/* * Copyright 2009-2012 Amazon Technologies, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0 * * This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES * OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.amazonaws.ec2.cluster; import java.io.File; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.OperationCanceledException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status; import org.eclipse.ui.statushandlers.StatusManager; import com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException; import com.amazonaws.eclipse.core.AWSClientFactory; import com.amazonaws.eclipse.core.AwsToolkitCore; import com.amazonaws.eclipse.ec2.Ec2InstanceLauncher; import com.amazonaws.eclipse.ec2.Ec2Plugin; import com.amazonaws.eclipse.ec2.InstanceUtils; import com.amazonaws.eclipse.ec2.preferences.PreferenceConstants; import com.amazonaws.services.ec2.AmazonEC2; import com.amazonaws.services.ec2.model.AssociateAddressRequest; import com.amazonaws.services.ec2.model.AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressRequest; import com.amazonaws.services.ec2.model.DescribeAddressesRequest; import com.amazonaws.services.ec2.model.DescribeAddressesResult; import com.amazonaws.services.ec2.model.Instance; /** * Models a cluster of hosts running in Amazon EC2. Specific application server * clusters will need to override this class to provide details on their * application servers. */ public abstract class Cluster { /** Shared logger */ private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Cluster.class.getName()); /** Shared factory for creating Amazon EC2 clients */ private final AWSClientFactory clientFactory = AwsToolkitCore.getClientFactory(); /** * The individual application servers that make up this cluster. */ protected List<Ec2Server> applicationServers = new ArrayList<Ec2Server>(); /** The optional proxy for this elastic cluster */ private Ec2WebProxy webProxy; /** * A set of EC2 instance IDs representing servers who have had their * server configuration successfully published since the last time * the server configuration files were invalidated. */ protected Set<String> serversWithUpToDateConfiguration = new HashSet<String>(); /** * The configuration that defines how a cluster instance runs, including the * security group in which the AMIs run, the key pair that provides access * to the instance, etc. */ protected final ClusterConfiguration clusterConfiguration; /** * A map of the application server AMIs to launch for this cluster mapped by * Amazon EC2 region name. */ private Map<String, String> amisByRegion = new HashMap<String, String>(); /** * True if this cluster should be running in debug mode, false otherwise. */ private boolean debugMode; /** * Creates a new cluster with the specified cluster configuration. * * @param clusterConfiguration * The configuration details for this cluster including what * security group it runs in, what key pair is used to access it, * etc. */ public Cluster(ClusterConfiguration clusterConfiguration) { this.clusterConfiguration = clusterConfiguration; } /** * Sets whether or not this cluster should be running in debug mode. * * @param debugMode * True if this cluster should be running in debug mode, * otherwise false. */ public void setDebugMode(boolean debugMode) { this.debugMode = debugMode; for (Ec2Server server : applicationServers) { server.setDebugMode(debugMode); } } /** * Adds a new host to this cluster. * * @param instance * The Amazon EC2 instance to add to this cluster. */ public void addHost(Instance instance) { Ec2Server server = createApplicationServer(instance); server.setDebugMode(debugMode); applicationServers.add(server); } /** * Adds the specified host as the proxy for this cluster. * * @param instance * The Amazon EC2 instance that will serve as the proxy for this * cluster. */ public void addProxyHost(Instance instance) { webProxy = new Ec2WebProxy(instance); int serverPort = clusterConfiguration.getMainPort(); if (serverPort != -1) { this.webProxy.setMainPort(serverPort); } } /** * Publishes the specified resources to this cluster. The default * implementation simply iterates over the hosts in the cluster and calls * publish on the individual application servers. * * Subclasses can override the default implementation if a specific cluster * of application servers requires a more involved publish process at the * cluster level. * * @see Ec2Server#publish(File, String) for more details on the data * provided in the moduleArchive. * * @param moduleArchive * The archive of resources to be deployed. * @param moduleName * The name of the module being deployed. * @throws Exception * If any problems were encountered while publishing. */ public void publish(File moduleArchive, String moduleName) throws Exception { for (Ec2Server server : applicationServers) { server.publish(moduleArchive, moduleName); } } /** * Notifies this cluster that the server configuration files on the cluster * hosts are out of sync and need to be published the next time * publishServerConfiguration is called. */ public void invalidateServerConfiguration() { serversWithUpToDateConfiguration.clear(); } /** * Returns the number of hosts contained in this cluster. * * @return