/* SettingsService.java (c) 2011-2013 Edward Swartz All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package v9t9.server.tcf.services.local; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.core.ErrorReport; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.protocol.IChannel; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.protocol.IErrorReport; import ejs.base.properties.IProperty; import v9t9.common.client.ISettingsHandler; import v9t9.common.machine.IMachine; import v9t9.common.settings.IStoredSettings; import v9t9.common.settings.SettingSchema; import v9t9.common.settings.Settings; import v9t9.server.tcf.services.ISettings; /** * Implementation of the ISettings service. * @author ejs * */ public class SettingsService extends BaseServiceImpl { private ISettingsHandler settings; public SettingsService(IMachine machine, IChannel channel_) { super(machine, channel_, ISettings.NAME); settings = Settings.getSettings(machine); registerCommand(ISettings.COMMAND_QUERY_ALL, 0, 2); registerCommand(ISettings.COMMAND_SET, 2, 2); registerCommand(ISettings.COMMAND_GET, 1, 2); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.eclipse.tm.tcf.protocol.IService#getName() */ @Override public String getName() { return ISettings.NAME; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see v9t9.server.tcf.services.local.BaseServiceImpl#handleCommand(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object[]) */ @Override protected Object[] handleCommand(String name, Object[] args) throws ErrorReport, Exception { if (ISettings.COMMAND_QUERY_ALL.equals(name)) { List<Map<String, Object>> propsList = new ArrayList<Map<String,Object>>(); Map<IProperty, SettingSchema> all = settings.getAllSettings(); for (Map.Entry<IProperty, SettingSchema> entry : all.entrySet()) { Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<String, Object>(); IProperty p = entry.getKey(); props.put(ISettings.PROP_NAME, p.getName()); if (p.getLabel() != null && !p.getName().equals(p.getLabel())) props.put(ISettings.PROP_LABEL, p.getLabel()); if (p.getDescription() != null) props.put(ISettings.PROP_DESCRIPTION, p.getDescription()); String type = null; Class<?> theClass = p.getType(); SettingSchema schema = entry.getValue(); if (schema != null && schema.getDefaultValue() != null) theClass = schema.getDefaultValue().getClass(); if (theClass.equals(String.class)) { type = ISettings.TYPE_STRING; } else if (theClass.equals(Integer.class) || theClass.equals(Integer.TYPE) || theClass.equals(Long.class) || theClass.equals(Long.TYPE) || theClass.equals(Short.class) || theClass.equals(Short.TYPE) || theClass.equals(Byte.class) || theClass.equals(Byte.TYPE) ) { type = ISettings.TYPE_INT; } else if (theClass.equals(Boolean.class) || theClass.equals(Boolean.TYPE)) { type = ISettings.TYPE_BOOL; } else if (theClass.equals(List.class)) { type = ISettings.TYPE_LIST; } if (type != null) { props.put(ISettings.PROP_TYPE, type); } if (schema != null) { props.put(ISettings.PROP_CONTEXT, schema.getContext()); if (type != null) { props.put(ISettings.PROP_DEFAULT, schema.getDefaultValue()); } } propsList.add(props); } return new Object[] { null, propsList }; } else if (ISettings.COMMAND_GET.equals(name)) { String propName = args[0].toString(); IProperty prop = null; IStoredSettings storage = settings.findSettingStorage(propName); prop = storage != null ? storage.find(propName) : null; if (storage == null || prop == null) throw new ErrorReport("unknown setting: " + propName, IErrorReport.TCF_ERROR_INV_CONTEXT); return new Object[] { null, prop.getValue() }; } else if (ISettings.COMMAND_SET.equals(name)) { String propName = args[0].toString(); IProperty prop = null; IStoredSettings storage = settings.findSettingStorage(propName); prop = storage != null ? storage.find(propName) : null; if (storage == null || prop == null) throw new ErrorReport("unknown setting: " + propName, IErrorReport.TCF_ERROR_INV_CONTEXT); Object oldValue = prop.getValue(); prop.setValue(args[1]); return new Object[] { null, oldValue }; } throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }