package org.enumerable.lambda.enumerable.collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.enumerable.lambda.Fn0; import org.enumerable.lambda.Fn1; import org.enumerable.lambda.Fn2; /** * <p> * <a href=""/>Ruby's Enumerable * module in 1.8.6</a> * </p> * <p> * <a href=""/>Ruby's * Enumerable module in 1.9</a> * </p> */ public interface IEnumerable<E> extends Iterable<E> { /** * Passes each element of the collection to the given block. The method * returns true if the block never returns false or null. */ boolean all(Fn1<? super E, ?> block); /** * Passes each element of the collection to the an implicit block of * {@link Fn1#identity()}. The method returns true if the block never * returns false or null. */ boolean all(); /** * Passes each element of the collection to the given block. The method * returns true if the block ever returns a value other than false or null. */ boolean any(Fn1<? super E, ?> block); /** * Passes each element of the collection to the an implicit block of * {@link Fn1#identity()}. The method returns true if the block ever returns * a value other than false or null. */ boolean any(); /** * Returns a new list with the results of running block once for every * element in collection. */ <R> EList<R> collect(Fn1<? super E, ? extends R> block); /** * Returns the count of all elements in collection. */ int count(); /** * Returns the count of objects in collection that equal obj. */ int count(E obj); /** * Returns the count of objects in collection for which the block returns a * true value. */ int count(Fn1<? super E, Boolean> block); /** * Returns null if collection has no elements; otherwise, passes the * elements, one at a time to the block. When it reaches the end, it * repeats. The number of times it repeats is set by the parameter. */ <R> Object cycle(int times, Fn1<? super E, R> block); /** * Returns a list containing all but the first n elements of collection. */ EList<E> drop(int n); /** * Passes elements in turn to the block until the block does not return a * true value. Starting with that element, copies the remainder to a list * and returns it. */ EList<E> dropWhile(Fn1<? super E, Boolean> block); /** * Passes each entry in collection to block. Returns the first for which * block is not false. If no object matches, it returns null. */ E detect(Fn1<? super E, Boolean> block); /** * Passes each entry in collection to block. Returns the first for which * block is not false. If no object matches, it returns ifNone. */ E detect(Fn0<E> ifNone, Fn1<? super E, Boolean> block); /** * Calls block for each item in collection. */ <R> IEnumerable<E> each(Fn1<? super E, R> block); /** * Iterates the given block for each list of consecutive n elements. */ <R> Object eachCons(int n, Fn1<List<E>, R> block); /** * Iterates the given block for each slice of n elements. */ <R> Object eachSlice(int n, Fn1<List<E>, R> block); /** * Calls block with two arguments, the item and its index, for each item in * collection. */ <R> IEnumerable<E> eachWithIndex(Fn2<? super E, Integer, R> block); /** * Calls block with two arguments, the item and the memo object, for each * item in collection. */ <M, R> M eachWithObject(M memo, Fn2<? super E, M, R> block); /** * @see #toList() */ EList<E> entries(); /** * @see #detect(Fn1) */ E find(Fn1<? super E, Boolean> block); /** * @see #detect(Fn0, Fn1) */ E find(Fn0<E> ifNone, Fn1<? super E, Boolean> block); /** * Returns a list containing all elements of collection for which block is * not false. */ EList<E> findAll(Fn1<? super E, Boolean> block); /** * Returns the index of the first item for which the given block returns a * true value or returns -1 if the block only ever returns false. */ int findIndex(Fn1<? super E, Boolean> block); /** * Returns the first item of collection or null. */ E first(); /** * Returns the first n items of collection. */ EList<E> first(int n); /** * Returns a list of every element in collection for which pattern matches. */ EList<E> grep(Pattern pattern); /** * Returns a list of every element in collection for which pattern matches. * Each matching element is passed to the block, and its result is stored in * the output list. */ <R> EList<R> grep(Pattern pattern, Fn1<? super E, R> block); /** * @see #grep(Pattern) */ EList<E> grep(String pattern); /** * @see #grep(Pattern, Fn1) */ <R> EList<R> grep(String pattern, Fn1<? super E, R> block); /** * Partitions collection by calling the block for each item and using the * result returned by the block to group the items into buckets. Returns a * map where the keys are the objects returned by the block, and the values * for a key are those items for which the block returned that object. */ <R> EMap<R, EList<E>> groupBy(Fn1<? super E, R> block); /** * @see #member(Object) */ boolean include(Object obj); /** * Combines the elements of collection by applying the block to an * accumulator value (memo) and each element in turn. At each step, memo is * set to the value returned by the block. This form uses the first element * of the collection as a the initial value (and skips that element while * iterating). */ E inject(Fn2<? super E, ? super E, ? extends E> block); /** * Combines the elements of collection by applying the block to an * accumulator value (memo) and each element in turn. At each step, memo is * set to the value returned by the block. This form lets you supply an * initial value for memo. */ <R> R inject(R initial, Fn2<? super R, ? super E, ? extends R> block); /** * @see #collect(Fn1) */ <R> EList<R> map(Fn1<? super E, ? extends R> block); /** * Returns the object in collection with the maximum value. This form * assumes all objects implement {@link Comparable} */ E max(); /** * Returns the object in collection with the maximum value. This form