/* * Copyright 2010-2014 Amazon Technologies, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0 * * This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES * OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.amazonaws.eclipse.core.accounts; import java.io.File; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.UUID; import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog; import org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceStore; import com.amazonaws.auth.BasicAWSCredentials; import com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfilesConfigFile; import com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfilesConfigFileWriter; import com.amazonaws.auth.profile.internal.Profile; import com.amazonaws.eclipse.core.AccountInfo; import com.amazonaws.eclipse.core.AwsToolkitCore; import com.amazonaws.eclipse.core.accounts.preferences.PluginPreferenceStoreAccountCredentialsConfiguration; import com.amazonaws.eclipse.core.accounts.preferences.PluginPreferenceStoreAccountOptionalConfiguration; import com.amazonaws.eclipse.core.accounts.profiles.SdkProfilesCredentialsConfiguration; import com.amazonaws.eclipse.core.preferences.PreferenceConstants; import com.amazonaws.eclipse.core.ui.preferences.AwsAccountPreferencePage; import com.amazonaws.util.StringUtils; /** * A class that loads and returns all the configured AccountInfo. It's * also responsible for hooking the AccountInfoChangeListener. */ public class AccountInfoProvider { private final IPreferenceStore prefStore; /** * Loading from the credentials file is an expensive operation, so we want * to cache all the loaded AccountInfo objects. */ Map<String, AccountInfo> profileAccountInfoCache = new LinkedHashMap<String, AccountInfo>(); /** All the registered AccountInfoChangeListener */ List<AccountInfoChangeListener> listeners = new LinkedList<AccountInfoChangeListener>(); /** * Initialize the provider with the given preference store instance. */ public AccountInfoProvider(IPreferenceStore prefStore) { this.prefStore = prefStore; } /** * Returns all the account info that are loaded from the credential profiles * file. For performance reason, this method won't attempt to reload the * accounts upon each method call, therefore the returned result might be * out of sync with the external source. Call the {@link #refresh()} method * to forcefully reload all the account info. * * @return Map from the accountId to each of the profile-based AccountInfo * object. */ public Map<String, AccountInfo> getAllProfileAccountInfo() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(profileAccountInfoCache); } /** * Returns the profile account info by the account identifier. * * @see #getAllProfileAccountInfo() */ public AccountInfo getProfileAccountInfo(String accountId) { return profileAccountInfoCache.get(accountId); } /** * Loads and returns all the legacy account configuration from the * preference store system. The identifiers of legacy accounts could be * found in the following preference keys: * (1) accountIds (ids of all the global accounts) * (2) accountIds-region (e.g. "accountIds-cn-north-1", ids of all the regional accounts) * * @return Map from the accountId to each of the legacy AccountInfo * object. */ public Map<String, AccountInfo> getAllLegacyPreferenceStoreAccontInfo() { Map<String, AccountInfo> preferenceStoreAccounts = new LinkedHashMap<String, AccountInfo>(); // Global accounts preferenceStoreAccounts.putAll(loadPreferenceStoreAccountsByRegion(null)); // Regional accounts List<String> regionsWithDefaultAccount = AwsAccountPreferencePage .getRegionsWithDefaultAccounts(prefStore); for (String regionId : regionsWithDefaultAccount) { preferenceStoreAccounts.putAll(loadPreferenceStoreAccountsByRegion(regionId)); } return preferenceStoreAccounts; } /** * Returns the legacy preference store account info by the account * identifier. * * @see #getAllLegacyPreferenceStoreAccontInfo() */ public AccountInfo getLegacyPreferenceStoreAccountInfo(String accountId) { return getAllLegacyPreferenceStoreAccontInfo().get(accountId); } /** * Forces the provider to refresh all the profile AccountInfo it vends. * * @param boostrapCredentialsFile * If set true, this method will create a credentials file with a * default profile if no account is currently configured in the * toolkit. * @param showWarningOnFailure * If true, this method will show a warning message box if it * fails to load accounts. */ public synchronized void refreshProfileAccountInfo(final boolean boostrapCredentialsFile, final boolean showWarningOnFailure) { reloadProfileAccountInfo(boostrapCredentialsFile, showWarningOnFailure); // Notify the change listeners for (AccountInfoChangeListener listener : listeners) { listener.onAccountInfoChange(); } } /** * Update the following preference value: * (1) P_CREDENTIAL_PROFILE_ACCOUNT_IDS - ids of all the accounts that were loaded from credential profiles file. * (2) accountId:P_CREDENTIAL_PROFILE_NAME - name of the credential profile * * This method needs to be called whenever we reload profile credentials. */ public void updateProfileAccountMetadataInPreferenceStore(Collection<AccountInfo> accounts) { List<String> accountIds = new LinkedList<String>(); for (AccountInfo accountInfo : accounts) { accountIds.add(accountInfo.getInternalAccountId()); } String accountIdsString = StringUtils.join(PreferenceConstants.ACCOUNT_ID_SEPARATOR, accountIds.toArray(new