/* * Copyright 1999-2017 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.alibaba.druid.bvt.sql.cobar; import org.junit.Assert; import junit.framework.TestCase; import com.alibaba.druid.sql.SQLUtils; import com.alibaba.druid.sql.ast.SQLStatement; import com.alibaba.druid.sql.dialect.mysql.parser.MySqlStatementParser; import com.alibaba.druid.sql.parser.Token; public class DMLSelectParserTest extends TestCase { public void test_union_0() throws Exception { String sql = "(select id from t1) union all (select id from t2) union all (select id from t3) ordeR By d desC limit 1 offset ?"; MySqlStatementParser parser = new MySqlStatementParser(sql); SQLStatement stmt = parser.parseStatementList().get(0); parser.match(Token.EOF); String output = SQLUtils.toMySqlString(stmt); Assert.assertEquals("(SELECT id\n" + // "FROM t1)\n" + // "UNION ALL\n" + // "(SELECT id\n" + // "FROM t2)\n" + // "UNION ALL\n" + // "(SELECT id\n" + // "FROM t3)\n" + // "ORDER BY d DESC\n" + // "LIMIT ?, 1", output); } public void test_union_1() throws Exception { String sql = "(select id from t1) union select id from t2 order by id union aLl (select id from t3) ordeR By d asC"; MySqlStatementParser parser = new MySqlStatementParser(sql); SQLStatement stmt = parser.parseStatementList().get(0); parser.match(Token.EOF); String output = SQLUtils.toMySqlString(stmt); Assert.assertEquals("(SELECT id\n" + // "FROM t1)\n" + // "UNION\n" + // "(SELECT id\n" + // "FROM t2\n" + // "ORDER BY id)\n" + // "UNION ALL\n" + // "(SELECT id\n" + // "FROM t3)\n" + // "ORDER BY d ASC", output); } public void test_union_2() throws Exception { String sql = "(select id from t1) union distInct (select id from t2) union select id from t3"; MySqlStatementParser parser = new MySqlStatementParser(sql); SQLStatement stmt = parser.parseStatementList().get(0); parser.match(Token.EOF); String output = SQLUtils.toMySqlString(stmt); Assert.assertEquals("(SELECT id\nFROM t1)\nUNION DISTINCT\n(SELECT id\nFROM t2)\nUNION\n(SELECT id\nFROM t3)", output); } public void test_select_0() throws Exception { String sql = "SELect t1.id , t2.* from t1, test.t2 where test.t1.id=1 and t1.id=test.t2.id"; MySqlStatementParser parser = new MySqlStatementParser(sql); SQLStatement stmt = parser.parseStatementList().get(0); parser.match(Token.EOF); String output = SQLUtils.toMySqlString(stmt); Assert.assertEquals("SELECT t1.id, t2.*\n" + // "FROM t1, test.t2\n" + // "WHERE test.t1.id = 1\n" + // "\tAND t1.id = test.t2.id", output); } public void test_select_1() throws Exception { String sql = "select * from offer a straight_join wp_image b use key for join(t1,t2) on a.member_id=b.member_id inner join product_visit c where a.member_id=c.member_id and c.member_id='abc' "; MySqlStatementParser parser = new MySqlStatementParser(sql); SQLStatement stmt = parser.parseStatementList().get(0); parser.match(Token.EOF); String output = SQLUtils.toMySqlString(stmt); Assert.assertEquals("SELECT *" + // "\nFROM offer a" + // "\n\tSTRAIGHT_JOIN wp_image b USE INDEX FOR JOIN (t1, t2) ON a.member_id = b.member_id" + // "\n\tINNER JOIN product_visit c" + // "\nWHERE a.member_id = c.member_id\n" + // "\tAND c.member_id = 'abc'", output); } public void test_select_2() throws Exception { String sql = "SELect all tb1.id,tb2.id from tb1,tb2 where tb1.id2=tb2.id2"; MySqlStatementParser parser = new MySqlStatementParser(sql); SQLStatement stmt = parser.parseStatementList().get(0); parser.match(Token.EOF); String output = SQLUtils.toMySqlString(stmt); Assert.assertEquals("SELECT ALL tb1.id, tb2.id\n" + // "FROM tb1, tb2\n" + // "WHERE tb1.id2 = tb2.id2", output); } public void test_select_3() throws Exception { String sql = "SELect distinct high_priority tb1.id,tb2.id from tb1,tb2 where tb1.id2=tb2.id2"; MySqlStatementParser parser = new MySqlStatementParser(sql); SQLStatement stmt = parser.parseStatementList().get(0); parser.match(Token.EOF); String output = SQLUtils.toMySqlString(stmt); Assert.assertEquals("SELECT DISTINCT