package elw.dao; import base.pattern.Result; import; import; import elw.dao.ctx.*; import*; import elw.vo.*; import elw.vo.Score; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import; import; import java.util.*; import org.akraievoy.couch.CouchDao; import org.akraievoy.couch.Squab; import static elw.vo.IdNamed._.*; import static elw.vo.IdNamed._.resolve; /** * Default implementation of data queries. */ public class QueriesImpl implements Queries { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(QueriesImpl.class); private final Object courseResolutionMonitor = new Object(); private CouchDao metaDao; public void setMetaDao(CouchDao metaDao) { this.metaDao = metaDao; } private CouchDao userDao; public void setUserDao(CouchDao userDao) { this.userDao = userDao; } private CouchDao attachmentDao; public void setAttachmentDao(CouchDao attachmentDao) { this.attachmentDao = attachmentDao; } private CouchDao solutionDao; public void setSolutionDao(CouchDao solutionDao) { this.solutionDao = solutionDao; } private CouchDao authDao; public void setAuthDao(CouchDao authDao) { this.authDao = authDao; } public QueriesImpl() { } public void invalidateCaches() { for (CouchDao dao : new CouchDao[] {metaDao, userDao, attachmentDao, solutionDao, authDao}) { dao.invalidateCaches(); } } public QueriesSecure secure(final Auth auth) { final QueriesSecure queriesSecure = new QueriesSecure(this, auth); queriesSecure.precacheVisible(); return queriesSecure; } public RestEnrollmentSummary restScores( final String enrId, final Collection<String> studentIds ) { final Enrollment enr = enrollmentSome(enrId); if (enr == null) { return null; } final Group group = group(enr.getGroupId()); final Collection<String> studIds = new ArrayList<String>(group.getStudents().keySet()); if (studentIds != null) { studIds.retainAll(studentIds); } final Course course = course(enr.getCourseId()); final RestEnrollmentSummary enrSummary = new RestEnrollmentSummary(); final CtxEnrollment ctxEnr = new CtxEnrollment(enr, course, group); for (CtxStudent ctxStudent : ctxEnr.students) { final RestStudentSummary studentSummary = new RestStudentSummary(); for (CtxTask ctxTask : ctxStudent.tasks) { final RestTaskSummary taskSummary = new RestTaskSummary(); for (CtxSlot ctxSlot : ctxTask.slots) { if (ctxSlot.slot.getScoreWeight() <= 0) { continue; } final List<Solution> solutions = solutions(ctxSlot); final RestSlotSummary slotSummary = RestSlotSummary.create(ctxSlot, solutions); taskSummary.register(ctxSlot, slotSummary); } studentSummary.register(ctxTask, taskSummary); } enrSummary.register(ctxStudent, studentSummary); } return enrSummary; } // LATER migrate all enrollment queries to this method public RestEnrollment restEnrollment( final String enrId, final String sourceAddress ) { final Enrollment enrRaw = userDao.findSome(Enrollment.class, null, null, enrId); if (enrRaw == null) { return null; } final Enrollment enr = markEnrollment(enrRaw); final CtxEnrollment ctxEnrollment = new CtxEnrollment( enr, course(enr.getCourseId()), group(enr.getGroupId()) ); final RestEnrollment restEnr = RestEnrollment.create( ctxEnrollment, sourceAddress ); return restEnr; } public Map<String, RestSolution> restSolutions( final String enrId, final SolutionFilter filter ) { final Enrollment enrRaw = enrollmentSome(enrId); if (enrRaw == null) { return null; } final Enrollment enr = markEnrollment(enrRaw); final Group group = group(enr.getGroupId()); final Course course = course(enr.getCourseId()); final SortedMap<String, RestSolution> solutionsRes = new TreeMap<String, RestSolution>(); final CtxEnrollment ctxEnr = new CtxEnrollment(enr, course, group); for (CtxStudent ctxStudent : ctxEnr.students) { if (!filter.preAllows(ctxStudent)) { continue; } for (CtxTask ctxTask : ctxStudent.tasks) { for (CtxSlot ctxSlot : ctxTask.slots) { final List<Solution> solutions = solutions(ctxSlot); for (Solution solution : solutions) { final CtxSolution ctxSolution = ctxSlot.solution(solution); if (filter.allows(ctxSolution)) { solutionsRes.put( solution.getCouchId(), RestSolution.create(ctxSolution, true) ); } } } } } return solutionsRes; } public CtxResolutionState resolveSlot( final String enrollmentId, final String couchId, final StudentFilter studentFilter ) { final Enrollment enrRaw = enrollmentSome(enrollmentId); if (enrRaw == null) { return CtxResolutionState.failed( couchId, "enrollment "+enrollmentId+" not found" ); } final Enrollment enr = markEnrollment(enrRaw); final Squab.Path path; try { path = Squab.Path.fromId(couchId); } catch (IllegalStateException ise) { return CtxResolutionState.failed( couchId, "not valid" ); } final String prefix = Solution.class.getSimpleName(); if (path.len() != 11 || !prefix.equals(path.elem(0))) { return CtxResolutionState.failed( couchId, "has extra/missing entries" ); } if (!enr.getGroupId().equals(path.elem(1))) { return CtxResolutionState.failed( couchId, path, "refers to incorrect group" ); } final Group group = group(enr.getGroupId()); if (group == null) { return CtxResolutionState.failed( couchId, path, "group not found" ); } if (!enr.getCourseId().equals(path.elem(3))) { return CtxResolutionState.failed( couchId, path, "refers to incorrect course" ); } final Course course = course(enr.getCourseId()); if (course == null) { return CtxResolutionState.failed( couchId, path, "course not found" ); } final CtxEnrollment ctxEnrollment = new CtxEnrollment(enr, course, group); final Student student = group.getStudents().get(path.elem(2)); if (student == null) { return CtxResolutionState.failed( couchId, path, "student not found" ); } if (studentFilter != null && !studentFilter.allows(student)) { return CtxResolutionState.failed( couchId, path, "student access denied" ); } final CtxStudent ctxStudent = ctxEnrollment.student(student); final String indexKey = path.elem(4); final CtxTask ctxTask = ctxStudent.task(indexKey); if (ctxTask.tType == null) { return CtxResolutionState.failed( couchId, path, "taskType not found" ); } if (!ctxTask.tType.getId().equals(path.elem(5))) { return CtxResolutionState.failed( couchId, path, "taskType id mismatch" ); } if (ctxTask.task == null) { return CtxResolutionState.failed( couchId, path, "task not found" ); } if (!ctxTask.task.getId().equals(path.elem(6))) { return CtxResolutionState.failed( couchId, path, "task id mismatch" ); } if (ctxTask.ver == null) { return CtxResolutionState.failed( couchId, path, "version not found" ); } final CtxTask ctxTaskOverride; final String versionElem = path.elem(7); if (!ctxTask.ver.getId().equals(versionElem)) { final Version sharedVersion = ctxTask.task.getVersions().get(versionElem); if (!sharedVersion.isShared()) { return CtxResolutionState.failed( couchId, path, "version id mismatch" ); } ctxTaskOverride = ctxTask.overrideToShared(sharedVersion); } else { ctxTaskOverride = ctxTask; } final FileSlot fileSlot = ctxTask.tType.getFileSlots().get(path.elem(8)); if (fileSlot == null) { return CtxResolutionState.failed( couchId, path, "file slot not found" ); } final CtxSlot ctxSlot = ctxTaskOverride.slot(fileSlot); return new CtxResolutionState(path, ctxSlot); } // FIXME proceed with upload processing public CtxSolution resolveSolution( final String enrollmentId, final String solutionCouchId, final StudentFilter studentFilter ) { final CtxResolutionState state = resolveSlot(enrollmentId, solutionCouchId, studentFilter); if (!state.complete()) { // everything is already reported in logs, we just bail return null; } final String solutionId = state.path.elem(9); final long solutionStamp = Squab.Stamped.parse(state.path.elem(10)); final Solution solutionCouch = solutionDao.findByStamp( solutionStamp, Solution.class,, state.ctxSlot.student.getId(), state.ctxSlot.course.getId(), state.ctxSlot.indexEntry.getId(), state.ctxSlot.tType.getId(), state.ctxSlot.task.getId(), state.ctxSlot.ver.getId(), state.ctxSlot.slot.getId(), solutionId ); // FIXME