/* * Copyright 2010-2012 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * A copy of the License is located at * * http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0 * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.amazonaws.eclipse.elasticbeanstalk.deploy; import static com.amazonaws.eclipse.elasticbeanstalk.ElasticBeanstalkPlugin.trace; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import com.amazonaws.eclipse.core.regions.Region; import com.amazonaws.eclipse.core.regions.ServiceAbbreviations; import com.amazonaws.eclipse.ec2.ui.keypair.KeyPairComposite; import com.amazonaws.services.ec2.model.KeyPairInfo; public class DeployWizardDataModel { // Bean property name constants public static final String EXISTING_APPLICATION_NAME = "existingApplicationName"; public static final String CREATING_NEW_APPLICATION = "creatingNewApplication"; public static final String NEW_APPLICATION_NAME = "newApplicationName"; public static final String NEW_APPLICATION_DESCRIPTION = "newApplicationDescription"; public static final String VERSION_RELEASE_LABEL = "versionReleaseLabel"; public static final String VERSION_DESCRIPTION = "versionDescription"; public static final String EXISTING_S3_BUCKET_NAME = "existingS3BucketName"; public static final String CREATING_NEW_S3_BUCKET = "creatingNewS3Bucket"; public static final String NEW_S3_BUCKET_NAME = "newS3BucketName"; public static final String NEW_ENVIRONMENT_NAME = "newEnvironmentName"; public static final String NEW_ENVIRONMENT_DESCRIPTION = "newEnvironmentDescription"; public static final String ENVIRONMENT_TYPE = "environmentType"; public static final String USING_KEY_PAIR = "usingKeyPair"; public static final String KEY_PAIR = "keyPair"; public static final String USING_CNAME = "usingCname"; public static final String CNAME = "cname"; public static final String INCREMENTAL_DEPLOYMENT = "incrementalDeployment"; public static final String SNS_ENDPOINT = "snsEndpoint"; public static final String SSL_CERTIFICATE_ID = "sslCertificateId"; public static final String HEALTH_CHECK_URL = "healthCheckUrl"; public static final String USE_NON_DEFAULT_VPC = "useNonDefaultVpc"; public static final String VPC_ID = "vpcId"; public static final String ELB_SCHEME = "elbScheme"; public static final String SECURITY_GROUP = "securityGroup"; public static final String ASSOCIATE_PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS = "associatePublicIpAddress"; public static final String INSTANCE_ROLE_NAME = "instanceRoleName"; public static final String SERVICE_ROLE_NAME = "serviceRoleName"; public static final String REGION_ENDPOINT = "regionEndpoint"; public static final String WORKER_QUEUE_URL = "workerQueueUrl"; private Region region; private String existingApplicationName; private boolean isCreatingNewApplication; private String newApplicationName; private String newApplicationDescription; private String newEnvironmentName; private String newEnvironmentDescription; private String environmentType; private boolean usingCname = false; private String cname; private boolean usingKeyPair = false; private KeyPairInfo keyPair; private boolean incrementalDeployment = false; private String snsEndpoint; private String healthCheckUrl; private String sslCertificateId; private boolean useNonDefaultVpc; private String vpcId; private final Set<String> ec2Subnets = new HashSet<String>(); private final Set<String> elbSubnets = new HashSet<String>(); private String elbScheme; private String securityGroup; private boolean associatePublicIpAddress; private String instanceRoleName; private String serviceRoleName; private boolean skipIamRoleAndInstanceProfileCreation; private String workerQueueUrl; // Share reference to make is easy to update the composite when region // changed. private KeyPairComposite keyPairComposite; public boolean isIncrementalDeployment() { return incrementalDeployment; } public void setIncrementalDeployment(boolean b) { this.incrementalDeployment = b; } public boolean isUsingKeyPair() { return usingKeyPair; } public void setUsingKeyPair(boolean usingKeyPair) { trace("Setting using key pair = " + usingKeyPair); this.usingKeyPair = usingKeyPair; } public boolean isUsingCname() { return usingCname; } public void setUsingCname(boolean usingCname) { trace("Setting using cname = " + usingCname); this.usingCname = usingCname; } public String getCname() { return cname; } public void setCname(String cname) { trace("Setting cname = " + cname); this.cname = cname; } public KeyPairInfo getKeyPair() { return keyPair; } public void setKeyPair(KeyPairInfo keyPair) { trace("Setting key pair = " + keyPair); this.keyPair = keyPair; } public String getApplicationName() { if (isCreatingNewApplication) { return newApplicationName; } return existingApplicationName; } public String getExistingApplicationName() { return existingApplicationName; } public void setExistingApplicationName(String existingApplicationName) { trace("Setting existing application name = " + existingApplicationName); this.existingApplicationName = existingApplicationName; } public boolean isCreatingNewApplication() { return isCreatingNewApplication; } public void setCreatingNewApplication(boolean isCreatingNewApplication) { trace("Setting creating new application = " + isCreatingNewApplication); this.isCreatingNewApplication = isCreatingNewApplication; } public String getNewApplicationName() { return newApplicationName; } public void setNewApplicationName(String