package; /** * Uninstantiable Converter class that defines methods for IO related data conversion. */ public class Converter { private Converter() { throw new AssertionError(); } /** * Converts a given number of bytes to a human readable format. * * @return a String */ public static String bytesToHuman(long bytes) { if (bytes < 1024) { return bytes + " B"; } // 2 ^ 10 (1 KiB) has (63 - 10) = 53 leading zeros. // 2 ^ 20 (1 MiB) has (63 - 20) = 43 leading zeros. // And so forth. // Bits used to represent the number of bytes = number of bits available - number of leading zeros. int bitsUsed = 63 - Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(bytes); // (1L << (bitsUsed - bitsUsed % 10)) shifts the one (in binary) to the left by a multiple of 10. // This is a fast way to get the power of 1024 by which we must divide the number of bytes. double significand = (double) bytes / (1L << (bitsUsed - bitsUsed % 10)); // By dividing the number of bits used by 10, get the prefix that should be used. // Subtract one as Strings are zero indexed. char prefix = "KMGTPE".charAt(bitsUsed / 10 - 1); return String.format("%.1f %siB", significand, prefix); } }