package org.enumerable.lambda; import org.enumerable.lambda.annotation.LambdaParameter; import org.junit.Test; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import static java.lang.Math.PI; import static org.enumerable.lambda.Lambda.delegate; import static org.enumerable.lambda.Lambda.λ; import static org.enumerable.lambda.Parameters.*; import static org.enumerable.lambda.primitives.LambdaPrimitives.λ; import static org.junit.Assert.*; @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class ClosureTest extends TestBase implements Serializable { @Test(expected = ArithmeticException.class) public void uncheckedExceptionInBlockPropagetsOut() throws Exception { λ(n, n / 0).call(0); } @Test(expected = ClassNotFoundException.class) public void checkedExceptionInBlockPropagatesOut() throws Exception { Fn1<String, ? extends Class<?>> classForName = λ(s, Class.forName(s)); assertEquals(String.class,;"class.not.Found"); } @Test public void closeOverLocalPrimitiveVariable() throws Exception { int i = 0; λ(n, i += n).call(10); assertEquals(10, i); } @Test public void closeOverLocalDoubleVariableWithoutModification() throws Exception { double i = 0; assertEquals(3.14, λ(d, i + d).call(3.14), 0); } @Test public void closeOverLocalDoubleWithModification() throws Exception { double i = 0; λ(d, i = d).call(3.14); assertEquals(3.14, i, 0); } @Test public void closeOverLocalLongVariableWithoutModification() throws Exception { long i = 0; assertEquals(10, (long) λ(l, i + l).call(10L)); } @Test public void closeOverLocalLongWithModification() throws Exception { long i = 0; λ(l, i += l).call(10L); assertEquals(10, i); } @Test public void closeOverLocalReferenceVariable() throws Exception { String hello = "hello"; λ(s, hello += s).call(" world"); assertEquals("hello world", hello); assertEquals(String.class, hello.getClass()); } @Test public void closeOverLocalArrayVariable() throws Exception { String[] hello = new String[] { "hello" }; String[] original = hello; λ(s, hello[0] += s).call(" world"); assertEquals("hello world", hello[0]); assertSame(original, hello); } @Test public void closeOverLocalArrayVariableWhichCanBeSet() throws Exception { String[] hello = new String[] { "hello" }; String[] original = hello; λ(s, hello = new String[] { s }).call("world"); assertEquals("world", hello[0]); assertNotSame(original, hello); } @Test public void closeOverLocalFinalPrimitiveVariable() throws Exception { final int i = 10; assertEquals(20, (int) λ(n, i + n).call(10)); } @Test public void closeOverLocalFinalReferenceVariable() throws Exception { final String hello = "hello"; assertEquals("hello world", λ(s, hello + s).call(" world")); } @Test public void closeOverLocalFinalArrayVarible() throws Exception { final String[] hello = new String[] { "hello" }; λ(s, hello[0] += s).call(" world"); assertEquals("hello world", hello[0]); } // This test fails when the CheckClassAdapter is used with 'duplicate class // definition for name: lambda/ClosureTest' // @Test // public void closeOverThis() throws Exception { // assertSame(this, λ(this).call()); // } @Test public void closeOverMethodParameter() throws Exception { methodCall("Hello"); } void methodCall(String string) { assertSame(string, λ(string).call()); λ(string = "world").call(); assertEquals("world", string); } @Test public void closingOverLocalVariableDoesNotChangeIt() throws Exception { int i = 0; λ(n, i += n); assertEquals(0, i); } @Test public void closeOverLocalVariableAndRunInDifferentMethod() throws Exception { int i = 0; otherMethod(λ(n, i += n), 10); assertEquals(10, i); } @Test public void closingOverLocalPrimitveVariableCanStillIncrementOutsideClosure() throws Exception { int i = 