The number of hosts contained in this cluster. */ public int size() { return applicationServers.size(); } /** * Initializes this running cluster so that it's ready to be used. The exact * initialization performed depends on the specifics of the actual * application servers. The default implementation simply gives each * application server a chance to initialize themselves. * * Subclasses can override this method to perform initialization specific to * other types of application server clusters. * * @throws Exception * If any problems were encountered while initializing this * cluster. */ public void initialize() throws Exception { for (Ec2Server server : applicationServers) { server.initialize(); } } /** * Returns a list of the Amazon EC2 instance IDs for this cluster. * * @return A list of the Amazon EC2 instance IDs for this cluster. */ public List<String> getInstanceIds() { List<String> instanceIds = new ArrayList<String>(); if (applicationServers == null) { return instanceIds; } for (Ec2Server server : applicationServers) { instanceIds.add(server.getInstanceId()); } return instanceIds; } /** * Stops the application servers in this cluster. * * @throws Exception * If any problems are encountered while stopping the * application servers. */ public void stopApplicationServers() throws Exception { if (applicationServers != null) { for (Ec2Server server : applicationServers) { server.stop(); } } if (webProxy != null) { webProxy.stop(); } } /** * Starts the application servers in this cluster. * * @throws Exception * If any problems are encountered while starting the * application servers. */ public void startApplicationServers() throws Exception { if (applicationServers != null) { for (Ec2Server server : applicationServers) { server.start(); } } if (webProxy != null) { webProxy.start(); } } /** * Starts this cluster, launching any Amazon EC2 instances that need to be * launched, otherwise just reusing the existing hosts in the cluster if * they're available. If a proxy is required for this cluster, it will be * launched (if necessary) and configured here as well. * * @param monitor * The progress monitor to use to report progress of starting * this cluster. * * @throws Exception * If there are any problems launching the cluster hosts, * initializing the application server environments, configuring * the proxy, etc. */ public void start(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws Exception { if (monitor == null) monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); if (monitor.isCanceled()) return; monitor.beginTask("Starting cluster", 30); // Automatic security group configuration... configureEc2SecurityGroupPermissions(clusterConfiguration .getSecurityGroupName()); monitor.worked(10); // Service container launching... launchServiceContainerInstances(monitor); monitor.worked(10); // Proxy launching... if (clusterConfiguration.getClusterSize() > 1) { launchProxyInstance(monitor); } else { webProxy = null; } monitor.worked(10); String elasticIp = clusterConfiguration.getElasticIp(); if (elasticIp != null) { associateElasticIp(elasticIp); } monitor.done(); } /** * Returns the IP address (as a String) for the head of this cluster. If this * cluster is fronted by a proxy for load balancing, that address will be * returned. * * @return The IP address (as a String) for the head of this cluster. */ public String getIp() { // if we're associated with an elastic IP, use that... if (clusterConfiguration.getElasticIp() != null) { return clusterConfiguration.getElasticIp(); } // if we're using a proxy to load balance, use that... if (webProxy != null) { return webProxy.getIp(); } // otherwise just use the first instance's public IP return applicationServers.get(0).getIp(); } /** * Returns the IP address for one of the servers in this cluster (not * including the proxy if one is used for load balancing). Callers that need * the address of a real server and need to ensure that they aren't going * through the load balancer should use this method to ensure they get * direct access to one of the application servers. * * @return The IP address for one of the application servers in this * cluster. */ public String getInstanceIp() { return applicationServers.get(0).getIp(); } /** * Publishes any server configuration files that need to be published based * on callers use of the invalidateServerConfiguration method. * * @param serverConfigurationDirectory * The directory containing the app server specific configuration * files. * * @throws Exception * If any problems were encountered publishing the server * configuration files. */ public void publishServerConfiguration(File serverConfigurationDirectory) throws Exception { for (Ec2Server server : applicationServers) { if (isConfigurationDirty(server.getInstanceId())) { server.publishServerConfiguration(serverConfigurationDirectory); setConfigurationClean(server.getInstanceId()); } } /* * TODO: it'd be nice to pass the progress monitor into * publishServerConfiguration and get a finer granularity on the * progress being made, but at the same time, we want to try to keep any * Eclipse specific dependencies out of the cluster management layer as * much as possible. * * We