package org.js.model.feature.csp; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil; import org.js.model.feature.Attribute; import org.js.model.feature.AttributeConstraint; import org.js.model.feature.AttributeOperand; import org.js.model.feature.AttributeReference; import org.js.model.feature.Feature; import org.js.model.feature.FeatureConstraint; import org.js.model.feature.FeatureModel; import org.js.model.feature.Group; import org.js.model.feature.edit.FeatureModelHelper; import org.js.model.feature.edit.FeatureModelUtil; import choco.cp.solver.CPSolver; import choco.kernel.common.util.iterators.DisposableIterator; import choco.kernel.model.Model; import choco.kernel.solver.variables.integer.IntDomainVar; /** * This class analyzes a given featuremodel and cashes the analyzed values. * * @author <a href="">Julia Schroeter</a> * */ public class FeatureModelAnalyzer { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(FeatureModelAnalyzer.class); int numberDerivableVariants = -1; Set<Feature> mandatoryFeatures; Set<Feature> coreFeatures; Set<Feature> variableFeatures; Model cspModel; private boolean findAll = true; private FeatureModelHelper featureModelHelper; private FeatureModel model; private boolean persistVariants = true; private int numberOfVariantsToDerive = -1; private boolean keepVariants = false; Set<FeatureVariant> variants; /** * default constructor. * * @param model must not be null. */ public FeatureModelAnalyzer(FeatureModel model) { this.model = model; featureModelHelper = new FeatureModelHelper(model); initSets(); this.persistVariants = false; } private void initSets() { variants = new HashSet<FeatureVariant>(); } public FeatureModelAnalyzer(FeatureModel featureModel, boolean persistAllVariants) { this(featureModel); this.persistVariants = persistAllVariants; } public String getFeatureModelName() { return (model != null) ? model.getName() : ""; } public int getFeatureConstraintCoverage() { Set<Feature> consFeatures = new HashSet<Feature>(); for (FeatureConstraint featureCon : featureModelHelper.getAllFeatureConstraints()) { consFeatures.add(featureCon.getLeftOperand()); consFeatures.add(featureCon.getRightOperand()); } int constrained = consFeatures.size(); int features = featureModelHelper.getAllFeatures().size(); int percentage = (constrained * 100) / features; return percentage; } public void setPersistVariants(boolean persistVariants) { this.persistVariants = persistVariants; } /** * get the coverage of attributes in constraints. * * @return */ public int getAttributeConstraintCoverage() { Set<Attribute> consAttribute = new HashSet<Attribute>(); Set<AttributeConstraint> allAttributeConstraints = featureModelHelper.getAllAttributeConstraints(); for (AttributeConstraint attributeCon : allAttributeConstraints) { AttributeOperand leftOperand = attributeCon.getLeftOperand(); addAttribute(leftOperand, consAttribute); AttributeOperand rightOperand = attributeCon.getRightOperand(); addAttribute(rightOperand, consAttribute); } int constrained = consAttribute.size(); int attributes = featureModelHelper.getAllAttributes().size(); int percentage = attributes == 0 ? 0 : (constrained * 100) / attributes; return percentage; } private void addAttribute(AttributeOperand attOperand, Set<Attribute> consAttribute) { Attribute attribute = getConstrainedAttribute(attOperand); if (attribute != null && !consAttribute.contains(attribute)) { consAttribute.add(attribute); } } private Attribute getConstrainedAttribute(AttributeOperand operand) { Attribute result = null; if (operand instanceof AttributeReference) { AttributeReference reference = (AttributeReference) operand; result = reference.getAttribute(); } return result; } /** * get the total number of all CSP-constraints. * * @return */ public int getNumberOfAllCSPConstraints() { int attributeConstraints = featureModelHelper.getAllAttributeConstraints().size(); int featureConstraints = featureModelHelper.getAllFeatureConstraints().size(); return attributeConstraints + featureConstraints; } /** * get the total number of all contained features. * * @return */ public int getNumberOfAllFeatures() { return featureModelHelper.getAllFeatures().size(); } /** * get all mandatory features. * * @return */ public Set<Feature> getMandatoryFeatures() { if (mandatoryFeatures == null) { mandatoryFeatures = new HashSet<Feature>(2); Set<Feature> features = featureModelHelper.getAllFeatures(); for (Feature feature : features) { EObject container = feature.eContainer(); if (container != null) { Group group = (Group) container; EList<Feature> childFeatures = group.getChildFeatures(); if (childFeatures.size() == group.getMinCardinality()) { mandatoryFeatures.add(feature); } } } } return mandatoryFeatures; } /** * get the number of all mandatory features. * * @return */ public int getNumberOfMandatoryFeatures() { return getMandatoryFeatures().size(); } /** * Try