/******************************************************************************* * CogTool Copyright Notice and Distribution Terms * CogTool 1.3, Copyright (c) 2005-2013 Carnegie Mellon University * This software is distributed under the terms of the FSF Lesser * Gnu Public License (see LGPL.txt). * * CogTool is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * CogTool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with CogTool; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * CogTool makes use of several third-party components, with the * following notices: * * Eclipse SWT version 3.448 * Eclipse GEF Draw2D version 3.2.1 * * Unless otherwise indicated, all Content made available by the Eclipse * Foundation is provided to you under the terms and conditions of the Eclipse * Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL"). A copy of the EPL is provided with this * Content and is also available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html. * * CLISP version 2.38 * * Copyright (c) Sam Steingold, Bruno Haible 2001-2006 * This software is distributed under the terms of the FSF Gnu Public License. * See COPYRIGHT file in clisp installation folder for more information. * * ACT-R 6.0 * * Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Dan Bothell, Mike Byrne, Christian Lebiere & * John R Anderson. * This software is distributed under the terms of the FSF Lesser * Gnu Public License (see LGPL.txt). * * Apache Jakarta Commons-Lang 2.1 * * This product contains software developed by the Apache Software Foundation * (http://www.apache.org/) * * jopt-simple version 1.0 * * Copyright (c) 2004-2013 Paul R. Holser, Jr. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * Mozilla XULRunner * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/. * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * The J2SE(TM) Java Runtime Environment version 5.0 * * Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 * Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A. All * rights reserved. U.S. * See the LICENSE file in the jre folder for more information. ******************************************************************************/ package edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.ui; import java.io.File; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.SWTException; import org.eclipse.swt.events.SelectionAdapter; import org.eclipse.swt.events.SelectionEvent; import org.eclipse.swt.events.SelectionListener; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Color; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.RGB; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FillLayout; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FormAttachment; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FormData; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FormLayout; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.ColorDialog; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.DirectoryDialog; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.FileDialog; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.MessageBox; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell; import edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.CogToolFileTypes; import edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.Design; import edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.DeviceType; import edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.model.Project; import edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.util.Cancelable; import edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.util.DisplaySubprocessTrace; import edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.util.EnableDisable; import edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.util.ErrorDialog; import edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.util.GraphicsUtil; import edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.util.Keypad; import edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.util.L10N; import edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.util.ManagedText; import edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.util.OSUtils; import edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.util.Pausable; import edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.util.PausableProgessBar; import edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.util.RcvrUIException; import edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.util.Stoppable; import edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.util.StoppableProgressBar; import edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.util.ThreadProgressBar; import edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.util.WindowUtil; import edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.view.PersistenceView; import edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.view.View; /** * Default implementation of the standard user interactions for * CogTool windows. * * @author mlh */ public class DefaultInteraction implements Interaction { /* * List of commonly used strings. Stored statically here for more easily * readable code later. */ protected static final String errorTitle = L10N.get("DEFINT.Error", "File Error"); protected static final String genericErrorTitle = L10N.get("DEFINT.GenericError", "Error"); protected static final String unreadableFileMsg = L10N.get("DEFINT.CannotReadFile", "The selected file cannot be read."); protected static final String invalidImageFileMsg = L10N.get("DEFINT.InvalidImageFile", "The selected file does not contain a valid image."); protected static final String fileNotFoundMsg = L10N.get("DEFINT.FileNotFound", "File not found:") + " "; protected static final String selectWebPageExportDialogTitle = L10N.get("PM.webpageExportDialogTitle", "Select a Directory to Export the Design Into"); protected static final String selectWebPageExportDialogMessage = L10N.get("PM.webpageExportDialogMessage", "The exported design will be added to this directory. " + "Existing files with conflicting names will be replaced."); protected static final String projectPropertiesTitle = L10N.get("DI.ProjectPropertiesTitle", "Project Properties"); protected static final String buildVersionLabel = L10N.get("DI.BuildVersionLabel", "Project file last written by CogTool version"); protected static final String unknownBuildVersion = L10N.get("DI.UnknownBuildVersion", "Unknown build version"); protected static final String unsavedProject = L10N.get("DI.UnsavedProject", "Unsaved project"); protected static final String fileInUse = L10N.get("DI.FileInUse", "The file selected is being used by another project being edited:"); protected static final String containsObsoleteWait = L10N.get("DI.ObsoleteWaits", "The design(s) contain(s) an old form of system wait that is no longer supported, and so the script(s) cannot be computed. " + "Please recast the design(s) with the system waits attached to transitions."); protected static final String traceVersionTooOld = L10N.get("DI.TraceVersionTooOld", "The version of CogTool used to compute this task was too old for this version to visualize. Please recompute the task."); protected static final String traceVersionTooNew = L10N.get("DI.TraceVersionTooNew", "The version of CogTool used to compute this task was newer than this version, and the result cannot be visualized by this version. Please recompute the task."); protected static final String nameCollisionMsg = L10N.get("FE.WidgetNameCollision", "The name you have chosen is already in use.\n" + "Please choose a different name."); protected static final String nameEmptyMsg = L10N.get("FE.WidgetNameEmpty", "A name cannot be empty.\n" + "Please provide a name."); protected View view; protected Shell window; protected PersistenceView persistView; protected int csvNum = 1; /** * Initialize interaction with the given window that pop-up dialog * boxes are modal to. Also initializes the CogTool functionality * for requesting file names for opening and saving projects. * * @param win target window for dialog box modality * @author mlh */ public DefaultInteraction(View v) { view = v; window = v.getShell(); persistView = new PersistenceView(window); } /** * Report a warning in a pop-up window with an 'ok' button. * * @param title the window title * @param msg the message reporting the warning * @author mlh */ public void reportWarning(String title, String msg) { try { WindowUtil.presentWarningDialog(window, title, msg); } catch (SWTException ex) { throw new RcvrUIException("Creation of dialog box failed.", ex); } } /** * Report a set of warnings in a pop-up window with an 'ok' button. * * @param title the window title * @param messages the messages reporting the warnings * @author mlh */ public void reportWarnings(String title, List<String> messages) { StringBuilder msgBuffer = new StringBuilder(); String separator = ""; Iterator<String> warnings = messages.iterator(); while (warnings.hasNext()) { msgBuffer.append(separator); msgBuffer.append(warnings.next()); separator = "\n"; } reportWarning(title, msgBuffer.toString()); } /** * Report a problem in a pop-up window with an 'ok' button. * * @param title the window title * @param msg the message reporting the problem * @author mlh */ public void reportProblem(String title, String msg) { try { WindowUtil.presentErrorDialog(window, title, msg); } catch (SWTException ex) { throw new RcvrUIException("Creation of dialog box failed.", ex); } } /** * Report a set of problems in a pop-up window with an 'ok' button. * * @param title the window title * @param messages the messages reporting the problems * @author mlh */ public void reportProblems(String title, List<String> messages) { StringBuilder msgBuffer = new StringBuilder(); String separator = ""; Iterator<String> problems = messages.iterator(); while (problems.hasNext()) { msgBuffer.append(separator); msgBuffer.append(problems.next()); separator = "\n"; } reportProblem(title, msgBuffer.toString()); } /** * Report a problem in a pop-up window and allow the user to either * retry or cancel the affected operation; thus, buttons include * 'retry' and 'cancel'. * * @param title the window title * @param msg the message reporting the problem * @return true if retry was selected, false if cancel was selected * @author mlh */ public boolean reportAndRetry(String title, String msg) { return SWT.RETRY == WindowUtil.presentErrorAbortDialog(window, title, msg); } /** * Request one or more files from the user in a pop-up dialog box. * * @return an array of abstract file descriptions representing the selected * files * @author mlh */ public File[] selectFileSources() { return persistView.selectFileSources(); } /** * Request a location to save a CogTool project. * * @param projectName the name of the project being saved, which * acts as part of the initial file name * @return the abstract file description of where the project should * be saved * @author mlh */ public File selectFileDest(String projectName) { // Specify the extension for projects. return selectExportLocation(projectName, CogToolFileTypes.COGTOOL_FILE_EXT); } protected static String OVERWRITE = L10N.get("DI.Overwrite", "Overwrite"); protected static String SELECT_AGAIN = L10N.get("DI.SelectAgain", "Select another file"); protected static String CANCEL_SAVE = L10N.get("DI.Cancel", "Cancel"); protected class BeingEditedDialog extends WindowUtil.SimpleDialog { protected File destination; public BeingEditedDialog(File saveFileAttempt) { super(window, errorTitle, SWT.PRIMARY_MODAL, SWT.DIALOG_TRIM); destination = saveFileAttempt; } protected void addLabel(String text, int span, int width) { Label element = new Label(dialog, SWT.NONE); if (text != null) { element.setText(text); if (textFont != null) { element.setFont(textFont); } } GridData eltLayout = new GridData(); if (span > 0) { eltLayout.