package org.js.model.feature.edit; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.TreeIterator; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceSetImpl; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil; import org.js.model.feature.Attribute; import org.js.model.feature.AttributeConstraint; import org.js.model.feature.AttributeOperand; import org.js.model.feature.AttributeReference; import org.js.model.feature.Constraint; import org.js.model.feature.DiscreteDomain; import org.js.model.feature.Domain; import org.js.model.feature.DomainValue; import org.js.model.feature.Feature; import org.js.model.feature.FeatureConstraint; import org.js.model.feature.FeatureModel; import org.js.model.feature.FeatureState; import org.js.model.feature.Group; import org.js.model.feature.Interval; import org.js.model.feature.NumericalDomain; /** * */ /** * @author <a href="">Julia Schroeter</a> * */ public class FeatureModelHelper { // Set<Feature> allFeatures; Set<Feature> selectedFeatures; Set<Feature> unboundFeatures; Set<Feature> deselectedFeatures; private Set<Group> allGroups; private Set<Attribute> allAttributes; private Set<FeatureConstraint> allFeatureConstraints; private Set<AttributeConstraint> allAttributeConstraints; private FeatureModel model; private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(FeatureModelHelper.class); public FeatureModelHelper(FeatureModel model) { this.model = model; initLists(); initModel(model); } public void refresh(){ initLists(); initModel(model); } private void initLists() { selectedFeatures = new HashSet<Feature>(); deselectedFeatures = new HashSet<Feature>(); unboundFeatures = new HashSet<Feature>(); allGroups = new HashSet<Group>(); setAllAttributes(new HashSet<Attribute>()); setAllFeatureConstraints(new HashSet<FeatureConstraint>()); setAllAttributeConstraints(new HashSet<AttributeConstraint>()); } private void initModel(FeatureModel model) { TreeIterator<Object> allContents = EcoreUtil.getAllContents(model, true); while (allContents.hasNext()) { Object object = (Object); if (object instanceof Feature) { Feature feature = (Feature) object; sortFeature(feature); } else if (object instanceof Attribute) { Attribute attribute = (Attribute) object; getAllAttributes().add(attribute); } else if (object instanceof FeatureConstraint) { FeatureConstraint featureConstraint = (FeatureConstraint) object; getAllFeatureConstraints().add(featureConstraint); } else if (object instanceof AttributeConstraint) { AttributeConstraint attributeConstraint = (AttributeConstraint) object; getAllAttributeConstraints().add(attributeConstraint); } else if (object instanceof Group) { Group group = (Group) object; getAllGroups().add(group); } } } /** * getFeature from Attribute Operand if the Operand is an AttributeReference, returns null otherwise. * * @param operand * @return */ public static Feature getAttributeOperandFeature(AttributeOperand operand) { Feature result = null; if (operand instanceof AttributeReference) { AttributeReference reference = (AttributeReference) operand; result = reference.getFeature(); } return result; } private void sortFeature(Feature feature) { FeatureState configurationState = feature.getConfigurationState(); if (FeatureState.SELECTED.equals(configurationState)) { selectedFeatures.add(feature); } else if (FeatureState.DESELECTED.equals(configurationState)) { deselectedFeatures.add(feature); } else if (FeatureState.UNBOUND.equals(configurationState)) { unboundFeatures.add(feature); } } public int getValue(String attributeId) { String[] split = attributeId.split("~"); // fourth is value, if available String value = split[3]; return Integer.parseInt(value); } /** * get the currently set attribute value as integer representation. beware: if the attribute does not have a value * assigned, this methods returns -1. Use the method isAttributeValueSet(Attribute attribute) before to ensure a * correct result. * * @param attribute * @return */ public static int getAttributeValue(Attribute attribute) { String value = attribute.getValue(); return getAttributeValueForString(value, attribute); } /** * returns the attribute integer representation that belongs to the given String representation. * * @param valueString * @param attribute * @return */ public static int getAttributeValueForString(String valueString, Attribute attribute) { // if value is -1, it is not found in domain value list int value = -1; Domain domain = attribute.getDomain(); value = getDomainValueForString(valueString, domain); return value; } public static int getDomainValueForString(String valueString, Domain domain) { int value = -1; if (domain instanceof DiscreteDomain) { DiscreteDomain discreteDomain = (DiscreteDomain) domain; EList<DomainValue> values = discreteDomain.getValues(); for (DomainValue domainValue : values) { String domainValueString = domainValue.getName(); if (valueString.equals(domainValueString)) { value = domainValue.getInt(); break; } } } else { value = Integer.parseInt(valueString); } return value; } /** * check if the given attribute value is contained in the given domain * * @param domain * @param attributeValue * @return */ public static boolean