/* * Copyright 1999-2017 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.alibaba.druid.bvt.sql.oracle.pl; import com.alibaba.druid.sql.OracleTest; import com.alibaba.druid.sql.SQLUtils; import com.alibaba.druid.sql.ast.SQLStatement; import com.alibaba.druid.sql.visitor.SchemaStatVisitor; import com.alibaba.druid.util.JdbcConstants; import java.util.List; public class Oracle_pl_exception_3 extends OracleTest { public void test_0() throws Exception { String sql = "DECLARE\n" + " salary_too_high EXCEPTION;\n" + " current_salary NUMBER := 20000;\n" + " max_salary NUMBER := 10000;\n" + " erroneous_salary NUMBER;\n" + "BEGIN\n" + "\n" + " BEGIN\n" + " IF current_salary > max_salary THEN\n" + " RAISE salary_too_high; -- raise exception\n" + " END IF;\n" + " EXCEPTION\n" + " WHEN salary_too_high THEN -- start handling exception\n" + " erroneous_salary := current_salary;\n" + " DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Salary ' || erroneous_salary ||' is out of range.');\n" + " DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Maximum salary is ' || max_salary || '.');\n" + " RAISE; -- reraise current exception (exception name is optional)\n" + " END;\n" + "\n" + "EXCEPTION\n" + " WHEN salary_too_high THEN -- finish handling exception\n" + " current_salary := max_salary;\n" + "\n" + " DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (\n" + " 'Revising salary from ' || erroneous_salary ||\n" + " ' to ' || current_salary || '.'\n" + " );\n" + "END;"; // List<SQLStatement> statementList = SQLUtils.parseStatements(sql, JdbcConstants.ORACLE); assertEquals(1, statementList.size()); SchemaStatVisitor visitor = SQLUtils.createSchemaStatVisitor(JdbcConstants.ORACLE); for (SQLStatement statement : statementList) { statement.accept(visitor); } // System.out.println("Tables : " + visitor.getTables()); // System.out.println("fields : " + visitor.getColumns()); // System.out.println("coditions : " + visitor.getConditions()); // System.out.println("relationships : " + visitor.getRelationships()); // System.out.println("orderBy : " + visitor.getOrderByColumns()); assertEquals(0, visitor.getTables().size()); // Assert.assertTrue(visitor.getTables().containsKey(new TableStat.Name("employees"))); // Assert.assertTrue(visitor.getTables().containsKey(new TableStat.Name("emp_name"))); // Assert.assertEquals(7, visitor.getColumns().size()); // Assert.assertEquals(3, visitor.getConditions().size()); // Assert.assertEquals(1, visitor.getRelationships().size()); // Assert.assertTrue(visitor.getColumns().contains(new TableStat.Column("employees", "salary"))); { String output = SQLUtils.toSQLString(statementList, JdbcConstants.ORACLE); System.out.println(output); assertEquals("DECLARE\n" + "\tsalary_too_high EXCEPTION;\n" + "\tcurrent_salary NUMBER := 20000;\n" + "\tmax_salary NUMBER := 10000;\n" + "\terroneous_salary NUMBER;\n" + "BEGIN\n" + "\tBEGIN\n" + "\t\tIF current_salary > max_salary THEN\n" + "\t\t\tRAISE salary_too_high;\n" + "\t\tEND IF;\n" + "\tEXCEPTION\n" + "\t\tWHEN salary_too_high THEN\n" + "\t\t\terroneous_salary := current_salary;\n" + "\t\t\tDBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Salary ' || erroneous_salary || ' is out of range.');\n" + "\t\t\tDBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Maximum salary is ' || max_salary || '.');\n" + "\t\t\tRAISE;\n" + "\tEND;\n" + "EXCEPTION\n" + "\tWHEN salary_too_high THEN\n" + "\t\tcurrent_salary := max_salary;\n" + "\t\tDBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Revising salary from ' || erroneous_salary || ' to ' || current_salary || '.');\n" + "END", // output); } { String output = SQLUtils.toSQLString(statementList, JdbcConstants.ORACLE, SQLUtils.DEFAULT_LCASE_FORMAT_OPTION); assertEquals("declare\n" + "\tsalary_too_high EXCEPTION;\n" + "\tcurrent_salary NUMBER := 20000;\n" + "\tmax_salary NUMBER := 10000;\n" + "\terroneous_salary NUMBER;\n" + "begin\n" + "\tbegin\n" + "\t\tif current_salary > max_salary then\n" + "\t\t\traise salary_too_high;\n" + "\t\tend if;\n" + "\texception\n" + "\t\twhen salary_too_high then\n" + "\t\t\terroneous_salary := current_salary;\n" + "\t\t\tDBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Salary ' || erroneous_salary || ' is out of range.');\n" + "\t\t\tDBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Maximum salary is ' || max_salary || '.');\n" + "\t\t\traise;\n" + "\tend;\n" + "exception\n" + "\twhen salary_too_high then\n" + "\t\tcurrent_salary := max_salary;\n" + "\t\tDBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Revising salary from ' || erroneous_salary || ' to ' || current_salary || '.');\n" + "end", // output); } } }