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true; eltLayout.horizontalSpan = span; } else { eltLayout.widthHint = width; } element.setLayoutData(eltLayout); } protected void addButton(final String label) { Button nextButton = new Button(dialog, SWT.PUSH); nextButton.setText(label); if (buttonFont != null) { nextButton.setFont(buttonFont); } GridData buttonLayout = new GridData(GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_END); buttonLayout.horizontalSpan = 2; nextButton.setLayoutData(buttonLayout); nextButton.addListener(SWT.Selection, new Listener() { public void handleEvent(Event evt) { userResponse = label; dialog.close(); } }); } @Override protected void buildDialog() { // Four columns GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(8, false); layout.marginLeft = 19; layout.marginRight = 13; layout.marginTop = 7; layout.marginBottom = 12; dialog.setLayout(layout); addLabel(fileInUse, 8, 0); addLabel(null, 0, 35); addLabel(destination.getName(), 7, 0); addLabel(null, 8, 0); addLabel(null, 0, 35); // Add "Overwrite" button addButton(OVERWRITE); addButton(SELECT_AGAIN); addButton(CANCEL_SAVE); } } /** * Protest that the specified file is currently open for a different * project. * * @param saveFileAttempt the file selected by the user to save a project * that happens to already be in use for a different * project being edited * @return NO_SAVE if retry was selected, SAVE if overwrite was selected, * and CANCEL if cancel was selected */ public int protestBeingEdited(File saveFileAttempt) { BeingEditedDialog dialog = new BeingEditedDialog(saveFileAttempt); Object response = dialog.open(); if (response == OVERWRITE) { return SAVE; } if (response == SELECT_AGAIN) { return NO_SAVE; } return CANCEL; // must be CANCEL_SAVE } /** * Ask the user to save a modified project having the given name * before actually closing it, especially during application exit. * * @param projectName the name of the project to be saved, which * acts as part of the initial file name * @return the code indicating the user's decision (one of * <code>SAVE</code>, <code>NO_SAVE</code>, or <code>CANCEL</code>) * @author mlh */ public int askSaveBeforeClose(String projectName) { MessageBox saveBeforeCloseDialog = WindowUtil.createYesNoCancelDialog (window, L10N.get("PM.SaveBeforeCloseTitle", "Save Changes?"), L10N.get("PM.SaveBeforeClose", "Save project before closing?\n" + "Unsaved changes in project:" ) + "\n " + projectName); switch (saveBeforeCloseDialog.open()) { case SWT.YES: { return SAVE; } case SWT.NO: { return NO_SAVE; } case SWT.CANCEL: { return CANCEL; } } return CANCEL; // TODO: exception instead; should never get here } /** * The user has tried to open a file that is already open and modified, so * ask if they want to revert to the saved version * * @param projectName the name of the project in question * @return the code indicating the user's decision (either * <code>SWT.OK</code> or <code>SWT.CANCEL</code>\) * @author rmyers */ public boolean askRevertBeforeOpen(String projectName) { MessageBox revertBeforeOpenDialog = WindowUtil.createConfirmDialog (window, L10N.get("PM.RevertBeforeOpenTitle", "Revert?"), L10N.get("PM.RevertBeforeOpen", projectName + " " + "is already open " + "and has been modified since " + "it was last saved.\n" + "Revert changes?")); return revertBeforeOpenDialog.open() == SWT.OK; } /** * Open up a widget color wheel with the specified title. * Should be platform specific. * the specified integer should be in the following format. * lowest order 8 bits red * middle order 8 bits green * highest order 8 bits blue * ie: xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx * BLUE GREEN RED */ public Integer selectColor(int oldColor, String dialogTitle) { RGB old = GraphicsUtil.getRGBFromColor(oldColor); // Open the platform specific color chooser ColorDialog dialog = new ColorDialog(window); dialog.setRGB(old); if (dialogTitle != null) { dialog.setText(dialogTitle); } RGB newColor = dialog.open(); if (newColor != null) { return new Integer(GraphicsUtil.getColorFromRGB(newColor)); } return null; } /** * Open up a widget color wheel. * Should be platfrom specific. * the specfied integer should be in the following format. * lowest order 8 bits red * middle order 8 bits green * highest order 8 bits blue * ie: xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx * BLUE GREEN RED */ public Integer selectColor(int oldColor) { return selectColor(oldColor, null); } /** * Open up a widget color wheel. * Should be platorm specific. */ public Integer selectColor() { return selectColor(0); } /** * A file IO error: The selected file was unreadable */ public void protestUnreadableFile() { reportProblem(errorTitle, unreadableFileMsg); } /** * The selected file is not a supported image type */ public void protestInvalidImageFile() { reportProblem(errorTitle, invalidImageFileMsg); } public void protestFileNotFound(String file) { reportProblem(errorTitle, fileNotFoundMsg + file); } /** * Returns null if canceled. */ protected FileDialog selectFileName(int mode, String[] filterNames, String[] extensions) { return selectFileName(mode, filterNames, extensions, null); } protected FileDialog selectFileName(int mode, String[] filterNames, String[] extensions, String def) { FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog(window, mode); if (def != null) { dialog.setFileName(def); } dialog.setFilterNames(filterNames); // Windows wild cards dialog.setFilterExtensions(extensions); if (dialog.open() != null) { return dialog; } return null; // canceled! } /** * A file selection dialog for selecting images. * It filters the list based on JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP and ICO files * An option is also available to show all. */ public String selectImageFile() { // TODO: provide an "All Images" option when supported by SWT FileDialog dialog = selectFileName(SWT.OPEN, new String[] { "All Readable (*.jpg;*.gif;*.png;*.bmp;*.ico)", "JPG Images (*.jpg)", "GIF Images (*.gif)", "PNG Images (*.png)", "BMP Images (*.bmp)", "ICO Icon Files (*.ico)", "All Files (*.