uses * the block to {@link Comparator#compare}. */ E max(Fn2<? super E, ? super E, Integer> block); /** * Passes each item in the collection to the block. Returns the item * corresponding to the largest value returned by the block. */ <R extends Object & Comparable<? super R>> E maxBy(Fn1<? super E, R> block); /** * Returns true if any member of collection equals obj. Equality is tested * using {@link Object#equals(Object)}. */ boolean member(Object obj); /** * Returns the object in collection with the minimum value. This form * assumes all objects implement {@link Comparable}. */ E min(); /** * Returns the object in collection with the minimum value. This form uses * the block to {@link Comparator#compare}. */ E min(Fn2<? super E, ? super E, Integer> block); /** * Passes each item in the collection to the block. Returns the item * corresponding to the smallest value returned by the block. */ <R extends Object & Comparable<? super R>> E minBy(Fn1<? super E, R> block); /** * Compares the elements of self using {@link Comparable}, returning the * minimum and maximum value. */ EList<E> minMax(); /** * Compares the elements of self using the given block, returning the * minimum and maximum value. */ EList<E> minMax(Fn2<? super E, ? super E, Integer> block); /** * Passes each item in the collection to the block. Returns the items * corresponding to the smallest and largest values returned by the block. */ <R extends Object & Comparable<? super R>> EList<E> minMaxBy(Fn1<? super E, R> block); /** * Passes each element of the collection to the given block. The method * returns true if the block never returns a value other than false or null. */ boolean none(Fn1<? super E, ?> block); /** * Passes each element of the collection to the an implicit block of * {@link Fn1#identity()}. The method returns true if the block never * returns a value other than false or null. */ boolean none(); /** * Passes each element of the collection to the given block. The method * returns true if the block returns true exactly one time. */ boolean one(Fn1<? super E, ?> block); /** * Passes each element of the collection to the an implicit block of * {@link Fn1#identity()}. The method returns true if the block returns true * exactly one time. */ boolean one(); /** * Returns two lists, the first containing the elements of collection for * which the block evaluates to true, the second containing the rest. */ EList<EList<E>> partition(Fn1<? super E, Boolean> block); /** * @see #inject(Fn2) */ E reduce(Fn2<? super E, ? super E, ? extends E> block); /** * @see #inject(Object, Fn2) */ <R> R reduce(R initial, Fn2<? super R, ? super E, ? extends R> block); /** * Returns a list containing all elements of collection for which block is * false. */ EList<E> reject(Fn1<? super E, Boolean> block); /** * Invokes the block with the elements of collection in reverse order. * Creates an intermediate list internally, so this might be expensive on * large collections. */ <R> IEnumerable<E> reverseEach(Fn1<? super E, R> block); /** * @see #findAll(Fn1) */ EList<E> select(Fn1<? super E, Boolean> block); /** * Returns a list containing the items in collection sorted, according to * their own compareTo method. */ EList<E> sort(); /** * Returns a list containing the items in collection sorted by using the * results of the supplied block. */ EList<E> sort(Fn2<? super E, ? super E, Integer> block); /** * Sorts collection using a set of keys generated by mapping the values in * collection through the given block. * <p> * The current implementation of sortBy generates an array of tuples * containing the original collection element and the mapped value. This * makes sortBy fairly expensive when the keysets are simple * <p> * However, consider the case where comparing the keys is a non-trivial * operation. The following code sorts some files on modification time. * * <pre> * sortBy(files, fn(s, new File(s).lastModified()) // ["mon", "tues", "wed", "thurs"] * </pre> * <p> * Perl users often call this approach a Schwartzian Transform, after Randal * Schwartz. We construct a temporary array, where each element is an array * containing our sort key along with the filename. We sort this array, and * then extract the filename from the result. */ <R extends Object & Comparable<? super R>> EList<E> sortBy(Fn1<? super E, R> block); /** * Returns a list containing the first n items from collection. */ EList<E> take(int n); /** * Passes successive items to the block, adding them to the result list * until the block returns false or null. */ EList<E> takeWhile(Fn1<? super E, Boolean> block); /** * Returns a list containing the items in collection. */ EList<E> toList(); /** * Creates a new Set containing the elements of the given collection. */ ESet<E> toSet(); /** * Creates a new Set containing the elements of the given collection, the * elements are preprocessed by the given block. */ <R> ESet<R> toSet(Fn1<? super E, R> block); /** * Converts any arguments to iterators, then merges elements of collection * with corresponding elements from each argument. This generates a sequence * of collection#size n-element list, where n is one more that the count of * arguments. If the size of any argument is less than collection#size, null * values are supplied. The block is invoked for each output array. Returns * null. */ <R> Object zip(List<Iterable<?>> args, Fn1<? super EList<?>, R> block); /** * Converts any arguments to iterators, then merges elements of collection * with corresponding elements from each argument. This generates a sequence * of collection#size n-element list, where n is one more that the count of * arguments. If the size of any argument is less than collection#size, null * values are supplied. */ EList<EList<?>> zip(Iterable<?>... args); }