package org.mafagafogigante.dungeon.entity.items; import; import; import org.mafagafogigante.dungeon.entity.Entity; import org.mafagafogigante.dungeon.entity.LightSource; import org.mafagafogigante.dungeon.entity.Luminosity; import org.mafagafogigante.dungeon.entity.TagSet; import org.mafagafogigante.dungeon.entity.Weight; import; import org.mafagafogigante.dungeon.util.Percentage; public final class Item extends Entity { private static final long serialVersionUID = -2382173647397790563L; private final ItemIntegrity integrity; private final Date dateOfCreation; private final long decompositionPeriod; private final TagSet<Tag> tagSet; private final LightSource lightSource; private WeaponComponent weaponComponent; private FoodComponent foodComponent; private DrinkableComponent drinkableComponent; private ClockComponent clockComponent; private BookComponent bookComponent; /* The Inventory this Item is in. Should be null whenever this Item is not in an Inventory. */ private BaseInventory inventory; /** * Constructs a new Item from the provided preset and with the specified creation date. */ public Item(ItemPreset preset, Date date) { super(preset); tagSet = TagSet.copyTagSet(preset.getTagSet()); dateOfCreation = date; decompositionPeriod = preset.getPutrefactionPeriod(); integrity = ItemIntegrity.makeItemIntegrity(preset.getIntegrity(), this); lightSource = new LightSource(preset.getLuminosity()); if (hasTag(Tag.WEAPON)) { int damage = preset.getDamage(); Percentage hitRate = preset.getHitRate(); int integrityDecrementOnHit = preset.getIntegrityDecrementOnHit(); weaponComponent = new WeaponComponent(damage, hitRate, integrityDecrementOnHit); } if (hasTag(Tag.FOOD)) { foodComponent = new FoodComponent(preset.getNutrition(), preset.getIntegrityDecrementOnEat()); } if (hasTag(Tag.DRINKABLE)) { ItemUsageEffect effect = new ItemUsageEffect(preset.getDrinkableHealing()); int integrityDecrementPerDose = preset.getIntegrityDecrementPerDose(); int drinkableDoses = preset.getDrinkableDoses(); drinkableComponent = new DrinkableComponent(effect, integrityDecrementPerDose, drinkableDoses); } if (hasTag(Tag.CLOCK)) { clockComponent = new ClockComponent(this); } if (hasTag(Tag.BOOK)) { bookComponent = new BookComponent(preset.getSpellId(), preset.getText()); } } @Override public Weight getWeight() { Weight weight = super.getWeight(); if (hasTag(Tag.WEIGHT_PROPORTIONAL_TO_INTEGRITY)) { return weight.multiply(integrity.toPercentage()); } else { return weight; } } /** * Returns how many seconds have passed since this Item was created. * * @return a long representing an amount of seconds */ public long getAge() { Duration existence = new Duration(dateOfCreation, Game.getGameState().getWorld().getWorldDate()); return existence.getSeconds(); } /** * Returns the name of this Item preceded by its integrity state. */ public String getQualifiedName() { String singularName = getName().getSingular(); if (getIntegrity().getCurrent() == getIntegrity().getMaximum()) { return singularName; } else { return getIntegrityString() + " " + singularName; } } public boolean hasTag(Tag tag) { return tagSet.hasTag(tag); } public ItemIntegrity getIntegrity() { return integrity; } public WeaponComponent getWeaponComponent() { return weaponComponent; } public FoodComponent getFoodComponent() { return foodComponent; } public DrinkableComponent getDrinkableComponent() { return drinkableComponent; } public ClockComponent getClockComponent() { return clockComponent; } public BookComponent getBookComponent() { return bookComponent; } public BaseInventory getInventory() { return inventory; } public void setInventory(BaseInventory inventory) { this.inventory = inventory; } /** * Returns whether or not this item is broken. * * @return true if the current integrity is zero */ public boolean isBroken() { return integrity.isBroken(); } public void decrementIntegrityByHit() { integrity.decrementBy(weaponComponent.getIntegrityDecrementOnHit()); } public void decrementIntegrityByEat() { integrity.decrementBy(foodComponent.getIntegrityDecrementOnEat()); } public void decrementIntegrityByDrinking() { integrity.decrementBy(drinkableComponent.getIntegrityDecrementPerDose()); } public void decrementIntegrityToZero() { integrity.decrementBy(integrity.getCurrent()); } /** * Returns a string representation of the integrity state of this item. */ private String getIntegrityString() { return IntegrityState.getIntegrityState(getIntegrity().getCurrent(), getIntegrity().getMaximum()).toString(); } public long getDecompositionPeriod() { return decompositionPeriod; } @Override public Luminosity getLuminosity() { return lightSource.getLuminosity(); } @Override public String toString() { return getName().toString(); } public enum Tag {WEAPON, FOOD, DRINKABLE, CLOCK, BOOK, DECOMPOSES, REPAIRABLE, WEIGHT_PROPORTIONAL_TO_INTEGRITY} }