*)" }, new String[] { "*.jpg;*.gif;*.png;*.bmp;*.ico", "*.jpg", "*.gif", "*.png", "*.bmp", "*.ico", "*.*" }); if (dialog != null) { return dialog.getFilterPath() + File.separator + dialog.getFileName(); } return null; } /** * Selects a csv file * * @see edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.ui.Interaction#selectCSVFile(java.lang.String) */ public File selectCSVFile() { FileDialog dialog = selectFileName(SWT.OPEN, new String[] { "CSV Files (*.csv)" }, new String[] { "*.csv" }); if (dialog == null) { return null; } File path = new File(dialog.getFilterPath()); return new File(path, dialog.getFileName()); } public File selectXMLFile(boolean forInput, String def) { FileDialog dialog = selectFileName(forInput ? SWT.OPEN : SWT.SAVE, new String[] { "XML Files (*.xml)" }, new String[] { "*.xml"}, def); if (dialog == null) { return null; } File path = new File(dialog.getFilterPath()); return new File(path, dialog.getFileName()); } public File selectFile(boolean forInput, String def, String[] allowedExtensions) { FileDialog dialog = selectFileName(forInput ? SWT.OPEN : SWT.SAVE, new String[] { "XML Files (*.xml)" }, allowedExtensions, def); if (dialog == null) { return null; } File path = new File(dialog.getFilterPath()); return new File(path, dialog.getFileName()); } protected static final String exportCanceledMsg = L10N.get("DEFINT.ExportCanceled", "Export canceled."); /** * A file selection dialog for selecting .csv files * to write to. */ public File selectCSVFileDest(String defaultFileName) { FileDialog dialog = selectFileName(SWT.SAVE, new String[] { "CSV Files (*.csv)" }, new String[] { "*.csv" }, (defaultFileName + ".csv")); if (dialog == null) { setStatusMessage(exportCanceledMsg); return null; } File path = new File(dialog.getFilterPath()); String name = dialog.getFileName(); if (! name.endsWith(".csv")) { name += ".csv"; } File dest = new File(path, name); if (dest.exists() && OSUtils.WINDOWS) { int choice = shouldReplaceFile(dest); if (choice == SWT.NO) { return selectCSVFileDest(defaultFileName); } if (choice == SWT.CANCEL) { setStatusMessage(exportCanceledMsg); return null; } } return dest; } /** * Request a location to store result trace lines, etc. * * @return the abstract file location for storing some kind of result * @author mlh/alex */ public File selectExportLocation(String defaultFilename, String defaultExtension) { return persistView.selectFileDest(defaultFilename, defaultExtension); } protected int shouldReplaceFile(File file) { MessageBox replaceBox = new MessageBox(window, SWT.YES | SWT.NO | SWT.CANCEL | SWT.ICON_QUESTION | SWT.PRIMARY_MODAL); replaceBox.setMessage(L10N.get("DEFINT.ReplaceFile", "File exists. Replace file?\n") + file.getAbsolutePath()); return replaceBox.open(); } // TODO This whole mishmash of different flavors of progress bars, and // Cancelables/Stoppables/Pausables is a mess. We shouldn't be using // the type hierarchy to fiddle this stuff. Instead we should have a // single interface for control of a background operation, subsuming // all of Cancelable, Stoppable and Pausable, and a single ProgressBar // type that takes a bunch of flags indicating what buttons it should // display. /** * Provide a visual progress bar, optionally with a "Cancel" button and * optionally with space for status text. * * @param windowTitle the window title for the dialog box * @param cancelable the "process" that may be canceled using the cancel * button; no cancel button if <code>null</code> * @param initialStatusText if not null, the initial text to display as * status; no status text if <code>null</code> * @param style true for SMOOTH and false for INDETERMINATE */ public ProgressBar createProgressBar(String windowTitle, Cancelable cancelable, String initialStatusText, boolean style) { return createProgressBar(windowTitle, null, null, cancelable, initialStatusText, style, null); } /** * Provide a visual progress bar, optionally with a "Cancel" button and * optionally with space for status text. * * @param windowTitle the window title for the dialog box * @param cancelable the "process" that may be canceled using the cancel * button; no cancel button if <code>null</code> * @param initialStatusText if not null, the initial text to display as * status; no status text if <code>null</code> * @param style true for SMOOTH and false for INDETERMINATE * @param ratio the ratio desired for inserting an ellipsis into the * status string (see StringUtil constants) */ public ProgressBar createProgressBar(String windowTitle, Cancelable cancelable, String initialStatusText, boolean style, double ratio) { return createProgressBar(windowTitle, null, null, cancelable, initialStatusText, style, null, ratio); } public ProgressBar createProgressBar(String windowTitle, Pausable pausable, Stoppable stoppable, Cancelable cancelable, String initialStatusText, boolean