String[accountIds.size()])); prefStore.setValue( PreferenceConstants.P_CREDENTIAL_PROFILE_ACCOUNT_IDS, accountIdsString); for(AccountInfo profileAccount : accounts) { String profileNamePrefKey = profileAccount.getInternalAccountId() + ":" + PreferenceConstants.P_CREDENTIAL_PROFILE_NAME; prefStore.setValue( profileNamePrefKey, profileAccount.getAccountName()); } } /** * Register an AccountInfoChangeListener to this provider. All the * registered listeners will be notified whenever this provider is * refreshed. * * @param listener * The new AccountInfoChangeListener to be registered. */ public void addAccountInfoChangeListener(AccountInfoChangeListener listener) { synchronized(listeners) { listeners.add(listener); } } /** * Remove an AccountInfoChangeListener from this provider. */ public void removeAccountInfoChangeListener(AccountInfoChangeListener listener) { synchronized(listeners) { listeners.remove(listener); } } /* Profile-based account info */ private void reloadProfileAccountInfo(final boolean boostrapCredentialsFile, final boolean showWarningOnFailure) { profileAccountInfoCache.clear(); /* Load the credential profiles file */ String credFileLocation = prefStore .getString(PreferenceConstants.P_CREDENTIAL_PROFILE_FILE_LOCATION); File credFile = new File(credFileLocation); ProfilesConfigFile profileConfigFile = null; try { if (!credFile.exists() && boostrapCredentialsFile) { ProfilesConfigFileWriter.dumpToFile( credFile, true, // overwrite=true new Profile(PreferenceConstants.DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_NAME, new BasicAWSCredentials("", ""))); } profileConfigFile = new ProfilesConfigFile(credFile); } catch (Exception e) { String errorMsg = String.format("Failed to load credential profiles from (%s).", credFileLocation); AwsToolkitCore.getDefault().logInfo(errorMsg + e.getMessage()); if ( showWarningOnFailure ) { MessageDialog.openError(null, "Unable to load profile accounts", errorMsg + " Please check that your credentials file is at the correct location " + "and that it is in the correct format."); } } if (profileConfigFile == null) return; /* Set up the AccountInfo objects */ // Map from profile name to its pre-configured account id Map<String, String> exisitingProfileAccountIds = getExistingProfileAccountIds(); // Iterate through the newly loaded profiles. Re-use the existing // account id if the profile name is already configured in the toolkit. // Otherwise assign a new UUID for it. for (Entry<String, Profile> entry : profileConfigFile.getAllProfiles().entrySet()) { String profileName = entry.getKey(); Profile profile = entry.getValue(); String accountId = exisitingProfileAccountIds.get(profileName); if (accountId == null) { AwsToolkitCore.getDefault().logInfo("No profile found: " + profileName); accountId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); } AccountInfo profileAccountInfo = new AccountInfoImpl(accountId, new SdkProfilesCredentialsConfiguration(prefStore, accountId, profile), // Profile accounts use profileName as the preference name prefix // @see PluginPreferenceStoreAccountOptionalConfiguration new PluginPreferenceStoreAccountOptionalConfiguration(prefStore, profileName)); profileAccountInfoCache.put(accountId, profileAccountInfo); } /* Update the preference store metadata for the newly loaded profile accounts */ updateProfileAccountMetadataInPreferenceStore(profileAccountInfoCache.values()); } /** * The toolkit uses the "credentialProfileAccountIds" preference property to * store the identifiers of all the profile-based accounts. This method * checks this preference value and returns a map of all the existing * profile accounts that are already configured in the toolkit. * * @return Key - profile name; Value - account id */ private Map<String, String> getExistingProfileAccountIds() { Map<String, String> exisitingProfileAccounts = new HashMap<String, String>(); // Ids of all the profile accounts currently configured in the toolkit String[] profileAccountIds = prefStore.getString( PreferenceConstants.P_CREDENTIAL_PROFILE_ACCOUNT_IDS).split( PreferenceConstants.ACCOUNT_ID_SEPARATOR_REGEX); for (String accountId : profileAccountIds) { String configuredProfileName = prefStore.getString( accountId + ":" + PreferenceConstants.P_CREDENTIAL_PROFILE_NAME); if (configuredProfileName != null && !configuredProfileName.isEmpty()) { exisitingProfileAccounts.put(configuredProfileName, accountId); } } return exisitingProfileAccounts; } /* Pref-store-based account info */ /** * Returns a map of all the preference-store-based account info. * * @param region * Null value indicates the global region */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private Map<String, AccountInfo> loadPreferenceStoreAccountsByRegion(String regionId) { String p_regionalAccountIds = regionId == null ? PreferenceConstants.P_ACCOUNT_IDS : PreferenceConstants.P_ACCOUNT_IDS + "-" + regionId; String[] accountIds = prefStore.getString(p_regionalAccountIds) .split(PreferenceConstants.ACCOUNT_ID_SEPARATOR_REGEX); Map<String, AccountInfo> accounts = new LinkedHashMap<String, AccountInfo>(); for ( String accountId : accountIds ) { if (accountId.length() > 0) { // Both credential and optional configurations are preference-store-based AccountInfo prefStoreAccountInfo = new AccountInfoImpl(accountId, new PluginPreferenceStoreAccountCredentialsConfiguration(prefStore, accountId), new PluginPreferenceStoreAccountOptionalConfiguration(prefStore, accountId)); accounts.put(accountId, prefStoreAccountInfo); } } return accounts; } }