containsValue(Domain domain, String attributeValue) { return (domain instanceof DiscreteDomain) ? containsValue((DiscreteDomain) domain, attributeValue) : containsValue((NumericalDomain) domain, attributeValue); } private static boolean containsValue(DiscreteDomain domain, String attributeValue) { boolean isContained = false; if (attributeValue != null) { DiscreteDomain discreteDomain = (DiscreteDomain) domain; EList<DomainValue> values = discreteDomain.getValues(); for (DomainValue domainValue : values) { String domainValueString = domainValue.getName(); if (attributeValue.equals(domainValueString)) { isContained = true; break; } } } return isContained; } /** * check if the attribute's value is already set. * * @param attribute * @return */ public static boolean isAttributeValueSet(Attribute attribute) { boolean isSet = false; String value = attribute.getValue(); boolean existValue = (value != null && !value.isEmpty()); if (existValue) { Domain domain = attribute.getDomain(); if (domain instanceof DiscreteDomain) { DiscreteDomain discreteDomain = (DiscreteDomain) domain; isSet = containsValue(discreteDomain, value); } else if (domain instanceof NumericalDomain) { NumericalDomain numDomain = (NumericalDomain) domain; isSet = containsValue(numDomain, value); } } return isSet; } /** * checks whether the given domain contains the attribute value. * * @param numDomain * @param value * @return */ private static boolean containsValue(NumericalDomain numDomain, String value) { boolean isContained = false; if (value != null) { try { int number = Integer.parseInt(value); for (Interval interval : numDomain.getIntervals()) { isContained = isInInterval(number, interval); if (isContained) { break; } } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // if the String value cannot be parsed to a numerical representation, the value is not contained in the // domain. } } return isContained; } private static boolean isInInterval(int number, Interval interval) { boolean isinbounds = false; int lowerBound = interval.getLowerBound(); int upperBound = interval.getUpperBound(); isinbounds = lowerBound <= number && upperBound >= number; return isinbounds; } /** * get the String representation of the given attribute and integer value * * @param value * @param attribute * @return */ public static String getAttributeValue(int value, Attribute attribute) { String valueName = null; Domain domain = attribute.getDomain(); if (domain instanceof DiscreteDomain) { DiscreteDomain discreteDomain = (DiscreteDomain) domain; EList<DomainValue> values = discreteDomain.getValues(); for (DomainValue domainValue : values) { int domainValueInt = domainValue.getInt(); if (value == domainValueInt) { valueName = domainValue.getName(); break; } } } else { valueName = Integer.toString(value); } return valueName; } /** * resolve the attribute identified by the given attributeId. the attribute id is used in the cpmodel utilized in the * csp solver. * * @param attributeId * @return */ public Attribute getAttribute(String attributeId) { Attribute attribute = null; String[] split = attributeId.split("~"); // first is identifier value or enablement // String identifier = split[0]; // second is feature id String featureId = split[1]; // third is attribute id String attributeName = split[2]; // fourth is value // String value = split[3]; attribute = getAttribute(featureId, attributeName); return attribute; } /** * resolve the attribute by its name and feature. * * @param featureId * @param attributeName * @return */ public Attribute getAttribute(String featureId, String attributeName) { Attribute rattribute = null; Feature feature = getFeature(featureId); EList<Attribute> attributes = feature.getAttributes(); for (Attribute attribute : attributes) { if (attribute.getName().equals(attributeName)) { rattribute = attribute; break; } } return rattribute; } public Feature getFeature(String featureId) { Feature result = getUnboundFeature(featureId); if (result == null) { result = getSelectedFeature(featureId); if (result == null) { result = getDeselectedFeature(featureId); } } return result; } private Feature getFeatureFromSet(Set<Feature> featureSet, String featureId) { Feature result = null; for (Feature feature : featureSet) { String id = feature.getId(); if (id.equals(featureId)) { result = feature; break; } } return result; } private Feature getUnboundFeature(String featureId) { return getFeatureFromSet(unboundFeatures, featureId); } private Feature getSelectedFeature(String featureId) { return getFeatureFromSet(selectedFeatures, featureId); } private Feature getDeselectedFeature(String featureId) { return getFeatureFromSet(deselectedFeatures, featureId); } public Set<Feature> getAllFeatures() { Set<Feature> allFeatures = new HashSet<Feature>(); allFeatures.addAll(deselectedFeatures); allFeatures.addAll(selectedFeatures); allFeatures.addAll(unboundFeatures); return allFeatures; } public Set<Feature> getSelectedFeatures() { return selectedFeatures; } public boolean isFeatureSelected(String featureId) { Feature feature = getSelectedFeature(featureId); return feature != null; } public boolean isFeatureSelected(Feature feature) { boolean