0; Fn1<Integer, Integer> add = λ(n, i += n); i += 10; assertEquals(10, i); Short.MAX_VALUE); assertEquals(Short.MAX_VALUE + 10, i); i += Integer.MAX_VALUE / 2; assertEquals(Short.MAX_VALUE + 10 + Integer.MAX_VALUE / 2, i); } @Test public void closingOverLocalReferenceVariableWorksLikeNormalOutsideClosure() throws Exception { String string = "hello"; Fn1<String, String> toUpCase = λ(s, s.toUpperCase()); string += " world"; assertEquals("hello world", string); string =; assertEquals("HELLO WORLD", string); assertEquals(String.class, string.getClass()); } void otherMethod(Fn1<Integer, Integer> add, int x) {; } @Test public void closingOverLocalVariableSeesChangesToLocalVariable() throws Exception { int i = 0; Fn1<Integer, Integer> plus = λ(n, i += n);; assertEquals(1, i); i++; assertEquals(2, i);; assertEquals(3, i); } @Test public void closingOverLocalVariableAfterMethodReturn() throws Exception { Fn1<Integer, Integer> plus = methodReturn(); assertEquals(2, (int); assertEquals(3, (int); } public Fn1<Integer, Integer> methodReturn() throws Exception { int i = 1; return λ(n, i += n); } // @Test // public void closeOverForLoopVariable() throws Exception { // int sum = 0; // for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) // sum = λ(n, n + i).call(sum); // assertEquals(55, sum); // } // @Test // @Ignore("This test fail when compiled with javac for some reason. A crazy test anyway") // public void closeOverForLoopVariableInTestAndForUpdate() throws Exception // { // int sum = 0; // for (int i = 0; λ(n, n < 10).call(i); sum += λ(n, i += n).call(1)) // ; // assertEquals(55, sum); // } @Test public void closingOverOuterFinalInlineableVariableFromInsideAnonymousClass() throws Exception { final String string = "final"; assertEquals(string, new Callable<String>() { public String call() { return λ(string).call(); } }.call()); } @Test public void closingOverOuterFinalReferenceVariableFromInsideAnonymousClass() throws Exception { final List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); new Runnable() { public void run() { λ(list.add("final")).call(); } }.run(); assertEquals(list("final"), list); } @Test public void callInstanceMethodOnThis() throws Exception { assertEquals(hello(), λ(hello()).call()); } public String hello() { return "hello"; } private String world = "world"; @Test public void gettingPrivateFieldOnThis() throws Exception { assertEquals(world, λ(world).call()); } @Test public void settingPrivateFieldOnThis() throws Exception { assertEquals("hello", λ(world = "hello").call()); assertEquals("hello", world); } private static String staticWorld = "world"; @Test public void gettingPrivateStaticFieldOnThisClass() throws Exception { assertEquals(staticWorld, λ(staticWorld).call()); } @Test public void settingPrivateStaticFieldOnThisClass() throws Exception { assertEquals("hello", λ(staticWorld = "hello").call()); assertEquals("hello", staticWorld); } private long large = 2; @Test public void gettingPrivateLongFieldOnThis() throws Exception { assertEquals(large, (long) λ(large).call()); } @Test public void settingPrivateLongFieldOnThis() throws Exception { assertEquals(4, (long) λ(large = 4).call()); assertEquals(4, large); } @Test public void callPrivateInstanceMethodOnThisTakingNoArguments() throws Exception { assertEquals(privateHelloNoArguments(), λ(privateHelloNoArguments()).call()); } @Test public void callPrivateInstanceMethodOnThisTakingNoArgumentsTwice() throws Exception { assertEquals(privateHelloNoArguments(), λ(privateHelloNoArguments()).call()); assertEquals(privateHelloNoArguments(), λ(privateHelloNoArguments()).call()); } @Test public void callPrivateInstanceMethodOnThisTakingArguments() throws Exception { assertEquals(privateHello("world", 