might consider building a simple interface that mirrors what we * need from IProgressMonitor and then a simple adapter. */ // monitor.worked(10 * cluster.size()); if (webProxy != null && isConfigurationDirty(webProxy.getInstanceId())) { int mainPort = clusterConfiguration.getMainPort(); if (mainPort != -1) { webProxy.setMainPort(mainPort); } try { webProxy.publishServerConfiguration(null); webProxy.start(); setConfigurationClean(webProxy.getInstanceId()); } catch (Exception ioe) { Status status = new Status(Status.ERROR, Ec2Plugin.PLUGIN_ID, "Unable to publish proxy configuration: " + ioe.getMessage(), ioe); throw new CoreException(status); } } } /** * Registers the specified AMI for the specified Amazon EC2 region with this * cluster. When this cluster needs to launch Amazon EC2 instances, it will * use the registered AMIs and the configured region to determine which AMI * to launch. * * @param amiId * The ID of the Amazon EC2 AMI that should be launched for * application servers in this cluster in the specified Amazon * EC2 region. * @param region * The name of the Amazon EC2 region in which the specified AMI * exists. */ public void registerAmiForRegion(String amiId, String region) { amisByRegion.put(region, amiId); } /** * Returns the ID of the Amazon EC2 AMI for this cluster in the specified * region, otherwise null if there is no AMI supported for the specified * region. * * @param region * The Amazon EC2 region in which the returned AMI exists. * * @return The ID of the Amazon EC2 AMI for this cluster in the specified * region, otherwise null if there is no AMI supported for the * specified region. */ public String getAmiByRegion(String region) { return amisByRegion.get(region); } /** * Returns the set of Amazon EC2 region names in which this cluster can run. * * @return The set of Amazon EC2 region names in which this cluster can run. */ public Set<String> getSupportedRegions() { return amisByRegion.keySet(); } /** * Returns a unique ID for the Amazon EC2 resource responsible for load * balancing in this cluster. * * @return A unique ID for the Amazon EC2 resource responsible for load * balancing in this cluster. */ public String getProxyId() { if (webProxy == null) { return null; } return webProxy.getInstanceId(); } /* * Protected Interface */ /** * Subclasses must implement this callback method to create the actual * application server object for a specified Amazon EC2 instance. The * application server object is what defines the custom interaction required * for working with a specific application server. * * @param instance * The Amazon EC2 instance with which the new application server * is associated. * * @return An object extending the Ec2Server abstract class that provides * the exact logic for working with a specific application server * (publishing, initializing, etc). */ protected abstract Ec2Server createApplicationServer(Instance instance); /** * Returns true if the specified instance ID needs to have its configuration * republished. * * @param instanceId * The ID of the EC2 instance representing the server whose * configuration files are in question. * * @return True if the specified instance ID has not been published since * the last time the server configuration files were invalidated * by the invalidateServerConfiguration method, * otherwise false if the published server configuration files for * the specified EC2 instance are up to date. */ protected boolean isConfigurationDirty(String instanceId) { return !serversWithUpToDateConfiguration.contains(instanceId); } /** * Notifies this cluster that the specified EC2 instance ID has had its * server configuration files successfully published and is now up to date. * * @param instanceId * The ID of the EC2 instance whose server configuration has been * successfully published. */ protected void setConfigurationClean(String instanceId) { serversWithUpToDateConfiguration.add(instanceId); } /** * Returns the Amazon EC2 client to use when working with this cluster. * * @return The Amazon EC2 client to use when working with this cluster. */ protected AmazonEC2 getEc2Client() { String clusterEndpoint = clusterConfiguration.getEc2RegionEndpoint(); if (clusterEndpoint != null && clusterEndpoint.length() > 0) { return clientFactory.getEC2ClientByEndpoint(clusterEndpoint); } // We should always have a region/endpoint configured in the cluster, // but just in case we don't, we'll still return something. return Ec2Plugin.getDefault().getDefaultEC2Client(); } /* * Private Interface */ /** * Configures the security group in which this cluster is running so that * the cluster can be remotely administered and accessed. * * @param securityGroup * The security group to configure. * * @throws CoreException * If any problems are encountered configuring the specified * security group. */ private void configureEc2SecurityGroupPermissions(String securityGroup) throws CoreException { String permissiveNetmask = ""; String strictNetmask = permissiveNetmask; try { /* * We use checkip.amazonaws.com to determine our IP and the most * restrictive netmask we can use to lock down security group * permissions, but it only works in the US region. */ String region = clusterConfiguration.getEc2RegionName(); region = region.toLowerCase(); } catch (Exception e) { Status status = new Status(Status.INFO, Ec2Plugin.PLUGIN_ID, "Unable to lookup netmask from checkip.amazon.com. Defaulting to " + strictNetmask); StatusManager.getManager().handle(status, StatusManager.LOG); } // We want locked down permissions for the control/management port (SSH) authorizeSecurityGroupIngressAndSwallowErrors(securityGroup, "tcp", 22, 22, strictNetmask); // TODO: we'll eventually need the remote debugging port to be configurable authorizeSecurityGroupIngressAndSwallowErrors(securityGroup, "tcp", 443, 443, strictNetmask); // We want more permissive permissions for the main, public port int mainPort = clusterConfiguration.getMainPort(); if (mainPort != -1) { authorizeSecurityGroupIngressAndSwallowErrors(securityGroup, "tcp", mainPort, mainPort, permissiveNetmask); } } /** * Calls out to EC2 to authorize the specified port range, protocol, netmask * for the specified security group. If any errors are encountered (ex: the * requested ingress is already included in the security group permissions), * they are silently swallowed. * * @param securityGroup * The security group to add permissions to. * @param protocol * The protocol for the new permissions. * @param fromPort * The starting port of the port range. * @param toPort * The ending port of the port range. * @param netmask * The netmask associated with the new permissions. */ private void authorizeSecurityGroupIngressAndSwallowErrors( String securityGroup, String protocol, int fromPort, int toPort, String netmask) { AmazonEC2 ec2 = getEc2Client(); AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressRequest request = new AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressRequest(); request.setGroupName(securityGroup); request.setFromPort(fromPort); request.setToPort(toPort); request.setIpProtocol(protocol); request.setCidrIp(netmask); try { ec2.authorizeSecurityGroupIngress(request); } catch (AmazonClientException e) { /* * We don't worry about these exceptions, since callers specifically * asked for them to be swallowed */ } } /** * Launches any application server instances that need to be launched to * bring this cluster up to full size. * * @param monitor * The progress monitor to use to report progress. * @throws CoreException * If any problems are encountered launching the new Amazon EC2 * instances. * @throws OperationCanceledException * If we detect that the user canceled the launch. */ private void launchServiceContainerInstances(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException, OperationCanceledException { // Calculate how many hosts we need to bring up based on the total size // of the cluster and how many hosts we already have up. int numberOfActiveHosts = size(); int numberOfTotalHosts = clusterConfiguration.getClusterSize(); int numberOfMissingHosts = numberOfTotalHosts - numberOfActiveHosts; if (numberOfMissingHosts < 0) numberOfMissingHosts = 0; /* * TODO: Add logic to shutdown extra instances if we're running too * many. */ // Launch as many hosts as we need to get our fleet to the right size List<Instance> instances = new ArrayList<Instance>(); if (numberOfMissingHosts > 0) { logger.info("Launching " + numberOfMissingHosts + " service container instances"); String keyPairName = clusterConfiguration.getKeyPairName(); try { String region = clusterConfiguration.getEc2RegionName(); String amiId = amisByRegion.get(region); if (amiId == null) { Status status = new Status(Status.ERROR, Ec2Plugin.PLUGIN_ID, "This cluster doesn't have an AMI registered for the '" + region + "' region"); throw new CoreException(status); } Ec2InstanceLauncher launcher = new Ec2InstanceLauncher(amiId, keyPairName); launcher.setProgressMonitor(monitor); launcher.setInstanceType(clusterConfiguration .getEc2InstanceType()); launcher.setEc2RegionEndpoint(clusterConfiguration .getEc2RegionEndpoint()); launcher.setNumberOfInstances(numberOfMissingHosts); launcher.setSecurityGroup(clusterConfiguration .getSecurityGroupName()); instances = launcher.launchAndWait(); // Mark the web proxy configuration as out of date so that it // gets published next time this cluster is deployed if (webProxy != null) { serversWithUpToDateConfiguration.remove(webProxy .getInstanceId()); } } catch (OperationCanceledException oce) { // We want to let OperationCanceledExceptions propagate up so we // can deal with them at a higher layer. throw oce; } catch (Exception e) { Status status = new Status(Status.ERROR, Ec2Plugin.PLUGIN_ID, "Unable to start cluster: " + e.getMessage(), e); throw new CoreException(status); } logger.info("Successfully started " + instances.size() + " instance(s)."); } else { logger.info("No missing service container instances need to be launched"); } // Update the local list of application servers for (Instance instance : instances) { addHost(instance); } try { initialize(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CoreException(new Status(Status.ERROR, Ec2Plugin.PLUGIN_ID, "Unable to fully initialize cluster", e)); } } /** * Returns the EC2 instance ID of the instance attached to the specified * Elastic IP address, or null if the Elastic IP address wasn't