package org.archive.hadoop.mapreduce; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.RecordWriter; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptContext; import org.archive.format.gzip.GZIPConstants; import org.archive.format.gzip.GZIPFooter; import org.archive.format.gzip.GZIPHeader; import; public class ZipNumRecordWriterOld extends RecordWriter<Text, Text>{ protected DataOutputStream outMain; protected DataOutputStream outSummary; protected int limit; private int count; private long offset; private ByteArrayOutputStream mainBuffer; private ByteArrayOutputStream summaryBuffer; private ByteArrayOutputStream gzBuffer; public static int DEFAULT_MAX_GZ_BUFFER = 1024 * 1024 * 2; public static int DEFAULT_MAX_BUFFER = 1024 * 1024 * 10; public static int DEFAULT_DELIM = 32; public static int newline = 10; public int delim = DEFAULT_DELIM; private final static Charset UTF8 = Charset.forName("utf-8"); public ZipNumRecordWriterOld(int limit, DataOutputStream outMain, DataOutputStream outSummary) { this.outMain = outMain; this.outSummary = outSummary; this.limit = limit; count = 0; offset = 0; mainBuffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(DEFAULT_MAX_BUFFER); summaryBuffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(DEFAULT_MAX_BUFFER); gzBuffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(DEFAULT_MAX_GZ_BUFFER); } @Override public void close(TaskAttemptContext arg0) throws IOException, InterruptedException { finishCurrent(); outMain.close(); outSummary.close(); } public void writeBytes(byte[] key, int delim, byte[] value) throws IOException { if(count == 0) { summaryBuffer.write(key); summaryBuffer.write(delim); summaryBuffer.write(value); summaryBuffer.write(newline); } mainBuffer.write(key); mainBuffer.write(delim); mainBuffer.write(value); mainBuffer.write(newline); count++; if(count == limit) { finishCurrent(); } } public void writeLineBytes(byte[] line) throws IOException { if(count == 0) { summaryBuffer.write(line); summaryBuffer.write(newline); } mainBuffer.write(line); mainBuffer.write(newline); count++; if(count == limit) { finishCurrent(); } } @Override public void write(Text key, Text val) throws IOException, InterruptedException { writeBytes(key.toString().getBytes(UTF8), delim, val.toString().getBytes(UTF8)); } private void finishCurrent() throws IOException { if(count == 0) { return; } gzBuffer.reset(); // deflate the main buffer into the temp gzBuffer: Deflater deflater = new Deflater(Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, true); DeflaterOutputStream deflateOut = new DeflaterOutputStream(gzBuffer,deflater); CRCOutputStream crcOut = new CRCOutputStream(deflateOut); mainBuffer.writeTo(crcOut); deflateOut.finish(); // now calculate the gzip header and footer: GZIPHeader gzHeader = new GZIPHeader(); gzHeader.addRecord(GZIPConstants.SL_RECORD, deflater.getBytesWritten() + GZIPConstants.GZIP_FOOTER_BYTES); GZIPFooter gzFooter = new GZIPFooter(crcOut.getCRCValue(), crcOut.getBytesWritten()); // write the header, the deflated bytes, and the footer: int len = gzHeader.getLength() + gzBuffer.size() + GZIPConstants.GZIP_FOOTER_BYTES; long startOffset = offset; offset += len; gzHeader.writeBytes(outMain); gzBuffer.writeTo(outMain); gzFooter.writeBytes(outMain); outMain.flush(); // write the summary buffer: String offsetAndLength = String.format("%d\t%d\t",startOffset, len); outSummary.writeBytes(offsetAndLength); summaryBuffer.writeTo(outSummary); outSummary.flush(); // reset the main and summary buffers for the next block: mainBuffer.reset(); summaryBuffer.reset(); count = 0; } /** * @return the delim */ public int getDelim() { return delim; } /** * @param delim the delim to set */ public void setDelim(int delim) { this.delim = delim; } }