// Copyright 2001-2006, FreeHEP. package org.freehep.graphicsio.font.truetype; import com.google.code.appengine.awt.Rectangle; import com.google.code.appengine.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import com.google.code.appengine.awt.geom.GeneralPath; import java.io.IOException; /** * GLYPH Table. * * @author Simon Fischer * @version $Id: TTFGlyfTable.java 8584 2006-08-10 23:06:37Z duns $ */ public class TTFGlyfTable extends TTFVersionTable { /** * If this variable is set to false then the glyphs will not be read until * they are retrieved with <tt>getGlyph(int)</tt>. */ private static final boolean READ_GLYPHS = false; public abstract class Glyph { public int xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax; public abstract String getType(); public abstract GeneralPath getShape(); public void read() throws IOException { xMin = ttf.readFWord(); yMin = ttf.readFWord(); xMax = ttf.readFWord(); yMax = ttf.readFWord(); } public Rectangle getBBox() { return new Rectangle(xMin, yMin, xMax - xMin, yMax - yMin); } public String toString() { return "[" + getType() + "] (" + xMin + "," + yMin + "):(" + xMax + "," + yMax + ")"; } public String toDetailedString() { return toString(); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public class SimpleGlyph extends Glyph { private static final int ON_CURVE = 0; private static final int X_SHORT = 1; private static final int Y_SHORT = 2; private static final int REPEAT_FLAG = 3; private static final int X_SAME = 4; private static final int Y_SAME = 5; private static final int X_POSITIVE = 4; private static final int Y_POSITIVE = 5; public int numberOfContours; public int[] endPtsOfContours; public int[] instructions; public int[] flags; public int[] xCoordinates, yCoordinates; public boolean[] onCurve; public GeneralPath shape; public SimpleGlyph(int numberOfContours) { this.numberOfContours = numberOfContours; this.endPtsOfContours = new int[numberOfContours]; } public String getType() { return "Simple Glyph"; } public void read() throws IOException { super.read(); for (int i = 0; i < endPtsOfContours.length; i++) endPtsOfContours[i] = ttf.readUShort(); instructions = new int[ttf.readUShort()]; for (int i = 0; i < instructions.length; i++) instructions[i] = ttf.readByte(); int numberOfPoints = endPtsOfContours[endPtsOfContours.length - 1] + 1; flags = new int[numberOfPoints]; xCoordinates = new int[numberOfPoints]; yCoordinates = new int[numberOfPoints]; onCurve = new boolean[numberOfPoints]; int repeatCount = 0; int repeatFlag = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; i++) { if (repeatCount > 0) { flags[i] = repeatFlag; repeatCount--; } else { flags[i] = ttf.readRawByte(); if (TTFInput.flagBit(flags[i], REPEAT_FLAG)) { repeatCount = ttf.readByte(); repeatFlag = flags[i]; } } TTFInput.checkZeroBit(flags[i], 6, "flags"); TTFInput.checkZeroBit(flags[i], 7, "flags"); onCurve[i] = TTFInput.flagBit(flags[i], ON_CURVE); } int last = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; i++) { if (TTFInput.flagBit(flags[i], X_SHORT)) { if (TTFInput.flagBit(flags[i], X_POSITIVE)) { last = xCoordinates[i] = last + ttf.readByte(); } else { last = xCoordinates[i] = last - ttf.readByte(); } } else { if (TTFInput.flagBit(flags[i], X_SAME)) { last = xCoordinates[i] = last; } else { last = xCoordinates[i] = last + ttf.readShort(); } } } last = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; i++) { if (TTFInput.flagBit(flags[i], Y_SHORT)) { if (TTFInput.flagBit(flags[i], Y_POSITIVE)) { last = yCoordinates[i] = last + ttf.readByte(); } else { last = yCoordinates[i] = last - ttf.readByte(); } } else { if (TTFInput.flagBit(flags[i], Y_SAME)) { last = yCoordinates[i] = last; } else { last = yCoordinates[i] = last + ttf.readShort(); } } } } public String toString() { String str = super.toString() + ", " + numberOfContours + " contours, endPts={"; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfContours; i++) str += (i == 0 ? "" : ",") + endPtsOfContours[i]; str += "}, " + instructions.length + " instructions"; return str; } public String