package org.archive.format.gzip; import; import; import org.archive.util.ByteOp; import; public class GZIPHeader implements GZIPConstants { GZIPStaticHeader staticHeader = null; GZIPFExtraRecords records = null; byte fileName[] = null; int fileNameLength = -1; byte comment[] = null; int commentLength = -1; int crc = -1; /* * +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ * |ID1 |ID2 | CM |FLG | MTIME |XFL | OS | (more-->) * +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ * (if FLG.FEXTRA set) * +---+---+=================================+ * | XLEN |...XLEN bytes of "extra field"...| (more-->) * +---+---+=================================+ * ("extra field" is then composed of a series of) * +---+---+---+---+==================================+ * |SI1|SI2| LEN |... LEN bytes of subfield data ...| * +---+---+---+---+==================================+ * (if FLG.FNAME set) * +=========================================+ * |...original file name, zero-terminated...| (more-->) * +=========================================+ * (if FLG.FCOMMENT set) * +===================================+ * |...file comment, zero-terminated...| (more-->) * +===================================+ * (if FLG.FHCRC set) * +---+---+ * | CRC16 | * +---+---+ */ public GZIPHeader() { staticHeader = new GZIPStaticHeader(); records = null; fileName = null; fileNameLength = 0; comment = null; commentLength = 0; crc = -1; } public GZIPHeader(GZIPStaticHeader staticHeader) { this.staticHeader = staticHeader; records = null; fileName = null; fileNameLength = 0; comment = null; commentLength = 0; crc = -1; } public GZIPStaticHeader getStaticHeader() { return staticHeader; } public byte[] getFileName() { return fileName; } public byte[] getComment() { return comment; } public long getFNameLength() { return fileNameLength; } public int getHeaderCRC() { return crc; } public void setFName(byte fileName[]) { if(fileName != null) { this.fileName = ByteOp.copy(fileName); staticHeader.setFNameFlag(true); fileNameLength = fileName.length; } else { this.fileName = null; staticHeader.setFNameFlag(false); fileNameLength = 0; } crc = -1; } public long getCommentLength() { return commentLength; } public void setFComment(byte comment[]) { if(comment != null) { this.comment = ByteOp.copy(comment); staticHeader.setFCommentFlag(true); commentLength = comment.length; } else { this.comment = null; staticHeader.setFCommentFlag(false); commentLength = 0; } crc = -1; } public void replaceRecord(byte name[], byte value[]) throws GZIPFormatException { if(records != null) { removeAllRecords(name); } addRecord(name,value); } public void removeAllRecords(byte name[]) { int removed = 0; if(records != null) { int kept = 0; for(int i = 0; i < records.size(); i++) { if(records.get(i).matchesName(name)) { records.remove(i); removed++; i--; } else { kept++; } } if(kept == 0) { records = null; staticHeader.setFExtraFlag(false); } } if(removed > 0) { crc = -1; } } public void addRecord(byte name[], long intVal) throws GZIPFormatException { if(records == null) { records = new GZIPFExtraRecords(); } records.add(new GZIPFExtraRecord(name,intVal)); staticHeader.setFExtraFlag(true); crc = -1; } public void addRecord(byte name[], byte value[]) throws GZIPFormatException { if(records == null) { records = new GZIPFExtraRecords(); } records.add(new GZIPFExtraRecord(name,value)); staticHeader.setFExtraFlag(true); crc = -1; } public GZIPFExtraRecord getRecord(int i) { if(records == null || records.isEmpty()) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } return records.get(i); } public int getRecordCount() { return (records == null) ? 0 : records.size(); } public GZIPFExtraRecord getRecord(byte[] name) { if(records != null) { for(GZIPFExtraRecord rec : records) { if(rec.matchesName(name)) { return rec; } } } return null; } public long getIntRecord(byte[] name) { if(records != null) { for(GZIPFExtraRecord rec : records) { if(rec.matchesName(name)) { return ByteOp.bytesToInt(rec.getValue()); } } } return -1; } public int getLength() { int size = staticHeader.getLength(); if(records != null) { size += records.getByteLength(); } size += fileNameLength; size += commentLength; if(staticHeader.isFHCRCSet()) { size += 2; } return size; } public void writeBytes(OutputStream os) throws IOException { OutputStream origOS = os; if(staticHeader.isFHCRCSet()) { if(crc == -1) { os = new CRCOutputStream(origOS); } } staticHeader.writeTo(os); if(staticHeader.isFExtraSet()) { records.writeTo(os); } if(staticHeader.isFNameSet()) { os.write(fileName); } if(staticHeader.isFCommentSet()) { os.write(comment); } if(staticHeader.isFHCRCSet()) { if(crc == -1) { crc = (int) ((CRCOutputStream) os).getCRCValue() & 0xffff; } ByteOp.writeShort(origOS, crc); } } public static boolean isValidCompressionMethod(int cm) { return cm == GZIP_COMPRESSION_METHOD_DEFLATE; } }