/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2008, 2011 Wind River Systems, Inc. and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Wind River Systems - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.tm.internal.tcf.debug.tests; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.protocol.IChannel; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.protocol.IErrorReport; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.protocol.IToken; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.protocol.JSON; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.protocol.Protocol; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.services.IBreakpoints; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.services.IDiagnostics; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.services.IDisassembly; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.services.ILineNumbers; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.services.IMemory; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.services.IMemoryMap; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.services.IPathMap; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.services.IRegisters; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.services.IRunControl; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.services.ISymbols; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.services.IDiagnostics.ISymbol; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.services.IDisassembly.IDisassemblyLine; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.services.ILineNumbers.CodeArea; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.services.IMemory.MemoryContext; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.services.IMemory.MemoryError; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.services.IMemoryMap.MemoryRegion; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.services.IPathMap.PathMapRule; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.services.IRegisters.RegistersContext; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.services.IRunControl.RunControlContext; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.services.ISymbols.Symbol; class TestRCBP1 implements ITCFTest, IRunControl.RunControlListener { private final TCFTestSuite test_suite; private final RunControl test_rc; private final int channel_id; private final List<PathMapRule> path_map; private final Map<String,ArrayList<MemoryRegion>> mem_map; private final IDiagnostics srv_diag; private final ISymbols srv_syms; private final IMemory srv_memory; private final IRunControl srv_run_ctrl; private final IRegisters srv_registers; private final IBreakpoints srv_breakpoints; private final ILineNumbers srv_line_numbers; private final IDisassembly srv_disassembly; private final IPathMap srv_path_map; private final IMemoryMap srv_memory_map; private final Map<String,IRunControl.RunControlContext> threads = new HashMap<String,IRunControl.RunControlContext>(); private final Map<String,SuspendedContext> suspended = new HashMap<String,SuspendedContext>(); private final Map<String,SuspendedContext> suspended_prev = new HashMap<String,SuspendedContext>(); private final Map<String,IDisassemblyLine[]> disassembly_lines = new HashMap<String,IDisassemblyLine[]>(); private final Map<String,Map<String,Object>[]> disassembly_capabilities = new HashMap<String,Map<String,Object>[]>(); private final Set<String> running = new HashSet<String>(); private final Set<IToken> get_state_cmds = new HashSet<IToken>(); private final Map<String,Map<String,IRegisters.RegistersContext>> regs = new HashMap<String,Map<String,IRegisters.RegistersContext>>(); private final Map<String,Map<String,Object>> bp_list = new HashMap<String,Map<String,Object>>(); private final Map<String,IDiagnostics.ISymbol> sym_list = new HashMap<String,IDiagnostics.ISymbol>(); private final Random rnd = new Random(); private String[] test_list; private String test_id; private boolean path_map_done; private boolean mem_map_done; private String test_ctx_id; // Test context ID private IRunControl.RunControlContext test_context; private String main_thread_id; private Map<String,Object> bp_capabilities; private Runnable pending_cancel; private int bp_cnt; private boolean done_get_state; private boolean done_disassembly; private int resume_cnt = 0; private IToken cancel_test_cmd; private boolean bp_reset_done; private boolean bp_set_done; private boolean bp_change_done; private boolean bp_sync_done; private boolean data_bp_area_done; private ILineNumbers.CodeArea data_bp_area; private String data_bp_id; private int data_bp_cnt; private boolean mem_map_test_running; private boolean mem_map_test_done; private boolean all_setup_done; private static int mem_map_region_id = 0; private static class SuspendedContext { final String id; final String pc; final String reason; final Map<String,Object> params; boolean get_state_pending; boolean ok_to_resume; SuspendedContext(String id, String pc, String reason, Map<String,Object> params) { this.id = id; this.pc = pc; this.reason = reason; this.params = params; } } private static class MemRegion implements MemoryRegion { private final Map<String,Object> props; MemRegion(Map<String,Object> props) { this.props = props; } public Number getAddress() { return (Number)props.get(IMemoryMap.PROP_ADDRESS); } public Number getSize() { return (Number)props.get(IMemoryMap.PROP_SIZE); } public Number getOffset() { return (Number)props.get(IMemoryMap.PROP_OFFSET); } public String getFileName() { return (String)props.get(IMemoryMap.PROP_FILE_NAME); } public String getSectionName() { return (String)props.get(IMemoryMap.PROP_SECTION_NAME); } public int getFlags() { Number n = (Number)props.get(IMemoryMap.PROP_FLAGS); if (n != null) return n.intValue(); return 0; } public Map<String,Object> getProperties() { return props; } } private final IBreakpoints.BreakpointsListener bp_listener = new IBreakpoints.BreakpointsListener() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void