package; import; import; /** * * @author yuripourre * */ public class AnimatedLayer extends ImageLayer { protected int tileW = 0; protected int tileH = 0; protected int needleX = 0; protected int needleY = 0; protected boolean once = false; protected boolean stopped = true; protected boolean animateHorizontally = true; protected boolean lockOnce = false; private int inc = 1; protected int frames = 1; protected int currentFrame = 0; protected int speed = 500; protected long startedAt = 0; protected long changedAt = 0; protected OnAnimationFinishListener onAnimationFinishListener; protected OnFrameChangeListener onFrameChangeListener; /** * * @param x * @param y */ public AnimatedLayer(int x, int y) { this(x, y, 0, 0); } /** * * @param x * @param y * @param tileW * @param tileH * @param path */ public AnimatedLayer(int x, int y, int tileW, int tileH, String path) { super(x,y,path); this.tileW = tileW; this.tileH = tileH; } /** * * @param x * @param y * @param tileW * @param tileH */ public AnimatedLayer(int x, int y, int tileW, int tileH) { super(x,y); this.tileW = tileW; this.tileH = tileH; } public void restartAnimation() { stopped = false; resetAnimation(); } public void resetAnimation() { xImage = needleX; yImage = needleY; currentFrame = 0; } public void setAnimateHorizontally(boolean animateHorizontally) { this.animateHorizontally = animateHorizontally; } public int getTileW() { return tileW; } public int getTileH() { return tileH; } /** * * @param tileW */ public void setTileW(int tileW) { this.tileW = tileW; } /** * * @param tileH */ public void setTileH(int tileH) { this.tileH = tileH; } /** * * @param tileW * @param tileH */ public void setTileCoordinates(int tileW, int tileH) { setTileW(tileW); setTileH(tileH); } public void animateWithFrame(int frame) { if(this.currentFrame != frame) { notifyFrameChangeListener(0, frame); } setFrame(frame); if (frame == frames-1) { notifyAnimationFinishListener(0); } } public void animate(long now) { if(stopped) { startedAt = now; changedAt = now; restartAnimation(); } if(now >= changedAt+speed) { changedAt = now; boolean hasNextFrame = nextFrame(); notifyFrameChangeListener(now, currentFrame); if(!hasNextFrame) { notifyAnimationFinishListener(now); } } } //Notify Listener about the end of animation protected void notifyAnimationFinishListener(long now) { if(onAnimationFinishListener != null) { onAnimationFinishListener.onAnimationFinish(now); } } //Notify Listener about the frame change protected void notifyFrameChangeListener(long now, int currentFrame) { if(onFrameChangeListener != null) { onFrameChangeListener.onFrameChange(now, currentFrame); } } public void animate() { nextFrame(); stopped = false; } public void stopAnimation() { stopped = true; } public void animateOnce() { once = true; stopped = false; lockOnce = false; currentFrame = 0; setFrame(currentFrame); } public boolean nextFrame() { boolean hasNextFrame = true; if((currentFrame < frames-1) && (currentFrame >= 0)) { currentFrame+=inc; } else { if(once) { lockOnce = true; //stopped = true; //setFrame(currentFrame); } else { currentFrame = 0; } hasNextFrame = false; } if(!stopped) { setFrame(currentFrame); } return hasNextFrame; } private void setFrame(int frame) { if(animateHorizontally) { setXImage(needleX+tileW*frame); } else { setYImage(needleY+tileH*frame); } } @Override public int utilWidth() { return tileW; } @Override public int utilHeight() { return tileH; } /** * * @param stopped */ public void setStopped(boolean stopped) { this.stopped = stopped; } public boolean isStopped() { return stopped; } /** * Set Number of Frames * * @param frames */ public void setFrames(int frames) { this.frames = frames; } public int getFrames() { return frames; } public int getCurrentFrame() { return currentFrame; } public boolean getAnimateHorizontally() { return animateHorizontally; } public void setLockOnce(boolean lockOnce) { this.lockOnce = lockOnce; } public int getSpeed() { return speed; } public void setSpeed(int speed) { this.speed = speed; } public int getNeedleX() { return needleX; } public void setNeedleX(int needleX) { this.needleX = needleX; } public int getNeedleY() { return needleY; } public void setNeedleY(int needleY) { this.needleY = needleY; } public OnAnimationFinishListener getListener() { return onAnimationFinishListener; } public void setOnAnimationFinishListener(OnAnimationFinishListener onAnimationFinishListener) { this.onAnimationFinishListener = onAnimationFinishListener; } public void setOnFrameChangeListener(OnFrameChangeListener onFrameChangeListener) { this.onFrameChangeListener = onFrameChangeListener; } }