newApplicationName) { trace("Setting new application name = " + newApplicationName); this.newApplicationName = newApplicationName; } public String getNewApplicationDescription() { return newApplicationDescription; } public void setNewApplicationDescription(String newApplicationDescription) { trace("Setting new application description = " + newApplicationDescription); this.newApplicationDescription = newApplicationDescription; } // Environment Options public String getEnvironmentName() { return newEnvironmentName; } public String getNewEnvironmentName() { return newEnvironmentName; } public void setNewEnvironmentName(String newEnvironmentName) { trace("Setting new environment name = " + newEnvironmentName); this.newEnvironmentName = newEnvironmentName; } public String getNewEnvironmentDescription() { return newEnvironmentDescription; } public void setNewEnvironmentDescription(String newEnvironmentDescription) { trace("Setting new environment description = " + newEnvironmentDescription); this.newEnvironmentDescription = newEnvironmentDescription; } public String getEnvironmentType() { return environmentType; } public void setEnvironmentType(String environmentType) { this.environmentType = environmentType; } public String getRegionEndpoint() { return getRegion().getServiceEndpoints().get(ServiceAbbreviations.BEANSTALK); } public String getSnsEndpoint() { return snsEndpoint; } public String getEc2Endpoint() { return getRegion().getServiceEndpoints().get(ServiceAbbreviations.EC2); } public void setSnsEndpoint(String snsEndpoint) { trace("Setting sns endpoint = " + snsEndpoint); this.snsEndpoint = snsEndpoint; } public void setRegion(Region region) { this.region = region; } public Region getRegion() { return this.region; } public String getHealthCheckUrl() { return healthCheckUrl; } public void setHealthCheckUrl(String healthCheckUrl) { trace("Setting healthcheck url = " + healthCheckUrl); this.healthCheckUrl = healthCheckUrl; } public String getSslCertificateId() { return sslCertificateId; } public void setSslCertificateId(String sslCertificateId) { trace("Setting ssl certificate id = " + sslCertificateId); this.sslCertificateId = sslCertificateId; } public void setKeyPairComposite(KeyPairComposite keyPairComposite) { this.keyPairComposite = keyPairComposite; } public KeyPairComposite getKeyPairComposite() { return keyPairComposite; } public String getVpcId() { return vpcId; } /** * Sets the optional VPC id to be used when creating environment. * * @param vpcId the VPC to be used when creating environment. */ public void setVpcId(String vpcId) { this.vpcId = vpcId; } public String getSecurityGroup() { return securityGroup; } public void setSecurityGroup(String securityGroup) { this.securityGroup = securityGroup; } public boolean isUseNonDefaultVpc() { return useNonDefaultVpc; } public void setUseNonDefaultVpc(boolean useNonDefaultVpc) { this.useNonDefaultVpc = useNonDefaultVpc; } public Set<String> getEc2Subnets() { return ec2Subnets; } public Set<String> getElbSubnets() { return elbSubnets; } public String getElbScheme() { return elbScheme; } public void setElbScheme(String elbScheme) { this.elbScheme = elbScheme; } public boolean isAssociatePublicIpAddress() { return associatePublicIpAddress; } public void setAssociatePublicIpAddress(boolean associatePublicIpAddress) { this.associatePublicIpAddress = associatePublicIpAddress; } /** * Sets the optional IAM role to use when launching this environment. Using a role will cause it * to be available on the EC2 instances running as part of the Beanstalk environment, and allow * applications to securely access credentials from that role. * * @param role * The role with which to launch EC2 instances in the Beanstalk environment. */ public void setInstanceRoleName(String roleName) { this.instanceRoleName = roleName; } /** * Returns the optional IAM role to use when launching this environment. Using a role will cause * the role's security credentials to be securely distributed to the EC2 instances running as * part of the Beanstalk environment. * * @return The optional role name with which to launch EC2 instances in the Beanstalk * environment. */ public String getInstanceRoleName() { return instanceRoleName; } /** * Returns the name of the optional IAM role that the service (ElasticBeanstalk) is allowed to * impersonate. Currently this is only used for Enhanced Health reporting/monitoring * * @return The name of the role that ElasticBeanstalk can assume */ public String getServiceRoleName() { return serviceRoleName; } /** * Sets the name of the optional IAM role that the service (ElasticBeanstalk) is allowed to * impersonate. Currently this is only used for Enhanced Health reporting/monitoring * * @param serviceRoleName * The name of the role that ElasticBeanstalk can assume */ public void setServiceRoleName(String serviceRoleName) { this.serviceRoleName = serviceRoleName; } /** * Returns true if the name of the IAM role/Instance Profile is directly provided via user input * and that the plugin should not attempt to re-create them. */ public boolean isSkipIamRoleAndInstanceProfileCreation() { return skipIamRoleAndInstanceProfileCreation; } public void setSkipIamRoleAndInstanceProfileCreation(boolean skipIamRoleAndInstanceProfileCreation) { this.skipIamRoleAndInstanceProfileCreation = skipIamRoleAndInstanceProfileCreation; } public String getWorkerQueueUrl() { return workerQueueUrl; } public void setWorkerQueueUrl(String value) { workerQueueUrl = value; } }