this somehow got duplicated if (solutionCouch != null) { final Score score = score(state.ctxSlot.solution(solutionCouch)); solutionCouch.setScore(score); } final Solution solution = Nav.resolveFileType( solutionCouch, state.ctxSlot.course.getFileTypes() ); return state.ctxSlot.solution(solution); } public RestSolution restSolution( final String enrollmentId, final String solId, final StudentFilter studentFilter ) { final CtxSolution ctxSolution = resolveSolution( enrollmentId, solId, studentFilter ); return RestSolution.create(ctxSolution, true); } public boolean createSolution( final CtxSlot ctxSlot, final Solution solution, final String contentType, final InputSupplier<InputStream> inputSupplier ) { solution.setupPathElems(ctxSlot.pathForSolution()); // there's no need to store full file type object, // it's easily resolved on-load final TreeMap<String, FileType> emptyMap = new TreeMap<String, FileType>(); emptyMap.put(, null); solution.setFileType(emptyMap); final CouchDao.UpdateStatus createStatus = solutionDao.createOrUpdate(solution); solution.setCouchRev(createStatus.rev); solution.setStamp(createStatus.stamp); solutionDao.attachStream( solution, FileBase.CONTENT, contentType, inputSupplier ); return true; } public Group group(final String groupId) { final Group group = userDao.findOne(Group.class, groupId); mark(group.getStudents()); return group; } public List<Attachment> attachments(CtxSlot ctxSlot) { final List<Attachment> attachments = attachmentDao.findAll( Attachment.class, ctxSlot.course.getId(), ctxSlot.tType.getId(), ctxSlot.task.getId(), ctxSlot.ver.getId(), ctxSlot.slot.getId() ); return Nav.resolveFileType(attachments, ctxSlot.course.getFileTypes()); } public Attachment attachment(Ctx ctxVer, final String slotId, final String id) { final Attachment attachment = attachmentDao.findLast( Attachment.class, ctxVer.getCourse().getId(), ctxVer.getAssType().getId(), ctxVer.getAss().getId(), ctxVer.getVer().getId(), slotId, id ); return Nav.resolveFileType(attachment, ctxVer.getCourse().getFileTypes()); } public SortedMap<String, List<Solution>> solutions(Ctx ctx) { final TreeMap<String, List<Solution>> slotIdToFiles = new TreeMap<String, List<Solution>>(); for (FileSlot slot : ctx.getAssType().getFileSlots().values()) { slotIdToFiles.put(slot.getId(), solutions(ctx.ctxSlot(slot))); } return slotIdToFiles; } public List<Solution> solutions(CtxSlot ctx) { final List<Solution> solutions = solutionDao.findAll( Solution.class,, ctx.student.getId(), ctx.course.getId(), ctx.indexEntry.getId(), ctx.tType.getId(), ctx.task.getId(), ctx.ver.getId(), ctx.slot.getId() ); for (Solution solution : solutions) { setupScore(ctx, solution); } return Nav.resolveFileType(solutions, ctx.course.getFileTypes()); } protected void setupScore(CtxSlot ctx, Solution solution) { final CtxSolution ctxSolution = ctx.solution(solution); // fetch last of previously fixed scores for a given solution final Score fixedScore = score(ctxSolution); final Score currentScore; if (fixedScore == null) { // okay, nothing yet set, compute preliminary one currentScore = ctxSolution.preliminary(); } else { currentScore = fixedScore; } solution.setScore(currentScore); } public Solution solution(CtxSlot ctx, String fileId) { final Solution solution = solutionDao.findLast( Solution.class,, ctx.student.getId(), ctx.course.getId(), ctx.indexEntry.getId(), ctx.tType.getId(), ctx.task.getId(), ctx.ver.getId(), ctx.slot.getId(), fileId ); if (solution != null) { setupScore(ctx, solution); } return Nav.resolveFileType(solution, ctx.course.getFileTypes()); } public Result createFile( final Ctx ctx, final FileSlot slot, final FileBase file, final InputSupplier<? extends InputStream> inputSupplier, final String contentType ) { try { final Squab.CouchFile couchFile = new Squab.CouchFile(); final byte[] content = ByteStreams.toByteArray(inputSupplier); couchFile.setData(content); couchFile.setContentType(contentType); couchFile.setLength((long) content.length); final