package elw.web; import; import; import; import org.akraievoy.couch.CouchDao; import org.akraievoy.couch.Squab; import elw.dao.Ctx; import elw.dp.mips.TaskBean; import elw.vo.*; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class MarkdownImport { protected static final Pattern PATTERN_LR_NO = Pattern.compile("# Комп.?ютерний практикум №(\\d+)"); protected static final Pattern PATTERN_VER_START = Pattern.compile("## Варіанти завдань"); protected static final Pattern PATTERN_VER_NO = Pattern.compile("^(\\d+)\\. "); protected static final Pattern PATTERN_VER_NAME = Pattern.compile("\\*\\*([^\\*]+)\\*\\*"); protected static final Pattern PATTERN_TEST_NO = Pattern.compile("^\\s*\\* Приклад (\\d+):"); public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { // you'll also need to comment out 'scope=provided' in web/pom.xml // for this to work, as servlet api is not visible by default final FileSystemXmlApplicationContext appCtx = new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext( "file://" + "/home/w/Projects/github/elw" + "/web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/elw-mvc-servlet.xml" ); appCtx.start(); // finally: destroy the context final CouchDao metaDao = (CouchDao) appCtx.getBean("metaDao", CouchDao.class); final CouchDao attachmentDao = (CouchDao) appCtx.getBean("attachmentDao", CouchDao.class); final String fileName = args.length == 1 ? args[0] : "/home/w/Projects/github/aos-tasks/"; final List<String> lines = CharStreams.readLines(Files.newReader( new File(fileName), Charsets.UTF_8 )); final Course course = metaDao.findOne(Course.class, "aos_w11"); final TaskType tType = course.getTaskTypes().get("lr"); tType.setId("lr"); final Ctx ctx = Ctx.forAssType(course, tType); Integer lrNo = null; boolean versStarted = false; Integer verNo = null; String statement = null; Integer testNo = null; String test = null; SortedMap<Integer, String> names = new TreeMap<Integer, String>(); SortedMap<Integer, String> statements = new TreeMap<Integer, String>(); SortedMap<Integer, String> tests = new TreeMap<Integer, String>(); for (int i = 0, linesSize = lines.size(); i < linesSize; i++) { final String line = lines.get(i); final Matcher matcherLrNo = PATTERN_LR_NO.matcher(line); final Matcher matcherVerStart = PATTERN_VER_START.matcher(line); final Matcher matcherVerNo = PATTERN_VER_NO.matcher(line); final Matcher matcherTestNo = PATTERN_TEST_NO.matcher(line); boolean verMatch = false; boolean testMatch = false; if (i + 1 == lines.size() || line.equals("# Л.тература")) { if ( (lrNo != null && verNo != null) ) { if (testNo != null && test != null) { tests.put(testNo, test); } updateTests(attachmentDao, ctx, lrNo, verNo, tests); updateTask(metaDao, ctx, lrNo, names); updateStatements(attachmentDao, ctx, lrNo, statements); } tests.clear(); names.clear(); statements.clear(); test = null; testNo = null; verNo = null; lrNo = null; } else if (matcherLrNo.find()) { if ( (lrNo != null && verNo != null) ) { if (testNo != null && test != null) { tests.put(testNo, test); } if (!tests.isEmpty()) { updateTests(attachmentDao, ctx, lrNo, verNo, tests); } updateTask(metaDao, ctx, lrNo, names); updateStatements(attachmentDao, ctx, lrNo, statements); } names.clear(); statements.clear(); tests.clear(); lrNo = Integer.parseInt(; versStarted = false; testNo = null; test = null; } else if (matcherVerStart.find()) { versStarted = true; } else if (versStarted && (verMatch = matcherVerNo.find())) { if (testNo != null && test != null) { tests.put(testNo, test); updateTests(attachmentDao, ctx, lrNo, verNo, tests); } tests.clear(); verNo = Integer.parseInt(; testNo = null; test = null; String verName = null; final Matcher matcherVerName = PATTERN_VER_NAME.matcher(line); if (matcherVerName.find()) { verName =; statement = line.substring(matcherVerName.end() + 1); } else { verName = "Ver #" + verNo; statement = line.substring(matcherVerNo.end() + 1); } names.put(verNo, verName); } else if ( versStarted && verNo != null && (testMatch = matcherTestNo.find()) ) { if (statement != null) { statements.put(verNo, statement); statement = null; } if (testNo != null && test != null) { tests.put(testNo, test); } testNo = Integer.parseInt(; test = ""; } if (versStarted && verNo != null) { if (testNo == null && !verMatch && !line.trim().isEmpty()) { statement += "\n" + line.trim(); } else if ( test != null && !testMatch && !line.trim().isEmpty() ) { final TaskBean.Test testRes = TaskBean.parseTest(line); if (!testRes.parseErrors.getLineToErrors().isEmpty()) { System.err.println( testRes.errors( testRes.parseErrors.getLineToErrors() ) ); } if (!test.trim().isEmpty()) { test += "\n" + line.trim(); } else { test = line.trim(); } } } } } private static void updateTask( CouchDao metaDao, Ctx ctx, Integer lrNo, SortedMap<Integer, String> names ) { final Task task; final Task taskSome = metaDao.findSome( Task.class, ctx.getCourse().getId(), ctx.getAssType().getId(), String.valueOf("lr" + lrNo) ); if (taskSome != null) { task = taskSome; } else { task = new Task( new String[] { ctx.getCourse().getId(), ctx.getAssType().getId() } ); task.setId("lr" + lrNo); } final TreeMap<String, Version> versions = new TreeMap<String, Version>(); for (Integer verId : names.keySet()) { versions.put( String.valueOf(verId), new Version().withName(names.get(verId)) ); } task.setName("ЛР №" + lrNo); task.setVersions(versions); metaDao.update(task); } private static void updateStatements( CouchDao attachmentDao, Ctx ctx, Integer lrNo, SortedMap<Integer, String> statements ) { for (Integer verId : statements.keySet()) { final Attachment attachment; final Attachment attachmentSome = attachmentDao.findLast( Attachment.class, ctx.getCourse().getId(), ctx.getAssType().getId(), "lr" + lrNo, String.valueOf(verId), "statement", "statement.txt" ); if (attachmentSome != null) { attachment = attachmentSome; } else { attachment = new Attachment(); attachment.setAuthor("akraievoy"); attachment.setComment("Import from markdown"); final TreeMap<String, FileType> fileType = new TreeMap<String, FileType>(); fileType.put("plaintext", null); attachment.setFileType(fileType); attachment.setName("statement.txt"); attachment.setSourceAddress("lynx"); final Version ver = new Version().withId(String.valueOf(verId)); final Task task = new Task().withId("lr" + lrNo); task.setVersions(IdNamed._.singleton(ver)); ctx.getAssType().setTasks(IdNamed._.singleton(task)); final Ctx ctxTask = ctx.extendTask(task); final Ctx ctxVer = ctxTask.extendVer(ver); attachment.setupPathElems( ctxVer, new FileSlot().withId("statement") ); } final Squab.CouchFile couchFile = new Squab.CouchFile(); couchFile.setContentType("text/plain"); couchFile.setData(statements.get(verId).getBytes()); couchFile.setLength((long) couchFile.getData().length); attachment.putCouchFile( FileBase.CONTENT, couchFile ); attachmentDao.update(attachment, false); } } private static void updateTests( CouchDao attachmentDao, Ctx ctx, Integer lrNo, Integer verNo, SortedMap<Integer, String> tests ) { for (Integer testId : tests.keySet()) { final Attachment attachment; final Attachment attachmentSome = attachmentDao.findLast( Attachment.class, ctx.getCourse().getId(), ctx.getAssType().getId(), "lr" + lrNo, String.valueOf(verNo), "test", "test." + testId + ".txt" ); if (attachmentSome != null) { attachment = attachmentSome; } else { attachment = new Attachment(); attachment.setAuthor("akraievoy"); attachment.setComment("Import from markdown"); final TreeMap<String, FileType> fileType = new TreeMap<String, FileType>(); fileType.put("plaintext", null); attachment.setFileType(fileType); attachment.setName("test." + testId + ".txt"); attachment.setSourceAddress("lynx"); final Version ver = new Version().withId( String.valueOf(verNo) ); final Task task = new Task().withId("lr" + lrNo); task.setVersions(IdNamed._.singleton(ver)); ctx.getAssType().setTasks(IdNamed._.singleton(task)); final Ctx ctxTask = ctx.extendTask(task); final Ctx ctxVer = ctxTask.extendVer(ver); attachment.setupPathElems( ctxVer, new FileSlot().withId("test") ); } final Squab.CouchFile couchFile = new Squab.CouchFile(); couchFile.setContentType("text/plain"); couchFile.setData(tests.get(testId).getBytes()); couchFile.setLength((long) couchFile.getData().length); attachment.putCouchFile( FileBase.CONTENT, couchFile ); attachmentDao.update(attachment, false); } } }