breakpointStatusChanged(String id, Map<String,Object> status) { if (bp_list.get(id) != null && test_context != null && bp_cnt < 40) { if (test_context != null) { String prs = test_context.getProcessID(); if (prs != null) { for (ITCFTest test : test_suite.getActiveTests()) { if (test instanceof TestRCBP1) { TestRCBP1 rcbp = (TestRCBP1)test; if (!rcbp.mem_map_test_running) continue; if (prs.equals(rcbp.test_context.getProcessID())) return; } } } } String s = (String)status.get(IBreakpoints.STATUS_ERROR); if (s != null) exit(new Exception("Invalid BP status: " + s)); Collection<Map<String,Object>> list = (Collection<Map<String,Object>>)status.get(IBreakpoints.STATUS_INSTANCES); if (list == null) return; String err = null; for (Map<String,Object> map : list) { String ctx = (String)map.get(IBreakpoints.INSTANCE_CONTEXT); if (test_context.getProcessID().equals(ctx) && map.get(IBreakpoints.INSTANCE_ERROR) != null) err = (String)map.get(IBreakpoints.INSTANCE_ERROR); } if (err != null) { if (bp_cnt == 0 && id.equals(data_bp_id)) return; exit(new Exception("Invalid BP status: " + err)); } } } public void contextAdded(Map<String,Object>[] bps) { for (Map<String,Object> m0 : bps) { String id = (String)m0.get(IBreakpoints.PROP_ID); Map<String,Object> m1 = bp_list.get(id); if (!checkBPData(m0, m1)) return; } } public void contextChanged(Map<String,Object>[] bps) { for (Map<String,Object> m0 : bps) { String id = (String)m0.get(IBreakpoints.PROP_ID); Map<String,Object> m1 = bp_list.get(id); if (!checkBPData(m0, m1)) return; } } public void contextRemoved(String[] ids) { if (!bp_change_done) return; for (String id : ids) { if (bp_list.get(id) != null) { exit(new Exception("Invalid Breakpoints.contextRemoved event")); return; } } } private boolean checkBPData(Map<String,Object> m0, Map<String,Object> m1) { if (m1 == null) return true; m0 = new HashMap<String,Object>(m0); if (m0.get(IBreakpoints.PROP_ENABLED) == null) m0.put(IBreakpoints.PROP_ENABLED, Boolean.FALSE); if (m1.get(IBreakpoints.PROP_ENABLED) == null) m1.put(IBreakpoints.PROP_ENABLED, Boolean.FALSE); if (!m1.equals(m0)) { exit(new Exception("Invalid data in Breakpoints event: " + m0 + " != " + m1)); return false; } return true; } }; TestRCBP1(TCFTestSuite test_suite, RunControl test_rc, IChannel channel, int channel_id, List<PathMapRule> path_map, Map<String,ArrayList<MemoryRegion>> mem_map) { this.test_suite = test_suite; this.test_rc = test_rc; this.channel_id = channel_id; this.path_map = path_map; this.mem_map = mem_map; srv_diag = channel.getRemoteService(IDiagnostics.class); srv_syms = channel.getRemoteService(ISymbols.class); srv_memory = channel.getRemoteService(IMemory.class); srv_run_ctrl = channel.getRemoteService(IRunControl.class); srv_registers = channel.getRemoteService(IRegisters.class); srv_breakpoints = channel.getRemoteService(IBreakpoints.class); srv_line_numbers = channel.getRemoteService(ILineNumbers.class); srv_disassembly = channel.getRemoteService(IDisassembly.class); srv_path_map = channel.getRemoteService(IPathMap.class); srv_memory_map = channel.getRemoteService(IMemoryMap.class); } public void start() { if (srv_run_ctrl == null) { test_suite.done(this, null); } else { if (srv_breakpoints != null) srv_breakpoints.addListener(bp_listener); runTest(); } } private void runTest() { if (!test_suite.isActive(this)) return; if (!path_map_done) { setPathMap(); return; } if (!mem_map_done) { setMemMap(); return; } if (test_list == null) { getTestList(); return; } if (!bp_reset_done) { resetBreakpoints(); return; } if (test_id != null) { if (test_ctx_id == null) { startTestContext(); return; } if (test_context == null) { getTestContext(); return; } if (sym_list.isEmpty()) { getSymbols(); return; } if (!data_bp_area_done) { getDataBPFile(); return; } if (bp_capabilities == null) { getBreakpointCapabilities(); return; } if (!bp_set_done) { iniBreakpoints(); return; } } if (!done_get_state) { assert get_state_cmds.isEmpty(); assert threads.isEmpty(); assert running.isEmpty(); assert suspended.isEmpty(); getContextState(test_ctx_id); return; } if (srv_disassembly != null && !done_disassembly) { assert get_state_cmds.isEmpty(); assert disassembly_lines.isEmpty(); getDisassemlyLines(); return; } if (test_id != null) { if (!bp_change_done) { changeBreakpoints(); return; } if (!mem_map_test_done) { runMemoryMapTest(); return; } assert resume_cnt == 0; assert !all_setup_done; all_setup_done = true; for (SuspendedContext s : suspended.values()) resume(s.id); } else if (suspended.size() > 0) { final int test_cnt = suspended.size(); Runnable done = new Runnable() { int done_cnt; public void run() { done_cnt++; if (done_cnt == test_cnt) { exit(null); } } }; for (SuspendedContext sc : suspended.values()) runRegistersTest(sc, done); } else { exit(null); } } private void getTestList() { if (srv_diag == null) { test_list = new String[0]; runTest(); return; } srv_diag.getTestList(new IDiagnostics.DoneGetTestList() { public void doneGetTestList(IToken token, Throwable error, String[] list) { if (error != null) { exit(error); } else { if (list == null) list = new String[0]; if (list.length > 0) test_id = list[rnd.nextInt(list.length)]; test_list = list; runTest(); } } }); } private void setPathMap() { if (srv_path_map == null || path_map == null) { path_map_done = true; runTest(); return; } srv_path_map.set(path_map.toArray(new PathMapRule[path_map.size()]), new IPathMap.DoneSet() { public void doneSet(IToken token, Exception error) { if (error != null) { exit(error); } else { path_map_done = true; runTest(); } } }); } private void setMemMap() { if (mem_map == null || mem_map.size() == 0) { mem_map_done = true; runTest(); return; } final Set<IToken> cmds = new HashSet<IToken>(); for (String id : mem_map.keySet()) { ArrayList<MemoryRegion> l = mem_map.get(id); cmds.add(srv_memory_map.set(id, l.toArray(new MemoryRegion[l.size()]), new IMemoryMap.DoneSet() { public void doneSet(IToken token, Exception