package org.enumerable.lambda.enumerable.jruby; import static java.lang.System.*; import static org.enumerable.lambda.exception.UncheckedException.*; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.script.ScriptException; import org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException; public class RubySpecTestBase extends JRubyTestBase { public static boolean specdoc = true; public String enumerableJava() { return "enumerable_java_rubyspec"; } void mspec(String file) throws Exception { List<String> specs = new ArrayList<String>(); specs.add("\"core/enumerable/" + file + "\""); mspec(specs); } void mspec(List<String> files) throws Exception { StringWriter stdout = new StringWriter(); StringWriter stderr = new StringWriter(); Writer originalOut = rb.getContext().getWriter(); Writer originalErr = rb.getContext().getErrorWriter(); if (!specdoc) rb.getContext().setWriter(stdout); if (!debug) rb.getContext().setErrorWriter(stderr); try { // We need to trick MSpec into thinking we're running a real ruby eval("RUBY_EXE = '/usr/bin/jruby'"); // While telling it we're not, to skip specs for our "platform" eval("RUBY_PLATFORM = 'enumerable_java'"); // We support Enumerable from 1.8.8 eval("RUBY_VERSION = '1.8.8'"); require("mspec"); require("mspec/utils/script"); // Identity won't work as JRuby will turn Ruby objects into Java // and then back again. eval("class EqualMatcher; def matches?(actual); @actual = actual; @actual == @expected; end; end"); eval("formatter =; formatter.register;"); eval(" :formatter, formatter"); eval("MSpec.register_files " + files); eval("MSpec.process"); try { eval("raise formatter.exceptions[0] unless MSpec.exit_code == 0"); } catch (RaiseException e) { try { fail(e.getException().message.asJavaString()); } catch (AssertionError error) { error.setStackTrace(e.getStackTrace()); throw error; } } } catch (ScriptException e) { out.println(stdout.toString()); err.println(stderr.toString()); throw uncheck(e); } finally { rb.getContext().setWriter(originalOut); rb.getContext().setErrorWriter(originalErr); eval("MSpec.unregister :exception, formatter; MSpec.unregister :before, formatter; " + "MSpec.unregister :after, formatter; MSpec.unregister :finish, formatter; " + "MSpec.unregister :enter, formatter; MSpec.register_exit(nil); " + "MSpec.clear_current; MSpec.clear_modes; MSpec.clear_expectations"); } } }