result = false; if (feature != null) { result = FeatureState.SELECTED.equals(feature.getConfigurationState()); } return result; } public Set<FeatureConstraint> getAllFeatureConstraints() { return allFeatureConstraints; } public void setAllFeatureConstraints(Set<FeatureConstraint> allFeatureConstraints) { this.allFeatureConstraints = allFeatureConstraints; } public Set<AttributeConstraint> getAllAttributeConstraints() { return allAttributeConstraints; } public void setAllAttributeConstraints(Set<AttributeConstraint> allAttributeConstraints) { this.allAttributeConstraints = allAttributeConstraints; } public Set<Attribute> getAllAttributes() { return allAttributes; } public void setAllAttributes(Set<Attribute> allAttributes) { this.allAttributes = allAttributes; } public FeatureModel getModel() { return model; } /** * initialize a featuremodel from an Ifile. * * @param file * @return */ public static FeatureModel getFeatureModel(IFile file, ResourceSet resourceSet) { FeatureModel featuremodel = null; EObject object = getModel(file, resourceSet); if (object instanceof FeatureModel) { featuremodel = (FeatureModel) object; } return featuremodel; } public static FeatureModel getFeatureModel(IFile file) { return getFeatureModel(file, new ResourceSetImpl()); } /** * Generic method to load a model from a file. * * @param file * @return */ public static EObject getModel(IFile file, ResourceSet resourceSet) { EObject result = null; Resource modelResource = getModelResource(file, resourceSet); if (modelResource == null) { log.warn("The selected resource is not an EMF model,"); } else { try { modelResource.load(Collections.EMPTY_MAP); } catch (IOException e) { log.debug(e.getMessage()); } if (modelResource.isLoaded()) { EList<EObject> contents = modelResource.getContents(); if (contents != null && !contents.isEmpty()) { result = contents.get(0); } } } return result; } /** * get the according resource for a file. * * @param file * @return */ public static Resource getModelResource(IFile file, ResourceSet resourceSet) { Resource resource = null; if (file != null && file.exists()) { String locationUri = file.getLocationURI().normalize().getPath(); URI uri = URI.createFileURI(locationUri); resource = resourceSet.createResource(uri); } return resource; } public Set<Feature> getUnboundFeatures() { return unboundFeatures; } public Set<Feature> getDeselectedFeatures() { return deselectedFeatures; } public Set<Attribute> getAssignedAttributes() { Set<Attribute> assignedAttributes = new HashSet<Attribute>(); Set<Attribute> attributes = getAllAttributes(); for (Attribute attribute : attributes) { String value = attribute.getValue(); if (value != null && !value.isEmpty()) { assignedAttributes.add(attribute); } } return assignedAttributes; } public Set<Group> getAllGroups() { return allGroups; } public static Set<Feature> getConstrainedFeatures(Constraint constraint) { Set<Feature> features = new HashSet<Feature>(); if (constraint instanceof FeatureConstraint) { FeatureConstraint featureConstraint = (FeatureConstraint) constraint; features.add(featureConstraint.getLeftOperand()); features.add(featureConstraint.getRightOperand()); } else { Set<Attribute> constrainedAttributes = getConstrainedAttributes(constraint); for (Attribute attribute : constrainedAttributes) { Feature feature = attribute.getFeature(); features.add(feature); } } return features; } private static Set<Attribute> getConstrainedAttributes(Constraint constraint) { Set<Attribute> attributes = new HashSet<Attribute>(); if (constraint instanceof AttributeConstraint) { AttributeConstraint attributeConstraint = (AttributeConstraint) constraint; AttributeOperand leftOperand = attributeConstraint.getLeftOperand(); Attribute attribute = getAttribute(leftOperand); if (attribute != null) { attributes.add(attribute); } AttributeOperand rightOperand = attributeConstraint.getRightOperand(); Attribute secondattribute = getAttribute(rightOperand); if (secondattribute != null) { attributes.add(secondattribute); } } return attributes; } private static Attribute getAttribute(AttributeOperand operand) { Attribute attribute = null; if (operand instanceof AttributeReference) { AttributeReference attReference = (AttributeReference) operand; attribute = attReference.getAttribute(); } return attribute; } public Set<Constraint> getConstraintsRelatedToFeature(Feature feature) { Set<Constraint> related = new HashSet<Constraint>(); Set<Constraint> allConstraints = new HashSet<Constraint>(); allConstraints.addAll(allFeatureConstraints); allConstraints.addAll(allAttributeConstraints); for (Constraint featureConstraint : allConstraints) { Set<Feature> constrainedFeatures = getConstrainedFeatures(featureConstraint); for (Feature constrainedFeature : constrainedFeatures) { if (EcoreUtil.equals(feature, constrainedFeature)) { related.add(featureConstraint); break; } } } return related; } public static Feature getParentFeature(Feature feature){ Feature parent = null; EObject eContainer = feature.eContainer(); if (eContainer != null && eContainer instanceof Group){ Group parentGroup = (Group)eContainer; parent = (Feature) parentGroup.eContainer(); } return parent; } }