2), λ(privateHello("world", 2)).call()); } @Test public void callPrivateInstanceMethodOnThisReturningPrimitive() throws Exception { assertEquals(privatePrimitiveHello("world", 2), (int) λ(privatePrimitiveHello("world", 2)).call()); } @Test public void callPrivateInstanceMethodOnThisWithExistingAccessMethod() throws Exception { int result = λ(privatePrimitiveHello("world", 2)).call(); assertEquals(7, result); assertEquals(new Fn0<Object>() { public Object call() { return privatePrimitiveHello("", 2); } }.call(), result); } @Test public void callPrivateStaticMethodOnThisClassTakingNoArguments() throws Exception { assertEquals(staticPrivateHelloNoArguments(), λ(staticPrivateHelloNoArguments()).call()); } private static String staticPrivateHelloNoArguments() { return "hello"; } private String privateHello(String string, int number) { return "hello" + string + number; } private String privateHelloNoArguments() { return "hello"; } private int privatePrimitiveHello(String string, int number) { return "hello".length() + number; } @Test public void callStaticMethod() throws Exception { assertEquals(, λ(; } public static String world() { return "hello"; } @Test public void callStaticMethodReturningClosure() throws Exception { assertEquals("helloworld", OtherClass.helloStatic().call("world")); } @Test public void callClosureCreatedInStaticInit() throws Exception { assertEquals("!",; } public static class OtherClass { @LambdaParameter static String string; static Fn0<String> staticClosure = λ("!"); public static Fn1<String, String> helloStatic() { return λ(string, "hello" + string); } } @Test public void callInstanceMethodOnArgument() throws Exception { assertEquals("HELLO", λ(s, s.toUpperCase()).call(hello())); } @Test public void callStaticMethodOnDifferentClass() throws Exception { assertTrue(λ(c, Character.isUpperCase(c)).call('C')); } @Test public void accessingEnclosingMethodArgument() throws Exception { instanceArgumentMethodCall("Hello"); } void instanceArgumentMethodCall(String string) { assertEquals("Hello", string); assertEquals(string.toUpperCase(), λ(string.toUpperCase()).call()); } @Test public void canAccessMethodArgumentInClosureFirst() { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); printOnStream(new PrintStream(out)); assertEquals("word: hello\n", out.toString()); } public void printOnStream(PrintStream out) { λ(s, out.printf("word: %s\n", s)).call("hello"); } @Test public void accessingEnclosingMethodPrimitiveArgument() throws Exception { primitiveArgumentMethodCall(10); primitiveArgumentIncMethodCall(10); } void primitiveArgumentMethodCall(int x) { assertEquals(10, x); assertEquals(x, (int) λ(n, x).call(0)); } void primitiveArgumentIncMethodCall(int x) { λ(n, x++).call(0); } @Test public void returnSameArgument() throws Exception { String hello = hello(); assertSame(hello, λ(s, s).call(hello)); } static int staticInt = 0; @Test public void accessingPrimitiveStaticField() throws Exception { λ(n, staticInt += n).call(10); assertEquals(10, staticInt); } static String staticString = "world"; @Test public void accessingStaticField() throws Exception { λ(s, staticString = s + staticString).call("hello "); assertEquals("hello world", staticString); } double instanceDouble = 0; @Test public void accessingPrimitveInstanceField() throws Exception { λ(d, instanceDouble += d).call(3.14); assertEquals(3.14, instanceDouble, 0.0); } String instanceString = ""; @Test public void accessingInstanceField() throws Exception { λ(s, instanceString = s).call("hello world"); assertEquals("hello world", instanceString); } @Test public void accessStaticFieldOnDifferentClass() throws Exception { assertEquals(PI, λ(d, PI).call(0.0), 