error) { cmds.remove(token); if (error instanceof IErrorReport) { IErrorReport e = (IErrorReport)error; if (e.getErrorCode() == IErrorReport.TCF_ERROR_INV_CONTEXT) error = null; } if (error != null) { exit(error); } else if (cmds.size() == 0) { mem_map_done = true; runTest(); } } })); } assert cmds.size() > 0; } private void resetBreakpoints() { if (srv_breakpoints == null) { bp_reset_done = true; runTest(); return; } // Reset breakpoint list (previous tests might left breakpoints) srv_breakpoints.set(null, new IBreakpoints.DoneCommand() { public void doneCommand(IToken token, Exception error) { if (error != null) { exit(error); return; } bp_reset_done = true; runTest(); } }); } private void getBreakpointCapabilities() { if (srv_breakpoints == null) { bp_capabilities = new HashMap<String,Object>(); runTest(); return; } srv_breakpoints.getCapabilities(test_ctx_id, new IBreakpoints.DoneGetCapabilities() { public void doneGetCapabilities(IToken token, Exception error, Map<String,Object> capabilities) { if (!test_suite.isActive(TestRCBP1.this)) return; if (error != null) { exit(error); return; } Boolean l = (Boolean)capabilities.get(IBreakpoints.CAPABILITY_LOCATION); Boolean c = (Boolean)capabilities.get(IBreakpoints.CAPABILITY_CONDITION); if (l == null || !l) { exit(new Exception("Breakpoints service does not support \"Location\" attribute")); return; } if (c == null || !c) { exit(new Exception("Breakpoints service does not support \"Condition\" attribute")); return; } bp_capabilities = capabilities; runTest(); } }); } private void startTestContext() { srv_diag.runTest(test_id, new IDiagnostics.DoneRunTest() { public void doneRunTest(IToken token, Throwable error, String context_id) { if (error != null) { exit(error); } else if (test_suite.isActive(TestRCBP1.this)) { assert test_ctx_id == null; test_ctx_id = context_id; if (pending_cancel != null) { exit(null); } else { runTest(); } } } }); } private void getTestContext() { srv_run_ctrl.getContext(test_ctx_id, new IRunControl.DoneGetContext() { public void doneGetContext(IToken token, Exception error, RunControlContext context) { if (test_suite.cancel) return; if (error != null) { exit(error); return; } test_context = context; assert test_ctx_id.equals(context.getID()); srv_run_ctrl.addListener(TestRCBP1.this); runTest(); } }); } private void getSymbols() { final HashMap<IToken,String> cmds = new HashMap<IToken,String>(); IDiagnostics.DoneGetSymbol done = new IDiagnostics.DoneGetSymbol() { public void doneGetSymbol(IToken token, Throwable error, ISymbol symbol) { String name = cmds.remove(token); if (error != null) { exit(error); return; } if (!test_suite.isActive(TestRCBP1.this)) return; assert test_ctx_id != null; if (symbol == null) { exit(new Exception("Symbol must not be NULL: " + name)); } else if (!symbol.isAbs()) { exit(new Exception("Symbol must be absolute: " + name)); } else if (symbol.getValue() == null || symbol.getValue().longValue() == 0) { exit(new Exception("Symbol value must not be NULL: " + name)); } else { sym_list.put(name, symbol); if (cmds.isEmpty()) runTest(); } } }; String[] syms = { "tcf_test_func0", "tcf_test_func1", "tcf_test_func2", "tcf_test_func3", "tcf_test_array" }; String prs = test_context.getProcessID(); for (String name : syms) cmds.put(srv_diag.getSymbol(prs, name, done), name); } private void getDataBPFile() { ISymbol sym = sym_list.get("tcf_test_func3"); if (sym == null || srv_line_numbers == null) { data_bp_area_done = true; runTest(); return; } srv_line_numbers.mapToSource(test_ctx_id, sym.getValue(), sym.getValue().longValue() + 1, new ILineNumbers.DoneMapToSource() { public void doneMapToSource(IToken token, Exception error, CodeArea[] areas) { if (error != null) { exit(error); } else { if (areas != null && areas.length > 0) data_bp_area = areas[0]; data_bp_area_done = true; runTest(); } } }); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void iniBreakpoints() { assert !bp_set_done; assert bp_list.isEmpty(); Map<String,Object> m[] = new Map[8]; for (int i = 0; i < m.length; i++) { m[i] = new HashMap<String,Object>(); m[i].put(IBreakpoints.PROP_ID, "TcfTestBP" + i + "" + channel_id); m[i].put(IBreakpoints.PROP_ENABLED, Boolean.TRUE); switch (i) { case 0: m[i].put(IBreakpoints.PROP_LOCATION, sym_list.get("tcf_test_func0").getValue().toString()); // Condition is always true m[i].put(IBreakpoints.PROP_CONDITION, "$thread!=\"\""); break; case 1: m[i].put(IBreakpoints.PROP_LOCATION, sym_list.get("tcf_test_func0").getValue().toString()); // Condition is always false m[i].put(IBreakpoints.PROP_CONDITION, "$thread==\"\""); break; case 2: // Second breakpoint at same address m[i].put(IBreakpoints.PROP_LOCATION, "tcf_test_func0"); break; case 3: // Location is an expression m[i].put(IBreakpoints.PROP_LOCATION, "(31+1)/16+tcf_test_func1-2"); // Condition is always true m[i].put(IBreakpoints.PROP_CONDITION, "tcf_test_func0!=tcf_test_func1"); break; case 4: // Disabled breakpoint m[i].put(IBreakpoints.PROP_LOCATION, "tcf_test_func2"); m[i].put(IBreakpoints.PROP_ENABLED, Boolean.FALSE); break; case 5: // Breakpoint that will be enabled with "enable" command m[i].put(IBreakpoints.PROP_LOCATION, "tcf_test_func2"); m[i].put(IBreakpoints.PROP_ENABLED, Boolean.FALSE); break; case 6: m[i].put(IBreakpoints.PROP_LOCATION, "tcf_test_func3"); break; case 7: // Data breakpoint m[i].put(IBreakpoints.PROP_LOCATION, "&tcf_test_char"); m[i].put(IBreakpoints.PROP_ACCESSMODE, IBreakpoints.ACCESSMODE_WRITE); Number ca = (Number)bp_capabilities.get(IBreakpoints.CAPABILITY_ACCESSMODE); if (data_bp_area != null && ca != null && (ca.intValue() & IBreakpoints.ACCESSMODE_WRITE) != 0) { m[i].put(IBreakpoints.PROP_FILE, data_bp_area.file); m[i].put(IBreakpoints.PROP_LINE, data_bp_area.start_line); data_bp_id = (String)m[i].get(IBreakpoints.PROP_ID); } else { m[i].put(IBreakpoints.PROP_ENABLED, Boolean.FALSE); } break; } bp_list.put((String)m[i].get(IBreakpoints.PROP_ID), m[i]); } srv_breakpoints.set(m, new IBreakpoints.DoneCommand() { public