/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.cassandra.tools.nodetool; import static com.google.common.collect.Lists.newArrayList; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.EMPTY; import io.airlift.command.Arguments; import io.airlift.command.Command; import io.airlift.command.Option; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; import org.apache.cassandra.schema.SchemaConstants; import org.apache.cassandra.streaming.PreviewKind; import org.apache.cassandra.repair.RepairParallelism; import org.apache.cassandra.repair.messages.RepairOption; import org.apache.cassandra.tools.NodeProbe; import org.apache.cassandra.tools.NodeTool.NodeToolCmd; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; @Command(name = "repair", description = "Repair one or more tables") public class Repair extends NodeToolCmd { public final static Set<String> ONLY_EXPLICITLY_REPAIRED = Sets.newHashSet(SchemaConstants.DISTRIBUTED_KEYSPACE_NAME); @Arguments(usage = "[<keyspace> <tables>...]", description = "The keyspace followed by one or many tables") private List<String> args = new ArrayList<>(); @Option(title = "seqential", name = {"-seq", "--sequential"}, description = "Use -seq to carry out a sequential repair") private boolean sequential = false; @Option(title = "dc parallel", name = {"-dcpar", "--dc-parallel"}, description = "Use -dcpar to repair data centers in parallel.") private boolean dcParallel = false; @Option(title = "local_dc", name = {"-local", "--in-local-dc"}, description = "Use -local to only repair against nodes in the same datacenter") private boolean localDC = false; @Option(title = "specific_dc", name = {"-dc", "--in-dc"}, description = "Use -dc to repair specific datacenters") private List<String> specificDataCenters = new ArrayList<>();; @Option(title = "specific_host", name = {"-hosts", "--in-hosts"}, description = "Use -hosts to repair specific hosts") private List<String> specificHosts = new ArrayList<>(); @Option(title = "start_token", name = {"-st", "--start-token"}, description = "Use -st to specify a token at which the repair range starts") private String startToken = EMPTY; @Option(title = "end_token", name = {"-et", "--end-token"}, description = "Use -et to specify a token at which repair range ends") private String endToken = EMPTY; @Option(title = "primary_range", name = {"-pr", "--partitioner-range"}, description = "Use -pr to repair only the first range returned by the partitioner") private boolean primaryRange = false; @Option(title = "full", name = {"-full", "--full"}, description = "Use -full to issue a full repair.") private boolean fullRepair = false; @Option(title = "preview", name = {"-prv", "--preview"}, description = "Determine ranges and amount of data to be streamed, but don't actually perform repair") private boolean preview = false; @Option(title = "validate", name = {"-vd", "--validate"}, description = "Checks that repaired data is in sync between nodes. Out of sync repaired data indicates a full repair should be run.") private boolean validate = false; @Option(title = "job_threads", name = {"-j", "--job-threads"}, description = "Number of threads to run repair jobs. " + "Usually this means number of CFs to repair concurrently. " + "WARNING: increasing this puts more load on repairing nodes, so be careful. (default: 1, max: 4)") private int numJobThreads = 1; @Option(title = "trace_repair", name = {"-tr", "--trace"}, description = "Use -tr to trace the repair. Traces are logged to system_traces.events.") private boolean trace = false; @Option(title = "pull_repair", name = {"-pl", "--pull"}, description = "Use --pull to perform a one way repair where data is only streamed from a remote node to this node.") private boolean pullRepair = false; private PreviewKind getPreviewKind() { if (validate) { return PreviewKind.REPAIRED; } else if (preview && fullRepair) { return PreviewKind.ALL; } else if (preview) { return PreviewKind.UNREPAIRED; } else { return PreviewKind.NONE; } } @Override public void execute(NodeProbe probe) { List<String> keyspaces = parseOptionalKeyspace(args, probe, KeyspaceSet.NON_LOCAL_STRATEGY); String[] cfnames = parseOptionalTables(args); if (primaryRange && (!specificDataCenters.isEmpty() || !specificHosts.isEmpty())) throw new RuntimeException("Primary range repair should be performed on all nodes in the cluster."); for (String keyspace : keyspaces) { // avoid repairing system_distributed by default (CASSANDRA-9621) if ((args == null || args.isEmpty()) && ONLY_EXPLICITLY_REPAIRED.contains(keyspace)) continue; Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<>(); RepairParallelism parallelismDegree = RepairParallelism.PARALLEL; if (sequential) parallelismDegree = RepairParallelism.SEQUENTIAL; else if (dcParallel) parallelismDegree = RepairParallelism.DATACENTER_AWARE; options.put(RepairOption.PARALLELISM_KEY, parallelismDegree.getName()); options.put(RepairOption.PRIMARY_RANGE_KEY, Boolean.toString(primaryRange)); options.put(RepairOption.INCREMENTAL_KEY, Boolean.toString(!fullRepair)); options.put(RepairOption.JOB_THREADS_KEY, Integer.toString(numJobThreads)); options.put(RepairOption.TRACE_KEY, Boolean.toString(trace)); options.put(RepairOption.COLUMNFAMILIES_KEY, StringUtils.join(cfnames, ",")); options.put(RepairOption.PULL_REPAIR_KEY, Boolean.toString(pullRepair)); options.put(RepairOption.PREVIEW, getPreviewKind().toString()); if (!startToken.isEmpty() || !endToken.isEmpty()) { options.put(RepairOption.RANGES_KEY, startToken + ":" + endToken); } if (localDC) { options.put(RepairOption.DATACENTERS_KEY, StringUtils.join(newArrayList(probe.getDataCenter()), ",")); } else { options.put(RepairOption.DATACENTERS_KEY, StringUtils.join(specificDataCenters, ",")); } options.put(RepairOption.HOSTS_KEY, StringUtils.join(specificHosts, ",")); try { probe.repairAsync(System.out, keyspace, options); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error occurred during repair", e); } } } }