/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2007, 2011 Wind River Systems, Inc. and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Wind River Systems - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.tm.internal.tcf.debug.tests; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.protocol.IChannel; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.protocol.IPeer; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.protocol.Protocol; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.services.IMemoryMap; import org.eclipse.tm.tcf.services.IPathMap; /** * TCF Test Suite implements stress testing of communication channels and capabilities of remote peer. * It is intended to be used before starting a debug session for a first time to make sure the selected * target is stable and reliable. */ public class TCFTestSuite { private final static int NUM_CHANNELS = 4; private final TestListener listener; private final IChannel[] channels; private final Map<IChannel,RunControl> run_controls = new HashMap<IChannel, RunControl>(); private final LinkedList<Runnable> pending_tests = new LinkedList<Runnable>(); private final Collection<Throwable> errors = new ArrayList<Throwable>(); private final Map<ITCFTest,IChannel> active_tests = new HashMap<ITCFTest,IChannel>(); private final static HashMap<String,String> cancel_test_ids = new HashMap<String,String>(); private int count_total; private int count_done; boolean cancel; boolean canceled; boolean target_lock; public interface TestListener { public void progress(String label, int done, int total); public void done(Collection<Throwable> errors); } public TCFTestSuite(final IPeer peer, final TestListener listener, final List<IPathMap.PathMapRule> path_map, final Map<String,ArrayList<IMemoryMap.MemoryRegion>> mem_map) throws IOException { this.listener = listener; pending_tests.add(new Runnable() { public void run() { listener.progress("Running Echo Test...", ++count_done, count_total); for (IChannel channel : channels) { active_tests.put(new TestEcho(TCFTestSuite.this, channel), channel); } } }); pending_tests.add(new Runnable() { public void run() { listener.progress("Running Echo FP Test...", ++count_done, count_total); for (IChannel channel : channels) { active_tests.put(new TestEchoFP(TCFTestSuite.this, channel), channel); } } }); pending_tests.add(new Runnable() { public void run() { listener.progress("Running Echo ERR Test...", ++count_done, count_total); for (IChannel channel : channels) { active_tests.put(new TestEchoERR(TCFTestSuite.this, channel), channel); } } }); pending_tests.add(new Runnable() { public void run() { listener.progress("Running Debugger Attach/Terminate Test...", ++count_done, count_total); for (IChannel channel : channels) { active_tests.put(new TestAttachTerminate(TCFTestSuite.this, run_controls.get(channel), channel), channel); } } }); pending_tests.add(new Runnable() { public void run() { listener.progress("Running Path Map Test...", ++count_done, count_total); for (IChannel channel : channels) { active_tests.put(new TestPathMap(TCFTestSuite.this, channel, path_map), channel); } } }); pending_tests.add(new Runnable() { public void run() { listener.progress("Running Expressions Test...", ++count_done, count_total); for (IChannel channel : channels) { active_tests.put(new TestExpressions(TCFTestSuite.this, run_controls.get(channel), channel), channel); } } }); pending_tests.add(new Runnable() { public void run() { listener.progress("Running Streams Test...", ++count_done, count_total); for (IChannel channel : channels) { active_tests.put(new TestStreams(TCFTestSuite.this, channel), channel); } } }); pending_tests.add(new Runnable() { public void run() { listener.progress("Running Sys monitor Test...", ++count_done, count_total); for (IChannel channel : channels) { active_tests.put(new TestSysMonitor(TCFTestSuite.this, channel), channel); } } }); pending_tests.add(new Runnable() { public void run() { listener.progress("Running Terminals Test...", ++count_done, count_total); for (IChannel channel : channels) { active_tests.put(new TestTerminals(TCFTestSuite.this, channel), channel); } } }); pending_tests.add(new Runnable() { public void run() { int i = 0; listener.progress("Running Run Control Test...", ++count_done, count_total); for (IChannel channel : channels) { active_tests.put(new TestRCBP1(TCFTestSuite.this, run_controls.get(channel), channel, i++, path_map, mem_map), channel); } } }); pending_tests.add(new Runnable() { public void run() { int i = 0; listener.progress("Running File System Test...", ++count_done, count_total); for (IChannel channel : channels) { active_tests.put(new TestFileSystem(TCFTestSuite.this, channel, i++), channel); } } }); pending_tests.add(new