package org.archive.format.gzip.zipnum; import; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.archive.format.cdx.CDXInputSource; import org.archive.util.binsearch.SeekableLineReader; import org.archive.util.binsearch.SortedTextFile; import org.archive.util.iterator.BoundedStringIterator; import org.archive.util.iterator.CloseableIterator; import org.archive.util.iterator.StartBoundedStringIterator; public class ZipNumCluster implements CDXInputSource { final static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(ZipNumCluster.class.getName()); private String clusterRoot; protected String summaryFile; protected SortedTextFile summary; protected String locFile; protected ZipNumBlockLoader blockLoader; //protected HashMap<String, String[]> locMap = null; protected LocationUpdater locationUpdater = null; protected final static boolean DEFAULT_USE_NIO = true; protected boolean useNio = DEFAULT_USE_NIO; protected final static CloseableIterator<String> EMPTY_ITERATOR = new CloseableIterator<String>() { @Override public boolean hasNext() { return false; } @Override public String next() { return null; } @Override public void remove() { } @Override public void close() throws IOException { } }; public ZipNumCluster() { } public ZipNumCluster(String clusterUri) throws IOException { this.clusterRoot = clusterUri; } public void init() throws IOException { if (summaryFile != null) { this.summary = new SortedTextFile(summaryFile, useNio); } if (blockLoader == null) { this.blockLoader = new ZipNumBlockLoader(); } if (locFile != null) { this.locationUpdater = new LocationUpdater(locFile, this.blockLoader); } } protected static int extractLineCount(String line) { return (int)extractLongField(line, 4); } protected static long extractLongField (String line, int index) { String[] parts = line.split("\t"); if (parts.length <= index) { return -1; } long count = -1; try { count = Long.parseLong(parts[index]); } catch (NumberFormatException n) { } return count; } public String getClusterPart(String partId) { if (clusterRoot == null) { int lastSlash = summaryFile.lastIndexOf('/'); clusterRoot = this.summaryFile.substring(0, lastSlash + 1); } return clusterRoot + partId + ".gz"; } public int getNumLines(String[] blocks) { if (blocks.length < 2) { return 0; } int lastLine = -1; int line = -1; int size = 0; for (String block : blocks) { lastLine = line; line = extractLineCount(block); if (lastLine >= 0) { size += (line - lastLine); } } return size; } public long getTotalLength(String[] blocks) { long size = 0; for (String block : blocks) { size += extractLongField(block, 3); } return size; } public int getNumLines(String start, String end) throws IOException { SeekableLineReader slr = null; String startLine = null; String endLine = null; int startCount = 0; int endCount = 0; try { slr = summary.getSLR(); long[] offsets = summary.getStartEndOffsets(slr, start, end); if (offsets[0] > 0) {[0]); slr.readLine(); startLine = slr.readLine(); } if (offsets[1] < slr.getSize()) {[1]); slr.readLine(); endLine = slr.readLine(); } if (endLine != null) { endCount = extractLineCount(endLine); } else { //TODO: A bit hacky, try to get last field of last line - 100); endLine = slr.readLine(); int lastSp = endLine.lastIndexOf(' '); endCount = Integer.parseInt(endLine.substring(lastSp + 1)); } if (startLine != null) { startCount = extractLineCount(startLine); } } finally { if (slr != null) { slr.close(); } } return endCount - startCount; } //TODO: Experimental? public long getEstimateSplitSize(String[] blocks) { String parts[] = null, lastParts[] = null; long totalSize = 0; for (String block : blocks) { lastParts = parts; parts = block.split("\t"); if ((lastParts != null) && (parts.length >= 3) && (lastParts.length >= 3)) { // If same shard, simply subtract long newOffset = Long.parseLong(parts[2]); if (parts[1].equals(lastParts[1])) { long lastOffset = Long.parseLong(lastParts[2]); totalSize += (newOffset - lastOffset); } else { totalSize += newOffset; //TODO: Compute size of all in between shards //computeBlockSizeDiff(); } } } return totalSize; } public CloseableIterator<String> getClusterRange(String start, String end, boolean inclusive, boolean