found, or * isn't attached to an instance. * * @param elasticIp * The Elastic IP address to check. * * @return The EC2 instance ID of the instance attached to the specified * Elastic IP address, or null if no instance is attached to this * address. * * @throws AmazonEC2Exception * If any problems were encountered while looking up the * specified Elastic IP. */ private String lookupAttachedInstance(String elasticIp) throws AmazonClientException { DescribeAddressesRequest request = new DescribeAddressesRequest().withPublicIps(elasticIp); DescribeAddressesResult result = getEc2Client().describeAddresses(request); if (!result.getAddresses().isEmpty()) { return result.getAddresses().get(0).getInstanceId(); } return null; } /** * Associates the specified Elastic IP with this cluster. * * @param elasticIp * The Elastic IP to associate with this cluster. */ private void associateElasticIp(String elasticIp) { AmazonEC2 ec2 = getEc2Client(); InstanceUtils instanceUtils = new InstanceUtils(ec2); try { String instanceId; if (webProxy != null) { logger.info("Associating Elastic IP with proxy..."); instanceId = webProxy.getInstanceId(); } else { logger.info("Associating Elastic IP with application server..."); instanceId = applicationServers.get(0).getInstanceId(); } logger.info(" - Elastic IP '" + elasticIp + "' => '" + instanceId + "'"); /* * Check if the ElasticIP is already associated with the correct * instance, and if so, we don't need to do anything... */ String attachedInstance = this.lookupAttachedInstance(elasticIp); if (attachedInstance != null && attachedInstance.equals(instanceId)) { return; } String previousDnsName = instanceUtils.lookupInstanceById(instanceId).getPublicDnsName(); AssociateAddressRequest request = new AssociateAddressRequest(); request.setInstanceId(instanceId); request.setPublicIp(elasticIp); ec2.associateAddress(request); /* * When we associate the Elastic IP the public DNS name of that host * changes, so we need to refresh our Instance objects in * order to see the new DNS name. If we don't do that, then we'll * run into problems (sooner or later) where the old DNS name * doesn't work anymore. We check periodically to account for the * fact that Elastic IP changes can take different amounts of time * to show up. */ String currentDnsName; int pollCount = 0; do { if (pollCount++ > 90) { throw new Exception("Unable to detect that the Elastic IP was correctly associated"); } try {Thread.sleep(5000);} catch (InterruptedException e) {} currentDnsName = instanceUtils.lookupInstanceById(instanceId).getPublicDnsName(); } while (currentDnsName.equals(previousDnsName)); if (webProxy != null) { webProxy.refreshInstance(getEc2Client()); } else { applicationServers.get(0).refreshInstance(getEc2Client()); } } catch (Exception e) { Status status = new Status(Status.WARNING, Ec2Plugin.PLUGIN_ID, "Unable to associate Elastic IP with cluster: " + e.getMessage(), e); StatusManager.getManager().handle(status, StatusManager.SHOW | StatusManager.LOG); } } /** * Launches the load balancing proxy instance if necessary. * * @param monitor * The progress monitor for this method to use to report progress * and check for a request from the user to cancel this * operation. * * @throws CoreException * If any problems are encountered that prevent this method from * launching and configuring the load balancing proxy instance. * @throws OperationCanceledException * If this method detects that the user requested to cancel this * operation while this method is executing. */ private void launchProxyInstance(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException, OperationCanceledException { List<String> instanceIds = getInstanceIds(); List<Instance> proxiedInstances; try { InstanceUtils instanceUtils = new InstanceUtils(getEc2Client()); proxiedInstances = instanceUtils.lookupInstancesById(instanceIds); } catch (Exception e) { Status status = new Status(Status.ERROR, Ec2Plugin.PLUGIN_ID, "Unable to start proxy: " + e.getMessage(), e); throw new CoreException(status); } if (webProxy == null) { String keyPairName = clusterConfiguration.getKeyPairName(); List<Instance> proxyInstances = null; try { String region = clusterConfiguration.getEc2RegionName(); String amiId = Ec2WebProxy.getAmiIdByRegion(region); // TODO: availability zone support might be nice Ec2InstanceLauncher proxyLauncher = new Ec2InstanceLauncher( amiId, keyPairName); proxyLauncher.setProgressMonitor(monitor); proxyLauncher.setEc2RegionEndpoint(clusterConfiguration .getEc2RegionEndpoint()); proxyLauncher.setInstanceType(clusterConfiguration .getEc2InstanceType()); proxyLauncher.setSecurityGroup(clusterConfiguration .getSecurityGroupName()); proxyInstances = proxyLauncher.launchAndWait(); } catch (OperationCanceledException oce) { // We want to let OperationCanceledExceptions propagate up so we // can deal with them at a higher layer. throw oce; } catch (Exception e) { Status status = new Status(Status.ERROR, Ec2Plugin.PLUGIN_ID, "Unable to start proxy: " + e.getMessage(), e); throw new CoreException(status); } webProxy = new Ec2WebProxy(proxyInstances.get(0)); webProxy.setMainPort(clusterConfiguration.getMainPort()); } webProxy.setProxiedHosts(proxiedInstances); } }