style, double ratio) { return createProgressBar(windowTitle, pausable, stoppable, cancelable, initialStatusText, style, null, ratio); } /** * Provide a visual progress bar, optionally with a "Cancel" button and * optionally with space for status text. * <p> * IMPORTANT: Caller is responsible for invoking dispose() on the * returned value * * @param windowTitle the window title for the dialog box * @param pausable the "process" may be paused using the pause button; * none if <code>null</code> * @param cancelable the "process" that may be canceled using the cancel * button; no cancel button if <code>null</code> * @param initialStatusText if not null, the initial text to display as * status; no status text if <code>null</code> * @param style true for SMOOTH and false for INDETERMINATE * @param win which window (if any) to be "modal" behavior against */ public ProgressBar createProgressBar(String windowTitle, Pausable pausable, Stoppable stoppable, Cancelable cancelable, String initialStatusText, boolean style, Shell win) { return createProgressBar(windowTitle, pausable, stoppable, cancelable, initialStatusText, style, win, -1.0); } public ProgressBar createProgressBar(String windowTitle, Pausable pausable, Stoppable stoppable, Cancelable cancelable, String initialStatusText, boolean style, Shell win, double ratio) { if (pausable != null && stoppable != null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "ProgressBars that are both Pausable and Stoppable are not implemented"); } ThreadProgressBar pb = null; if (pausable != null) { pb = new PausableProgessBar(win, windowTitle, pausable, cancelable, initialStatusText, style ? SWT.SMOOTH : SWT.INDETERMINATE); } else if (stoppable != null) { pb = new StoppableProgressBar(win, windowTitle, stoppable, cancelable, initialStatusText, style ? SWT.SMOOTH : SWT.INDETERMINATE); } else { pb = new ThreadProgressBar(win, windowTitle, cancelable, initialStatusText, style ? SWT.SMOOTH : SWT.INDETERMINATE, ratio); } final ThreadProgressBar progressBar = pb; progressBar.buildAndDisplay(); return new ProgressBar() { public void dispose() { progressBar.dispose(); } public EnableDisable getDisabler() { return progressBar.getDisabler(); } public void updateProgress(double progress, String status) { progressBar.updateProgress(progress, status); } }; } /** * Provide a trace window, optionally with a "Cancel" button and * optionally with space for status text. * <p> * IMPORTANT: Caller is responsible for invoking dispose() on the * returned value * * @param windowTitle the window title for the dialog box * @param cancelable the "process" that may be canceled using the cancel * button; no cancel button if <code>null</code> * @param initialStatusText if not null, the initial text to display as * status; no status text if <code>null</code> */ public ITraceWindow createTraceWindow(String windowTitle, Cancelable cancelable, String initialStatusText) { return createTraceWindow(windowTitle, cancelable, initialStatusText, null); } public ITraceWindow createTraceWindow(String windowTitle, Cancelable cancelable, String initialStatusText, Shell parentWindow) { final DisplaySubprocessTrace traceWindow = new DisplaySubprocessTrace(parentWindow, windowTitle, 900, 700, initialStatusText, cancelable); traceWindow.display(); return new ITraceWindow() { public EnableDisable getDisabler() { return traceWindow.getDisabler(); } public void updateProgress(double progress, String status) { traceWindow.updateProgress(progress, status); } public void dispose() { traceWindow.dispose(); } public void appendOutputLine(String outputLine) { traceWindow.appendOutputLine(outputLine); } public void appendOutputLines(List<String> outputLines) { traceWindow.appendOutputLines(outputLines); } public void appendErrorLine(String errorLine) { traceWindow.appendErrorLine(errorLine); } public void appendErrorLines(List<String> errorLines) { traceWindow.appendErrorLines(errorLines); } public void scrollToTop() { traceWindow.scrollToTop(); } }; } /** * Creates a directory chooser dialog, with the appropriate messages * about what the user should be trying to do. */ public String askUserForDirectory() { return askUserForDirectory(selectWebPageExportDialogTitle,selectWebPageExportDialogMessage); } /**TODO * Creates a directory chooser dialog, with the appropriate messages * about what the user should be trying to do. */ public String askUserForDirectory(String title, String message) { DirectoryDialog dialog = new DirectoryDialog(window); dialog.setText(title); dialog.setMessage(message); return dialog.open(); } /** * Pop a dialog box with the given project's properties (e.g., name and * build version). * * @param project the project whose properties to display */ public void showProjectProperties(Project project) { String buildVersion = project.getBuildVersion(); if (buildVersion == Project.NOT_YET_SAVED) { buildVersion = unsavedProject; } else if (buildVersion == Project.UNKNOWN_BUILD_VERSION) { buildVersion = unknownBuildVersion; } // TODO the following won't localize cleanly! WindowUtil.presentInformationDialog(window, projectPropertiesTitle + ": " + project.getName(), buildVersionLabel + ": " + buildVersion); } public void setStatusMessage(String message) { view.setStatusMessage(message); } public void setStatusMessage(String message, int duration) { view.setStatusMessage(message, duration); } public File selectDirectory(String message) { DirectoryDialog saveDialog = new DirectoryDialog(window); saveDialog.setMessage(message); String path = saveDialog.open(); if (path != null) { return new File(path); } return null; } public void protestObsoleteWaits() { reportProblem(genericErrorTitle, containsObsoleteWait); } public void