toDetailedString() { String str = toString() + "\n instructions = {"; for (int i = 0; i < instructions.length; i++) { str += Integer.toHexString(instructions[i]) + " "; } return str + "}"; } public GeneralPath getShape() { if (shape != null) { return shape; } shape = new GeneralPath(GeneralPath.WIND_NON_ZERO); int p = 0; for (int i = 0; i < endPtsOfContours.length; i++) { int startIndex = p++; shape.moveTo(xCoordinates[startIndex], yCoordinates[startIndex]); boolean lastOnCurve = true; while (p <= endPtsOfContours[i]) { if (onCurve[p]) { if (lastOnCurve) { shape.lineTo(xCoordinates[p], yCoordinates[p]); } else { shape.quadTo(xCoordinates[p - 1], yCoordinates[p - 1], xCoordinates[p], yCoordinates[p]); } lastOnCurve = true; } else { if (!lastOnCurve) { int x1 = xCoordinates[p - 1]; int y1 = yCoordinates[p - 1]; int x2 = (int)((x1 + xCoordinates[p])/ 2.0); int y2 = (int)((y1 + yCoordinates[p])/ 2.0); shape.quadTo(x1, y1, x2, y2); } lastOnCurve = false; } p++; } if (!onCurve[p - 1]) { shape.quadTo(xCoordinates[p - 1], yCoordinates[p - 1], xCoordinates[startIndex], yCoordinates[startIndex]); } else if ((xCoordinates[p - 1] != xCoordinates[startIndex]) || (yCoordinates[p - 1] != yCoordinates[startIndex])) { shape.closePath(); } } return shape; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public class CompositeGlyph extends Glyph { private static final int ARGS_WORDS = 0; private static final int ARGS_XY = 1; private static final int SCALE = 3; private static final int XY_SCALE = 6; private static final int TWO_BY_TWO = 7; private static final int MORE_COMPONENTS = 5; private GeneralPath shape; private int noComponents; public String getType() { return "Composite Glyph"; } public GeneralPath getShape() { return shape; } public void read() throws IOException { super.read(); shape = new GeneralPath(); noComponents = 0; boolean more = true; while (more) { noComponents++; ttf.readUShortFlags(); more = ttf.flagBit(MORE_COMPONENTS); int glyphIndex = ttf.readUShort(); int arg1, arg2; if (ttf.flagBit(ARGS_WORDS)) { arg1 = ttf.readShort(); arg2 = ttf.readShort(); } else { arg1 = ttf.readChar(); arg2 = ttf.readChar(); } AffineTransform t = new AffineTransform(); if (ttf.flagBit(ARGS_XY)) { t.translate(arg1, arg2); } else { System.err .println("TTFGlyfTable: ARGS_ARE_POINTS not implemented."); } if (ttf.flagBit(SCALE)) { double scale = ttf.readF2Dot14(); t.scale(scale, scale); } else if (ttf.flagBit(XY_SCALE)) { double scaleX = ttf.readF2Dot14(); double scaleY = ttf.readF2Dot14(); t.scale(scaleX, scaleY); } else if (ttf.flagBit(TWO_BY_TWO)) { System.err .println("TTFGlyfTable: WE_HAVE_A_TWO_BY_TWO not implemented."); } GeneralPath appendGlyph = (GeneralPath) getGlyph(glyphIndex) .getShape().clone(); appendGlyph.transform(t); shape.append(appendGlyph, false); } } public String toString() { return super.toString() + ", " + noComponents + " components"; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public Glyph[] glyphs; private long[] offsets; public String getTag() { return "glyf"; } public void readTable() throws IOException { glyphs = new Glyph[((TTFMaxPTable) getTable("maxp")).numGlyphs]; offsets = ((TTFLocaTable) getTable("loca")).offset; if (READ_GLYPHS) { for (int i = 0; i < glyphs.length; i++) { if ((i > 0) && (offsets[i - 1] == offsets[i])) { glyphs[i] = glyphs[i - 1]; } else { try { getGlyph(i); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("While reading glyph #" + i + " (offset " + offsets[i] + "):"); e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } public Glyph getGlyph(int i) throws IOException { if (glyphs[i] != null) { return glyphs[i]; } else { ttf.pushPos(); ttf.seek(offsets[i]); int numberOfContours = ttf.readShort(); if (numberOfContours >= 0) glyphs[i] = new SimpleGlyph(numberOfContours); else glyphs[i] = new CompositeGlyph(); glyphs[i].read(); // System.out.println(i+": "+offsets[i]+"-"+ttf.getPointer()); ttf.popPos(); return glyphs[i]; } } public String toString() { String str = super.toString(); for (int i = 0; i < glyphs.length; i++) str += "\n #" + i + ": " + glyphs[i]; return str; } }