package org.archive.format.http; import; import; public class HttpRequestMessageParser extends HttpMessageParser { public int maxBytes = 1024 * 1024; public boolean strict = false; public HttpRequestMessage parse(InputStream is) throws HttpParseException, IOException { HttpRequestMessage message = new HttpRequestMessage(); parse(is,message); return message; } public int parse(InputStream is, HttpRequestMessageObserver obs) throws HttpParseException, IOException { byte buf[] = new byte[maxBytes]; int bytesRead = 0; while(bytesRead < maxBytes) { int i =; if(i == -1) { if(strict) { throw new HttpParseException("EOF before CRLF"); } obs.messageCorrupt(); return bytesRead; } if(i > 127) { if(strict) { throw new HttpParseException("Non ASCII byte in message"); } obs.messageCorrupt(); return bytesRead; } byte b = (byte) (i & 0xff); buf[bytesRead] = b; bytesRead++; if(b == LF) { return parse(buf,bytesRead,obs); } } // TODO: under Lax consume till EOL and continue? throw new HttpParseException("Response Message too long"); } public int parse(byte buf[], int len, HttpRequestMessageObserver obs) throws HttpParseException, IOException { return strict ? parseStrict(buf,len,obs) : parseLax(buf,len,obs); } public int parseStrict(byte buf[], int len, HttpRequestMessageObserver obs) throws HttpParseException { int origLen = len; if(buf[len-1] != LF) { throw new HttpParseException("Response Message missing LF"); } len--; if(buf[len-1] != CR) { throw new HttpParseException("Response Message missing CRLF"); } len--; int version = VERSION_0; int method = 0; String path = null; int idx = 0; int ms = 0; int ml = 0; int ps = -1; int pl = 0; int vs = -1; int vl = 0; while(buf[idx] != SP) { ml++; idx++; if(idx >= len) { throw new HttpParseException("No spaces in message"); } } if(idx == 0) { throw new HttpParseException("Http Request starts with SP"); } method = parseMethodStrict(buf, ms, idx); idx++; ps = idx; while(buf[idx] != SP) { pl++; idx++; if(idx >= len) { throw new HttpParseException("No spaces in message"); } } if(pl == 0) { throw new HttpParseException("Empty Path"); } path = new String(buf,ps,pl,UTF8); idx++; vs = idx; vl = len - vs; while(idx < len) { if(buf[idx] == SP) { throw new HttpParseException("Too many fields in HTTP Request"); } idx++; } version = parseVersionStrict(buf, vs,vl); obs.messageParsed(method,path,version, origLen); return origLen; } public int parseLax(byte buf[], int len, HttpRequestMessageObserver obs) throws HttpParseException { /* TODO: make this a lot more lax: * * auto trim leading and trailing whitespace * * first pass looks for 2 spaces, if found, go easy case * * if less than 2 whitespace, attempt to parse first and last * tokens as method and version, vary parsing based on that * * if more than 2 tokens. attempt to find leading method and * trailing version, and interpret intervening fields as * path. * * etc.. */ int origLen = len; if(buf[len-1] != LF) { throw new HttpParseException("Response Message missing LF"); } len--; if(buf[len-1] == CR) { len--; } int version = VERSION_0; int method = METHOD_UNK; String path = ""; int idx = 0; int ms = 0; int ml = 0; int ps = -1; int pl = 0; int vs = -1; int vl = 0; // consume leading spaces: while(buf[idx] == SP) { idx++; if(idx >= len) { throw new HttpParseException("No spaces in message"); } } ms = idx; while(buf[idx] != SP) { ml++; idx++; if(idx >= len) { throw new HttpParseException("No spaces in message"); } } method = parseMethodLax(buf, ms, ml); while(buf[idx] == SP) { idx++; if(idx >= len) { throw new HttpParseException("No spaces in message"); } } ps = idx; while(buf[idx] != SP) { pl++; idx++; if(idx >= len) { throw new HttpParseException("No spaces in message"); } } if(pl > 0) { path = new String(buf,ps,pl,UTF8); } while(buf[idx] == SP) { idx++; if(idx >= len) { throw new HttpParseException("No spaces in message"); } } vs = idx; while(idx < len) { if(buf[idx] == SP) { break; } vl++; idx++; } version = parseVersionLax(buf, vs,vl); obs.messageParsed(method,path,version, origLen); return len; } protected int parseMethodStrict(byte buf[], int start, int len) throws HttpParseException { String v = new String(buf,start,len,UTF8); if(v.compareTo(METHOD_GET_STRING) == 0) { return METHOD_GET; } else if(v.compareTo(METHOD_HEAD_STRING) == 0) { return METHOD_HEAD; } else if(v.compareTo(METHOD_POST_STRING) == 0) { return METHOD_POST; } else if(v.compareTo(METHOD_PUT_STRING) == 0) { return METHOD_PUT; } else if(v.compareTo(METHOD_TRACE_STRING) == 0) { return METHOD_TRACE; } else if(v.compareTo(METHOD_DELETE_STRING) == 0) { return METHOD_DELETE; } else if(v.compareTo(METHOD_CONNECT_STRING) == 0) { return METHOD_CONNECT; } else { throw new HttpParseException("Unknown version"); } } protected int parseMethodLax(byte buf[], int start, int len) throws HttpParseException { String v = new String(buf,start,len,UTF8).toUpperCase(); if(v.compareTo(METHOD_GET_STRING) == 0) { return METHOD_GET; } else if(v.compareTo(METHOD_HEAD_STRING) == 0) { return METHOD_HEAD; } else if(v.compareTo(METHOD_POST_STRING) == 0) { return METHOD_POST; } else if(v.compareTo(METHOD_PUT_STRING) == 0) { return METHOD_PUT; } else if(v.compareTo(METHOD_TRACE_STRING) == 0) { return METHOD_TRACE; } else if(v.compareTo(METHOD_DELETE_STRING) == 0) { return METHOD_DELETE; } else if(v.compareTo(METHOD_CONNECT_STRING) == 0) { return METHOD_CONNECT; } return METHOD_UNK; } }