package org.enumerable.lambda.enumerable.collection; import static java.util.Collections.*; import static org.enumerable.lambda.Fn0.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.enumerable.lambda.Fn0; import org.enumerable.lambda.Fn1; import org.enumerable.lambda.Fn2; import org.enumerable.lambda.enumerable.Enumerable; import org.enumerable.lambda.enumerable.EnumerableArrays; /** * The Enumerable mixin provides collection classes with several traversal and * searching methods, and with the ability to sort. The class must provide a * method {@link Iterable#iterator()}, which yields successive members of the * collection. If {@link #max}, {@link #min}, or {@link #sort} is used, the * objects in the collection must also implement a meaningful * {@link Comparable#compareTo(Object)} operator, as these methods rely on an * ordering between members of the collection. * <p> * It can be mixed in either by using the decorators ({@link EIterable}, * {@link ECollection}, {@link EList}, {@link ESet} and {@link EMap}) or by * subclassing and provide {@link Iterable#iterator()}. * <p> * The static methods in the facades {@link Enumerable} and * {@link EnumerableArrays} use this implementation via the decorators. */ public abstract class EnumerableModule<E> implements IEnumerable<E> { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T, R extends EnumerableModule<T>> R extend(Iterable<T> iterable) { if (iterable instanceof EnumerableModule<?>) return (R) iterable; if (iterable instanceof List<?>) return (R) new EList<T>((List<T>) iterable); if (iterable instanceof Set<?>) return (R) new ESet<T>((Set<T>) iterable); if (iterable instanceof Collection<?>) return (R) new ECollection<T>((Collection<T>) iterable); return (R) new EIterable<T>(iterable); } public static <K, V> EMap<K, V> extend(Map<K, V> map) { if (map instanceof EMap<?, ?>) return (EMap<K, V>) map; return new EMap<K, V>(map); } public boolean all(Fn1<? super E, ?> block) { for (E each : this) if (isFalseOrNull( return false; return true; } public boolean all() { return all(Fn1.identity()); } public boolean any(Fn1<? super E, ?> block) { for (E each : this) if (isNotFalseOrNull( return true; return false; } public boolean any() { return any(Fn1.identity()); } public <R> EList<R> collect(Fn1<? super E, ? extends R> block) { EList<R> result = new EList<R>(); for (E each : this) result.add(; return result; } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "unused" }) public int count() { if (this instanceof Collection<?>) return ((Collection<E>) this).size(); int count = 0; for (E each : this) count++; return count; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public int count(E obj) { if (obj instanceof Fn1<?, ?>) return count((Fn1<E, Boolean>) obj); int count = 0; if (obj == null) { for (E each : this) if (each == null) count++; } else { for (E each : this) if (obj.equals(each)) count++; } return count; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public int count(Fn1<? super E, Boolean> block) { if (block == null) return count((E) block); return select(block).size(); } public <R> EList<E> cycle(Fn1<? super E, R> block) { while (true) for (E each : this); } public <R> EList<E> cycle(int times, Fn1<? super E, R> block) { if (times <= 0) return null; EList<E> list = new EList<E>(); for (E each : this) {; list.add(each); } EList<E> result = new EList<E>(); while (times-- > 0) result.addAll(list); return result; } public E detect(Fn1<? super E, Boolean> block) { return detect(null, block); } public E detect(Fn0<E> ifNone, Fn1<? super E, Boolean> block) { for (E each : this) if (isNotFalseOrNull( return each; return ifNone == null ? null :; } public EList<E> drop(int n) { if (n < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("attempt to drop negative size"); EList<E> result = new EList<E>(); for (E each : this) if (n-- <= 0) result.add(each); return result; } public EList<E> dropWhile(Fn1<? super E, Boolean> block) { EList<E> result = new EList<E>(); for (E next : this) if (!result.isEmpty() || isFalseOrNull( result.add(next); return result; } public <R> EnumerableModule<E> each(Fn1<? super E, R> block) { for (E each : this); return this; } public <R> Object eachCons(int n, Fn1<List<E>, R> block) { if (n <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid size"); List<E> list = new ArrayList<E>(); for (E each : this) { list.add(each); if (list.size() == n) {; list = new ArrayList<E>(list.subList(1, list.size())); } } return null; } public <R> Object eachSlice(int n, Fn1<List<E>, R> block) { if (n <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid size"); List<E> list = new ArrayList<E>(); for (E each : this) { list.add(each); if (list.size() == n) {; list = new