TreeMap<String, Squab.CouchFile> couchFiles = new TreeMap<String, Squab.CouchFile>(); couchFiles.put(FileBase.CONTENT, couchFile); file.setCouchFiles(couchFiles); file.setupPathElems(ctx, slot); // there's no need to store full file type object, // it's easily resolved on-load final TreeMap<String, FileType> emptyMap = new TreeMap<String, FileType>(); emptyMap.put(, null); file.setFileType(emptyMap); final CouchDao targetDao = file instanceof Attachment ? attachmentDao : solutionDao; targetDao.createOrUpdate(file, file.getStamp() == null); return new Result("File stored successfully", true); } catch (IOException e) { log.warn("failed to store file", e); return new Result("Failed to store file", false); } } // LATER inline this public List<? extends FileBase> files( String scope, Ctx ctx, FileSlot slot ) { if (scope.equals(Attachment.SCOPE)) { return attachments(ctx.ctxSlot(slot)); } return solutions(ctx.ctxSlot(slot)); } public FileBase file(String scope, Ctx ctx, FileSlot slot, String id) { if (scope.equals(Attachment.SCOPE)) { return attachment(ctx, slot.getId(), id); } return solution(ctx.ctxSlot(slot), id); } public InputSupplier<InputStream> solutionInput( final @Nonnull CtxSolution ctxSolution, final @Nonnull String fileName ) { return solutionDao.couchFileGet( ctxSolution.solution.getCouchPath(), fileName ); } public InputSupplier<InputStream> attachmentInput( final @Nonnull CtxAttachment ctxAttachment, final @Nonnull String fileName ) { return attachmentDao.couchFileGet( ctxAttachment.attachment.getCouchPath(), fileName ); } public List<Course> courses() { final List<Course> courses = new ArrayList<Course>(); final List<String> courseIds = courseIds(); for (String courseId : courseIds) { courses.add(course(courseId)); } return courses; } public List<String> courseIds() { final List<List<String>> axes = metaDao.axes(Course.class, (String) null); final List<String> courseIds = axes.get(1); return courseIds; } public Course course(final String courseId) { final Course course = metaDao.findOne(Course.class, courseId); synchronized (courseResolutionMonitor) { // oh, that one was already resolved and published, so we bail if (course.isResolved()) { return course; } // freshly loaded objects are not marked, hence // not yet visible to http workers and safe to resolve without // surprising any http workers unaware of our evilish design final String templateId = course.getTemplate(); if (templateId != null && templateId.length() > 0) { final Course template = course(templateId); course.setCriterias(mark(extend( template.getCriterias(), course.getCriterias(), new TreeMap<String, Criteria>() ))); course.setFileTypes(mark(extend( template.getFileTypes(), course.getFileTypes(), new TreeMap<String, FileType>() ))); } mark(course.getTaskTypes()); for (final TaskType tType : course.getTaskTypes().values()) { mark(tType.getFileSlots()); for (final FileSlot fSlot : tType.getFileSlots().values()) { fSlot.setFileTypes(mark(resolve( new TreeMap<String, FileType>(fSlot.getFileTypes()), course.getFileTypes() ))); fSlot.setCriterias(mark(resolve( new TreeMap<String, Criteria>(fSlot.getCriterias()), course.getCriterias() ))); } tType.setTasks(mark(resolve( new TreeMap<String, Task>(tType.getTasks()), new IdNamed.Resolver<Task>() { public Task resolve(String key) { final Task task = metaDao.findOne( Task.class, course.getId(), tType.getId(), key ); mark(task.getVersions()); return task; } } ))); // LATER for each task iterate over versions and pull the files } course.setResolved(true); return course; } } public Admin adminSome(String login) { return userDao.findSome(Admin.class, login); } public EmailAuth lastAuth(String email) { return authDao.findLast(EmailAuth.class, email); } public EmailAuth createAuth(String email) { final EmailAuth emailAuth = new EmailAuth(); emailAuth.setActivated(false); emailAuth.setEmail(email); @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") final