to find a solution. If one solution was found, return true. * * @return */ public boolean isSatisfiable() { CPSolver solver = new CPSolver(); Model problemModel = getCSPModel();; solver.solve(); boolean isSolvable = solver.isFeasible(); log.debug("Featuremodel is solvable: " + isSolvable); return isSolvable; } private boolean isFeature(String featureId) { return getFeature(featureId) != null; } private boolean isAttribute(String attributeId) { return featureModelHelper.getAttribute(attributeId) != null; } private Model getCSPModel() { if (cspModel == null) { TranslateFM2CSP modelBuilder = new TranslateFM2CSP(); cspModel = modelBuilder.getCSPModel(model); } return cspModel; } private void solveModel() { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); CPSolver solver = new CPSolver(); Model problemModel = getCSPModel();; log.debug("------------------------------------------"); int j = 0; if (solver.solve()) { do { j++; if (numberOfVariantsToDerive != -1 && j > numberOfVariantsToDerive) { persistVariants = false; } if (keepVariants || persistVariants) { FeatureVariant variant = createVariant(solver); if (persistVariants) { save(variant, j); } if (keepVariants) { variants.add(variant); } log.debug(j + ". variant found: '" + variant.toString() + "'"); } else { log.debug(j + ". variant found."); } log.debug("------------------------------------------"); } while (isFindAll() && solver.nextSolution()); long end = System.currentTimeMillis();"Check derivable variants took " + (end - start) + " ms."); numberDerivableVariants = j; // + " derivable variants found."); } } private void save(FeatureVariant variant, int number) { FeatureModel featureModelVariant = variant.getModel(); String featureModelProject = FeatureModelUtil.getProjectName(model); FeatureModelUtil.persistModel(featureModelVariant, featureModelVariant.getName() + number, "eft", "variants", featureModelProject); } private FeatureVariant createVariant(CPSolver solver) { DisposableIterator<IntDomainVar> variables = solver.getIntVarIterator(); IntDomainVar variable; FeatureVariant variant = new FeatureVariant(EcoreUtil.copy(model)); while (variables.hasNext()) { variable =; // Skip temporary variables if (variable.getName().startsWith("TMP_")) continue; String id = variable.getName(); if (isFeature(id)) { handleFeatureVariable(variable, variant); } else if (isAttribute(id)) { handleAttributeVariable(variable, variant); } log.debug(variable.getName() + ":" + variable.getVal()); } return variant; } private void handleAttributeVariable(IntDomainVar variable, FeatureVariant variant) { int value = variable.getVal(); String id = variable.getName(); // attribute enablement if (id.startsWith(TranslateFM2CSP.attributeEnablement)) { if (value == 0) { // attribute is disabled } else if (value == 1) { // attribute is enabled } } // attribute value else if (id.startsWith(TranslateFM2CSP.attributeValue)) { variant.setAttributeValue(value, id); } } private void handleFeatureVariable(IntDomainVar variable, FeatureVariant variant) { int value = variable.getVal(); String id = variable.getName(); // 1 is selected if (value == 1) { variant.selectFeature(id); } else { // 0 is not selected variant.deselectFeature(id); } } private Feature getFeature(String id) { Feature foundFeature = null; Set<Feature> features = featureModelHelper.getAllFeatures(); for (Feature feature : features) { String featureId = EcoreUtil.getID(feature); if (id.equals(featureId)) { foundFeature = feature; break; } } return foundFeature; } public int getNumberOfDerivableVariants() { if (numberDerivableVariants == -1) { solveModel(); } return numberDerivableVariants; } public Set<Feature> getAllFeatures() { return featureModelHelper.getAllFeatures(); } public int getNumberOfUnboundFeatures() { return featureModelHelper.getUnboundFeatures().size(); } public Set<Attribute> getAllAttributes() { return featureModelHelper.getAllAttributes(); } /** * get the total number of all contained features. * * @return */ public int getNumberOfAllAttributes() { return getAllAttributes().size(); } public void setNumberOfVariantsToDerive(int numberOfVariants) { this.numberOfVariantsToDerive = numberOfVariants; } public boolean isFindAll() { return findAll; } public void setFindAll(boolean findAll) { this.findAll = findAll; } public int getNumberOfSelectedFeatures() { return featureModelHelper.getSelectedFeatures().size(); } public int getNumberOfDeselectedFeatures() { return featureModelHelper.getDeselectedFeatures().size(); } public int getNumberOfAssignedAttributes() { return featureModelHelper.getAssignedAttributes().size(); } public FeatureVariant getOneVariant() { numberOfVariantsToDerive = 1; keepVariants = true; setFindAll(false); solveModel(); FeatureVariant aVariant = null; for (FeatureVariant variant : variants) { aVariant = variant; break; } return aVariant; } }