ArrayList<E>(); } } if (!list.isEmpty()); return null; } public <R> EnumerableModule<E> eachWithIndex(Fn2<? super E, Integer, R> block) { int i = 0; for (E each : this), i++); return this; } public <M, R> M eachWithObject(M memo, Fn2<? super E, M, R> block) { for (E each : this), memo); return memo; } public EList<E> entries() { return toList(); } public E find(Fn1<? super E, Boolean> block) { return detect(block); } public E find(Fn0<E> ifNone, Fn1<? super E, Boolean> block) { return detect(ifNone, block); } public EList<E> findAll(Fn1<? super E, Boolean> block) { EList<E> result = new EList<E>(); for (E each : this) if (isNotFalseOrNull( result.add(each); return result; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public int findIndex(Fn1<? super E, Boolean> block) { if (block == null) return findIndex((E) block); int index = 0; for (E each : this) if (isNotFalseOrNull( return index; else index++; return -1; } @SuppressWarnings({ "serial", "unchecked" }) public int findIndex(final E obj) { if (obj instanceof Fn1<?, ?>) return findIndex((Fn1<E, Boolean>) obj); return findIndex(new Fn1<E, Boolean>() { public Boolean call(E a1) { if (obj == null) return a1 == null; return obj.equals(a1); } }); } public E first() { for (E each : this) return each; return null; } public EList<E> first(int n) { return take(n); } public EList<E> grep(Pattern pattern) { return grep(pattern, Fn1.<E> identity()); } public <R> EList<R> grep(Pattern pattern, Fn1<? super E, R> block) { EList<R> result = new EList<R>(); for (E each : this) if (pattern.matcher(each.toString()).matches()) result.add(; return result; } public EList<E> grep(String pattern) { return grep(Pattern.compile(pattern)); } public <R> EList<R> grep(String pattern, Fn1<? super E, R> block) { return grep(Pattern.compile(pattern), block); } public <R> EMap<R, EList<E>> groupBy(Fn1<? super E, R> block) { EMap<R, EList<E>> result = new EMap<R, EList<E>>(new LinkedHashMap<R, EList<E>>()); for (E each : this) { R key =; if (!result.containsKey(key)) result.put(key, new EList<E>()); result.get(key).add(each); } return result; } public boolean include(Object obj) { if (obj == null) { for (E each : this) if (each == null) return true; } else { for (E each : this) if (obj.equals(each)) return true; } return false; } public E inject(Fn2<? super E, ? super E, ? extends E> block) { Iterator<E> i = this.iterator(); if (!i.hasNext()) return null; E initial =; while (i.hasNext()) initial =,; return initial; } public <R> R inject(R initial, Fn2<? super R, ? super E, ? extends R> block) { for (E each : this) initial =, each); return initial; } public <R> EList<R> map(Fn1<? super E, ? extends R> block) { return collect(block); } public E max() { Comparator<E> reverseOrder = reverseOrder(); return minInternal(reverseOrder); } public E max(final Fn2<? super E, ? super E, Integer> block) { return minInternal(reverseOrder(new Comparator<E>() { public int compare(E o1, E o2) { return ((Number), o2)).intValue(); } })); } public <R extends Object & Comparable<? super R>> E maxBy(Fn1<? super E, R> block) { return minInternal(reverseOrder(new BlockResultComparator<E, R>(block))); } public boolean member(Object obj) { return include(obj); } public E min() { Comparator<E> naturalOrder = naturalOrder(); return minInternal(naturalOrder); } public E min(final Fn2<? super E, ? super E, Integer> block) { return minInternal(new Comparator<E>() { public int compare(E o1, E o2) { return ((Number), o2)).intValue(); } }); } public <R extends Object & Comparable<? super R>> E minBy(Fn1<? super E, R> block) { return minInternal(new BlockResultComparator<E, R>(block)); } public EList<E> minMax() { EList<E> result = new EList<E>(); result.add(min()); result.add(max()); return result; } public EList<E> minMax(Fn2<? super E, ? super E, Integer> block) { EList<E> result = new EList<E>(); result.add(min(block)); result.add(max(block)); return result; } public <R extends Object & Comparable<? super R>> EList<E> minMaxBy(Fn1<? super E, R> block) { EList<E> result = new EList<E>(); result.add(minBy(block)); result.add(maxBy(block)); return result; } public boolean none(Fn1<? super E, ?> block) { return !any(block); } public boolean none() { return none(Fn1.identity()); } public boolean one(Fn1<? super E, ?