/* * Copyright 1999-2017 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.alibaba.druid.bvt.sql.mysql.create; import com.alibaba.druid.sql.MysqlTest; import com.alibaba.druid.sql.SQLUtils; import com.alibaba.druid.sql.ast.SQLStatement; import com.alibaba.druid.sql.dialect.mysql.parser.MySqlStatementParser; import com.alibaba.druid.sql.dialect.mysql.visitor.MySqlSchemaStatVisitor; import com.alibaba.druid.stat.TableStat.Column; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; public class MySqlCreateTableTest75 extends MysqlTest { @Test public void test_one() throws Exception { String sql = "CREATE TABLE `sys_msg_entry_0320` (\n" + " `provider_dsp_name` varchar(256) /*!50616 COLUMN_FORMAT COMPRESSED */ DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '消息提供者的显示名,提供给一些需要统一发送名称的系统消息',\n" + " `template_data` varchar(2048) NOT NULL /*!50616 COLUMN_FORMAT COMPRESSED */ COMMENT '模板渲染时使用的数据,key-value对',\n" + " `template_merge_data` varchar(512) /*!50616 COLUMN_FORMAT COMPRESSED */ DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '对于需要合并的消息,被合并的参数放在此处理',\n" + " `expiration_date` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '失效日期,精度到天,查询和任务处理时使用',\n" + " `merge_key` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '消息合并主键,合并成功的消息,不参与计数',\n" + " `out_id` varchar(256) /*!50616 COLUMN_FORMAT COMPRESSED */ DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '外部关联源的id',\n" + " `number_expiration_date` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '计数过期时间',\n" + " `hidden` int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '标记是否在吊顶展示,1表示隐藏,0表示展示',\n" + " `popup` tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '表示消息提醒方式:0-数字提醒,1-layer,2-popup',\n" + " `tag_id` bigint(20) unsigned DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'TAG标志',\n" + " `attribute` varchar(512) /*!50616 COLUMN_FORMAT COMPRESSED */ DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '消息的一些属性',\n" + " `original_msg_ids` varchar(1024) /*!50616 COLUMN_FORMAT COMPRESSED */ DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '原始消息ID,多个id用半角逗号隔开',\n" + " PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n" + " KEY `idx_expiration_date` (`expiration_date`),\n" + " KEY `k_rid_hidd_cid` (`receiver_id`,`hidden`,`cat_id`,`expiration_date`),\n" + " KEY `k_rid_aid_tid` (`receiver_id`,`app_id`,`type_id`,`expiration_date`),\n" + " KEY `k_rid_stat_popup` (`receiver_id`,`status`,`popup`,`expiration_date`),\n" + " KEY `k_tid` (`tag_id`)\n" + ") ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=167279613030 DEFAULT CHARSET=gbk COMMENT='消息实体表'"; MySqlStatementParser parser = new MySqlStatementParser(sql); SQLStatement stmt = parser.parseCreateTable(); MySqlSchemaStatVisitor visitor = new MySqlSchemaStatVisitor(); stmt.accept(visitor); Column column = visitor.getColumn("sys_msg_entry_0320", "provider_dsp_name"); Assert.assertNotNull(column); Assert.assertEquals("varchar", column.getDataType()); { String output = SQLUtils.toMySqlString(stmt); Assert.assertEquals("CREATE TABLE `sys_msg_entry_0320` (\n" + "\t`provider_dsp_name` varchar(256) /*!50616 COLUMN_FORMAT COMPRESSED */ DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '消息提供者的显示名,提供给一些需要统一发送名称的系统消息', \n" + "\t`template_data` varchar(2048) NOT NULL /*!50616 COLUMN_FORMAT COMPRESSED */ COMMENT '模板渲染时使用的数据,key-value对', \n" + "\t`template_merge_data` varchar(512) /*!50616 