package org.mafagafogigante.dungeon.commands; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.mafagafogigante.dungeon.util.DungeonMath; import org.mafagafogigante.dungeon.util.Matches; import org.mafagafogigante.dungeon.util.Messenger; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.Arrays; /** * The parser of the debugging Wait command. */ class DebugWaitParser { private DebugWaitParser() { throw new AssertionError(); } /** * Evaluates and returns a constant representing which syntax was used. */ private static Syntax evaluateSyntax(String[] arguments) { if (isForSyntax(arguments)) { return Syntax.FOR; } else if (isUntilNextSyntax(arguments)) { return Syntax.UNTIL; } else { return Syntax.INVALID; } } private static boolean isForSyntax(String[] arguments) { return arguments.length > 1 && "for".equalsIgnoreCase(arguments[0]); } private static boolean isUntilNextSyntax(String[] arguments) { return arguments.length > 2 && "until".equalsIgnoreCase(arguments[0]) && "next".equalsIgnoreCase(arguments[1]); } private static void writeDebugWaitSyntax() { DungeonString string = new DungeonString(); string.append("Usage: wait "); final Color highlightColor = Color.ORANGE; string.setColor(highlightColor); string.append("for"); string.resetColor(); string.append(" [amount of time] or wait "); string.setColor(highlightColor); string.append("until next"); string.resetColor(); string.append(" [part of the day]."); Writer.write(string); } static void parseDebugWait(@NotNull String[] arguments) { Syntax syntax = evaluateSyntax(arguments); if (syntax == Syntax.INVALID) { writeDebugWaitSyntax(); } else { if (syntax == Syntax.FOR) { String timeString = StringUtils.join(arguments, " ", 1, arguments.length); try { Duration duration = DungeonTimeParser.parsePeriod(timeString); rollDate(DungeonMath.safeCastLongToInteger(duration.getSeconds())); } catch (IllegalArgumentException badArgument) { Writer.write("Provide small positive multipliers and units such as: '2 minutes and 10 seconds'"); } } else if (syntax == Syntax.UNTIL) { Matches<PartOfDay> matches = Matches.findBestCompleteMatches(Arrays.asList(PartOfDay.values()), arguments[2]); if (matches.size() == 0) { Writer.write("That did not match any part of the day."); } else if (matches.size() == 1) { rollDate(PartOfDay.getSecondsToNext(Game.getGameState().getWorld().getWorldDate(), matches.getMatch(0))); } else { Messenger.printAmbiguousSelectionMessage(); } } } } private static void rollDate(int seconds) { Engine.rollDateAndRefresh(seconds); Writer.write("Waited for " + seconds + " seconds."); } private enum Syntax {FOR, UNTIL, INVALID} }