void doneCommand(IToken token, Exception error) { assert !bp_set_done; bp_set_done = true; if (error != null) { exit(error); return; } runTest(); } }); } private void getContextState(final String id) { get_state_cmds.add(srv_run_ctrl.getChildren(id, new IRunControl.DoneGetChildren() { public void doneGetChildren(IToken token, Exception error, String[] contexts) { get_state_cmds.remove(token); if (test_suite.cancel) return; if (error != null) { exit(error); return; } for (String s : contexts) getContextState(s); if (get_state_cmds.isEmpty()) doneContextState(); } })); if (id == null) return; get_state_cmds.add(srv_run_ctrl.getContext(id, new IRunControl.DoneGetContext() { public void doneGetContext(IToken token, Exception error, RunControlContext ctx) { get_state_cmds.remove(token); if (test_suite.cancel) return; if (error != null) { exit(error); return; } if (test_id != null) { assert test_ctx_id != null; assert isMyContext(ctx); for (ITCFTest t : test_suite.getActiveTests()) { if (t != TestRCBP1.this && t instanceof TestRCBP1 && ((TestRCBP1)t).threads.get(id) != null) { exit(new Exception("Invalid or missing 'CreatorID' context attribute.\nContext: " + ctx)); return; } } } if (ctx.hasState()) { threads.put(id, ctx); get_state_cmds.add(ctx.getState(new IRunControl.DoneGetState() { public void doneGetState(IToken token, Exception error, boolean susp, String pc, String reason, Map<String, Object> params) { get_state_cmds.remove(token); if (test_suite.cancel) return; if (error != null) { exit(new Exception("Cannot get context state", error)); return; } if (!susp) { if (suspended.get(id) != null) { exit(new Exception("Invalid result of getState command")); return; } running.add(id); } else { assert threads.get(id) != null; if (running.contains(id)) { exit(new Exception("Invalid result of getState command")); return; } SuspendedContext sc = suspended.get(id); if (sc != null && sc.pc != null && !sc.pc.equals(pc)) { exit(new Exception("Invalid result of getState command: invalid PC. Context: " + id)); return; } if (sc != null && sc.reason != null && !sc.reason.equals(reason)) { exit(new Exception("Invalid result of getState command: invalid suspend reason. Context: " + id)); return; } if (test_id != null && "Breakpoint".equals(reason)) { exit(new Exception("Invalid suspend reason of main thread " + id + " after test start: " + reason + " " + pc)); return; } assert !done_get_state; suspended.put(id, new SuspendedContext(id, pc, reason, params)); } if (get_state_cmds.isEmpty()) doneContextState(); } })); } if (get_state_cmds.isEmpty()) doneContextState(); } })); } private void doneContextState() { assert !done_get_state; assert get_state_cmds.isEmpty(); assert resume_cnt == 0; assert threads.size() == suspended.size() + running.size(); done_get_state = true; runTest(); } private void getDisassemlyLines() { for (final String id : suspended.keySet()) { SuspendedContext sc = suspended.get(id); get_state_cmds.add(srv_disassembly.getCapabilities(id, new IDisassembly.DoneGetCapabilities() { public void doneGetCapabilities(IToken token, Throwable error, Map<String,Object>[] arr) { get_state_cmds.remove(token); if (error != null) { exit(error); } else { disassembly_capabilities.put(id, arr); if (get_state_cmds.isEmpty()) doneDisassembly(); } } })); if (sc.pc == null) { disassembly_lines.put(id, new IDisassemblyLine[0]); continue; } BigInteger pc = new BigInteger(sc.pc); get_state_cmds.add(srv_disassembly.disassemble(id, pc, 1, null, new IDisassembly.DoneDisassemble() { public void doneDisassemble(IToken token, Throwable error, IDisassemblyLine[] arr) { get_state_cmds.remove(token); if (error != null) { exit(error); } else { disassembly_lines.put(id, arr); if (get_state_cmds.isEmpty()) doneDisassembly(); } } })); } if (get_state_cmds.isEmpty()) doneDisassembly(); } private void doneDisassembly() { assert !done_disassembly; assert get_state_cmds.isEmpty(); if (!test_suite.isActive(TestRCBP1.this)) return; assert suspended.size() == disassembly_lines.size(); done_disassembly = true; runTest(); } private void changeBreakpoints() { assert !bp_change_done; final String bp_id = "TcfTestBP5" + channel_id; final Map<String,Object> m = bp_list.get(bp_id); ArrayList<String> l = new ArrayList<String>(); l.add(test_context.getProcessID()); Boolean ci = (Boolean)bp_capabilities.get(IBreakpoints.CAPABILITY_CONTEXTIDS); if (ci != null && ci) m.put(IBreakpoints.PROP_CONTEXTIDS, l); Boolean sg = (Boolean)bp_capabilities.get(IBreakpoints.CAPABILITY_STOP_GROUP); if (sg != null && sg) m.put(IBreakpoints.PROP_STOP_GROUP, l); StringBuffer bf = new StringBuffer(); for (String id : threads.keySet()) { if (bf.length() > 0) bf.append(" || "); bf.append("$thread==\""); bf.append(id); bf.append('"'); } m.put(IBreakpoints.PROP_CONDITION, bf.toString()); bp_list.put(bp_id, m); srv_breakpoints.change(m, new IBreakpoints.DoneCommand() { public void doneCommand(IToken token, Exception error) { bp_change_done = true; if (error != null) exit(error); } }); srv_breakpoints.getIDs(new IBreakpoints.DoneGetIDs() { public void doneGetIDs(IToken token, Exception error, String[] ids) { if (error != null) { exit(error); return; } if (!bp_change_done) { exit(new Exception("Invalid responce order")); return; } HashSet<String> s = new HashSet<String>(); for (String id : ids) s.add(id); if (ids.length != s.size()) { exit(new Exception("Invalis BP list: " + ids)); return; } for (String id : bp_list.keySet()) { if (!s.contains(id)) { exit(new Exception("BP is not listed by Breakpoints.getIDs: " + id)); return; } } } }); for (final String id : bp_list.keySet()) { srv_breakpoints.getProperties(id, new IBreakpoints.DoneGetProperties() { public void doneGetProperties(IToken token, Exception error, Map<String,Object> properties) { if (error != null) { exit(error); return; } HashMap<String,Object> m0 = new HashMap<String,Object>(properties); HashMap<String,Object> m1 = (HashMap<String,Object>)bp_list.get(id); if (m0.get(IBreakpoints.PROP_ENABLED) == null) m0.put(IBreakpoints.PROP_ENABLED, Boolean.FALSE); if (m1.get(IBreakpoints.PROP_ENABLED) == null) m1.put(IBreakpoints.PROP_ENABLED, Boolean.FALSE); if (!m1.equals(m0)) { exit(new Exception("Invalid data returned by Breakpoints.getProperties: " + m0 + " != " + m1)); return; } } }); srv_breakpoints.getStatus(id, new IBreakpoints.DoneGetStatus() { public void doneGetStatus(IToken token, Exception error, Map<String,Object> status) { if (error != null) { exit(error); return; } } }); } Protocol.sync(new Runnable() { public void run() { if (!test_suite.isActive(TestRCBP1.this)) return; if (!bp_change_done) { exit(new Exception("Protocol.sync() test failed")); return; } m.put(IBreakpoints.PROP_ENABLED, Boolean.TRUE); srv_breakpoints.enable(new String[]{ bp_id }, new IBreakpoints.DoneCommand() { public void doneCommand(IToken token, Exception error) { if (error != null) exit(error); } }); bp_sync_done = true; runTest(); } }); } public void containerResumed(String[] context_ids) { for (String id : context_ids) contextResumed(id); } public void containerSuspended(String context, String pc, String reason, Map<String, Object> params, String[] suspended_ids) { for (String id : suspended_ids) { if (id.equals(context)) continue; contextSuspended(id, null, null, null); } contextSuspended(context, pc, reason, params); } public void contextAdded(RunControlContext[] contexts) { for (RunControlContext ctx : contexts) { String id = ctx.getID(); if (threads.get(id) != null) { exit(new Exception("Invalid contextAdded event:\nContext: " + ctx)); return; } if (isMyContext(ctx)) { for (ITCFTest t : test_suite.getActiveTests()) { if (t instanceof TestRCBP1 && ((TestRCBP1)t).threads.get(id) != null) { exit(new Exception("Invalid or missing 'CreatorID' context attribute.\nContext: " + ctx)); return; } } if (threads.size() > 0 && !all_setup_done) { assert !canResume(id); exit(new Exception("Unexpected contextAdded event\nContext: " + ctx)); return; } if (ctx.hasState()) { threads.put(id, ctx); if (!done_get_state) { getContextState(id); } else { running.add(id); } } } } } public void contextChanged(RunControlContext[] contexts) { for (RunControlContext ctx : contexts) { String id = ctx.getID(); if (id.equals(test_ctx_id)) test_context = ctx; if (threads.get(id) != null) { assert isMyContext(ctx); threads.put(id, ctx); } } } public void contextException(String id, String msg) { RunControlContext ctx = threads.get(id); if (ctx != null) { assert isMyContext(ctx); exit(new Exception("Context exception: " + msg)); } } public void contextRemoved(String[] contexts) { for (String id : contexts) { if (suspended.get(id) != null) { exit(new Exception("Invalid contextRemoved event")); return; } running.remove(id); if (threads.remove(id) != null && threads.isEmpty()) { if (bp_cnt != 40) { exit(new Exception("Test main thread breakpoint count = " + bp_cnt + ", expected 40")); } if (data_bp_id != null && data_bp_cnt != 10) { exit(new Exception("Test main thread data breakpoint count = " + data_bp_cnt + ", expected 10")); } srv_run_ctrl.removeListener(this); // Reset breakpoint list bp_list.clear(); srv_breakpoints.set(null, new IBreakpoints.DoneCommand() { public void doneCommand(IToken token, Exception error) { exit(error); } }); } } } public void contextResumed(String id) { IRunControl.RunControlContext ctx = threads.get(id); if (ctx == null) return; assert isMyContext(ctx); if (!ctx.hasState()) { exit(new Exception("Resumed event for context that HasState = false")); return; } SuspendedContext sc = suspended.remove(id); if (!done_get_state || sc == null || !sc.ok_to_resume || sc.get_state_pending && ctx.getRCGroup() == null) { assert !canResume(id); exit(new Exception("Unexpected contextResumed event: " + id)); return; } if (isMyBreakpoint(sc)) suspended_prev.put(id, sc); running.add(id); } private long getSymAddr(String sym) { return sym_list.get(sym).getValue().longValue(); } private String toSymName(long addr) { for (String name : sym_list.keySet()) { if (getSymAddr(name) == addr) return name; } return "0x" + Long.toHexString(addr); } private void checkSuspendedContext(SuspendedContext sc, String sym) { long pc = Long.parseLong(sc.pc); long ss = getSymAddr(sym); if (pc != ss || !"Breakpoint".equals(sc.reason)) { exit(new Exception("Invalid contextSuspended event: " + sc.id + " '" + toSymName(pc) + "' " + sc.pc + " " + sc.reason + ", expected breakpoint at '" + sym + "' " + ss)); } String bp_id = null; if (sc.params != null) { Object ids = sc.params.get(IRunControl.STATE_BREAKPOINT_IDS); if (ids != null) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Collection<String> c = (Collection<String>)ids; HashSet<String> set = new HashSet<String>(); for (String id : c) { if (!set.add(id)) { exit(new Exception("Invalid value of 'BPs' attribute: duplicate items")); return; } if (bp_list.get(id) != null) { bp_id = id; break; } } if (bp_id == null) { exit(new Exception("Invalid value of 'BPs' attribute in a context state")); } } } } private void checkSuspendedContext(final SuspendedContext sc) { boolean my_breakpoint = isMyBreakpoint(sc); if (main_thread_id == null && my_breakpoint) { // Process main thread should be the first to hit a breakpoint in the test if (!done_get_state) { exit(new Exception("Unexpeceted breakpoint hit")); return; } main_thread_id = sc.id; } if (main_thread_id == null) { if (all_setup_done) resume(sc.id); return; } if (my_breakpoint) { if (sc.id.equals(main_thread_id)) bp_cnt++; SuspendedContext sp = suspended_prev.get(sc.id); String sp_sym = sp == null ? null : toSymName(Long.parseLong(sp.pc)); if (sp == null) { checkSuspendedContext(sc, "tcf_test_func0"); } else if ("tcf_test_func0".equals(sp_sym)) { checkSuspendedContext(sc, "tcf_test_func1"); } else if ("tcf_test_func1".equals(sp_sym)) { if (sc.id.equals(main_thread_id)) { checkSuspendedContext(sc, "tcf_test_func2"); } else { checkSuspendedContext(sc, "tcf_test_func3"); } } else if ("tcf_test_func2".equals(sp_sym)) { checkSuspendedContext(sc, "tcf_test_func3"); } else