// Copyright 2001, FreeHEP. package org.freehep.graphicsio.font.truetype; import java.io.IOException; /** * Concrete instances derived from this class hold data stored in true type * tables. Right now the data is accessible as public attributes. In some cases * methods may return more convenient objects (such as Shapes instead of point * arrays). * * @author Simon Fischer * @version $Id: TTFTable.java 8584 2006-08-10 23:06:37Z duns $ */ public abstract class TTFTable { public static final String[] TT_TAGS = new String[] { "cmap", "glyf", "head", "hhea", "hmtx", "loca", "maxp", "name", "OS/2", "post" }; public static final Class[] TABLE_CLASSES = new Class[] { TTFCMapTable.class, TTFGlyfTable.class, TTFHeadTable.class, TTFHHeaTable.class, TTFHMtxTable.class, TTFLocaTable.class, TTFMaxPTable.class, TTFNameTable.class, TTFOS_2Table.class, TTFPostTable.class }; private TTFFont ttfFont; TTFInput ttf; private boolean isRead = false; public void init(TTFFont font, TTFInput ttf) throws IOException { this.ttfFont = font; this.ttf = ttf; } public void read() throws IOException { ttf.pushPos(); System.out.print("[" + getTag()); ttf.seek(0); readTable(); isRead = true; System.out.print("]"); ttf.popPos(); } public abstract void readTable() throws IOException; public abstract String getTag(); public boolean isRead() { return isRead; } public TTFTable getTable(String tag) throws IOException { return ttfFont.getTable(tag); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public String toString() { return ttf + ": [" + getTag() + "/" + getClass().getName() + "]"; } }