/** * Copyright (C) 2010-2017 Gordon Fraser, Andrea Arcuri and EvoSuite * contributors * * This file is part of EvoSuite. * * EvoSuite is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3.0 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * EvoSuite is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with EvoSuite. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.evosuite.junit.writer; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; import org.evosuite.Properties; import org.evosuite.TestGenerationContext; import org.evosuite.instrumentation.BytecodeInstrumentation; import org.evosuite.runtime.GuiSupport; import org.evosuite.runtime.InitializingListener; import org.evosuite.runtime.LoopCounter; import org.evosuite.runtime.RuntimeSettings; import org.evosuite.runtime.agent.InstrumentingAgent; import org.evosuite.runtime.annotation.EvoSuiteClassExclude; import org.evosuite.runtime.classhandling.ClassResetter; import org.evosuite.runtime.classhandling.ClassStateSupport; import org.evosuite.runtime.classhandling.JDKClassResetter; import org.evosuite.runtime.javaee.db.DBManager; import org.evosuite.runtime.jvm.ShutdownHookHandler; import org.evosuite.runtime.sandbox.Sandbox; import org.evosuite.runtime.thread.KillSwitchHandler; import org.evosuite.runtime.thread.ThreadStopper; import org.evosuite.runtime.util.JOptionPaneInputs; import org.evosuite.runtime.util.SystemInUtil; import org.evosuite.runtime.vnet.NonFunctionalRequirementRule; import org.evosuite.testcase.execution.ExecutionResult; import org.evosuite.testcase.execution.reset.ClassReInitializer; import org.evosuite.testcase.statements.FunctionalMockStatement; import org.evosuite.testcase.statements.Statement; import org.evosuite.utils.generic.GenericClass; import org.junit.rules.Timeout; import org.mockito.Mockito; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import static org.evosuite.junit.writer.TestSuiteWriterUtils.*; /** * Class used to generate all the scaffolding code that ends up in methods * like @After/@Before and that are used to setup the EvoSuite framework (eg * mocking of classes, reset of static state) * * @author arcuri */ public class Scaffolding { public static final String EXECUTOR_SERVICE = "executor"; private static final String DEFAULT_PROPERTIES = "defaultProperties"; private static final String THREAD_STOPPER = "threadStopper"; /** * Return full JUnit code for scaffolding file for the give test * * @param testName * @return */ public static String getScaffoldingFileContent(String testName, List<ExecutionResult> results, boolean wasSecurityException) { String name = getFileName(testName); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(getHeader(name, results, wasSecurityException)); builder.append(new Scaffolding().getBeforeAndAfterMethods(name, wasSecurityException, results)); builder.append(getFooter()); return builder.toString(); } protected static String getFooter() { return "}\n"; } protected static String getHeader(String name, List<ExecutionResult> results, boolean wasSecurityException) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("/**\n"); builder.append(" * Scaffolding file used to store all the setups needed to run \n"); builder.append(" * tests automatically generated by EvoSuite\n"); builder.append(" * " + new Date() + "\n"); builder.append(" */\n\n"); if (!Properties.CLASS_PREFIX.equals("")) { builder.append("package "); builder.append(Properties.CLASS_PREFIX); builder.append(";\n"); } builder.append("\n"); for (String imp : getScaffoldingImports(wasSecurityException, results)) { builder.append("import "); builder.append(imp); builder.append(";\n"); } builder.append("\n"); if(TestSuiteWriterUtils.doesUseMocks(results)){ builder.append("import static "+Mockito.class.getCanonicalName()+".*;\n"); } builder.append("@EvoSuiteClassExclude\n"); builder.append(TestSuiteWriterUtils.getAdapter().getClassDefinition(name)); builder.append(" {\n"); return builder.toString(); } public static String getFileName(String testName) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (testName == null || testName.trim().isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty test name"); } return testName + "_" + Properties.SCAFFOLDING_SUFFIX; } /** * Return all classes for which we need an import statement * * @param wasSecurityException * @param results * @return */ public static List<String> getScaffoldingImports(boolean wasSecurityException, List<ExecutionResult> results) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add(EvoSuiteClassExclude.class.getCanonicalName()); if (TestSuiteWriterUtils.needToUseAgent() || wasSecurityException || SystemInUtil.getInstance().hasBeenUsed() || JOptionPaneInputs.getInstance().hasAnyDialog() || !Properties.NO_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCY || TestSuiteWriterUtils.doesUseMocks(results)) { list.add(org.junit.BeforeClass.class.getCanonicalName()); list.add(org.junit.Before.class.getCanonicalName()); list.add(org.junit.After.class.getCanonicalName()); } if (wasSecurityException || TestSuiteWriterUtils.shouldResetProperties(results)) { list.add(org.junit.AfterClass.class.getCanonicalName()); } if (Properties.RESET_STATIC_FIELDS || wasSecurityException) { /* * for simplicity, when doing static reset, we always activate the * sandbox, as anyway its code is only going to be in the * scaffolding */ list.add(Sandbox.class.getCanonicalName()); list.add(Sandbox.SandboxMode.class.getCanonicalName()); } if (wasSecurityException) { list.add(java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService.class.getCanonicalName()); list.add(java.util.concurrent.Executors.class.getCanonicalName()); list.add(java.util.concurrent.Future.class.getCanonicalName()); list.add(java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.class.getCanonicalName()); } return list; } /** * Get the code of methods for @BeforeClass, @Before, @AfterClass and * * @return @After. * <p> * In those methods, the EvoSuite framework for running the * generated test cases is handled (e.g., use of customized * SecurityManager and runtime bytecode replacement) */ public String getBeforeAndAfterMethods(String name, boolean wasSecurityException, List<ExecutionResult> results) { /* * Usually, we need support methods (ie @BeforeClass,@Before,@After * and @AfterClass) only if there was a security exception (and so we * need EvoSuite security manager, and test runs on separated thread) or * if we are doing bytecode replacement (and so we need to activate * JavaAgent). * * But there are cases that we might always want: eg, setup logging */ StringBuilder bd = new StringBuilder(""); bd.append("\n"); /* * Because this method is perhaps called only once per SUT, not much of * the point to try to optimize it */ /* * As of JUnit 4.12, Timeout Rule is broken, as it does not * execute @After methods. TODO: put this back (and change @Test) once * this issue is resolved, and new version of JUnit is released. Issue * is reported at: * * https://github.com/junit-team/junit/issues/1231 */ // generateTimeoutRule(bd); generateNFRRule(bd); generateFields(bd, wasSecurityException, results); generateBeforeClass(bd, wasSecurityException, results); generateAfterClass(bd, wasSecurityException, results); generateBefore(bd, wasSecurityException, results); generateAfter(bd, wasSecurityException); generateSetSystemProperties(bd, results); generateInitializeClasses(name, bd); generateMockInitialization(name, bd, results); if (Properties.RESET_STATIC_FIELDS) { generateResetClasses(name, bd); } return bd.toString(); } /** * This is needed because the first time we do initialize a mock object, that can take * some seconds (successive calls would be based on cached data), and so tests might * timeout. So here we force the mock initialization in a @BeforeClass * * @param bd * @param results */ private void generateMockInitialization(String testClassName, StringBuilder bd, List<ExecutionResult> results) { if(! TestSuiteWriterUtils.doesUseMocks(results)){ return; } // In order to make sure this is called *after* initializeClasses this method is now called directly from initEvoSuiteFramework // bd.append(METHOD_SPACE); // bd.append("@BeforeClass \n"); bd.append(METHOD_SPACE); bd.append("private static void initMocksToAvoidTimeoutsInTheTests() throws ClassNotFoundException { \n"); Set<String> mockStatements = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for(ExecutionResult er : results) { for (Statement st : er.test) { if (st instanceof FunctionalMockStatement) { FunctionalMockStatement fms = (FunctionalMockStatement) st; String name = new GenericClass(fms.getReturnType()).getRawClass().getTypeName(); mockStatements.add("mock(Class.forName(\""+name+"\", false, "+testClassName + ".class.getClassLoader()));"); } } } mockStatements.stream() .sorted() .forEach(m -> { bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append(m); bd.append("\n"); }); bd.append(METHOD_SPACE); bd.append("}\n"); } private void generateNFRRule(StringBuilder