protestTraceVersion(boolean tooOld) { if (tooOld) { reportProblem(genericErrorTitle, traceVersionTooOld); } else { reportProblem(genericErrorTitle, traceVersionTooNew); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see edu.cmu.cs.hcii.cogtool.ui.IInteraction#reportException(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.Exception) */ public void reportException(String title, String msg, Exception e) { ErrorDialog dlog = new ErrorDialog(title, msg, e); dlog.open(); } public boolean editPreferences() { PreferencesDialog dialog = new PreferencesDialog(window, this); return dialog.open() != null; } protected static final Color WHITE = WindowUtil.GLOBAL_DISPLAY.getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_WHITE); /** * Dialog box specific to soliciting information for a design * (name, device type set). * * @author afaaborg */ public static class NewDesignDialog extends WindowUtil.CustomDialog { protected static final String NEW_DESIGN_FOR_TITLE = L10N.get("PI.NewDesignForTitle", "New Design for"); protected static final String NEW_DESIGN_TITLE = L10N.get("PI.NewDesignTitle", "New Design"); protected static final String ADD_DEVICES_TITLE = L10N.get("PI.AddDevicesTitle", "Add Devices to Design"); protected static final String CALLED_UNTIL_SAVED_MSG = L10N.get("PI.CalledUntilSavedMsg", "Until you save it, the new project will be called:"); protected static final String PLEASE_ENTER_NAME_MSG = L10N.get("PI.PleaseEnterNameMsg", "Because each project must have at least one design,\nplease enter the name of an initial design:"); protected static final String NAME_FOR_NEW_DESIGN = L10N.get("PI.NameForNewDesign", "Name for the new design") + ":"; protected static final String ACTION_CANNOT_BE_UNDONE = L10N.get("PI.ActionCannotBeUndone", "Please note that adding devices cannot be undone."); protected static final String DESIGN_NAME_FOR_ADDED_DEVICES = L10N.get("PI.DesignNameForAddedDevices", "Design to which to add new devices") + ":"; protected static final String INPUT_DEVICES_TO_USE = L10N.get("PI.InputDevicesToUse", "Input devices used in this design (at least one must be selected):"); protected static final String INPUT_DEVICES_TO_ADD = L10N.get("PI.InputDevicesToAdd", "Input devices to add to this design:"); protected static final String OUTPUT_DEVICES_TO_USE = L10N.get("PI.OutputDevicesToUse", "Output devices used in this design (at least one must be selected):"); protected static final String OUTPUT_DEVICES_TO_ADD = L10N.get("PI.OutputDevicesToAdd", "Output devices to add to this design:"); protected DesignRequestData requestData; protected boolean newProject; protected Project userProject; protected Design existingDesign; //user input protected ManagedText designNameInput; protected Composite inputDeviceComposite; protected Composite outputDeviceComposite; protected String promptResponse; protected boolean importDialog; /** * Initialize dialog box modal to the given parent window * and with initial values specified by the given design request data. * * @param parentWin window the dialog box should be modal to * @param data the initial values for the design information * @author afaaborg */ public NewDesignDialog(Shell parentWin, DesignRequestData data, boolean newProjectMode, Project project) { super(parentWin, newProjectMode ? (NEW_DESIGN_FOR_TITLE + " " + project.getName()) : NEW_DESIGN_TITLE, SWT.PRIMARY_MODAL); newProject = newProjectMode; userProject = project; existingDesign = null; requestData = data; //Set default devices: //Iterate through all of the designs in the project and //see if they have the same set of devices. If so, default to //that set of devices List<Design> designs = userProject.getDesigns(); Set<DeviceType> initialDevices = new HashSet<DeviceType>(); boolean defaultDevices = true; for (int i = 0; i < designs.size(); i++) { Design design = designs.get(i); Set<DeviceType> devices = design.getDeviceTypes(); // The devices set to compare future device sets against if (i == 0) { initialDevices.addAll(devices); } else { // Compare this set to the first if (! devices.equals(initialDevices)) { defaultDevices = false; } } } if (defaultDevices) { requestData.deviceTypes = initialDevices; } } public NewDesignDialog(Shell parentWin, DesignRequestData data, boolean newProjectMode, Project project, boolean changeDesignName) { super(parentWin, newProjectMode ? (NEW_DESIGN_FOR_TITLE + " " + project.getName()) : NEW_DESIGN_TITLE, SWT.PRIMARY_MODAL); newProject = newProjectMode; userProject = project; existingDesign = null; requestData = data; importDialog = true; } public NewDesignDialog(Shell parentWin, DesignRequestData data, Project project, Design design) { super(parentWin, ADD_DEVICES_TITLE, SWT.PRIMARY_MODAL); requestData = data; newProject = false; existingDesign = design; userProject = project; // The deviceTypes in requestData get the known devices from design requestData.deviceTypes = new HashSet<DeviceType>(design.getDeviceTypes()); requestData.designName = design.getName(); } public String getPromptResponse() { return promptResponse; } @Override protected void onOK() { promptResponse = designNameInput.getText(); requestData.designName = promptResponse; super.onOK(); } protected Composite createUI() { Composite userInterface = new Composite(dialog, SWT.NONE); userInterface.setLayout(new FormLayout()); Composite newDesignUI; Composite newProjectUI; FormData formData; if (newProject) { newProjectUI = new Composite(userInterface, SWT.NONE); newProjectUI.setLayout(new FillLayout(SWT.VERTICAL)); formData = new FormData(); formData.right = new FormAttachment(100, 0); formData.left = new FormAttachment(0, 0); newProjectUI.setLayoutData(formData); Label initialDesignLabel = new