HIGH_PRIORITY tb1.id, tb2.id\nFROM tb1, tb2\nWHERE tb1.id2 = tb2.id2", output); } public void test_select_4() throws Exception { String sql = "SELect distinctrow high_priority sql_small_result tb1.id,tb2.id from tb1,tb2 where tb1.id2=tb2.id2"; MySqlStatementParser parser = new MySqlStatementParser(sql); SQLStatement stmt = parser.parseStatementList().get(0); parser.match(Token.EOF); String output = SQLUtils.toMySqlString(stmt); Assert.assertEquals("SELECT DISTINCTROW HIGH_PRIORITY SQL_SMALL_RESULT tb1.id, tb2.id\nFROM tb1, tb2\nWHERE tb1.id2 = tb2.id2", output); } public void test_select_5() throws Exception { String sql = "SELect sql_cache id1,id2 from tb1,tb2 where tb1.id1=tb2.id1 "; MySqlStatementParser parser = new MySqlStatementParser(sql); SQLStatement stmt = parser.parseStatementList().get(0); parser.match(Token.EOF); String output = SQLUtils.toMySqlString(stmt); Assert.assertEquals("SELECT SQL_CACHE id1, id2\nFROM tb1, tb2\nWHERE tb1.id1 = tb2.id1", output); } public void test_select_6() throws Exception { String sql = "SELect distinct high_priority tb1.id,tb2.id from tb1,tb2 where tb1.id2=tb2.id2"; MySqlStatementParser parser = new MySqlStatementParser(sql); SQLStatement stmt = parser.parseStatementList().get(0); parser.match(Token.EOF); String output = SQLUtils.toMySqlString(stmt); Assert.assertEquals("SELECT DISTINCT HIGH_PRIORITY tb1.id, tb2.id\nFROM tb1, tb2\nWHERE tb1.id2 = tb2.id2", output); } public void test_select_7() throws Exception { String sql = "SELect distinctrow high_priority sql_small_result tb1.id,tb2.id " + "from tb1,tb2 where tb1.id2=tb2.id2"; MySqlStatementParser parser = new MySqlStatementParser(sql); SQLStatement stmt = parser.parseStatementList().get(0); parser.match(Token.EOF); String output = SQLUtils.toMySqlString(stmt); Assert.assertEquals("SELECT DISTINCTROW HIGH_PRIORITY SQL_SMALL_RESULT tb1.id, tb2.id\nFROM tb1, tb2\nWHERE tb1.id2 = tb2.id2", output); } public void test_select_8() throws Exception { String sql = "SELect sql_cache id1,id2 from tb1,tb2 where tb1.id1=tb2.id1 "; MySqlStatementParser parser = new MySqlStatementParser(sql); SQLStatement stmt = parser.parseStatementList().get(0); parser.match(Token.EOF); String output = SQLUtils.toMySqlString(stmt); Assert.assertEquals("SELECT SQL_CACHE id1, id2\nFROM tb1, tb2\nWHERE tb1.id1 = tb2.id1", output); } public void test_select_9() throws Exception { String sql = "SELect sql_cache id1,max(id2) from tb1 group by id1 having id1>10 order by id3 desc"; MySqlStatementParser parser = new MySqlStatementParser(sql); SQLStatement stmt = parser.parseStatementList().get(0); parser.match(Token.EOF); String output = SQLUtils.toMySqlString(stmt); Assert.assertEquals("SELECT SQL_CACHE id1, MAX(id2)\nFROM tb1\nGROUP BY id1\nHAVING id1 > 10\nORDER BY id3 DESC", output); } public void test_select_10() throws Exception { String sql = "SELect SQL_BUFFER_RESULT tb1.id1,id2 from tb1"; MySqlStatementParser parser = new MySqlStatementParser(sql); SQLStatement stmt = parser.parseStatementList().get(0); parser.match(Token.EOF); String output = SQLUtils.toMySqlString(stmt); Assert.assertEquals("SELECT SQL_BUFFER_RESULT tb1.id1, id2\nFROM tb1", output); } public void test_select_11() throws Exception { String sql = "SELect SQL_no_cache tb1.id1,id2 from tb1"; MySqlStatementParser parser = new MySqlStatementParser(sql); SQLStatement stmt = parser.parseStatementList().get(0); parser.match(Token.EOF); String output = SQLUtils.toMySqlString(stmt); Assert.assertEquals("SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE tb1.id1, id2\nFROM tb1", output); } public void test_select_12() throws Exception { String sql = "SELect SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS tb1.id1,id2 from tb1"; MySqlStatementParser parser = new MySqlStatementParser(sql); SQLStatement stmt = parser.parseStatementList().get(0); parser.match(Token.EOF); String output = SQLUtils.toMySqlString(stmt); Assert.assertEquals("SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS tb1.id1, id2\nFROM tb1", output); } public void test_select_13() throws Exception { String sql = "SELect 1+1 "; MySqlStatementParser parser = new MySqlStatementParser(sql); SQLStatement stmt = parser.parseStatementList().get(0); parser.match(Token.EOF); String output = SQLUtils.toMySqlString(stmt); Assert.assertEquals("SELECT 1 + 1", output); } public void test_select_14() throws Exception { String sql = "SELect t1.