COLUMN_FORMAT COMPRESSED */ DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '对于需要合并的消息,被合并的参数放在此处理', \n" + "\t`expiration_date` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '失效日期,精度到天,查询和任务处理时使用', \n" + "\t`merge_key` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '消息合并主键,合并成功的消息,不参与计数', \n" + "\t`out_id` varchar(256) /*!50616 COLUMN_FORMAT COMPRESSED */ DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '外部关联源的id', \n" + "\t`number_expiration_date` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '计数过期时间', \n" + "\t`hidden` int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '标记是否在吊顶展示,1表示隐藏,0表示展示', \n" + "\t`popup` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '表示消息提醒方式:0-数字提醒,1-layer,2-popup', \n" + "\t`tag_id` bigint(20) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'TAG标志', \n" + "\t`attribute` varchar(512) /*!50616 COLUMN_FORMAT COMPRESSED */ DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '消息的一些属性', \n" + "\t`original_msg_ids` varchar(1024) /*!50616 COLUMN_FORMAT COMPRESSED */ DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '原始消息ID,多个id用半角逗号隔开', \n" + "\tPRIMARY KEY (`id`), \n" + "\tKEY `idx_expiration_date` (`expiration_date`), \n" + "\tKEY `k_rid_hidd_cid` (`receiver_id`, `hidden`, `cat_id`, `expiration_date`), \n" + "\tKEY `k_rid_aid_tid` (`receiver_id`, `app_id`, `type_id`, `expiration_date`), \n" + "\tKEY `k_rid_stat_popup` (`receiver_id`, `status`, `popup`, `expiration_date`), \n" + "\tKEY `k_tid` (`tag_id`)\n" + ") ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 167279613030 CHARSET = gbk COMMENT = '消息实体表'", output); } { String output = SQLUtils.toMySqlString(stmt, SQLUtils.DEFAULT_LCASE_FORMAT_OPTION); Assert.assertEquals("create table `sys_msg_entry_0320` (\n" + "\t`provider_dsp_name` varchar(256) /*!50616 COLUMN_FORMAT COMPRESSED */ default null comment '消息提供者的显示名,提供给一些需要统一发送名称的系统消息', \n" + "\t`template_data` varchar(2048) not null /*!50616 COLUMN_FORMAT COMPRESSED */ comment '模板渲染时使用的数据,key-value对', \n" + "\t`template_merge_data` varchar(512) /*!50616 COLUMN_FORMAT COMPRESSED */ default null comment '对于需要合并的消息,被合并的参数放在此处理', \n" + "\t`expiration_date` datetime not null comment '失效日期,精度到天,查询和任务处理时使用', \n" + "\t`merge_key` varchar(128) default null comment '消息合并主键,合并成功的消息,不参与计数', \n" + "\t`out_id` varchar(256) /*!50616 COLUMN_FORMAT COMPRESSED */ default null comment '外部关联源的id', \n" + "\t`number_expiration_date` datetime default null comment '计数过期时间', \n" + "\t`hidden` int(11) default '0' comment '标记是否在吊顶展示,1表示隐藏,0表示展示', \n" + "\t`popup` tinyint(3) unsigned default '0' comment '表示消息提醒方式:0-数字提醒,1-layer,2-popup', \n" + "\t`tag_id` bigint(20) unsigned default null comment 'TAG标志', \n" + "\t`attribute` varchar(512) /*!50616 COLUMN_FORMAT COMPRESSED */ default null comment '消息的一些属性', \n" + "\t`original_msg_ids` varchar(1024) /*!50616 COLUMN_FORMAT COMPRESSED */ default null comment '原始消息ID,多个id用半角逗号隔开', \n" + "\tprimary key (`id`), \n" + "\tkey `idx_expiration_date` (`expiration_date`), \n" + "\tkey `k_rid_hidd_cid` (`receiver_id`, `hidden`, `cat_id`, `expiration_date`), \n" + "\tkey `k_rid_aid_tid` (`receiver_id`, `app_id`, `type_id`, `expiration_date`), \n" + "\tkey `k_rid_stat_popup` (`receiver_id`, `status`, `popup`, `expiration_date`), \n" + "\tkey `k_tid` (`tag_id`)\n" + ") engine = InnoDB auto_increment = 167279613030 charset = gbk comment = '消息实体表'", output); } } }