package; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.junit.Assert; import; import; public class MySqlWallTest_hint extends TestCase { public void test_false() throws Exception { WallConfig config = new WallConfig(); config.setHintAllow(false); String sql = "select * from person where id = '3'/**/union select 0,1,v from (select 1,2,user/*!() as v*/) a where '1'<>''"; Assert.assertFalse(WallUtils.isValidateMySql(sql, config)); // } public void test_false_1() throws Exception { WallConfig config = new WallConfig(); config.setHintAllow(true); config.setMultiStatementAllow(true); String sql = "select * from person where id = '3'/**/union select 0,1,v from (select 1,2,user/*!() as v*/) a where '1'<>''"; Assert.assertFalse(WallUtils.isValidateMySql(sql, config)); // } public void test_true() throws Exception { String sql = "SELECT /*! STRAIGHT_JOIN */ col1 FROM table1,table2"; Assert.assertTrue(WallUtils.isValidateMySql(sql)); // } public void test_true_1() throws Exception { String sql = "/*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */"; Assert.assertTrue(WallUtils.isValidateMySql(sql)); // } public void test_true_2() throws Exception { String sql = "/*!40014 SET @OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS, FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0 */"; Assert.assertTrue(WallUtils.isValidateMySql(sql)); // } public void test_true_3() throws Exception { WallConfig config = new WallConfig(); config.setHintAllow(true); config.setMultiStatementAllow(true); String sql = " /*!50003 CREATE*/ /*!50020 /*!50003 PROCEDURE `top_calculate_customer_update`(in update_time DATETIME)" + " DETERMINISTIC" + " BEGIN" + " DECLARE done INT DEFAULT FALSE;" + " DECLARE c_receiver_city,c_receiver_district,c_receiver_address VARCHAR(200);" + " DECLARE c_last_updated DATETIME;" + " DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = TRUE;" + " insert into top_calculate_customer_log (execute_time,info) values (now(),'update table top_taobao_order_customer_mid begin');" + " update top_tmp_order_middle_last_sync set status = 'wait', last_sync = update_time where plat_form = 'taobao' and status = 'blocking';" + " END */"; Assert.assertTrue(WallUtils.isValidateMySql(sql, config)); } public void test_true_4() throws Exception { WallConfig config = new WallConfig(); config.setHintAllow(true); config.setMultiStatementAllow(true); String sql = "LOCK TABLES `m_rpt_adgroupeffect` READ /*!32311 LOCAL */"; Assert.assertTrue(WallUtils.isValidateMySql(sql, config)); // } public void test_true_5() throws Exception { WallConfig config = new WallConfig(); config.setHintAllow(true); config.setMultiStatementAllow(true); String sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `item_similarity`;"// + "\n/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;"// + "\n/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;" // + "\nCREATE TABLE `item_similarity` ("// + " `id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, "// + " `sellerId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,"// + " PRIMARY KEY (`id`)" // + " ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;"// + " \n/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;"; Assert.assertTrue(WallUtils.isValidateMySql(sql, config)); // } public void test_true_6() throws Exception { String sql = "START TRANSACTION /*!40100 WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT */"; Assert.assertTrue(WallUtils.isValidateMySql(sql)); // } public void test_true_7() throws Exception { String sql = "LOCK TABLES `m_rpt_adgroupeffect` READ /*!32311 LOCAL */"; Assert.assertTrue(WallUtils.isValidateMySql(sql)); // } public void test_true_8() throws Exception { String sql = "SET SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE=1/*!40102 ,SQL_MODE=concat(@@sql_mode, _utf8 ',NO_KEY_OPTIONS,NO_TABLE_OPTIONS,NO_FIELD_OPTIONS') */"; Assert.assertTrue(WallUtils.isValidateMySql(sql)); // } public void test_true_9() throws Exception { WallConfig config = new WallConfig(); config.setHintAllow(true); config.setMultiStatementAllow(true); String sql = "CREATE TABLE `session` ("// + " `sess_id` varchar(128) NOT NULL,"// + " `created` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '1000-01-01 00:00:00',"// + " `changed` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '1000-01-01 00:00:00',"// + " `ip` varchar(40) NOT NULL,"// + " `vars` mediumtext NOT NULL,"// + " PRIMARY KEY(`sess_id`),"// + " INDEX `changed_index` (`changed`)"// + ") /*!40000 ENGINE=INNODB */ /*!40101 CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci */ "; Assert.assertTrue(WallUtils.isValidateMySql(sql, config)); // } public void test_true_10() throws Exception { WallConfig config = new WallConfig(); config.setHintAllow(true); config.setMultiStatementAllow(true); config.setNoneBaseStatementAllow(true); String sql = "CREATE DATABASE `newsfocus` /*!40100 COLLATE 'big5_chinese_ci' */ "; Assert.assertTrue(WallUtils.isValidateMySql(sql, config)); // } public void test_true_11() throws Exception { WallConfig config = new WallConfig(); config.setHintAllow(true); config.setMultiStatementAllow(true); config.setNoneBaseStatementAllow(true); String sql = "EXPLAIN /*!40100 EXTENDED */ SELECT * FROM trade_order_header WHERE id = ?"; Assert.assertTrue(WallUtils.isValidateMySql(sql, config)); // } }