Label(newProjectUI, SWT.WRAP); //initialDesignLabel.setText("This initial design will be added to your new project"); initialDesignLabel.setText(CALLED_UNTIL_SAVED_MSG + " '" + userProject.getName() + "'"); newDesignUI = new Composite(userInterface, SWT.NONE); newDesignUI.setLayout(new FormLayout()); formData = new FormData(); formData.bottom = new FormAttachment(100, 0); formData.right = new FormAttachment(100, 0); formData.left = new FormAttachment(0, 0); formData.top = new FormAttachment(newProjectUI, 30, SWT.TOP); newDesignUI.setLayoutData(formData); } else { newDesignUI = new Composite(userInterface, SWT.NONE); newDesignUI.setLayout(new FormLayout()); formData = new FormData(); formData.bottom = new FormAttachment(100, 0); formData.right = new FormAttachment(100, 0); formData.left = new FormAttachment(0, 0); newDesignUI.setLayoutData(formData); } Label designNameLabel = new Label(newDesignUI, SWT.NONE); formData = new FormData(); formData.top = new FormAttachment(0, 0); formData.left = new FormAttachment(0, 0); designNameLabel.setLayoutData(formData); if (newProject) { designNameLabel.setText(PLEASE_ENTER_NAME_MSG); } else if (existingDesign == null) { designNameLabel.setText(NAME_FOR_NEW_DESIGN); } else { designNameLabel.setText(ACTION_CANNOT_BE_UNDONE + "\n" + DESIGN_NAME_FOR_ADDED_DEVICES); } int designNameStyle = SWT.BORDER; if (existingDesign != null) { designNameStyle |= SWT.READ_ONLY; } //Code in order to disable the input text /* if(importDialog && requestData.designName != null) { designNameStyle |= SWT.READ_ONLY; }*/ designNameInput = new ManagedText(newDesignUI, designNameStyle, Keypad.FULL_KEYPAD) { @Override protected void onModify() { enableOKButtonCheck(); } @Override public void selectAll() { if (existingDesign == null) { super.selectAll(); } } }; if (existingDesign != null) { // this.designNameInput.setEnabled(false); designNameInput.setBackground(WHITE); } if(importDialog && requestData.designName != null) { //this.designNameInput.setEnabled(false); designNameInput.setText(requestData.designName); } formData = new FormData(); formData.right = new FormAttachment(100, -20); formData.top = new FormAttachment(designNameLabel, 10, SWT.DEFAULT); //formData_4.left = new FormAttachment(0, 80); formData.left = new FormAttachment(0, 20); formData.width = 200; designNameInput.setLayoutData(formData); Label devicesLabel = new Label(newDesignUI, SWT.NONE); devicesLabel.setText((existingDesign == null) ? INPUT_DEVICES_TO_USE : INPUT_DEVICES_TO_ADD); formData = new FormData(); formData.top = new FormAttachment(designNameInput.getOuter(), 32, SWT.DEFAULT); formData.left = new FormAttachment(0, 0); devicesLabel.setLayoutData(formData); inputDeviceComposite = new Composite(newDesignUI, SWT.BORDER); inputDeviceComposite.setLayout(new GridLayout()); formData = new FormData(); formData.right = new FormAttachment(100, -20); formData.top = new FormAttachment(devicesLabel, 10, SWT.DEFAULT); formData.left = new FormAttachment(0, 20); inputDeviceComposite.setLayoutData(formData); devicesLabel = new Label(newDesignUI, SWT.NONE); devicesLabel.setText((existingDesign == null) ? OUTPUT_DEVICES_TO_USE : OUTPUT_DEVICES_TO_ADD); formData = new FormData(); formData.top = new FormAttachment(inputDeviceComposite, 15, SWT.DEFAULT); formData.left = new FormAttachment(0, 0); devicesLabel.setLayoutData(formData); outputDeviceComposite = new Composite(newDesignUI, SWT.BORDER); outputDeviceComposite.setLayout(new GridLayout()); formData = new FormData(); formData.bottom = new FormAttachment(100, -10); formData.right = new FormAttachment(100, -20); formData.top = new FormAttachment(devicesLabel, 10, SWT.DEFAULT); formData.left = new FormAttachment(0, 20); outputDeviceComposite.setLayoutData(formData); GridData g = new GridData(); g.horizontalSpan = 4; userInterface.setLayoutData(g); // Set default design name if (existingDesign != null) { designNameInput.setText(existingDesign.getName()); } else if(importDialog) { designNameInput.setText(requestData.designName); } else { int designCount = userProject.getDesigns().size() + 1; designNameInput.setText("Design " + designCount); // Select the text of the design name so that it is easy to change designNameInput.selectAll(); } return userInterface; } // createUI /** * Add a device checkbox to the table * @param table the table to add the device to * @param dt the device * @param isSelected if the device is selected * @param optionListener the action listener to associate with the device */ protected void addDevice(DeviceType dt, boolean isSelected, SelectionListener action) { Composite parent = (dt.getNature() == DeviceType.OUTPUT_ONLY) ? outputDeviceComposite : inputDeviceComposite; Button button = new Button(parent, SWT.CHECK); button.setSelection((dt == DeviceType.Display) || isSelected); button.setData(dt); button.setText(dt.toString()); button.addSelectionListener(action); if(importDialog && isSelected) { button.setEnabled(false); } if ((dt == DeviceType.Display) || (isSelected && (existingDesign != null))) { button.setEnabled(false); } } /** * Maintain the request's set of selected device types; * toggle whether the set includes the given type. * * @param devType the device type to toggle set presence of */ protected void toggleDeviceType(DeviceType devType) { if (requestData.deviceTypes.contains(devType)) { requestData.deviceTypes.remove(devType); } else { requestData.deviceTypes.add(devType); } enableOKButtonCheck(); } /** * Populate the dialog box. */ @Override protected void addMoreFields() { super.addMoreFields(); createUI(); addDevice(DeviceType.Keyboard, requestData.deviceTypes.contains(DeviceType.Keyboard), new SelectionAdapter() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent arg0) { toggleDeviceType(DeviceType.Keyboard); } }); addDevice(DeviceType.Mouse, requestData.deviceTypes.contains(DeviceType.Mouse), new SelectionAdapter() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent evt) { toggleDeviceType(DeviceType.Mouse); } }); addDevice(DeviceType.Touchscreen, requestData.deviceTypes.contains(DeviceType.Touchscreen), new SelectionAdapter() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent evt) { toggleDeviceType(DeviceType.Touchscreen); } }); addDevice(DeviceType.Voice, requestData.deviceTypes.contains(DeviceType.Voice), new SelectionAdapter() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent evt) { toggleDeviceType(DeviceType.Voice); } }); // addDevice(DeviceType.Physical, // this.requestData.deviceTypes.contains(DeviceType.Physical), // new SelectionAdapter() { // public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent evt) // { // toggleDeviceType(DeviceType.Physical); // } // }); addDevice(DeviceType.Display, requestData.deviceTypes.contains(DeviceType.Display), new SelectionAdapter() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent evt) { toggleDeviceType(DeviceType.Display); } }); addDevice(DeviceType.Speaker, requestData.deviceTypes.contains(DeviceType.Speaker), new SelectionAdapter() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent evt) { toggleDeviceType(DeviceType.Speaker); } }); } @Override protected void addMoreButtons() { super.addMoreButtons(); enableOKButtonCheck(); } /** * Determine if the OK button should be set enabled or disabled. */ protected void enableOKButtonCheck() { if (okButton != null) { boolean enableOk = false; if (existingDesign != null) { enableOk = ! requestData.deviceTypes.equals(existingDesign.getDeviceTypes()); } // Check that the new design name is not "" else if (designNameInput.getText().length() > 0) { Iterator<DeviceType> requestedDevices = requestData.deviceTypes.iterator(); // Check that at least one input device is selected while (requestedDevices.hasNext()) { DeviceType device = requestedDevices.next(); if (device.getNature() != DeviceType.OUTPUT_ONLY) { enableOk = true; } } } okButton.setEnabled(enableOk); } } } // NewDesignDialog /** * Request new information (name, device type set) about a new or * existing design. The given data initializes the values for * the interaction. * * @param requestData the initial values for the dialog box * @return true if the user indicated that the operation should proceed; * false indicates a desire to cancel the operation * @author mlh */ public boolean requestNewDesignName(DesignRequestData requestData, boolean newProjectMode, Project project) { NewDesignDialog askName = new NewDesignDialog(window, requestData, newProjectMode, project); Object response = askName.open(); if ((response != null) && response.equals(WindowUtil.PromptDialog.OK)) { requestData.designName = askName.getPromptResponse(); return true; } return false; } public boolean requestNewDesignName(DesignRequestData requestData, boolean newProjectMode, Project project, boolean changeDesignName) { NewDesignDialog askName = new NewDesignDialog(window, requestData, newProjectMode, project, changeDesignName); Object response = askName.open(); if ((response != null) && response.equals(WindowUtil.PromptDialog.OK)) { requestData.designName = askName.getPromptResponse(); return true; } return false; } /** * Request new devices for the given design * * @param requestData to hold the return values for the dialog box * @param project the user's project * @param design the design to which to add devices * @return true if the user indicated that the operation should proceed; * false indicates a desire to cancel the operation */ public boolean requestAddDesignDevices(DesignRequestData requestData, Project project, Design design) { NewDesignDialog askName = new NewDesignDialog(window, requestData, project, design); Object response = askName.open(); if ((response != null) && response.equals(WindowUtil.PromptDialog.OK)) { requestData.designName = askName.getPromptResponse(); return true; } return false; } /** * A message explaining that the new widget name collides with * an existing one. */ public String protestNameCollision(String type) { WindowUtil.PromptDialog dialog = new WindowUtil.PromptDialog(window, errorTitle, SWT.PRIMARY_MODAL, type + " " + L10N.get("CT.NameLabel", "name:"), nameCollisionMsg); Object response = dialog.open(); return (response != null) && response.equals(WindowUtil.PromptDialog.OK) ? dialog.getPromptResponse() : null; } /** * A message explaining that the new widget name cannot be empty. */ public String protestNameCannotBeEmpty(String type) { WindowUtil.PromptDialog dialog = new WindowUtil.PromptDialog(window, errorTitle, SWT.PRIMARY_MODAL, type + " " + L10N.get("CT.NameLabel", "name:"), nameEmptyMsg); Object response = dialog.open(); return (response != null) && response.equals(WindowUtil.PromptDialog.OK) ? dialog.getPromptResponse() : null; } /** * Complain that one or more frames contains a hidden button. (Hidden hot-spot) * * @author khaledziyaeen@gmail.com */ public boolean protestHiddenButtons(String message) { return SWT.OK == WindowUtil.presentConfirmDialog(window, L10N.get("CT.HiddenButtons", "Hidden Buttons"), message); } public Boolean confirmNoTracing() { switch (WindowUtil.presentYesNoCancelDialog(window, L10N.get("PM.confirmNoTracingTitle", "Turn Tracing On?"), L10N.get("PM.confirmNoTracingMsg", "ACT-R tracing is currently suppressed, which means " + "visualization and the generation of script steps in " + "novice exploration will not work. Would you like to " + "turn ACT-R tracing back on again?"))) { case SWT.YES: return Boolean.TRUE; case SWT.NO: return Boolean.FALSE; default: return null; } } }