> block) { Object match = null; for (E each : this) { Object result =; if (isNotFalseOrNull(result)) if (match != null) return false; else match = result; } return match != null; } public boolean one() { return one(Fn1.identity()); } public EList<EList<E>> partition(Fn1<? super E, Boolean> block) { EList<E> selected = new EList<E>(); EList<E> rejected = new EList<E>(); for (E each : this) if (isNotFalseOrNull( selected.add(each); else rejected.add(each); EList<EList<E>> result = new EList<EList<E>>(); result.add(selected); result.add(rejected); return result; } public E reduce(Fn2<? super E, ? super E, ? extends E> block) { return inject(block); } public <R> R reduce(R initial, Fn2<? super R, ? super E, ? extends R> block) { return inject(initial, block); } public EList<E> reject(Fn1<? super E, Boolean> block) { EList<E> result = new EList<E>(); for (E each : this) if (isFalseOrNull( result.add(each); return result; } public <R> EnumerableModule<E> reverseEach(Fn1<? super E, R> block) { List<E> result = asNewList(); Collections.reverse(result); new EList<E>(result).each(block); return this; } public EList<E> select(Fn1<? super E, Boolean> block) { return findAll(block); } public EList<E> sort() { return sortInternal((Comparator<E>) null); } public EList<E> sort(final Fn2<? super E, ? super E, Integer> block) { return sortInternal(new Comparator<E>() { public int compare(E o1, E o2) { return ((Number), o2)).intValue(); } }); } public <R extends Object & Comparable<? super R>> EList<E> sortBy(final Fn1<? super E, R> block) { return sortBySchwartzianTransform(block); } public EList<E> take(int n) { if (n < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("attempt to take negative size"); EList<E> result = new EList<E>(); for (Iterator<E> i = iterator(); n != 0 && i.hasNext(); n--) result.add(; return result; } public EList<E> takeWhile(Fn1<? super E, Boolean> block) { EList<E> result = new EList<E>(); for (E next : this) if (isNotFalseOrNull( result.add(next); else return result; return result; } public EList<E> toList() { return new EList<E>(asNewList()); } public ESet<E> toSet() { return new ESet<E>(new HashSet<E>(asNewList())); } public <R> ESet<R> toSet(Fn1<? super E, R> block) { return new ESet<R>(new HashSet<R>(collect(block))); } public EList<EList<?>> zip() { return zip(new Iterable<?>[0]); } public <R> Object zip(List<Iterable<?>> args, Fn1<? super EList<?>, R> block) { zip(args.toArray(new Iterable<?>[0])).each(block); return null; } public EList<EList<?>> zip(Iterable<?>... args) { EList<EList<?>> allResults = new EList<EList<?>>(); List<Iterator<?>> iterators = new ArrayList<Iterator<?>>(); iterators.add(this.iterator()); for (Iterable<?> iterable : args) iterators.add(iterable.iterator()); while (iterators.get(0).hasNext()) { EList<Object> result = new EList<Object>(); for (Iterator<?> iterator : iterators) if (iterator.hasNext()) result.add(; else result.add(null); allResults.add(result); } return allResults; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<E> asNewList() { if (this instanceof Collection<?>) return new ArrayList<E>((Collection<E>) this); List<E> result = new ArrayList<E>(); for (E each : this) result.add(each); return result; } E minInternal(Comparator<? super E> comparator) { E result = null; for (E each : this) if (result == null ||, result) < 0) result = each; return result; } EList<E> sortInternal(Comparator<? super E> comparator) { List<E> result = asNewList(); Collections.sort(result, comparator); return new EList<E>(result); } class Pair<R extends Object & Comparable<? super R>> implements Comparable<Pair<R>> { R key; E value; Pair(R key, E value) { this.key = key; this.value = value; } public int compareTo(Pair<R> o) { return key.compareTo(o.key); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") <R extends Object & Comparable<? super R>> EList<E> sortBySchwartzianTransform(Fn1<? super E, R> block) { EList<Pair<R>> pairs = new EList<Pair<R>>(); for (E each : this) pairs.add(new Pair<R>(, each)); Collections.sort(pairs); EList<E> result = (EList<E>) pairs; for (int i = 0; i < pairs.size(); i++) result.set(i, pairs.get(i).value); return result; } static class BlockResultComparator<E, R extends Object & Comparable<? super R>> implements Comparator<E> { Fn1<? super E, R> block; BlockResultComparator(Fn1<? super E, R> block) { this.block = block; } public int compare(E o1, E o2) { return; } } static class CachedBlockResultComparator<E, R extends Object & Comparable<? super R>> implements Comparator<E> { Map<E, R> cache = new HashMap<E, R>(); Fn1<? super E, R> block; CachedBlockResultComparator(Fn1<? super E, R> block) { this.block = block; } R cached(E e) { if (!cache.containsKey(e)) cache.put(e,; return cache.get(e); } public int compare(E o1, E o2) { return cached(o1).compareTo(cached(o2)); } } static final NaturalOrderComparator NATURAL_ORDER = new NaturalOrderComparator(); static class NaturalOrderComparator implements Comparator<Comparable<Object>> { public int compare(Comparable<Object> o1, Comparable<Object> o2) { return o1.compareTo(o2); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Comparator<E> naturalOrder() { return (Comparator<E>) NATURAL_ORDER; } }