includePrevLine) throws IOException { CloseableIterator<String> iter = null; iter = summary.getRecordIterator(start, includePrevLine); return wrapEndIterator(iter, end, inclusive); //return wrapStartEndIterator(iter, start, end, inclusive); } public CloseableIterator<String> wrapStartEndIterator(CloseableIterator<String> iter, String start, String end, boolean inclusive) { return wrapEndIterator(wrapStartIterator(iter, start), end, inclusive); } public static CloseableIterator<String> wrapStartIterator(CloseableIterator<String> iter, String start) { return new StartBoundedStringIterator(iter, start); } public static CloseableIterator<String> wrapEndIterator(CloseableIterator<String> iter, String end, boolean inclusive) { if (end.isEmpty()) { return iter; } else { return new BoundedStringIterator(iter, end, inclusive); } } public CloseableIterator<String> getCDXIterator(CloseableIterator<String> summaryIterator, String start, String end, int split, int numSplits) { return getCDXIterator(summaryIterator, start, end, split, numSplits, null); } public CloseableIterator<String> getCDXIterator(CloseableIterator<String> summaryIterator, String start, String end, int split, int numSplits, ZipNumParams params) { CloseableIterator<String> blocklines = this.getCDXIterator(summaryIterator, params); if (split == 0) { blocklines = wrapStartIterator(blocklines, start); } if (split >= (numSplits - 1)) { blocklines = wrapEndIterator(blocklines, end, false); } return blocklines; } public static String endKey(String key) { return key + "!"; } public CloseableIterator<String> getLastBlockCDXLineIterator(String key) throws IOException { // the next line after last key<space> is key! so this will return last key<space> block CloseableIterator<String> summaryIter = summary.getRecordIteratorLT(endKey(key)); return wrapStartIterator(getCDXIterator(summaryIter), key); } public static CloseableIterator<String> wrapPrefix(CloseableIterator<String> source, String prefix, boolean exact) { if (exact) { return wrapEndIterator(source, endKey(prefix), false); } else { return wrapEndIterator(source, prefix, true); } } public CloseableIterator<String> getCDXIterator(String key, String start, boolean exact, ZipNumParams params) throws IOException { if ((locationUpdater != null) && !locationUpdater.dateRangeCheck(key)) { return EMPTY_ITERATOR; } CloseableIterator<String> summaryIter = summary.getRecordIteratorLT(key); if (params.getTimestampDedupLength() > 0) { summaryIter = new TimestampDedupIterator(summaryIter, params.getTimestampDedupLength()); } if (blockLoader.isBufferFully() && (params != null) && (params.getMaxBlocks() > 0)) { LineBufferingIterator lineBufferIter = new LineBufferingIterator(summaryIter, params.getMaxBlocks()); lineBufferIter.bufferInput(); summaryIter = lineBufferIter; } summaryIter = wrapPrefix(summaryIter, start, exact); return wrapStartIterator(getCDXIterator(summaryIter, params), start); } public CloseableIterator<String> getCDXIterator(String key, ZipNumParams params) throws IOException { CloseableIterator<String> summaryIter = summary.getRecordIteratorLT(key); return wrapStartIterator(getCDXIterator(summaryIter, params), key); } public CloseableIterator<String> getCDXIterator(CloseableIterator<String> summaryIterator, ZipNumParams params) { SummaryBlockIterator blockIter = new SummaryBlockIterator(summaryIterator, this, params); MultiBlockIterator zipIter = new MultiBlockIterator(blockIter); return zipIter; } public CloseableIterator<String> getCDXIterator(CloseableIterator<String> summaryIterator) { return getCDXIterator(summaryIterator, null); } public void setSummaryFile(String summaryFile) { this.summaryFile = summaryFile; } public String getSummaryFile() { return summaryFile; } public SortedTextFile getSummary() { return summary; } public ZipNumBlockLoader getBlockLoader() { return blockLoader; } public void setBlockLoader(ZipNumBlockLoader blockLoader) { this.blockLoader = blockLoader; } public boolean isUseNio() { return useNio; } public void setUseNio(boolean useNio) { this.useNio = useNio; } public String getLocFile() { return locFile; } public void setLocFile(String locFile) { this.locFile = locFile; } }