0.0); } @Test public void defaultValueCapturedFromLocalVariableForFirstArgument() throws Exception { int two = 2; Fn1<Integer, Integer> nTimesN = λ(n = two, n * n); assertEquals(9, (int); assertEquals(4, (int); } @Test public void defaultValueCapturedFromLocalVariableForSecondArgument() throws Exception { int two = 2; Fn2<Integer, Integer, Integer> nTimesM = λ(n, m = two, n * m); assertEquals(2, (int), 1)); assertEquals(4, (int); } int two = 2; @Test public void defaultValueCapturedFromInstanceFieldForSecondArgument() throws Exception { Fn2<Integer, Integer, Integer> nTimesM = λ(n, m = two, n * m); assertEquals(2, (int), 1)); assertEquals(4, (int); } @Test public void defaultValueFromInstanceMethodForSecondArgument() throws Exception { Fn2<Integer, Integer, Integer> nTimesM = λ(n, m = two(), n * m); assertEquals(2, (int), 1)); assertEquals(4, (int); } private int two() { return 2; } @Test public void defaultValueFromStaticFieldForSecondArgument() throws Exception { Fn2<Double, Double, Double> nTimesM = λ(x, y = PI, x * y); assertEquals(2,, 1.0), 0.0); assertEquals(2 * PI,, 0.0); } @Test public void readingBindings() throws Exception { Fn0<String> closure = getClosureWithBindings("world"); Fn0<?>.Binding binding = closure.binding(); assertEquals(this, binding.get("this")); assertEquals(2, binding.get("two")); assertEquals("world", binding.get("arg"));; binding = closure.binding(); assertEquals(4, binding.get("two")); } public Fn0<String> getClosureWithBindings(String arg) { @SuppressWarnings("unused") int two = 2; return λ((two = 4) + hello() + arg); } public void readingVariableNotInBindingReturnsNull() throws Exception { Fn0<String> closure = λ(hello()); Fn0<?>.Binding binding = closure.binding(); assertNull(binding.get("x")); } @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void changingFinalVariableInBindingThrowsException() throws Exception { Fn0<String> closure = λ(hello()); Fn0<?>.Binding binding = closure.binding(); binding.set("this", this); } @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void changingVariableNotInBindingThrowsException() throws Exception { Fn0<String> closure = λ(hello()); Fn0<?>.Binding binding = closure.binding(); binding.set("x", 2); } @Test public void changingMutableVariableInBindingReflectsOnCapturedContext() throws Exception { int two = 2; Fn0<?>.Binding binding = λ(two = 2).binding(); binding.set("two", 4); assertEquals(4, two); } @Test public void changingMutableVariableInCapturedContextReflectsOnBinding() throws Exception { int two = 2; Fn0<?>.Binding binding = λ(two = 2).binding(); two = 4; assertEquals(two, binding.get("two")); assertEquals(4, binding.get("two")); } @Test public void serializingOfClosure() throws Exception { int x = 5; Fn1<Integer, Integer> inc = λ(n, x = n + x); assertEquals(10, (int); assertEquals(10, x); byte[] bytes = serialze(inc); Fn1<Integer, Integer> deserializedInc = deserialize(bytes); assertNotSame(inc, deserializedInc); assertEquals(15, (int); assertEquals(10, x); assertEquals(12, (int); assertEquals(12, x); assertEquals(20, (int); } int fieldOnThis = 5; @Test public void serializingWhenClosingOverThis() throws Exception { Fn1<Integer, Integer> inc = λ(n, this.fieldOnThis = n + this.fieldOnThis); assertEquals(10, (int); assertEquals(10, this.fieldOnThis); byte[] bytes = serialze(inc); Fn1<Integer, Integer> deserializedInc = deserialize(bytes); assertNotSame(inc, deserializedInc); assertEquals(15, (int); assertEquals(10, this.fieldOnThis); } @Test(expected = NotSerializableException.class) public void lambdaMustBeExplicitlySerializable() throws Exception { Runnable runnable = delegate(fieldOnThis = 1);; assertEquals(1, fieldOnThis); serialze(runnable); } }