if ("tcf_test_func3".equals(sp_sym)) { checkSuspendedContext(sc, "tcf_test_func0"); } } else if (isMyDataBreakpoint(sc)) { if (sc.id.equals(main_thread_id)) data_bp_cnt++; } if (!all_setup_done) return; if (!test_suite.isActive(this)) return; Runnable done = new Runnable() { public void run() { if (suspended.get(sc.id) == sc) resume(sc.id); } }; if (my_breakpoint) { switch (rnd.nextInt(5)) { case 0: runMemoryTest(sc, done); break; case 1: runRegistersTest(sc, done); break; case 2: runLineNumbersTest(sc, done); break; case 3: runSymbolsTest(sc, done); break; default: done.run(); break; } } else { done.run(); } } private boolean isMyContext(IRunControl.RunControlContext ctx) { // Check if the context was created by this test if (test_ctx_id == null) return false; return test_ctx_id.equals(ctx.getID()) || test_ctx_id.equals(ctx.getParentID()) || test_ctx_id.equals(ctx.getCreatorID()); } private boolean isMyBreakpoint(SuspendedContext sc) { // Check if the context is suspended by one of our breakpoints if (!"Breakpoint".equals(sc.reason)) return false; long pc = Long.parseLong(sc.pc); for (IDiagnostics.ISymbol sym : sym_list.values()) { if (pc == sym.getValue().longValue()) return true; } return false; } private boolean isMyDataBreakpoint(SuspendedContext sc) { // Check if the context is suspended by our data breakpoints if (data_bp_id == null) return false; if (!"Breakpoint".equals(sc.reason)) return false; if (sc.params == null) return false; Object ids = sc.params.get(IRunControl.STATE_BREAKPOINT_IDS); if (ids != null) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Collection<String> c = (Collection<String>)ids; if (c.contains(data_bp_id)) return true; } return false; } public void contextSuspended(final String id, String pc, String reason, Map<String, Object> params) { IRunControl.RunControlContext ctx = threads.get(id); if (ctx == null) return; assert isMyContext(ctx); if (!ctx.hasState()) { exit(new Exception("Suspended event for context that HasState = false")); return; } running.remove(id); SuspendedContext sc = suspended.get(id); if (sc != null) { if (done_get_state || pc != null && !sc.pc.equals(pc) || reason != null && !sc.reason.equals(reason)) { exit(new Exception("Invalid contextSuspended event")); return; } } else { sc = new SuspendedContext(id, pc, reason, params); assert !done_get_state || done_disassembly || srv_disassembly == null; suspended.put(id, sc); } if (!all_setup_done) return; assert get_state_cmds.size() == 0; assert suspended.get(id) == sc; assert !sc.get_state_pending; sc.get_state_pending = true; final SuspendedContext sc0 = sc; ctx.getState(new IRunControl.DoneGetState() { public void doneGetState(IToken token, Exception error, boolean susp, String pc, String reason, Map<String, Object> params) { if (error != null) { exit(new Exception("Cannot get context state", error)); } else if (suspended.get(id) != sc0) { exit(new Exception("Context resumed before RunControl.getState result")); } else if (!susp) { exit(new Exception("Invalid RunControl.getState result")); } else if (pc == null || pc.equals("0")) { exit(new Exception("Invalid PC returned by RunControl.getState")); } else if (test_suite.isActive(TestRCBP1.this)) { SuspendedContext sc = suspended.get(id); assert sc.get_state_pending; sc.get_state_pending = false; if (sc.pc == null || sc.reason == null) { sc = new SuspendedContext(id, pc, reason, params); assert !done_get_state || done_disassembly || srv_disassembly == null; suspended.put(id, sc); } else if (!sc.pc.equals(pc) || !sc.reason.equals(reason)) { exit(new Exception("Invalid RunControl.getState result")); return; } checkSuspendedContext(sc); } } }); } public boolean canResume(String id) { if (test_ctx_id != null && threads.size() == 0) // Don't know yet neither my thread IDs nor my RC group. return false; IRunControl.RunControlContext ctx = test_rc.getContext(id); if (ctx == null) return false; if (isMyContext(ctx) && (!all_setup_done || threads.get(id) == null)) // My threads should stay suspended until all_setup_done return false; String grp = ctx.getRCGroup(); for (IRunControl.RunControlContext x : threads.values()) { if (x.getID().equals(id) || grp != null && grp.equals(x.getRCGroup())) { SuspendedContext sc = suspended.get(x.getID()); if (sc == null) return false; if (!sc.ok_to_resume) return false; } } return true; } private void resume(String id) { assert done_get_state || resume_cnt == 0; assert bp_sync_done; assert mem_map_test_done; resume_cnt++; SuspendedContext sc = suspended.get(id); IRunControl.RunControlContext ctx = threads.get(id); if (ctx != null && sc != null) { assert !sc.get_state_pending; assert !sc.ok_to_resume; sc.ok_to_resume = true; int rm = IRunControl.RM_RESUME; if (isMyBreakpoint(sc)) { rm = rnd.nextInt(6); if (!ctx.canResume(rm)) rm = IRunControl.RM_RESUME; } test_rc.resume(id, rm); } } private void runMemoryTest(final SuspendedContext sc, final Runnable done) { if (srv_memory == null || test_suite.target_lock) { Protocol.invokeLater(done); return; } test_suite.target_lock = true; srv_memory.getContext(test_context.getProcessID(), new IMemory.DoneGetContext() { public void doneGetContext(IToken token, Exception error, final MemoryContext mem_ctx) { if (suspended.get(sc.id) != sc) { test_suite.target_lock = false; return; } if (error != null) { exit(error); return; } if (!test_context.getProcessID().equals(mem_ctx.getID())) { exit(new Exception("Bad memory context data: invalid ID")); } final boolean big_endian = mem_ctx.isBigEndian(); final int addr_size = mem_ctx.getAddressSize(); final byte[] buf = new byte[0x1000]; mem_ctx.get(sym_list.get("tcf_test_array").getValue(), 1, buf, 0, addr_size, 0, new IMemory.DoneMemory() { public void doneMemory(IToken token, MemoryError error) { if (suspended.get(sc.id) != sc) { test_suite.target_lock = false; return; } if (error != null) { exit(error); return; } byte[] tmp = new byte[addr_size + 1]; tmp[0] = 0; // Extra byte to avoid sign extension by BigInteger if (big_endian) { System.arraycopy(buf, 0, tmp, 1, addr_size); } else { for (int i = 0; i < addr_size; i++) { tmp[i + 1] = buf[addr_size - i - 1]; } } Number mem_address = new BigInteger(tmp); if (mem_address.longValue() == 0) { exit(new Exception("Bad value of 'tcf_test_array': " + mem_address)); } testSetMemoryCommand(sc, mem_ctx, mem_address, buf, done); } }); } }); } private void testSetMemoryCommand(final SuspendedContext sc, final IMemory.MemoryContext mem_ctx, final Number addr, final byte[] buf, final Runnable done) { final byte[] data = new byte[buf.length]; rnd.nextBytes(data); mem_ctx.set(addr, 1, data, 0, data.length, 0, new IMemory.DoneMemory() { public void doneMemory(IToken token, MemoryError error) { if (suspended.get(sc.id) != sc) { test_suite.target_lock = false; return; } if (error != null) { exit(error); return; } mem_ctx.get(addr, 1, buf, 0, buf.length, 0, new IMemory.DoneMemory() { public void doneMemory(IToken token, MemoryError error) { if (suspended.get(sc.id) != sc) { test_suite.target_lock = false; return; } if (error != null) { exit(error); return; } for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (data[i] != buf[i]) { exit(new Exception( "Invalid Memory.get responce: wrong data at offset " + i + ", expected " + data[i] + ", actual " + buf[i])); return; } } testFillMemoryCommand(sc, mem_ctx, addr, buf, done); } }); } }); } private void testFillMemoryCommand(final SuspendedContext sc, final IMemory.MemoryContext mem_ctx, final Number addr, final byte[] buf, final Runnable done) { final byte[] data = new byte[buf.length / 7]; rnd.nextBytes(data); mem_ctx.fill(addr, 1, data, buf.length, 0, new IMemory.DoneMemory() { public void doneMemory(IToken token, MemoryError error) { if (suspended.get(sc.id) != sc) { test_suite.target_lock = false; return; } if (error != null) { exit(error); return; } mem_ctx.get(addr, 1, buf, 0, buf.length, 0, new IMemory.DoneMemory() { public void doneMemory(IToken token, MemoryError error) { if (suspended.get(sc.id) != sc) { test_suite.target_lock = false; return; } if (error != null) { exit(error); return; } for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (data[i % data.length] != buf[i]) { exit(new Exception( "Invalid Memory.get responce: wrong data at offset " + i + ", expected " + data[i % data.length] + ", actual " + buf[i])); return; } } test_suite.target_lock = false; done.run(); } }); } }); } private void runRegistersTest(final SuspendedContext sc, final Runnable done) { if (srv_registers == null) { Protocol.invokeLater(done); return; } if (regs.get(sc.id) == null) { final Map<String,IRegisters.RegistersContext> reg_map = new HashMap<String,IRegisters.RegistersContext>(); regs.put(sc.id, reg_map); final Set<IToken> cmds = new HashSet<IToken>(); cmds.add(srv_registers.getChildren(sc.id, new IRegisters.DoneGetChildren() { public void doneGetChildren(IToken token, Exception error, String[] context_ids) { cmds.remove(token); if (suspended.get(sc.id) != sc) { regs.remove(sc.id); return; } if (error != null) { exit(error); return; } for (final String id : context_ids) { cmds.add(srv_registers.getChildren(id, this)); cmds.add(srv_registers.getContext(id, new IRegisters.DoneGetContext() { public void doneGetContext(IToken token, Exception error, RegistersContext context) { cmds.remove(token); if (suspended.get(sc.id) != sc) { regs.remove(sc.id); return; } if (error != null) { exit(error); return; } reg_map.put(id, context); if (cmds.isEmpty()) { testGetSetRegisterCommands(sc, done); } } })); } } })); } else { testGetSetRegisterCommands(sc, done); } } private void testGetSetRegisterCommands(final SuspendedContext sc, final Runnable done) { Map<String,IRegisters.RegistersContext> reg_map = regs.get(sc.id); final Set<IToken> cmds = new HashSet<IToken>(); for (final IRegisters.RegistersContext ctx : reg_map.values()) { if (!ctx.isReadable()) continue; if (ctx.isReadOnce()) continue; cmds.add(ctx.get(new IRegisters.DoneGet() { public void doneGet(IToken token, Exception error, final byte[] value) { cmds.remove(token); if (suspended.get(sc.id) != sc) return; if (error != null) { exit(error); return; } if (ctx.getSize() != value.length) { exit(new Exception("Invalid register value size")); return; } if (ctx.isWriteable() && !ctx.isWriteOnce()) { cmds.add(ctx.set(value, new IRegisters.DoneSet() { public void doneSet(IToken token, Exception error) { cmds.remove(token); if (suspended.get(sc.id) != sc) return; if (error != null) { exit(error); return; } cmds.add(ctx.get(new IRegisters.DoneGet() { public void doneGet(IToken token, Exception error, byte[] value1) { cmds.remove(token); if (suspended.get(sc.id) != sc) return; if (error != null) { exit(error); return; } for (int i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { if (value[i] != value1[i]) { exit(new Exception("Invalid register value")); return; } } if (cmds.isEmpty()) { done.run(); } } })); } })); } if (cmds.isEmpty()) { done.run(); } } })); } if (!reg_map.isEmpty()) { int data_size = 0; List<IRegisters.Location> locs = new ArrayList<IRegisters.Location>(); String[] ids = reg_map.keySet().toArray(new String[reg_map.size()]); for (int i = 0; i < rnd.nextInt(32); i++) { String id = ids[rnd.nextInt(ids.length)]; IRegisters.RegistersContext ctx = reg_map.get(id); if (!ctx.isReadable()) continue; if (!ctx.isWriteable()) continue; if (ctx.isReadOnce()) continue; if (ctx.isWriteOnce()) continue; if (ctx.getSize() == 0) continue; int offs = rnd.nextInt(ctx.getSize()); int size = rnd.nextInt(ctx.getSize() - offs) + 1; locs.add(new IRegisters.Location(id, offs, size)); data_size += size; } final int total_size = data_size; final IRegisters.Location[] loc_arr = locs.toArray(new IRegisters.Location[locs.size()]); cmds.add(srv_registers.getm(loc_arr, new IRegisters.DoneGet() { public void doneGet(IToken token, Exception error, byte[] value) { cmds.remove(token); if (suspended.get(sc.id) != sc) return; if (error == null && value.length != total_size) { error = new Exception("Invalid data size