* from tb "; MySqlStatementParser parser = new MySqlStatementParser(sql); SQLStatement stmt = parser.parseStatementList().get(0); parser.match(Token.EOF); String output = SQLUtils.toMySqlString(stmt); Assert.assertEquals("SELECT t1.*\nFROM tb", output); } public void test_select_15() throws Exception { String sql = "SELect distinct high_priority straight_join sql_big_result sql_cache tb1.id,tb2.id " + "from tb1,tb2 where tb1.id2=tb2.id2"; MySqlStatementParser parser = new MySqlStatementParser(sql); SQLStatement stmt = parser.parseStatementList().get(0); parser.match(Token.EOF); String output = SQLUtils.toMySqlString(stmt); Assert.assertEquals("SELECT DISTINCT HIGH_PRIORITY STRAIGHT_JOIN SQL_BIG_RESULT" + " SQL_CACHE tb1.id, tb2.id\nFROM tb1, tb2\nWHERE tb1.id2 = tb2.id2", output); } public void test_select_16() throws Exception { String sql = "SELect distinct id1,id2 from tb1,tb2 where tb1.id1=tb2.id2 for update"; MySqlStatementParser parser = new MySqlStatementParser(sql); SQLStatement stmt = parser.parseStatementList().get(0); parser.match(Token.EOF); String output = SQLUtils.toMySqlString(stmt); Assert.assertEquals("SELECT DISTINCT id1, id2\nFROM tb1, tb2\nWHERE tb1.id1 = tb2.id2\nFOR UPDATE", output); } public void test_select_17() throws Exception { String sql = "SELect distinct id1,id2 from tb1,tb2 where tb1.id1=tb2.id2 lock in share mode"; MySqlStatementParser parser = new MySqlStatementParser(sql); SQLStatement stmt = parser.parseStatementList().get(0); parser.match(Token.EOF); String output = SQLUtils.toMySqlString(stmt); Assert.assertEquals("SELECT DISTINCT id1, id2\nFROM tb1, tb2\nWHERE tb1.id1 = tb2.id2\nLOCK IN SHARE MODE", output); } public void test_select_18() throws Exception { String sql = "SELect t1.id , t2.* from t1, test.t2 where test.t1.id='中''‘文' and t1.id=test.t2.id"; MySqlStatementParser parser = new MySqlStatementParser(sql); SQLStatement stmt = parser.parseStatementList().get(0); parser.match(Token.EOF); String output = SQLUtils.toMySqlString(stmt); Assert.assertEquals("SELECT t1.id, t2.*\nFROM t1, test.t2\nWHERE test.t1.id = '中''‘文'\n\tAND t1.id = test.t2.id", output); } public void test_select_19() throws Exception { String sql = "select * from offer a straight_join wp_image b force index for join(t1,t2) on a.member_id=b.member_id inner join product_visit c where a.member_id=c.member_id and c.member_id='abc' "; MySqlStatementParser parser = new MySqlStatementParser(sql); SQLStatement stmt = parser.parseStatementList().get(0); parser.match(Token.EOF); String output = SQLUtils.toMySqlString(stmt); Assert.assertEquals("SELECT *" + // "\nFROM offer a" + // "\n\tSTRAIGHT_JOIN wp_image b FORCE INDEX FOR JOIN (t1, t2) ON a.member_id = b.member_id" + // "\n\tINNER JOIN product_visit c" + // "\nWHERE a.member_id = c.member_id" + // "\n\tAND c.member_id = 'abc'", output); } public void test_select_20() throws Exception { String sql = "select * from offer a straight_join wp_image b ignore index for join(t1,t2) on a.member_id=b.member_id inner join product_visit c where a.member_id=c.member_id and c.member_id='abc' "; MySqlStatementParser parser = new MySqlStatementParser(sql); SQLStatement stmt = parser.parseStatementList().get(0); parser.match(Token.EOF); String output = SQLUtils.toMySqlString(stmt); Assert.assertEquals("SELECT *\n" + // "FROM offer a" + // "\n\tSTRAIGHT_JOIN wp_image b IGNORE INDEX FOR JOIN (t1, t2) ON a.member_id = b.member_id" + // "\n\tINNER JOIN product_visit c" + // "\nWHERE a.member_id = c.member_id" + // "\n\tAND c.member_id = 'abc'", output); } }