Runnable() { public void run() { listener.progress("Running Interability Test...", ++count_done, count_total); Random rnd = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < channels.length; i++) { IChannel channel = channels[i]; ITCFTest test = null; switch (rnd.nextInt(11)) { case 0: test = new TestEcho(TCFTestSuite.this, channel); break; case 1: test = new TestEchoERR(TCFTestSuite.this, channel); break; case 2: test = new TestEchoFP(TCFTestSuite.this, channel); break; case 3: test = new TestAttachTerminate(TCFTestSuite.this, run_controls.get(channel), channel); break; case 4: test = new TestExpressions(TCFTestSuite.this, run_controls.get(channel), channel); break; case 5: test = new TestRCBP1(TCFTestSuite.this, run_controls.get(channel), channel, i, path_map, mem_map); break; case 6: test = new TestFileSystem(TCFTestSuite.this, channel, i); break; case 7: test = new TestPathMap(TCFTestSuite.this, channel, path_map); break; case 8: test = new TestStreams(TCFTestSuite.this, channel); break; case 9: test = new TestSysMonitor(TCFTestSuite.this, channel); break; case 10: test = new TestTerminals(TCFTestSuite.this, channel); break; } active_tests.put(test, channel); } } }); count_total = pending_tests.size() * 2; channels = new IChannel[NUM_CHANNELS]; Protocol.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { openChannels(peer); } catch (Throwable x) { errors.add(x); int cnt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < channels.length; i++) { if (channels[i] == null) continue; if (channels[i].getState() != IChannel.STATE_CLOSED) channels[i].close(); cnt++; } if (cnt == 0) listener.done(errors); } } }); } private void openChannels(IPeer peer) { listener.progress("Opening communication channels...", count_done, count_total); for (int i = 0; i < channels.length; i++) { final IChannel channel = channels[i] = peer.openChannel(); channel.addChannelListener(new IChannel.IChannelListener() { public void onChannelOpened() { for (int i = 0; i < channels.length; i++) { if (channels[i] == null) return; if (channels[i].getState() != IChannel.STATE_OPEN) return; } for (int i = 0; i < channels.length; i++) { run_controls.put(channels[i], new RunControl(TCFTestSuite.this, channels[i], i)); } runNextTest(); } public void congestionLevel(int level) { } public void onChannelClosed(Throwable error) { channel.removeChannelListener(this); if (error == null && errors.isEmpty() && (!active_tests.isEmpty() || !pending_tests.isEmpty()) && !cancel) { error = new IOException("Remote peer closed connection before all tests finished"); } int cnt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < channels.length; i++) { if (channels[i] == channel) { channels[i] = null; if (error != null && errors.isEmpty()) errors.add(error); for (Iterator<ITCFTest> n = active_tests.keySet().iterator(); n.hasNext();) { if (active_tests.get(n.next()) == channel) n.remove(); } } if (channels[i] == null) continue; if ((error != null || active_tests.isEmpty() && pending_tests.isEmpty()) && channels[i].getState() != IChannel.STATE_CLOSED) channels[i].close(); cnt++; } if (cnt == 0) listener.done(errors); } }); } } public void cancel() { cancel = true; if (canceled) return; for (final ITCFTest t : active_tests.keySet()) { if (t instanceof TestRCBP1) { ((TestRCBP1)t).cancel(new Runnable() { public void run() { assert active_tests.get(t) == null; cancel(); } }); return; } } canceled = true; for (IChannel c : channels) { if (c != null && c.getState() != IChannel.STATE_CLOSED) c.close(); } } public boolean isCanceled() { return canceled; } boolean isActive(ITCFTest test) { return active_tests.get(test) != null; } Collection<ITCFTest> getActiveTests() { return active_tests.keySet(); } Map<String,String> getCanceledTests() { return cancel_test_ids; } boolean canResume(String id) { for (RunControl r : run_controls.values()) { if (!r.canResume(id)) return false; } for (ITCFTest t : active_tests.keySet()) { if (!t.canResume(id)) return false; } return true; } void done(ITCFTest test, Throwable error) { assert active_tests.get(test) != null; if (error != null && !canceled) errors.add(error); active_tests.remove(test); if (active_tests.isEmpty()) runNextTest(); } private void runNextTest() { while (active_tests.isEmpty()) { if (cancel || errors.size() > 0 || pending_tests.size() == 0) { for (IChannel channel : channels) { if (channel != null && channel.getState() != IChannel.STATE_CLOSED) { if (errors.size() > 0) channel.terminate(new Exception("Test failed")); else channel.close(); } } return; } listener.progress(null, ++count_done, count_total); pending_tests.removeFirst().run(); ITCFTest[] lst = active_tests.keySet().toArray(new ITCFTest[active_tests.size()]); for (ITCFTest test : lst) test.start(); } } }