/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 Wind River Systems, Inc. and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Wind River Systems - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.tm.internal.tcf.services.remote; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.core.Command; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.protocol.IChannel; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.protocol.IErrorReport; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.protocol.IToken; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.services.IDiagnostics; public class DiagnosticsProxy implements IDiagnostics { private final IChannel channel; private static class Symbol implements ISymbol { private final Map<String,Object> props; Symbol(Map<String,Object> props) { this.props = props; } public String getSectionName() { return (String)props.get("Section"); } public Number getValue() { return (Number)props.get("Value"); } public boolean isAbs() { Boolean b = (Boolean)props.get("Abs"); return b != null && b.booleanValue(); } public boolean isCommon() { String s = (String)props.get("Storage"); return s != null && s.equals("COMMON"); } public boolean isGlobal() { String s = (String)props.get("Storage"); return s != null && s.equals("GLOBAL"); } public boolean isLocal() { String s = (String)props.get("Storage"); return s != null && s.equals("LOCAL"); } public boolean isUndef() { String s = (String)props.get("Storage"); return s != null && s.equals("UNDEF"); } } public DiagnosticsProxy(IChannel channel) { this.channel = channel; } public String getName() { return NAME; } public IToken echo(String s, final DoneEcho done) { return new Command(channel, this, "echo", new Object[]{ s }) { @Override public void done(Exception error, Object[] args) { String str = null; if (error == null) { assert args.length == 1; str = (String)args[0]; } done.doneEcho(token, error, str); } }.token; } public IToken echoFP(BigDecimal n, final DoneEchoFP done) { return new Command(channel, this, "echoFP", new Object[]{ n }) { @Override public void done(Exception error, Object[] args) { BigDecimal n = null; if (error == null) { assert args.length == 1; Number x = (Number)args[0]; if (x instanceof BigDecimal) { n = (BigDecimal)x; } else { n = new BigDecimal(x.toString()); } } done.doneEchoFP(token, error, n); } }.token; } public IToken echoERR(Throwable err, final DoneEchoERR done) { Map<String,Object> map = null; if (err instanceof IErrorReport) { map = ((IErrorReport)err).getAttributes(); } else { map = new HashMap<String,Object>(); map.put(IErrorReport.ERROR_TIME, new Long(System.currentTimeMillis())); map.put(IErrorReport.ERROR_CODE, new Integer(IErrorReport.TCF_ERROR_OTHER)); map.put(IErrorReport.ERROR_FORMAT, err.getMessage()); } return new Command(channel, this, "echoERR", new Object[]{ map }) { @Override public void done(Exception error, Object[] args) { Throwable err = null; String str = null; if (error == null) { assert args.length == 2; err = toError(args[0]); str = (String)args[1]; } done.doneEchoERR(token, error, err, str); } }.token; } public IToken getTestList(final DoneGetTestList done) { return new Command(channel, this, "getTestList", null) { @Override public void done(Exception error, Object[] args) { String[] arr = null; if (error == null) { assert args.length == 2; error = toError(args[0]); arr = toStringArray(args[1]); } done.doneGetTestList(token, error, arr); } }.token; } public IToken runTest(String s, final DoneRunTest done) { return new Command(channel, this, "runTest", new Object[]{ s }) { @Override public void done(Exception error, Object[] args) { String str = null; if (error == null) { assert args.length == 2; error = toError(args[0]); str = (String)args[1]; } done.doneRunTest(token, error, str); } }.token; } public IToken cancelTest(String s, final DoneCancelTest done) { return new Command(channel, this, "cancelTest", new Object[]{ s }) { @Override public void done(Exception error, Object[] args) { if (error == null) { assert args.length == 1; error = toError(args[0]); } done.doneCancelTest(token, error); } }.token; } public IToken getSymbol(String context_id, String symbol_name, final DoneGetSymbol done) { return new Command(channel, this, "getSymbol", new Object[]{ context_id, symbol_name }) { @Override public void done(Exception error, Object[] args) { ISymbol sym = null; if (error == null) { assert args.length == 2; error = toError(args[0]); sym = toSymbol(args[1]); } done.doneGetSymbol(token, error, sym); } }.token; } public IToken createTestStreams(int inp_buf_size, int out_buf_size, final DoneCreateTestStreams done) { return new Command(channel, this, "createTestStreams", new Object[]{ inp_buf_size, out_buf_size }) { @Override public void done(Exception error, Object[] args) { String inp_id = null; String out_id = null; if (error == null) { assert args.length == 3; error = toError(args[0]); inp_id = (String)args[1]; out_id = (String)args[2]; } done.doneCreateTestStreams(token, error, inp_id, out_id); } }.token; } public IToken disposeTestStream(String id, final DoneDisposeTestStream done) { return new Command(channel, this, "disposeTestStream", new Object[]{ id }) { @Override public void done(Exception error, Object[] args) { if (error == null) { assert args.length == 1; error = toError(args[0]); } done.doneDisposeTestStream(token, error); } }.token; } public IToken not_implemented_command(final DoneNotImplementedCommand done) { return new Command(channel, this, "not implemented command", null) { @Override public void done(Exception error, Object[] args) { done.doneNotImplementedCommand(token, error); } }.token; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private String[] toStringArray(Object o) { if (o == null) return null; Collection<String> c = (Collection<String>)o; return (String[])c.toArray(new String[c.size()]); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private ISymbol toSymbol(Object o) { if (o == null) return null; return new Symbol((Map<String,Object>)o); } }