/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.google.code.appengine.awt.geom; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import org.apache.harmony.awt.gl.Crossing; import org.apache.harmony.awt.geom.CrossingHelper; import org.apache.harmony.awt.geom.CurveCrossingHelper; import org.apache.harmony.awt.geom.GeometryUtil; import org.apache.harmony.awt.geom.IntersectPoint; import org.apache.harmony.awt.internal.nls.Messages; import com.google.code.appengine.awt.Rectangle; import com.google.code.appengine.awt.Shape; import com.google.code.appengine.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import com.google.code.appengine.awt.geom.Area; import com.google.code.appengine.awt.geom.FlatteningPathIterator; import com.google.code.appengine.awt.geom.PathIterator; import com.google.code.appengine.awt.geom.Point2D; import com.google.code.appengine.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; public class Area implements Shape, Cloneable { /** * the coordinates array of the shape vertices */ private double coords[] = new double[20]; /** * the coordinates quantity */ private int coordsSize = 0; /** * the rules array for the drawing of the shape edges */ private int rules[] = new int[10]; /** * the rules quantity */ private int rulesSize = 0; /** * offsets[i] - index in array of coords and i - index in array of rules */ private int offsets[] = new int[10]; /** * the quantity of MOVETO rule occurences */ private int moveToCount = 0; /** * true if the shape is polygon */ private boolean isPolygonal = true; public Area() { } public Area(Shape s) { double segmentCoords[] = new double[6]; double lastMoveX = 0.0; double lastMoveY = 0.0; int rulesIndex = 0; int coordsIndex = 0; for (PathIterator pi = s.getPathIterator(null); !pi.isDone(); pi.next()) { coords = adjustSize(coords, coordsIndex + 6); rules = adjustSize(rules, rulesIndex + 1); offsets = adjustSize(offsets, rulesIndex + 1); rules[rulesIndex] = pi.currentSegment(segmentCoords); offsets[rulesIndex] = coordsIndex; switch (rules[rulesIndex]) { case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO: coords[coordsIndex++] = segmentCoords[0]; coords[coordsIndex++] = segmentCoords[1]; lastMoveX = segmentCoords[0]; lastMoveY = segmentCoords[1]; ++moveToCount; break; case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO: if ((segmentCoords[0] != lastMoveX) || (segmentCoords[1] != lastMoveY)) { coords[coordsIndex++] = segmentCoords[0]; coords[coordsIndex++] = segmentCoords[1]; } else { --rulesIndex; } break; case PathIterator.SEG_QUADTO: System.arraycopy(segmentCoords, 0, coords, coordsIndex, 4); coordsIndex += 4; isPolygonal = false; break; case PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO: System.arraycopy(segmentCoords, 0, coords, coordsIndex, 6); coordsIndex += 6; isPolygonal = false; break; case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE: break; } ++rulesIndex; } if ((rulesIndex != 0) && (rules[rulesIndex - 1] != PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE)) { rules[rulesIndex] = PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE; offsets[rulesIndex] = coordsSize; } rulesSize = rulesIndex; coordsSize = coordsIndex; } public boolean contains(double x, double y) { return !isEmpty() && containsExact(x, y) > 0; } public boolean contains(double x, double y, double width, double height) { int crossCount = Crossing.intersectPath(getPathIterator(null), x, y, width, height); return crossCount != Crossing.CROSSING && Crossing.isInsideEvenOdd(crossCount); } public boolean contains(Point2D p) { return contains(p.getX(), p.getY()); } public boolean contains(Rectangle2D r) { return contains(r.getX(), r.getY(), r.getWidth(), r.getHeight()); } public boolean equals(Area obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } Area area = (Area)clone(); area.subtract(obj); return area.isEmpty(); } public boolean intersects(double x, double y, double width, double height) { if ((width <= 0.0) || (height <= 0.0)) { return false; } else if (!getBounds2D().intersects(x, y, width, height)) { return false; } int crossCount = Crossing.intersectShape(this, x, y, width, height); return Crossing.isInsideEvenOdd(crossCount); } public boolean intersects(Rectangle2D r) { return intersects(r.getX(), r.getY(), r.getWidth(), r.getHeight()); } public Rectangle getBounds() { return getBounds2D().getBounds(); } public Rectangle2D getBounds2D() { double maxX = coords[0]; double maxY = coords[1]; double minX = coords[0]; double minY = coords[1]; for (int i = 0; i < coordsSize;) { minX = Math.min(minX, coords[i]); maxX = Math.max(maxX, coords[i++]); minY = Math.min(minY, coords[i]); maxY = Math.max(maxY, coords[i++]); } return new Rectangle2D.Double(minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY); } public PathIterator getPathIterator(AffineTransform t) { return new AreaPathIterator(this, t); } public PathIterator getPathIterator(AffineTransform t, double flatness) { return new FlatteningPathIterator(getPathIterator(t), flatness); } public boolean isEmpty() { return (rulesSize == 0) && (coordsSize == 0); } public boolean isPolygonal() { return isPolygonal; } public boolean isRectangular() { return (isPolygonal) && (rulesSize <= 5) && (coordsSize <= 8) && (coords[1] == coords[3]) && (coords[7] == coords[5]) && (coords[0] == coords[6]) && (coords[2] == coords[4]); } public boolean isSingular() { return (moveToCount <= 1); } public void reset() { coordsSize = 0; rulesSize = 0; } public void transform(AffineTransform t) { copy(new Area(t.createTransformedShape(this)), this); } public Area createTransformedArea(AffineTransform t) { return new Area(t.createTransformedShape(this)); } @Override public Object clone() { Area area = new Area(); copy(this, area); return area; } public void add(Area area) { if (area == null || area.isEmpty()) { return; } else if (isEmpty()) { copy(area, this); return; } if (isPolygonal() && area.isPolygonal()) { addPolygon(area); } else { addCurvePolygon(area); } if (getAreaBoundsSquare() < GeometryUtil.EPSILON) { reset(); } } public void intersect(Area area) { if (area == null) { return; } else if (isEmpty() || area.isEmpty()) { reset(); return; } if (isPolygonal() && area.isPolygonal()) { intersectPolygon(area); } else { intersectCurvePolygon(area); } if (getAreaBoundsSquare() < GeometryUtil.EPSILON) { reset(); } } public void subtract(Area area) { if (area == null || isEmpty() || area.isEmpty()) { return; } if (isPolygonal() && area.isPolygonal()) { subtractPolygon(area); } else { subtractCurvePolygon(area); } if (getAreaBoundsSquare() < GeometryUtil.EPSILON) { reset(); } } public void exclusiveOr(Area area) { Area a = (Area) clone(); a.intersect(area); add(area); subtract(a); } private void addCurvePolygon(Area area) { CurveCrossingHelper crossHelper = new CurveCrossingHelper( new double[][] { coords, area.coords }, new int[] { coordsSize, area.coordsSize }, new int[][] { rules, area.rules }, new int[] { rulesSize, area.rulesSize }, new int[][] { offsets, area.offsets }); IntersectPoint[] intersectPoints = crossHelper.findCrossing(); if (intersectPoints.length == 0) { if (area.contains(getBounds2D())) { copy(area, this); } else if (!contains(area.getBounds2D())) { coords = adjustSize(coords, coordsSize + area.coordsSize); System.arraycopy(area.coords, 0, coords, coordsSize, area.coordsSize); coordsSize += area.coordsSize; rules = adjustSize(rules, rulesSize + area.rulesSize); System.arraycopy(area.rules, 0, rules, rulesSize, area.rulesSize); rulesSize += area.rulesSize; offsets = adjustSize(offsets, rulesSize + area.rulesSize); System.arraycopy(area.offsets, 0, offsets, rulesSize, area.rulesSize); } return; } double[] resultCoords = new double[coordsSize + area.coordsSize + intersectPoints.length]; int[] resultRules = new int[rulesSize + area.rulesSize + intersectPoints.length]; int[] resultOffsets = new int[rulesSize + area.rulesSize + intersectPoints.length]; int resultCoordPos = 0; int resultRulesPos = 0; boolean isCurrentArea = true; IntersectPoint point = intersectPoints[0]; resultRules[resultRulesPos] = PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO; resultOffsets[resultRulesPos++] = resultCoordPos; do { resultCoords[resultCoordPos++] = point.getX(); resultCoords[resultCoordPos++] = point.getY(); int curIndex = point.getEndIndex(true); if (curIndex < 0) { isCurrentArea = !isCurrentArea; } else if (area.containsExact(coords[2 * curIndex], coords[2 * curIndex + 1]) > 0) { isCurrentArea = false; } else { isCurrentArea = true; } IntersectPoint nextPoint = getNextIntersectPoint(intersectPoints, point, isCurrentArea); double[] coords = (isCurrentArea) ? this.coords : area.coords; int[] offsets = (isCurrentArea) ? this.offsets : area.offsets; int[] rules = (isCurrentArea) ? this.rules : area.rules; int offset = point.getRuleIndex(isCurrentArea); boolean isCopyUntilZero = false; if ((point.getRuleIndex(isCurrentArea) > nextPoint.getRuleIndex(isCurrentArea))) { int rulesSize = (isCurrentArea) ? this.rulesSize : area.rulesSize; resultCoordPos = includeCoordsAndRules(offset + 