package; import elw.dao.ctx.CtxSolution; import elw.vo.ScoreTerm; import elw.vo.State; /** * Score information of a {@link elw.vo.Solution}, with extended information. */ public class RestScore extends RestScoreInput { public static RestScore create(CtxSolution scores) { if (scores == null) { return null; } final RestScore restScore = new RestScore(); restScore.solutionId = scores.solution.getId(); restScore.stampMillis = scores.score().getStamp(); if (restScore.stampMillis != null) { restScore.stampNice = scores.dateTimeNice(restScore.stampMillis); } restScore.state = scores.state(); restScore.terms = scores.terms(); restScore.points = scores.pointsForSolution(); restScore.daysOverdue = scores.daysOverdue(); restScore.daysOpen = scores.daysOpen(); restScore.daysPending = scores.daysPending(); return restScore; } private int daysOverdue; public int getDaysOverdue() { return daysOverdue; } private int daysOpen; public int getDaysOpen() { return daysOpen; } private int daysPending; public int getDaysPending() { return daysPending; } private double points; public double getPoints() { return points; } private State state; public State getState() { return state; } private Long stampMillis; public Long getStampMillis() { return stampMillis; } private String stampNice; public String getStampNice() { return stampNice; } }