in Registers.getm reply"); } if (error != null) { exit(error); return; } cmds.add(srv_registers.setm(loc_arr, value, new IRegisters.DoneSet() { public void doneSet(IToken token, Exception error) { cmds.remove(token); if (suspended.get(sc.id) != sc) return; if (error != null) { exit(error); return; } if (cmds.isEmpty()) { done.run(); } } })); } })); } if (cmds.isEmpty()) { done.run(); } } private void runLineNumbersTest(SuspendedContext sc, final Runnable done) { if (srv_line_numbers != null && sc.pc != null) { BigInteger x = new BigInteger(sc.pc); BigInteger y = x.add(BigInteger.valueOf(1)); srv_line_numbers.mapToSource(sc.id, x, y, new ILineNumbers.DoneMapToSource() { public void doneMapToSource(IToken token, Exception error, CodeArea[] areas) { if (error != null) { exit(error); return; } done.run(); } }); } else { done.run(); } } private void runSymbolsTest(final SuspendedContext sc, final Runnable done) { if (srv_syms != null && sc.pc != null) { final BigInteger x = new BigInteger(sc.pc); srv_syms.findByAddr(sc.id, x, new ISymbols.DoneFind() { public void doneFind(IToken token, Exception error, String symbol_id) { if (error != null) { int code = IErrorReport.TCF_ERROR_OTHER; if (error instanceof IErrorReport) code = ((IErrorReport)error).getErrorCode(); switch (code) { case IErrorReport.TCF_ERROR_INV_COMMAND: case IErrorReport.TCF_ERROR_SYM_NOT_FOUND: done.run(); return; default: exit(error); return; } } srv_syms.getContext(symbol_id, new ISymbols.DoneGetContext() { public void doneGetContext(IToken token, Exception error, Symbol context) { if (error != null) { exit(error); return; } Number addr = context.getAddress(); int size = context.getSize(); if (addr == null) { exit(new Exception("Missing symbol address attribute")); return; } if (size <= 0) { exit(new Exception("Invalid symbol size attribute")); return; } BigInteger y = JSON.toBigInteger(addr); BigInteger z = y.add(BigInteger.valueOf(size)); if (x.compareTo(y) < 0 || x.compareTo(z) >= 0) { exit(new Exception("Invalid symbol address attribute")); return; } String name = context.getName(); if (name == null) { done.run(); return; } srv_syms.find(sc.id, 0, name, new ISymbols.DoneFind() { public void doneFind(IToken token, Exception error, String symbol_id) { if (error != null) { exit(error); return; } done.run(); } }); } }); } }); } else { done.run(); } } private String getRandomString() { int l = rnd.nextInt(512) + 1; StringBuffer bf = new StringBuffer(l); for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { bf.append((char)(rnd.nextInt(0xffff) + 1)); } return bf.toString(); } private void runMemoryMapTest() { assert !mem_map_test_running; if (srv_memory_map == null || test_context == null || test_context.getProcessID() == null) { mem_map_test_done = true; runTest(); return; } mem_map_test_running = true; final String prs_id = test_context.getProcessID(); srv_memory_map.get(prs_id, new IMemoryMap.DoneGet() { public void doneGet(IToken token, Exception error, MemoryRegion[] map) { if (error != null) { exit(error); return; } final Map<String,Object> props = new HashMap<String,Object>(); final String test_id = "TestRCBP1." + mem_map_region_id++; props.put(IMemoryMap.PROP_ID, test_id); if (rnd.nextBoolean()) props.put(IMemoryMap.PROP_ADDRESS, rnd.nextInt(0x10000000)); if (rnd.nextBoolean()) props.put(IMemoryMap.PROP_SIZE, rnd.nextInt(0x10000000)); if (rnd.nextBoolean()) props.put(IMemoryMap.PROP_FLAGS, rnd.nextInt(0x7)); if (rnd.nextBoolean()) { props.put(IMemoryMap.PROP_FILE_NAME, getRandomString()); if (rnd.nextBoolean()) props.put(IMemoryMap.PROP_SECTION_NAME, getRandomString()); else if (rnd.nextBoolean()) props.put(IMemoryMap.PROP_OFFSET, rnd.nextInt(0x10000000)); if (rnd.nextBoolean()) props.put(IMemoryMap.PROP_BSS, true); } List<MemoryRegion> list = new ArrayList<MemoryRegion>(); for (MemoryRegion r : map) { String id = (String)r.getProperties().get(IMemoryMap.PROP_ID); if (id != null) list.add(r); } final List<MemoryRegion> org_list = new ArrayList<MemoryRegion>(list); list.add(new MemRegion(props)); srv_memory_map.set(prs_id, list.toArray(new MemoryRegion[list.size()]), new IMemoryMap.DoneSet() { public void doneSet(IToken token, Exception error) { if (error != null) { exit(error); return; } srv_memory_map.get(prs_id, new IMemoryMap.DoneGet() { public void doneGet(IToken token, Exception error, MemoryRegion[] map) { if (error != null) { exit(error); return; } int cnt = 0; for (MemoryRegion r : map) { String id = (String)r.getProperties().get(IMemoryMap.PROP_ID); if (!test_id.equals(id)) continue; for (String p : props.keySet()) { if (!props.get(p).equals(r.getProperties().get(p))) { exit(new Error("Invalid value returned for Memory Map region property " + p)); return; } } cnt++; } if (cnt != 1) { exit(new Error("Error adding memory map entry with MemoryMap.set command")); return; } srv_memory_map.set(prs_id, org_list.toArray(new MemoryRegion[org_list.size()]), new IMemoryMap.DoneSet() { public void doneSet(IToken token, Exception error) { if (error != null) { exit(error); return; } mem_map_test_running = false; mem_map_test_done = true; runTest(); } }); } }); } }); } }); } void cancel(final Runnable done) { if (srv_run_ctrl != null) srv_run_ctrl.removeListener(this); if (test_ctx_id == null) { if (pending_cancel != null) { exit(null); } else { pending_cancel = done; } } else if (cancel_test_cmd == null) { cancel_test_cmd = srv_diag.cancelTest(test_ctx_id, new IDiagnostics.DoneCancelTest() { public void doneCancelTest(IToken token, Throwable error) { cancel_test_cmd = null; exit(error); done.run(); } }); } else { exit(new Exception("Cannot terminate remote test process")); done.run(); } } private void exit(Throwable x) { if (!test_suite.isActive(this)) return; if (pending_cancel != null) { Protocol.invokeLater(pending_cancel); pending_cancel = null; } else { if (srv_run_ctrl != null) srv_run_ctrl.removeListener(this); } if (srv_breakpoints != null) srv_breakpoints.removeListener(bp_listener); test_suite.done(this, x); } }