// Copyright 2003, FreeHEP. package org.freehep.util.io; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.Writer; import java.util.EventListener; import java.util.EventObject; import java.util.TooManyListenersException; /** * Counts line numbers, based on the first cr-lf, cr or lf it finds. Informs a * listener when the linenumber exceeds a threshold. * * Listeners can only be informed from the second line only. * * @author Mark Donszelmann * @version $Id: LineNumberWriter.java 8584 2006-08-10 23:06:37Z duns $ */ public class LineNumberWriter extends Writer { private final static int UNKNOWN = 0; private final static int CR = 1; private final static int CRLF = 2; private final static int LF = 3; private final static int LFCR = 4; private int lineSeparator = UNKNOWN; private Writer out; private int lineNo = 0; private LineNumberListener listener; private int lineNoLimit; private int previous = -1; /** * Creates a Line Number Writer * * @param out writer to write to */ public LineNumberWriter(Writer out) { this.out = out; } public void write(char cbuf[]) throws IOException { write(cbuf, 0, cbuf.length); } public void write(char cbuf[], int off, int len) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { write(cbuf[off + i]); } } public void write(String str) throws IOException { write(str, 0, str.length()); } public void write(String str, int off, int len) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { write(str.charAt(off + i)); } } public void write(int c) throws IOException { boolean newLine = false; synchronized (lock) { out.write(c); switch (lineSeparator) { default: case UNKNOWN: switch (previous) { case '\r': lineNo++; lineSeparator = (c == '\n') ? CRLF : CR; if (c == '\r') lineNo++; break; case '\n': lineNo++; lineSeparator = (c == '\r') ? LFCR : LF; if (c == '\n') lineNo++; break; default: break; } break; case CR: if (c == '\r') { lineNo++; newLine = true; } break; case CRLF: if ((previous == '\r') && (c == '\n')) { lineNo++; newLine = true; } break; case LF: if (c == '\n') { lineNo++; newLine = true; } break; case LFCR: if ((previous == '\n') && (c == '\r')) { lineNo++; newLine = true; } break; } previous = c; } if ((listener != null) && newLine && (lineNo >= lineNoLimit)) { listener.lineNumberReached(new LineNumberEvent(this, lineNo)); } } public void close() throws IOException { out.close(); } public void flush() throws IOException { out.flush(); } /** * Returns the line number that is currently being written. * * @return current line number */ public int getLineNumber() { return lineNo; } /** * Set the current line number * * @param lineNo new line number */ public void setLineNumber(int lineNo) { this.lineNo = lineNo; } /** * Add a LineNumberListener * * @param listener new listener * @param lineNoLimit line number for which to generate a LineNumberEvent * @throws TooManyListenersException if there is more than one listener */ public void addLineNumberListener(LineNumberListener listener, int lineNoLimit) throws TooManyListenersException { if (this.listener != null) throw new TooManyListenersException(); if (lineNoLimit < 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "LineNoLimit cannot be less than 2"); this.listener = listener; this.lineNoLimit = lineNoLimit; } /** * LineNumberListener interface can inform a listener about changes in the * line number, or when a linenumber limit has been reached. * * @author duns * @version $Id: LineNumberWriter.java 8584 2006-08-10 23:06:37Z duns $ */ public static interface LineNumberListener extends EventListener { /** * Called when the line number limit has been reached. * * @param event line number event */ public void lineNumberReached(LineNumberEvent event); } /** * Event to be used by the LineNumberListener interface. * * @author duns * @version $Id: LineNumberWriter.java 8584 2006-08-10 23:06:37Z duns $ */ public static class LineNumberEvent extends EventObject { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 2821724279014031198L; private int lineNo; /** * Create a LineNumberEvent * * @param source event source * @param lineNo current line number */ public LineNumberEvent(Object source, int lineNo) { super(source); this.lineNo = lineNo; } /** * @return current line number */ public int getLineNumber() { return lineNo; } public String toString() { return "LineNumberEvent: line=" + lineNo + "; " + getSource().toString(); } } }