package; import org.mafagafogigante.dungeon.gui.WritingSpecifications; import org.mafagafogigante.dungeon.util.library.Libraries; import org.mafagafogigante.dungeon.util.library.Poem; /** * The main purpose of this class is to provide a public static parsePoemCommand method that parses poem commands. */ public final class PoemWriter { private PoemWriter() { throw new AssertionError(); } /** * Parses the issued command and tries to print a poem. * * <p>If the command has arguments, the game attempts to use the first one as the poem's index (one-based). * * <p>Otherwise, the next poem is based on a behind-the-scenes poem index. d command */ public static void parsePoemCommand(String[] arguments) { if (Libraries.getPoetryLibrary().getPoemCount() == 0) { Writer.write("No poems were loaded."); } else { if (arguments.length != 0) { try { // Indexing is zero-based to the implementation, but one-based to the player. int index = Integer.parseInt(arguments[0]) - 1; if (index >= 0 && index < Libraries.getPoetryLibrary().getPoemCount()) { writePoem(Libraries.getPoetryLibrary().getPoem(index)); return; } } catch (NumberFormatException ignore) { // This exception reproduces the same error message an invalid index does. } Writer.write("Invalid poem index."); } else { writePoem(Libraries.getPoetryLibrary().getNextPoem()); } } } private static void writePoem(Poem poem) { Writer.write(poem, new WritingSpecifications(false, 0)); } }