package com.amazonaws.eclipse.codedeploy.appspec.model; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; public class AppspecTemplateParameter { private final String name; private final ParameterType type; private final String defaultValueAsString; private final String substitutionAnchorText; private final ParameterConstraints constraints; @JsonCreator public AppspecTemplateParameter( @JsonProperty("name") String name, @JsonProperty("type") ParameterType type, @JsonProperty("defaultValueAsString") String defaultValueAsString, @JsonProperty("constraints") ParameterConstraints constraints, @JsonProperty("substitutionAnchorText") String substitutionAnchorText) { = name; this.type = type; this.defaultValueAsString = defaultValueAsString; this.constraints = constraints; this.substitutionAnchorText = substitutionAnchorText; } public String getName() { return name; } public ParameterType getType() { return type; } public String getDefaultValueAsString() { return defaultValueAsString; } public ParameterConstraints getConstraints() { return constraints; } public String getSubstitutionAnchorText() { return substitutionAnchorText; } /** * @throw IllegalArgumentException if the parameter model is not valid */ @JsonIgnore public void validate() { checkRequiredFields(); checkConstraints(); } private void checkRequiredFields() { if (substitutionAnchorText == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("substitutionAnchorText is not specified for the template parameter."); if (name == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("name is not specified for parameter " + substitutionAnchorText); if (type == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("type is not specified for parameter " + substitutionAnchorText); if (defaultValueAsString == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("defaultValueAsString is not specified for parameter " + substitutionAnchorText); } private void checkConstraints() { if (type == ParameterType.STRING) { if (constraints.getMaxValue() != null || constraints.getMinValue() != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid constraints for parameter " + substitutionAnchorText + ". minValue or maxValue cannot be set for STRING-type parameter."); } if (constraints.getValidationRegex() != null) { try { Pattern.compile(constraints.getValidationRegex()); } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid regex constraint for parameter " + substitutionAnchorText, e); } } } else if (type == ParameterType.INTEGER) { if (constraints.getValidationRegex() != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid constraints for parameter " + substitutionAnchorText + ". validationRegex cannot be set for INTEGER-type parameter."); } if (constraints.getMaxValue() != null && constraints.getMinValue() != null && constraints.getMaxValue() < constraints.getMinValue()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid constraints for parameter " + substitutionAnchorText + ". maxValue cannot be smaller than minValue."); } } } public static class ParameterConstraints { /** For STRING type */ private final String validationRegex; /** For INTEGER type */ private final Integer minValue; private final Integer maxValue; @JsonCreator public ParameterConstraints( @JsonProperty("validationRegex") String validationRegex, @JsonProperty("minValue") Integer minValue, @JsonProperty("maxValue") Integer maxValue) { this.validationRegex = validationRegex; this.minValue = minValue; this.maxValue = maxValue; } public String getValidationRegex() { return validationRegex; } public Integer getMinValue() { return minValue; } public Integer getMaxValue() { return maxValue; } } public enum ParameterType { STRING, INTEGER } }