CouchDao.UpdateStatus updateStatus = authDao.createOrUpdate(emailAuth); return emailAuth; } public void activateAuth(final EmailAuth emailAuth) { emailAuth.setActivated(true); authDao.update(emailAuth, false); } public List<Admin> admins() { return userDao.findAll(Admin.class); } public List<String> groupIds() { final List<List<String>> axes = userDao.axes(Group.class, (String) null); final List<String> groupIds = axes.get(1); return groupIds; } public List<Group> groups() { final List<Group> groups = userDao.findAll(Group.class); for (Group group : groups) { mark(group.getStudents()); } return groups; } public List<String> enrollmentIds() { final List<List<String>> axes = userDao.axes(Enrollment.class, null, null, null); final List<String> enrIds = axes.get(3); return enrIds; } public List<Enrollment> enrollments() { final List<Enrollment> allEnrs = userDao.findAll(Enrollment.class); final ArrayList<Enrollment> result = new ArrayList<Enrollment>(); for (Enrollment enrs : allEnrs) { result.add(markEnrollment(enrs)); } return result; } public Enrollment enrollmentSome(final String id) { final Enrollment enrSome = userDao.findSome(Enrollment.class, null, null, id); return markEnrollment(enrSome); } protected static Enrollment markEnrollment(Enrollment enrSome) { if (enrSome == null) { return null; } final Enrollment enrClone; try { enrClone = enrSome.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("clone() was working recently", e); } IdNamed._.mark(enrClone.getClasses()); IdNamed._.mark(enrClone.getIndex()); return enrClone; } public Enrollment enrollment(final String id) { return markEnrollment( userDao.findOne(Enrollment.class, null, null, id) ); } public List<Enrollment> enrollmentsForGroup(String groupId) { final List<Enrollment> groupEnrs = userDao.findAll(Enrollment.class, groupId); final ArrayList<Enrollment> result = new ArrayList<Enrollment>(); for (Enrollment enr : groupEnrs) { result.add(markEnrollment(enr)); } return result; } public SortedMap<Long, Score> scores(Ctx ctx, FileSlot slot, Solution file) { final SortedMap<Long, Score> stampToScore = solutionDao.findAllStamped( Score.class, ctx.getGroup().getId(), ctx.getStudent().getId(), ctx.getCourse().getId(), ctx.getIndexEntry().getId(), ctx.getAssType().getId(), ctx.getAss().getId(), ctx.getVer().getId(), slot.getId(), file.getId() ); if (stampToScore.isEmpty()) { final TreeMap<Long, Score> preliminary = new TreeMap<Long, Score>(); preliminary.put( Long.MAX_VALUE, ctx.ctxSlot(slot).solution(file).preliminary() ); return preliminary; } return stampToScore; } public Score score(CtxSolution ctx) { final Score lastScore = solutionDao.findLast( Score.class,, ctx.student.getId(), ctx.course.getId(), ctx.indexEntry.getId(), ctx.tType.getId(), ctx.task.getId(), ctx.ver.getId(), ctx.slot.getId(), ctx.solution.getId() ); if (lastScore == null) { return ctx.preliminary(); } return lastScore; } public Score score(CtxSolution ctx, Long stamp) { if (Long.MAX_VALUE == stamp) { return ctx.preliminary(); } return solutionDao.findByStamp( stamp, Score.class,, ctx.student.getId(), ctx.course.getId(), ctx.indexEntry.getId(), ctx.tType.getId(), ctx.task.getId(), ctx.ver.getId(), ctx.slot.getId(), ctx.solution.getId() ); } public long createScore(CtxSolution ctxSolution, Score score) { score.setupPathElems(ctxSolution.pathForScore()); return solutionDao.createOrUpdate(score).stamp; } public void updateSolution(Solution solution) { solutionDao.createOrUpdate(solution, false); } public String fileText( FileBase file, final String attachment ) throws IOException { if (file instanceof Solution) { return solutionDao.fileText(file, attachment); } return attachmentDao.fileText(file, attachment); } public List<String> fileLines( FileBase file, final String attachment ) throws IOException { if (file instanceof Solution) { return solutionDao.fileLines(file, attachment); } return attachmentDao.fileLines(file, attachment); } }