1, rulesSize, rules, offsets, resultRules, resultOffsets, resultCoords, coords, resultRulesPos, resultCoordPos, point, isCurrentArea, false, 0); resultRulesPos += rulesSize - offset - 1; offset = 1; isCopyUntilZero = true; } int length = nextPoint.getRuleIndex(isCurrentArea) - offset + 1; if (isCopyUntilZero) { offset = 0; } resultCoordPos = includeCoordsAndRules(offset, length, rules, offsets, resultRules, resultOffsets, resultCoords, coords, resultRulesPos, resultCoordPos, point, isCurrentArea, true, 0); resultRulesPos += length - offset; point = nextPoint; } while (point != intersectPoints[0]); resultRules[resultRulesPos++] = PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE; resultOffsets[resultRulesPos - 1] = resultCoordPos; this.coords = resultCoords; this.rules = resultRules; this.offsets = resultOffsets; this.coordsSize = resultCoordPos; this.rulesSize = resultRulesPos; } private void addPolygon(Area area) { CrossingHelper crossHelper = new CrossingHelper(new double[][] {coords, area.coords }, new int[] {coordsSize, area.coordsSize }); IntersectPoint[] intersectPoints = crossHelper.findCrossing(); if (intersectPoints.length == 0) { if (area.contains(getBounds2D())) { copy(area, this); } else if (!contains(area.getBounds2D())) { coords = adjustSize(coords, coordsSize + area.coordsSize); System.arraycopy(area.coords, 0, coords, coordsSize, area.coordsSize); coordsSize += area.coordsSize; rules = adjustSize(rules, rulesSize + area.rulesSize); System.arraycopy(area.rules, 0, rules, rulesSize, area.rulesSize); rulesSize += area.rulesSize; offsets = adjustSize(offsets, rulesSize + area.rulesSize); System.arraycopy(area.offsets, 0, offsets, rulesSize, area.rulesSize); } return; } double[] resultCoords = new double[coordsSize + area.coordsSize + intersectPoints.length]; int[] resultRules = new int[rulesSize + area.rulesSize + intersectPoints.length]; int[] resultOffsets = new int[rulesSize + area.rulesSize + intersectPoints.length]; int resultCoordPos = 0; int resultRulesPos = 0; boolean isCurrentArea = true; IntersectPoint point = intersectPoints[0]; resultRules[resultRulesPos] = PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO; resultOffsets[resultRulesPos++] = resultCoordPos; do { resultCoords[resultCoordPos++] = point.getX(); resultCoords[resultCoordPos++] = point.getY(); resultRules[resultRulesPos] = PathIterator.SEG_LINETO; resultOffsets[resultRulesPos++] = resultCoordPos - 2; int curIndex = point.getEndIndex(true); if (curIndex < 0) { isCurrentArea = !isCurrentArea; } else if (area.containsExact(coords[2 * curIndex], coords[2 * curIndex + 1]) > 0) { isCurrentArea = false; } else { isCurrentArea = true; } IntersectPoint nextPoint = getNextIntersectPoint(intersectPoints, point, isCurrentArea); double[] coords = (isCurrentArea) ? this.coords : area.coords; int offset = 2 * point.getEndIndex(isCurrentArea); if ((offset >= 0) && (nextPoint.getBegIndex(isCurrentArea) < point.getEndIndex(isCurrentArea))) { int coordSize = (isCurrentArea) ? this.coordsSize : area.coordsSize; int length = coordSize - offset; System.arraycopy(coords, offset, resultCoords, resultCoordPos, length); for (int i = 0; i < length / 2; i++) { resultRules[resultRulesPos] = PathIterator.SEG_LINETO; resultOffsets[resultRulesPos++] = resultCoordPos; resultCoordPos += 2; } offset = 0; } if (offset >= 0) { int length = 2 * nextPoint.getBegIndex(isCurrentArea) - offset + 2; System.arraycopy(coords, offset, resultCoords, resultCoordPos, length); for (int i = 0; i < length / 2; i++) { resultRules[resultRulesPos] = PathIterator.SEG_LINETO; resultOffsets[resultRulesPos++] = resultCoordPos; resultCoordPos += 2; } } point = nextPoint; } while (point != intersectPoints[0]); resultRules[resultRulesPos - 1] = PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE; resultOffsets[resultRulesPos - 1] = resultCoordPos; coords = resultCoords; rules = resultRules; offsets = resultOffsets; coordsSize = resultCoordPos; rulesSize = resultRulesPos; } private void intersectCurvePolygon(Area area) { CurveCrossingHelper crossHelper = new CurveCrossingHelper( new double[][] {coords, area.coords }, new int[] { coordsSize, area.coordsSize }, new int[][] { rules, area.rules }, new int[] { rulesSize, area.rulesSize }, new int[][] { offsets, area.offsets }); IntersectPoint[] intersectPoints = crossHelper.findCrossing(); if (intersectPoints.length == 0) { if (contains(area.getBounds2D())) { copy(area, this); } else if (!area.contains(getBounds2D())) { reset(); } return; } double[] resultCoords = new double[coordsSize + area.coordsSize + intersectPoints.length]; int[] resultRules = new int[rulesSize + area.rulesSize + intersectPoints.length]; int[] resultOffsets = new int[rulesSize + area.rulesSize + intersectPoints.length]; int resultCoordPos = 0; int resultRulesPos = 0; boolean isCurrentArea = true; IntersectPoint point = intersectPoints[0]; IntersectPoint nextPoint = intersectPoints[0]; resultRules[resultRulesPos] = PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO; resultOffsets[resultRulesPos++] = resultCoordPos; do { resultCoords[resultCoordPos++] = point.getX(); resultCoords[resultCoordPos++] = point.getY(); int curIndex = point.getEndIndex(true); if ((curIndex < 0) || (area.containsExact( coords[2 * curIndex], coords[2 * curIndex + 1]) == 0)) { isCurrentArea = !isCurrentArea; } else if (area.containsExact(coords[2 * curIndex], coords[2 * curIndex + 1]) > 0) { isCurrentArea = true; } else { isCurrentArea = false; } nextPoint = getNextIntersectPoint(intersectPoints, point, isCurrentArea); double[] coords = (isCurrentArea) ? this.coords : area.coords; int[] offsets = (isCurrentArea) ? this.offsets : area.offsets; int[] rules = (isCurrentArea) ? this.rules : area.rules; int offset = point.getRuleIndex(isCurrentArea); boolean isCopyUntilZero = false; if (point.getRuleIndex(isCurrentArea) > nextPoint.getRuleIndex(isCurrentArea)) { int rulesSize = (isCurrentArea) ? this.rulesSize : area.rulesSize; resultCoordPos = includeCoordsAndRules(offset + 1, rulesSize, rules, offsets, resultRules, resultOffsets, resultCoords, coords, resultRulesPos, resultCoordPos, point, isCurrentArea, false, 1); resultRulesPos += rulesSize - offset - 1; offset = 1; isCopyUntilZero = true; } int length = nextPoint.getRuleIndex(isCurrentArea) - offset + 1; if (isCopyUntilZero) { offset = 0; isCopyUntilZero = false; } if ((length == offset) && (nextPoint.getRule(isCurrentArea) != PathIterator.SEG_LINETO) && (nextPoint.getRule(isCurrentArea) != PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE) && (point.getRule(isCurrentArea) != PathIterator.SEG_LINETO) && (point.getRule(isCurrentArea) != PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE)) { isCopyUntilZero = true; length++; } resultCoordPos = includeCoordsAndRules(offset, length, rules, offsets, resultRules, resultOffsets, resultCoords, coords, resultRulesPos, resultCoordPos, nextPoint, isCurrentArea, true, 1); resultRulesPos = ((length <= offset) || (isCopyUntilZero)) ? resultRulesPos + 1 : resultRulesPos + length; point = nextPoint; } while (point != intersectPoints[0]); if (resultRules[resultRulesPos - 1] == PathIterator.SEG_LINETO) { resultRules[resultRulesPos - 1] = PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE; } else { resultCoords[resultCoordPos++] = nextPoint.getX(); resultCoords[resultCoordPos++] = nextPoint.getY(); resultRules[resultRulesPos++] = PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE; } resultOffsets[resultRulesPos - 1] = resultCoordPos; coords = resultCoords; rules = resultRules; offsets = resultOffsets; coordsSize = resultCoordPos; rulesSize = resultRulesPos; } private void intersectPolygon(Area area) { CrossingHelper crossHelper = new CrossingHelper(new double[][] {coords, area.coords }, new int[] { coordsSize, area.coordsSize }); IntersectPoint[] intersectPoints = crossHelper.findCrossing(); if (intersectPoints.length == 0) { if (contains(area.getBounds2D())) { copy(area, this); } else if (!area.contains(getBounds2D())) { reset(); } return; } double[] resultCoords = new double[coordsSize + area.coordsSize + intersectPoints.length]; int[] resultRules = new int[rulesSize + area.rulesSize + intersectPoints.length]; int[] resultOffsets = new int[rulesSize + area.rulesSize + intersectPoints.length]; int resultCoordPos = 0; int resultRulesPos = 0; boolean isCurrentArea = true; IntersectPoint point = intersectPoints[0]; resultRules[resultRulesPos] = PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO; resultOffsets[resultRulesPos++] = resultCoordPos; do { resultCoords[resultCoordPos++] = point.getX(); resultCoords[resultCoordPos++] = point.getY(); resultRules[resultRulesPos] = PathIterator.SEG_LINETO; resultOffsets[resultRulesPos++] = resultCoordPos - 2; int curIndex = point.getEndIndex(true); if ((curIndex < 0) || (area.containsExact(coords[2 * curIndex], coords[2 * curIndex + 1]) == 0)) { isCurrentArea = !isCurrentArea; } else if (area.containsExact(coords[2 * curIndex], coords[2 * curIndex + 1]) > 0) { isCurrentArea = true; } else { isCurrentArea = false; } IntersectPoint nextPoint = getNextIntersectPoint(intersectPoints, point, isCurrentArea); double[] coords = (isCurrentArea) ? this.coords : area.coords; int offset = 2 * point.getEndIndex(isCurrentArea); if ((offset >= 0) && (nextPoint.getBegIndex(isCurrentArea) < point.getEndIndex(isCurrentArea))) { int coordSize = (isCurrentArea) ? this.coordsSize : area.coordsSize; int length = coordSize - offset; System.arraycopy(coords, offset, resultCoords, resultCoordPos, length); for (int i = 0; i < length / 2; i++) { resultRules[resultRulesPos] = PathIterator.SEG_LINETO; resultOffsets[resultRulesPos++] = resultCoordPos; resultCoordPos += 2; } offset = 0; } if (offset >= 0) { int length = 2 * nextPoint.getBegIndex(isCurrentArea) - offset + 2; System.arraycopy(coords, offset, resultCoords, resultCoordPos, length); for (int i = 0; i < length / 2; i++) { resultRules[resultRulesPos] = PathIterator.SEG_LINETO; resultOffsets[resultRulesPos++] = resultCoordPos; resultCoordPos += 2; } } point = nextPoint; } while (point != intersectPoints[0]); resultRules[resultRulesPos - 1] = PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE; resultOffsets[resultRulesPos - 1] = resultCoordPos; coords = resultCoords; rules = resultRules; offsets = resultOffsets; coordsSize = resultCoordPos; rulesSize = resultRulesPos; } private void subtractCurvePolygon(Area area) { CurveCrossingHelper crossHelper = new CurveCrossingHelper( new double[][] { coords, area.coords }, new int[] { coordsSize, area.coordsSize }, new int[][] { rules, area.rules }, new int[] { rulesSize, area.rulesSize }, new int[][] { offsets, area.offsets }); IntersectPoint[] intersectPoints = crossHelper.findCrossing(); if (intersectPoints.length == 0 && contains(area.getBounds2D())) { copy(area, this); return; } double[] resultCoords = new double[coordsSize + area.coordsSize + intersectPoints.length]; int[] resultRules = new int[rulesSize + area.rulesSize + intersectPoints.length]; int[] resultOffsets = new int[rulesSize + area.rulesSize + intersectPoints.length]; int resultCoordPos = 0; int resultRulesPos = 0; boolean isCurrentArea = true; IntersectPoint point = intersectPoints[0]; resultRules[resultRulesPos] = PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO; resultOffsets[resultRulesPos++] = resultCoordPos; do { resultCoords[resultCoordPos++] = point.getX(); resultCoords[resultCoordPos++] = point.getY(); int curIndex = offsets[point.getRuleIndex(true)] % coordsSize; if (area.containsExact(coords[curIndex], coords[curIndex + 1]) == 0) { isCurrentArea = !isCurrentArea; } else if (area.containsExact(coords[curIndex], coords[curIndex + 1]) > 0) { isCurrentArea = false; } else { isCurrentArea = true; } IntersectPoint nextPoint = (isCurrentArea) ? getNextIntersectPoint(intersectPoints, point, isCurrentArea): getPrevIntersectPoint(intersectPoints, point, isCurrentArea); double[] coords = (isCurrentArea) ? this.coords : area.coords; int[] offsets = (isCurrentArea) ? this.offsets : area.offsets; int[] rules = (isCurrentArea) ? this.rules : area.rules; int offset = (isCurrentArea) ? point.getRuleIndex(isCurrentArea) : nextPoint.getRuleIndex(isCurrentArea); boolean isCopyUntilZero = false; if (((isCurrentArea) && (point.getRuleIndex(isCurrentArea) > nextPoint.getRuleIndex(isCurrentArea))) || ((!isCurrentArea) && (nextPoint.getRuleIndex(isCurrentArea) > nextPoint.getRuleIndex(isCurrentArea)))) { int rulesSize = (isCurrentArea) ? this.rulesSize : area.rulesSize; resultCoordPos = includeCoordsAndRules(offset + 1, rulesSize, rules, offsets, resultRules, resultOffsets, resultCoords, coords, resultRulesPos, resultCoordPos, point, isCurrentArea, false, 2); resultRulesPos += rulesSize - offset - 1; offset = 1; isCopyUntilZero = true; } int length = nextPoint.getRuleIndex(isCurrentArea) - offset + 1; if (isCopyUntilZero) { offset = 0; isCopyUntilZero = false; } resultCoordPos = includeCoordsAndRules(offset, length, rules, offsets, resultRules, resultOffsets, resultCoords, coords, resultRulesPos, resultCoordPos, point, isCurrentArea, true, 2); if ((length == offset) && ((rules[offset] == PathIterator.SEG_QUADTO) || (rules[offset] == PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO))) { resultRulesPos++; } else { resultRulesPos = (length < offset || isCopyUntilZero) ? resultRulesPos + 1 : resultRulesPos + length - offset; } point = nextPoint; } while (point != intersectPoints[0]); resultRules[resultRulesPos++] = PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE; resultOffsets[resultRulesPos - 1] = resultCoordPos; coords = resultCoords; rules = resultRules; offsets = resultOffsets; coordsSize = resultCoordPos; rulesSize = resultRulesPos; } private void subtractPolygon(Area area) { CrossingHelper crossHelper = new CrossingHelper(new double[][] {coords, area.coords }, new int[] { coordsSize, area.coordsSize }); IntersectPoint[] intersectPoints = crossHelper.findCrossing(); if (intersectPoints.length == 0) { if (contains(area.getBounds2D())) { copy(area, this); return; } return; } double[] resultCoords = new double[2 * (coordsSize + area.coordsSize + intersectPoints.length)]; int[] resultRules = new int[2 * (rulesSize + area.rulesSize + intersectPoints.length)]; int[] resultOffsets = new int[2 * (rulesSize + area.rulesSize + intersectPoints.length)]; int resultCoordPos = 0; int resultRulesPos = 0; boolean isCurrentArea = true; int countPoints = 0; boolean curArea = false; boolean addArea = false; IntersectPoint point = intersectPoints[0]; resultRules[resultRulesPos] = PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO; resultOffsets[resultRulesPos++] = resultCoordPos; do { resultCoords[resultCoordPos++] = point.getX(); resultCoords[resultCoordPos++] = point.getY(); resultRules[resultRulesPos] = PathIterator.SEG_LINETO; resultOffsets[resultRulesPos++] = resultCoordPos - 2; int curIndex = point.getEndIndex(true); if ((curIndex < 0) || (area.isVertex(coords[2 * curIndex], coords[2 * curIndex + 1]) && crossHelper.containsPoint(new double[] {coords[2 * curIndex], coords[2 * curIndex + 1]}) && (coords[2 * curIndex] != point.getX() || coords[2 * curIndex + 1] != point.getY()))) { isCurrentArea = !isCurrentArea; } else if (area.containsExact(coords[2 * curIndex], coords[2 * curIndex + 1]) > 0) { isCurrentArea = false; } else { isCurrentArea = true; } if (countPoints >= intersectPoints.length) { isCurrentArea = !isCurrentArea; } if (isCurrentArea) { curArea = true; } else { addArea = true; } IntersectPoint nextPoint = (isCurrentArea) ? getNextIntersectPoint(intersectPoints, point, isCurrentArea): getPrevIntersectPoint(intersectPoints, point, isCurrentArea); double[] coords = (isCurrentArea) ? this.coords : area.coords; int offset = (isCurrentArea) ? 2 * point.getEndIndex(isCurrentArea): 2 * nextPoint.getEndIndex(isCurrentArea); if ((offset > 0) && (((isCurrentArea) && (nextPoint.getBegIndex(isCurrentArea) < point.getEndIndex(isCurrentArea))) || ((!isCurrentArea) && (nextPoint.getEndIndex(isCurrentArea) < nextPoint.getBegIndex(isCurrentArea))))) { int coordSize = (isCurrentArea) ? this.coordsSize : area.coordsSize; int length = coordSize - offset; if (isCurrentArea) { System.arraycopy(coords, offset, resultCoords, resultCoordPos, length); } else { double[] temp = new double[length]; System.arraycopy(coords, offset, temp, 0, length); reverseCopy(temp); System.arraycopy(temp, 0, resultCoords, resultCoordPos, length); } for (int i = 0; i < length / 2; i++) { resultRules[resultRulesPos] = PathIterator.SEG_LINETO; resultOffsets[resultRulesPos++] = resultCoordPos; resultCoordPos += 2; } offset = 0; } if (offset >= 0) { int length = (isCurrentArea) ? 2 * nextPoint.getBegIndex(isCurrentArea) - offset + 2: 2 * point.getBegIndex(isCurrentArea) - offset + 2; if (isCurrentArea) { System.arraycopy(coords, offset, resultCoords, resultCoordPos, length); } else { double[] temp = new double[length]; System.arraycopy(coords, offset, temp, 0, length); reverseCopy(temp); System.arraycopy(temp, 0, resultCoords, resultCoordPos, length); } for (int i = 0; i < length / 2; i++) { resultRules[resultRulesPos] = PathIterator.SEG_LINETO; resultOffsets[resultRulesPos++] = resultCoordPos; resultCoordPos += 2; } } point = nextPoint; countPoints++; } while (point != intersectPoints[0] || !(curArea && addArea)); resultRules[resultRulesPos - 1] = PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE; resultOffsets[resultRulesPos - 1] = resultCoordPos; coords = resultCoords; rules = resultRules; offsets = resultOffsets; coordsSize = resultCoordPos; rulesSize = resultRulesPos; } private IntersectPoint getNextIntersectPoint(IntersectPoint[] iPoints, IntersectPoint isectPoint, boolean isCurrentArea) { int endIndex = isectPoint.getEndIndex(isCurrentArea); if (endIndex < 0) { return iPoints[Math.abs(endIndex) - 1]; } IntersectPoint firstIsectPoint = null; IntersectPoint nextIsectPoint = null; for (IntersectPoint point : iPoints) { int begIndex = point.getBegIndex(isCurrentArea); if (begIndex >= 0) { if (firstIsectPoint == null) { firstIsectPoint = point; } else if (begIndex < firstIsectPoint .getBegIndex(isCurrentArea)) { firstIsectPoint = point; } } if (endIndex <= begIndex) { if (nextIsectPoint == null) { nextIsectPoint = point; } else if (begIndex < nextIsectPoint.getBegIndex(isCurrentArea)) { nextIsectPoint = point; } } } return (nextIsectPoint != null) ? nextIsectPoint : firstIsectPoint; } private IntersectPoint getPrevIntersectPoint(IntersectPoint[] iPoints, IntersectPoint isectPoint, boolean isCurrentArea) { int begIndex = isectPoint.getBegIndex(isCurrentArea); if (begIndex < 0) { return iPoints[Math.abs(begIndex) - 1]; } IntersectPoint firstIsectPoint = null; IntersectPoint predIsectPoint = null; for (IntersectPoint point : iPoints) { int endIndex = point.getEndIndex(isCurrentArea); if (endIndex >= 0) { if (firstIsectPoint == null) { firstIsectPoint = point; } else if (endIndex < firstIsectPoint .getEndIndex(isCurrentArea)) { firstIsectPoint = point; } } if (endIndex <= begIndex) { if (predIsectPoint == null) { predIsectPoint = point; } else if (endIndex > predIsectPoint.getEndIndex(isCurrentArea)) { predIsectPoint = point; } } } return (predIsectPoint != null) ? predIsectPoint : firstIsectPoint; } private int includeCoordsAndRules(int offset, int length, int[] rules, int[] offsets, int[] resultRules, int[] resultOffsets, double[] resultCoords, double[] coords, int resultRulesPos, int resultCoordPos, IntersectPoint point, boolean isCurrentArea, boolean way, int operation) { double[] temp = new double[8 * length]; int coordsCount = 0; boolean isMoveIndex = true; boolean isMoveLength = true; boolean additional = false; if (length <= offset) { for (int i = resultRulesPos; i < resultRulesPos + 1; i++) { resultRules[i] = PathIterator.SEG_LINETO; } } else { int j = resultRulesPos; for (int i = offset; i < length; i++) { resultRules[j++] = PathIterator.SEG_LINETO; } } if ((length == offset) && ((rules[offset] == PathIterator.SEG_QUADTO) || (rules[offset] == PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO))) { length++; additional = true; } for (int i = offset; i < length; i++) { int index = offsets[i]; if (!isMoveIndex) { index -= 2; } if (!isMoveLength) { length++; isMoveLength = true; } switch (rules[i]) { case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO: isMoveIndex = false; isMoveLength = false; break; case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO: case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE: resultRules[resultRulesPos] = PathIterator.SEG_LINETO; resultOffsets[resultRulesPos++] = resultCoordPos + 2; boolean isLeft = CrossingHelper.compare(coords[index], coords[index + 1], point.getX(), point.getY()) > 0; if (way || !isLeft) { temp[coordsCount++] = coords[index]; temp[coordsCount++] = coords[index + 1]; } break; case PathIterator.SEG_QUADTO: resultRules[resultRulesPos] = PathIterator.SEG_QUADTO; resultOffsets[resultRulesPos++] = resultCoordPos + 4; double[] coefs = new double[] { coords[index - 2], coords[index - 1], coords[index], coords[index + 1], coords[index + 2], coords[index + 3] }; isLeft = CrossingHelper.compare(coords[index - 2], coords[index - 1], point.getX(), point.getY()) > 0; if ((!additional) && (operation == 0 || operation == 2)) { isLeft = !isLeft; way = false; } GeometryUtil .subQuad(coefs, point.getParam(isCurrentArea), isLeft); if (way || isLeft) { temp[coordsCount++] = coefs[2]; temp[coordsCount++] = coefs[3]; } else { System.arraycopy(coefs, 2, temp, coordsCount, 4); coordsCount += 4; } break; case PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO: resultRules[resultRulesPos] = PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO; resultOffsets[resultRulesPos++] = resultCoordPos + 6; coefs = new double[] {coords[index - 2], coords[index - 1], coords[index], coords[index + 1], coords[index + 2], coords[index + 3], coords[index + 4], coords[index + 5] }; isLeft = CrossingHelper.compare(coords[index - 2], coords[index - 1], point.getX(), point.getY()) > 0; GeometryUtil.subCubic(coefs, point.getParam(isCurrentArea), !isLeft); if (isLeft) { System.arraycopy(coefs, 2, temp, coordsCount, 6); coordsCount += 6; } else { System.arraycopy(coefs, 2, temp, coordsCount, 4); coordsCount += 4; } break; } } if (operation == 2 && !isCurrentArea && coordsCount > 2) { reverseCopy(temp); System.arraycopy(temp, 0, resultCoords, resultCoordPos, coordsCount); } else { System.arraycopy(temp, 0, resultCoords, resultCoordPos, coordsCount); } return (resultCoordPos + coordsCount); } // the method check up the array size and necessarily increases it. private static double[] adjustSize(double[] array, int newSize) { if (newSize <= array.length) { return array; } double[] newArray = new double[2 * newSize]; System.arraycopy(array, 0, newArray, 0, array.length); return newArray; } private static int[] adjustSize(int[] array, int newSize) { if (newSize <= array.length) { return array; } int[] newArray = new int[2 * newSize]; System.arraycopy(array, 0, newArray, 0, array.length); return newArray; } private void copy(Area src, Area dst) { dst.coordsSize = src.coordsSize; dst.coords = src.coords.clone(); dst.rulesSize = src.rulesSize; dst.rules = src.rules.clone(); dst.moveToCount = src.moveToCount; dst.offsets = src.offsets.clone(); } private int containsExact(double x, double y) { PathIterator pi = getPathIterator(null); int crossCount = Crossing.crossPath(pi, x, y); if (Crossing.isInsideEvenOdd(crossCount)) { return 1; } double[] segmentCoords = new double[6]; double[] resultPoints = new double[6]; int rule; double curX = -1; double curY = -1; double moveX = -1; double moveY = -1; for (pi = getPathIterator(null); !pi.isDone(); pi.next()) { rule = pi.currentSegment(segmentCoords); switch (rule) { case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO: moveX = curX = segmentCoords[0]; moveY = curY = segmentCoords[1]; break; case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO: if (GeometryUtil.intersectLines(curX, curY, segmentCoords[0], segmentCoords[1], x, y, x, y, resultPoints) != 0) { return 0; } curX = segmentCoords[0]; curY = segmentCoords[1]; break; case PathIterator.SEG_QUADTO: if (GeometryUtil.intersectLineAndQuad(x, y, x, y, curX, curY, segmentCoords[0], segmentCoords[1], segmentCoords[2], segmentCoords[3], resultPoints) > 0) { return 0; } curX = segmentCoords[2]; curY = segmentCoords[3]; break; case PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO: if (GeometryUtil.intersectLineAndCubic(x, y, x, y, curX, curY, segmentCoords[0], segmentCoords[1], segmentCoords[2], segmentCoords[3], segmentCoords[4], segmentCoords[5], resultPoints) > 0) { return 0; } curX = segmentCoords[4]; curY = segmentCoords[5]; break; case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE: if (GeometryUtil.intersectLines(curX, curY, moveX, moveY, x, y, x, y, resultPoints) != 0) { return 0; } curX = moveX; curY = moveY; break; } } return -1; } private void reverseCopy(double[] coords) { double[] temp = new double[coords.length]; System.arraycopy(coords, 0, temp, 0, coords.length); for (int i = 0; i < coords.length;) { coords[i] = temp[coords.length - i - 2]; coords[i + 1] = temp[coords.length - i - 1]; i = i + 2; } } private double getAreaBoundsSquare() { Rectangle2D bounds = getBounds2D(); return bounds.getHeight() * bounds.getWidth(); } private boolean isVertex(double x, double y) { for (int i = 0; i < coordsSize;) { if (x == coords[i++] && y == coords[i++]) { return true; } } return false; } // the internal class implements PathIterator private class AreaPathIterator implements PathIterator { AffineTransform transform; Area area; int curRuleIndex = 0; int curCoordIndex = 0; AreaPathIterator(Area area) { this(area, null); } AreaPathIterator(Area area, AffineTransform t) { this.area = area; this.transform = t; } public int getWindingRule() { return WIND_EVEN_ODD; } public boolean isDone() { return curRuleIndex >= rulesSize; } public void next() { switch (rules[curRuleIndex]) { case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO: case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO: curCoordIndex += 2; break; case PathIterator.SEG_QUADTO: curCoordIndex += 4; break; case PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO: curCoordIndex += 6; break; } curRuleIndex++; } public int currentSegment(double[] c) { if (isDone()) { throw new NoSuchElementException(Messages.getString("awt.4B")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } int count = 0; switch (rules[curRuleIndex]) { case PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO: c[4] = coords[curCoordIndex + 4]; c[5] = coords[curCoordIndex + 5]; count = 1; case PathIterator.SEG_QUADTO: c[2] = coords[curCoordIndex + 2]; c[3] = coords[curCoordIndex + 3]; count += 1; case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO: case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO: c[0] = coords[curCoordIndex]; c[1] = coords[curCoordIndex + 1]; count += 1; } if(transform != null) { transform.transform(c, 0, c, 0, count); } return rules[curRuleIndex]; } public int currentSegment(float[] c) { double[] doubleCoords = new double[6]; int rule = currentSegment(doubleCoords); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { c[i] = (float) doubleCoords[i]; } return rule; } } }