package; import elw.dao.ctx.CtxSlot; import elw.vo.Solution; import elw.vo.State; import java.util.*; /** * Complete ReST-view of score for one particular Task / Version / FileSlot. */ public class RestSlotSummary { /** * States which are computed simply as enrollment budgets. */ public static final List<State> SIMPLE_STATES = Collections.unmodifiableList( Arrays.asList( State.CLOSED, State.OPEN, State.DECLINED ) ); /** * @see RestSlotSummary#create(elw.dao.ctx.CtxSlot, java.util.List) */ public RestSlotSummary() { // nothing to do here } public static RestSlotSummary create( CtxSlot ctxSlot, List<Solution> solutions ) { final RestSlotSummary slotSummary = new RestSlotSummary(); slotSummary.slotInfo = RestSlotInfo.create(ctxSlot); slotSummary.state = ctxSlot.state(solutions); slotSummary.bestApproved = RestSolution.create( ctxSlot.bestApproved(solutions), false ); slotSummary.lastPending = RestSolution.create( ctxSlot.lastPending(solutions), false ); return slotSummary; } private final SortedMap<State, Double> points = new TreeMap<State, Double>(); public SortedMap<State, Double> getPoints() { return Collections.unmodifiableSortedMap(points); } public void precachePointTotals(final CtxSlot ctxSlot) { clearPoints(points); final double pointsForSlot = ctxSlot.pointsForSlot(); final RestScore lastPendingScore = getLastPending() != null ? getLastPending().getScore() : null; final RestScore bestApprovedScore = getBestApproved() != null ? getBestApproved().getScore() : null; final State slotState = getState(); if (SIMPLE_STATES.contains(slotState)) { increment(points, slotState, pointsForSlot); } else if (slotState == State.PENDING && lastPendingScore != null) { increment(points, State.PENDING, lastPendingScore.getPoints()); } else if (slotState == State.APPROVED && bestApprovedScore != null) { // here we track both approved AND pending solutions // so we're able to aggregate the data increment( points, State.APPROVED, bestApprovedScore.getPoints() ); if (lastPendingScore != null) { increment(points, State.PENDING, lastPendingScore.getPoints()); } } else { throw new IllegalStateException("was unreachable before"); } } private RestSlotInfo slotInfo = new RestSlotInfo(); public RestSlotInfo getSlotInfo() { return slotInfo; } private State state; public State getState() { return state; } public void setState(State state) { this.state = state; } private RestSolution bestApproved; public RestSolution getBestApproved() { return bestApproved; } private RestSolution lastPending; public RestSolution getLastPending() { return lastPending; } public static void increment( final SortedMap<State, Double> points, final State addedState, final double pointsForSlot ) { points.put(addedState, points.get(addedState) + pointsForSlot); } public static void clearPoints( final SortedMap<State, Double> points ) { for (State state : State.values()) { points.put(state, (double) 0); } } }