package sound.paulscode; /** * The SoundSystemLogger class handles all status messages, warnings, and error * messages for the SoundSystem library. This class can be extended and * methods overriden to change how messages are handled. To do this, the * overridden class should be instantiated, and a call should be made to method * SoundSystemConfig.setLogger() BEFORE creating the SoundSystem object. If * the setLogger() method is called after the SoundSystem has been created, * there will be handles floating around to two different message loggers, and * the results will be undesirable. * See {@link sound.paulscode.SoundSystemConfig SoundSystemConfig} for more * information about changing default settings. If an alternate logger is not * set by the user, then an instance of this base class will be automatically * created by default when the SoundSystem class is instantiated. *<br><br> *<b><i> SoundSystem License:</b></i><br><b><br> * You are free to use this library for any purpose, commercial or otherwise. * You may modify this library or source code, and distribute it any way you * like, provided the following conditions are met: *<br> * 1) You may not falsely claim to be the author of this library or any * unmodified portion of it. *<br> * 2) You may not copyright this library or a modified version of it and then * sue me for copyright infringement. *<br> * 3) If you modify the source code, you must clearly document the changes * made before redistributing the modified source code, so other users know * it is not the original code. *<br> * 4) You are not required to give me credit for this library in any derived * work, but if you do, you must also mention my website: * *<br> * 5) I the author will not be responsible for any damages (physical, * financial, or otherwise) caused by the use if this library or any part * of it. *<br> * 6) I the author do not guarantee, warrant, or make any representations, * either expressed or implied, regarding the use of this library or any * part of it. * <br><br> * Author: Paul Lamb * <br> * * </b> */ public class SoundSystemLogger { private boolean output = false; /** * Prints a message. * @param message Message to print. * @param indent Number of tabs to indent the message. */ public void message( String message, int indent ) { String messageText; // Determine how many spaces to indent: String spacer = ""; for( int x = 0; x < indent; x++ ) { spacer += " "; } // indent the message: messageText = spacer + message; // Print the message: if(output) System.out.println( messageText ); } /** * Prints an important message. * @param message Message to print. * @param indent Number of tabs to indent the message. */ public void importantMessage( String message, int indent ) { String messageText; // Determine how many spaces to indent: String spacer = ""; for( int x = 0; x < indent; x++ ) { spacer += " "; } // indent the message: messageText = spacer + message; // Print the message: System.out.println( messageText ); } /** * Prints the specified message if error is true. * @param error True or False. * @param classname Name of the class checking for an error. * @param message Message to print if error is true. * @param indent Number of tabs to indent the message. * @return True if error is true. */ public boolean errorCheck( boolean error, String classname, String message, int indent ) { if( error ) errorMessage( classname, message, indent ); return error; } /** * Prints the classname which generated the error, followed by the error * message. * @param classname Name of the class which generated the error. * @param message The actual error message. * @param indent Number of tabs to indent the message. */ public void errorMessage( String classname, String message, int indent ) { String headerLine, messageText; // Determine how many spaces to indent: String spacer = ""; for( int x = 0; x < indent; x++ ) { spacer += " "; } // indent the header: headerLine = spacer + "Error in class '" + classname + "'"; // indent the message one more than the header: messageText = " " + spacer + message; // Print the error message: System.out.println( headerLine ); System.out.println( messageText ); } /** * Prints an exception's error message followed by the stack trace. * @param e Exception containing the information to print. * @param indent Number of tabs to indent the message and stack trace. */ public void printStackTrace( Exception e, int indent ) { printExceptionMessage( e, indent ); importantMessage( "STACK TRACE:", indent ); if( e == null ) return; StackTraceElement[] stack = e.getStackTrace(); if( stack == null ) return; StackTraceElement line; for( int x = 0; x < stack.length; x++ ) { line = stack[x]; if( line != null ) message( line.toString(), indent + 1 ); } } /** * Prints an exception's error message. * @param e Exception containing the message to print. * @param indent Number of tabs to indent the message. */ public void printExceptionMessage( Exception e, int indent ) { importantMessage( "ERROR MESSAGE:", indent ); if( e.getMessage() == null ) message( "(none)", indent + 1 ); else message( e.getMessage(), indent + 1 ); } }