package org.feature.multi.perspective.generator.viewmodel; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil; import org.feature.multi.perspective.model.viewmodel.AbstractGroup; import org.feature.multi.perspective.model.viewmodel.CoreGroup; import org.feature.multi.perspective.model.viewmodel.Group; import org.feature.multi.perspective.model.viewmodel.GroupModel; import org.feature.multi.perspective.model.viewmodel.ViewPoint; import org.feature.multi.perspective.model.viewmodel.ViewPointContainer; import org.feature.multi.perspective.model.viewmodel.ViewmodelFactory; import org.feature.multi.perspective.utilities.GroupModelUtil; /** * Generator generates view models consisting of view groups and viewpoints. * * @author <a>Julia Schroeter</a> * */ public class ViewModelGenerator extends AbstractGenerator { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ViewModelGenerator.class); public static String coreGroupName = "Core"; /** * create a new view model. */ public void generateViewModel() { // parameter are: groups, height, // further parameter are viewpoints, viewpoints assigned to groups. int minGroups = 30; int maxGroups = 40; GroupModel groupModel = null; for (int maxHeight : height) { for (int maxChildren : noMaxChildren) { for (int numberViewPoints : noViewpoints) { if (groupModel == null) { groupModel = generateModel(maxHeight, maxChildren, minGroups, maxGroups, numberViewPoints); } // create a copy of the initial groupModel before reusing it GroupModel groupModelCopy = EcoreUtil.copy(groupModel); generateViewPoints(groupModelCopy, numberViewPoints, noGroupsAssignedToViewPoint); String type = balanced + param_height + maxHeight + param_countChildren + maxChildren + param_vpCount + numberViewPoints + param_groupsVP + noGroupsAssignedToViewPoint; persistModel(groupModelCopy, type, viewmodelFolder, viewmodelFolder); } } } } private GroupModel generateModel(int maxHeight, int maxChildren, int minGroups, int maxGroups, int numberViewPoints) { int allGroupsSize = 0; GroupModel groupModel = null; do { groupModel = generateCoreGroupModel(maxHeight, maxChildren); allGroupsSize = GroupModelUtil.getAllGroups(groupModel, false).size(); } while (allGroupsSize < minGroups || allGroupsSize > maxGroups);"number groups: " + allGroupsSize); // generateViewPoints(groupModel, numberViewPoints, noGroupsAssignedToViewPoint); return groupModel; } private GroupModel generateCoreGroupModel(int maxHeight, int maxChildren) { GroupModel groupModel = ViewmodelFactory.eINSTANCE.createGroupModel(); CoreGroup coreGroup = ViewmodelFactory.eINSTANCE.createCoreGroup(); coreGroup.setName(coreGroupName); groupModel.setCoreGroup(coreGroup); // generate group hierarchy generateBalancedTree(coreGroup, maxHeight, maxChildren); return groupModel; } private void generateBalancedTree(CoreGroup coreGroup, int maxHeight, int noMaxChildren) { int currentHeight = 0; String parentId = ""; createGroups(coreGroup, maxHeight, currentHeight, noMaxChildren, true, parentId); } private void createGroups(AbstractGroup parent, int maxHeight, int currentHeight, int noMaxChildren, boolean randomChildNumber, String parentId) { if (currentHeight < maxHeight) { currentHeight++; int children; if (randomChildNumber) { children = getRandomGenerator().nextInt(noMaxChildren) + 1; } else { children = noMaxChildren; } for (int i = 0; i < children; i++) { int groupNumber = i + 1; String newparentId = parentId + groupNumber; Group childGroup = createChildGroup(parent, "G_" + newparentId); createGroups(childGroup, maxHeight, currentHeight, noMaxChildren, randomChildNumber, newparentId); } } } private Group createChildGroup(AbstractGroup parentGroup, String id) { Group childGroup = createGroup(id); parentGroup.getGroups().add(childGroup); return childGroup; } private Group createGroup(String id) { Group childGroup = ViewmodelFactory.eINSTANCE.createGroup(); childGroup.setName(id); return childGroup; } private void generateViewPoints(GroupModel groupModel, int numberOfTotalViewpoints, int groupsAssignedToViewPoint) { ViewPointContainer container = ViewmodelFactory.eINSTANCE.createViewPointContainer(); groupModel.setViewPointContainer(container); // create one vp for the coregroup int numberOfViewpoints = numberOfTotalViewpoints - 1; List<ViewPoint> viewpoints = createViewpoints(numberOfViewpoints, container); List<AbstractGroup> allGroups = GroupModelUtil.getAllGroups(groupModel, false); // parameter for group assignment: groupnumber int noGroups = allGroups.size(); int groupsAssigned = groupsAssignedToViewPoint; if (groupsAssignedToViewPoint > noGroups) { groupsAssigned = noGroups; } for (ViewPoint vp : viewpoints) { assignViewPointToGroup(vp, groupsAssigned, allGroups); } createCoreGroupVP(groupModel); } public void removeViewPointFromGroups(ViewPoint vp) { EList<AbstractGroup> containedInGroup = vp.getContainedInGroup(); AbstractGroup[] content = (AbstractGroup[]) containedInGroup.toArray(new AbstractGroup[containedInGroup.size()]); for (AbstractGroup group : content) { //EList<ViewPoint> viewPointReference = group.getViewPointReference(); //viewPointReference.remove(vp); containedInGroup.remove(group); } } /** * exchange the mapping between groups and viewpoint. * * @param vp * @param groupModel */ public void exchangeViewpoint(ViewPoint vp, GroupModel groupModel) { List<AbstractGroup> allGroups = GroupModelUtil.getAllGroups(groupModel, false); removeViewPointFromGroups(vp); assignViewPointToGroup(vp, noGroupsAssignedToViewPoint, allGroups); } private void assignViewPointToGroup(ViewPoint vp, int groupsToAssign, List<AbstractGroup> allGroups) { int noGroups = allGroups.size(); for (int i = 0; i < groupsToAssign; i++) { int index = getRandomGenerator().nextInt(noGroups - 1); AbstractGroup assignableGroup = allGroups.get(index); EList<AbstractGroup> containedInGroup = vp.getContainedInGroup(); if (!containedInGroup.contains(assignableGroup)){ containedInGroup.add(assignableGroup); } } } private void createCoreGroupVP(GroupModel groupModel) { ViewPointContainer container = groupModel.getViewPointContainer(); CoreGroup coreGroup = groupModel.getCoreGroup(); ViewPoint coreVP = createViewPoint(coreViewpointName, container); coreVP.getContainedInGroup().add(coreGroup); } private ViewPoint createViewPoint(String name, ViewPointContainer container) { ViewPoint viewPoint = ViewmodelFactory.eINSTANCE.createViewPoint(); String vpName = name; viewPoint.setName(vpName); container.getViewPoints().add(viewPoint); return viewPoint; } private List<ViewPoint> createViewpoints(int numberOfViewpoints, ViewPointContainer container) { for (int i = 0; i < numberOfViewpoints; i++) { String name = "V_" + i; createViewPoint(name, container); } return container.getViewPoints(); } }