAspectInstance(preAction, WorkflowConfUtil.EFM_ASPECT); oldFM = efmContainer.getEfmref(); } // copy efm file for the added action URI oldFMUri = oldFM.eResource().getURI(); String oldFileName = oldFMUri.lastSegment(); URI resolvedFile = CommonPlugin.resolve(oldFMUri); IFile oldFile = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(new Path(resolvedFile.toFileString())); String oldFilePath = oldFile.getFullPath().toString(); String newFileName = role.getId() + "." + oldFMUri.fileExtension(); String newFilePath = oldFilePath.replace(oldFileName, newFileName); File newFile = WorkflowUtil.copyFile(oldFilePath, newFilePath); // get the uri of the added file URI newFileUri = WorkflowUtil.getURI(newFile); // add efm reference FeatureModel newFM = WorkflowUtil.getFeatureModel(newFileUri); EFMContainer efmContainer = (EFMContainer) WorkflowConfUtil.getAspectInstance(action, WorkflowConfUtil.EFM_ASPECT); if (newFM == null) { System.out.println("the previuos action has no efm!"); } else { WorkflowConfUtil.setEFM(efmContainer, newFM); } return newFM; } /** * get all features of the given feature model. * * @param featureModel * @return */ public static ArrayList<Feature> getFeatures(FeatureModel featureModel) { ArrayList<Feature> features = new ArrayList<Feature>(); features.add(featureModel.getRoot()); features.addAll(getChildFeatures(featureModel.getRoot())); return features; } /** * get all attributes of features in the given feature model. * * @param feaureModel * @return */ public static ArrayList<Attribute> getAttributes(FeatureModel feaureModel) { ArrayList<Attribute> attributes = new ArrayList<Attribute>(); for (Feature feature : getFeatures(feaureModel)) { if (feature.getAttributes().size() > 0) { attributes.addAll(feature.getAttributes()); } } return attributes; } public static org.eclipse.jwt.meta.model.organisations.Role getRole(Model workflow, Action action) { org.eclipse.jwt.meta.model.organisations.Role workflowRole = null; Role rbacRole = getRBACRole(action); if (rbacRole != null) { workflowRole = WorkflowModelUtil.getRole(workflow, rbacRole.getId()); } return workflowRole; } }