bd) { bd.append(METHOD_SPACE); bd.append("@org.junit.Rule \n"); bd.append(METHOD_SPACE); bd.append("public " + NonFunctionalRequirementRule.class.getName() + " nfr = new " + NonFunctionalRequirementRule.class.getName() + "();\n\n"); } /** * Hanging tests have very, very high negative impact. They can mess up * everything (eg when running "mvn test"). As such, we should always have * timeouts. Adding timeouts only in certain conditions is too risky * * @param bd */ private void generateTimeoutRule(StringBuilder bd) { bd.append(METHOD_SPACE); bd.append("@org.junit.Rule \n"); bd.append(METHOD_SPACE); int timeout = Properties.TIMEOUT + 1000; bd.append("public " + Timeout.class.getName() + " globalTimeout = new " + Timeout.class.getName() + "(" + timeout); boolean useNew = false; try { // FIXME: this check does not seem to work properly :( Class<?> timeoutOfSUTJunit = TestGenerationContext.getInstance().getClassLoaderForSUT() .loadClass(Timeout.class.getName()); Constructor c = timeoutOfSUTJunit.getDeclaredConstructor(Long.TYPE, TimeUnit.class); useNew = true; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { logger.error("Failed to load Timeout rule from SUT classloader: {}", e.getMessage(), e); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { logger.warn("SUT is using an old version of JUnit"); useNew = false; } if (useNew) { // TODO: put back once above check works // bd.append(", " + TimeUnit.class.getName() + ".MILLISECONDS"); } bd.append("); \n"); bd.append("\n"); } private void generateResetClasses(String testClassName, StringBuilder bd) { List<String> classesToReset = ClassReInitializer.getInstance().getInitializedClasses(); bd.append("\n"); bd.append(METHOD_SPACE); bd.append("private static void resetClasses() {\n"); if (classesToReset.size() != 0) { bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append(ClassResetter.class.getName() + ".getInstance().setClassLoader("); bd.append(testClassName + ".class.getClassLoader()); \n\n"); bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append(ClassStateSupport.class.getName() + ".resetClasses("); for (int i = 0; i < classesToReset.size(); i++) { String className = classesToReset.get(i); bd.append("\n" + INNER_BLOCK_SPACE + "\"" + className + "\""); if (i < classesToReset.size() - 1) { bd.append(","); } } bd.append("\n"); bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append(");\n"); } bd.append(METHOD_SPACE); bd.append("}" + "\n"); } /** * Here we need to filter out all classes that cannot/should not be loaded, * like for example tmp tests generated by EvoSuite * * @return a new instantiated list */ private List<String> getClassesToInit(List<String> allInstrumentedClasses) { List<String> classes = new ArrayList<>(); for (String name : allInstrumentedClasses) { // check for generated tests if (name.contains(Properties.TARGET_CLASS) && (name.endsWith(Properties.JUNIT_SUFFIX) || name.endsWith(Properties.SCAFFOLDING_SUFFIX))) { continue; } classes.add(name); } return classes; } private void generateInitializeClasses(String testClassName, StringBuilder bd) { // if (Properties.NO_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCY) // Jose: this makes the test // suite not compile // return; // when test_scaffolding=false and no_runtime_dependency=true List<String> allInstrumentedClasses = TestGenerationContext.getInstance().getClassLoaderForSUT() .getViewOfInstrumentedClasses(); List<String> classesToInit = getClassesToInit(allInstrumentedClasses); bd.append("\n"); bd.append(METHOD_SPACE); bd.append("private static void " + InitializingListener.INITIALIZE_CLASSES_METHOD + "() {\n"); if (classesToInit.size() != 0) { bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append(ClassStateSupport.class.getName() + ".initializeClasses("); bd.append(testClassName + ".class.getClassLoader() "); for (int i = 0; i < classesToInit.size(); i++) { String className = classesToInit.get(i); if (!BytecodeInstrumentation.checkIfCanInstrument(className)) { continue; } bd.append(",\n" + INNER_BLOCK_SPACE + "\"" + className + "\""); } bd.append("\n"); bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append(");\n"); } /* * Not needed any longer, since the issue was fixed with a * customized @RunWith * * bd.append("\n"); * * List<String> allInstrumentedClasses = * TestGenerationContext.getInstance().getClassLoaderForSUT(). * getViewOfInstrumentedClasses(); * * //this have to be done AFTER the classes have been loaded in a * specific order bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); * bd.append(ClassStateSupport.class.getName()+".retransformIfNeeded("); * bd.append(testClassName+ ".class.getClassLoader()"); * * for(int i=0; i<allInstrumentedClasses.size(); i++){ String s = * allInstrumentedClasses.get(i); bd.append(",\n"); * bd.append(INNER_BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append("\""+s+"\""); } * bd.append("\n"); bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append(");\n"); */ bd.append(METHOD_SPACE); bd.append("} \n"); } private void generateAfter(StringBuilder bd, boolean wasSecurityException) { if (Properties.NO_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCY) return; /* * Likely always at least ThreadStopper * * if (!Properties.RESET_STANDARD_STREAMS && !wasSecurityException && * !Properties.REPLACE_CALLS && !Properties.VIRTUAL_FS && * !Properties.RESET_STATIC_FIELDS) { return; } */ bd.append(METHOD_SPACE); bd.append("@After \n"); bd.append(METHOD_SPACE); bd.append("public void doneWithTestCase(){ \n"); bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append(THREAD_STOPPER + ".killAndJoinClientThreads();\n"); if (Properties.REPLACE_CALLS) { bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append(ShutdownHookHandler.class.getName() + ".getInstance().safeExecuteAddedHooks(); \n"); } if (Properties.RESET_STANDARD_STREAMS) { bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append("java.lang.System.setErr(systemErr); \n"); bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append("java.lang.System.setOut(systemOut); \n"); bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append("DebugGraphics.setLogStream(logStream); \n"); } if (Properties.RESET_STATIC_FIELDS) { bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append(JDKClassResetter.class.getName() + ".reset(); \n"); bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append("resetClasses(); \n"); } if (Properties.RESET_STATIC_FIELDS || wasSecurityException) { bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append(Sandbox.class.getName() + ".doneWithExecutingSUTCode(); \n"); } if (TestSuiteWriterUtils.needToUseAgent()) { bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append(InstrumentingAgent.class.getName() + ".deactivate(); \n"); } // TODO: see comment in @Before if (Properties.HEADLESS_MODE) { bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append(org.evosuite.runtime.GuiSupport.class.getName() + ".restoreHeadlessMode(); \n"); } bd.append(METHOD_SPACE); bd.append("} \n"); bd.append("\n"); } private void generateBefore(StringBuilder bd, boolean wasSecurityException, List<ExecutionResult> results) { if (Properties.NO_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCY) return; /* * Most likely, should always have at least ThreadStopper * * if (!Properties.RESET_STANDARD_STREAMS && * !TestSuiteWriterUtils.shouldResetProperties(results) && * !wasSecurityException && !Properties.REPLACE_CALLS && * !Properties.VIRTUAL_FS && !Properties.RESET_STATIC_FIELDS && * !SystemInUtil.getInstance().hasBeenUsed()) { return; } */ bd.append(METHOD_SPACE); bd.append("@Before \n"); bd.append(METHOD_SPACE); bd.append("public void initTestCase(){ \n"); bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append(THREAD_STOPPER + ".storeCurrentThreads();\n"); bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append(THREAD_STOPPER + ".startRecordingTime();\n"); if (Properties.REPLACE_CALLS) { bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append(ShutdownHookHandler.class.getName() + ".getInstance().initHandler(); \n"); } if (Properties.RESET_STATIC_FIELDS || wasSecurityException) { bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append(Sandbox.class.getName() + ".goingToExecuteSUTCode(); \n"); } // FIXME those should be handled in the mocked classes,eg mock for // java.lang.System if (Properties.RESET_STANDARD_STREAMS) { bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append("systemErr = java.lang.System.err;"); bd.append(" \n"); bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append("systemOut = java.lang.System.out;"); bd.append(" \n"); bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append("logStream = DebugGraphics.logStream();"); bd.append(" \n"); } if (TestSuiteWriterUtils.shouldResetProperties(results)) { bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append("setSystemProperties();"); bd.append(" \n"); } /* * We do not mock GUI yet, but still we need to make the JUnit tests to * run in headless mode. Checking if SUT needs headless is tricky: check * for headless exception is brittle if those exceptions are caught * before propagating to test. * * TODO: These things would be handled once we mock GUI. For the time * being we just always include a reset call if @Before/@After methods * are generated */ if (Properties.HEADLESS_MODE) { bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append(org.evosuite.runtime.GuiSupport.class.getName() + ".setHeadless(); \n"); } if (TestSuiteWriterUtils.needToUseAgent()) { bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append(org.evosuite.runtime.Runtime.class.getName() + ".getInstance().resetRuntime(); \n"); bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append(InstrumentingAgent.class.getName() + ".activate(); \n"); } if (SystemInUtil.getInstance().hasBeenUsed()) { bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append(SystemInUtil.class.getName() + ".getInstance().initForTestCase(); \n"); } if (JOptionPaneInputs.getInstance().hasAnyDialog()) { bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append(JOptionPaneInputs.class.getName() + ".getInstance().initForTestCase(); \n"); } bd.append(METHOD_SPACE); bd.append("} \n"); bd.append("\n"); } private String getResetPropertiesCommand() { return "java.lang.System.setProperties((java.util.Properties)" + " " + DEFAULT_PROPERTIES + ".clone());"; } private void generateAfterClass(StringBuilder bd, boolean wasSecurityException, List<ExecutionResult> results) { if (wasSecurityException || TestSuiteWriterUtils.shouldResetProperties(results)) { bd.append(METHOD_SPACE); bd.append("@AfterClass \n"); bd.append(METHOD_SPACE); bd.append("public static void clearEvoSuiteFramework(){ \n"); if (Properties.RESET_STATIC_FIELDS || wasSecurityException) { bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append("Sandbox.resetDefaultSecurityManager(); \n"); } if (wasSecurityException) { bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append(EXECUTOR_SERVICE + ".shutdownNow(); \n"); } if (TestSuiteWriterUtils.shouldResetProperties(results)) { bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append(getResetPropertiesCommand()); bd.append(" \n"); } bd.append(METHOD_SPACE); bd.append("} \n"); bd.append("\n"); } } private void generateSetSystemProperties(StringBuilder bd, List<ExecutionResult> results) { if (!Properties.REPLACE_CALLS) { return; } bd.append(METHOD_SPACE); bd.append("public static void setSystemProperties() {\n"); bd.append(" \n"); if (TestSuiteWriterUtils.shouldResetProperties(results)) { /* * even if we set all the properties that were read, we still need * to reset everything to handle the properties that were written */ bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append(getResetPropertiesCommand()); bd.append(" \n"); Set<String> readProperties = TestSuiteWriterUtils.mergeProperties(results); for (String prop : readProperties) { String currentValue = java.lang.System.getProperty(prop); String escaped_prop = StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(prop); if (currentValue != null) { String escaped_currentValue = StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(currentValue); bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append("java.lang.System.setProperty(\"" + escaped_prop + "\", \"" + escaped_currentValue + "\"); \n"); } else { /* * In theory, we do not need to clear properties, as that is * done with the reset to default. Avoiding doing the clear * is not only good for readability (ie, less commands) but * also to avoid crashes when properties are set based on * SUT inputs. Eg, in classes like SassToCssBuilder in * 108_liferay we ended up with hundreds of thousands set * properties... */ // bd.append("java.lang.System.clearProperty(\"" + // escaped_prop + "\"); \n"); } } } else { bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE + "/*No java.lang.System property to set*/\n"); } bd.append(METHOD_SPACE); bd.append("}\n"); } private void generateBeforeClass(StringBuilder bd, boolean wasSecurityException, List<ExecutionResult> results) { if (!wasSecurityException && !TestSuiteWriterUtils.needToUseAgent()) { return; } bd.append("\n"); bd.append(METHOD_SPACE); bd.append("@BeforeClass \n"); bd.append(METHOD_SPACE); bd.append("public static void initEvoSuiteFramework() { \n"); // FIXME: This is just commented out for experiments // bd.append("org.evosuite.utils.LoggingUtils.setLoggingForJUnit(); // \n"); bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append("" + RuntimeSettings.class.getName() + ".className = \"" + Properties.TARGET_CLASS + "\"; \n"); bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append("" + GuiSupport.class.getName() + ".initialize(); \n"); if (Properties.REPLACE_CALLS) { bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append("" + RuntimeSettings.class.getName() + ".maxNumberOfThreads = " + Properties.MAX_STARTED_THREADS + "; \n"); } bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append("" + RuntimeSettings.class.getName() + ".maxNumberOfIterationsPerLoop = " + Properties.MAX_LOOP_ITERATIONS + "; \n"); if (Properties.REPLACE_SYSTEM_IN) { bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append(RuntimeSettings.class.getName() + ".mockSystemIn = true; \n"); } if (Properties.REPLACE_GUI) { bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append(RuntimeSettings.class.getName() + ".mockGUI = true; \n"); } if (Properties.RESET_STATIC_FIELDS || wasSecurityException) { // need to setup the Sandbox mode bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append(RuntimeSettings.class.getName() + ".sandboxMode = " + Sandbox.SandboxMode.class.getCanonicalName() + "." + Properties.SANDBOX_MODE + "; \n"); bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append(Sandbox.class.getName() + ".initializeSecurityManagerForSUT(); \n"); } if (wasSecurityException) { bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append(EXECUTOR_SERVICE + " = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); \n"); } if (Properties.RESET_STATIC_FIELDS && Properties.REPLACE_CALLS) { bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append(JDKClassResetter.class.getName() + ".init();\n"); bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append("setSystemProperties();\n"); bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append(InitializingListener.INITIALIZE_CLASSES_METHOD + "();" + "\n"); } if (TestSuiteWriterUtils.needToUseAgent()) { bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append(org.evosuite.runtime.Runtime.class.getName() + ".getInstance().resetRuntime(); \n"); } else { // it is done inside Runtime, but, if that is not called, we need an // explicit call here bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append(LoopCounter.class.getName() + ".getInstance().reset(); \n"); } if (DBManager.getInstance().isWasAccessed()) { // be sure it is called before any test is run, as to avoid timeout // if init during a test case run bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append(DBManager.class.getName() + ".getInstance().initDB(); \n"); } if(TestSuiteWriterUtils.doesUseMocks(results)) { bd.append(BLOCK_SPACE); bd.append("try { initMocksToAvoidTimeoutsInTheTests(); } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) {} \n"); } bd.append(METHOD_SPACE); bd.append("} \n"); bd.append("\n"); } private void generateFields(StringBuilder bd, boolean wasSecurityException, List<ExecutionResult> results) { if (Properties.RESET_STANDARD_STREAMS) { bd.append(METHOD_SPACE); bd.append("private PrintStream systemOut = null;" + '\n'); bd.append(METHOD_SPACE); bd.append("private PrintStream systemErr = null;" + '\n'); bd.append(METHOD_SPACE); bd.append("private PrintStream logStream = null;" + '\n'); } if (wasSecurityException) { bd.append(METHOD_SPACE); bd.append("protected static ExecutorService " + EXECUTOR_SERVICE + "; \n"); bd.append("\n"); } if (TestSuiteWriterUtils.shouldResetProperties(results)) { /* * some System properties were read/written. so, let's be sure we ll * have the same properties in the generated JUnit file, regardless * of where it will be executed (eg on a remote CI server). This is * essential, as generated assertions might depend on those * properties */ bd.append(METHOD_SPACE); bd.append("private static final java.util.Properties " + DEFAULT_PROPERTIES); bd.append(" = (java.util.Properties) java.lang.System.getProperties().clone(); \n"); bd.append("\n"); } bd.append(METHOD_SPACE); bd.append("private " + ThreadStopper.class.getName() + " " + THREAD_STOPPER + " = "); bd.append(" new " + ThreadStopper.class.getName() + " ("); bd.append("" + KillSwitchHandler.class.getName() + ".getInstance(), "); bd.append("" + Properties.TIMEOUT + ""); Set<String> threadsToIgnore = new LinkedHashSet<>(); // this shouldn't appear among the threads in the generated tests // threadsToIgnore.add(TestCaseExecutor.TEST_EXECUTION_THREAD); threadsToIgnore.addAll(Arrays.asList(Properties.IGNORE_THREADS)); for (String s : threadsToIgnore) { bd.append(", " + s); } bd.append(");\n\n"); } }