package jackrabbit; import static org.fest.assertions.Assertions.assertThat; import static org.fest.assertions.MapAssert.entry; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import static play.test.Helpers.running; import static test.AorraTestUtils.running; import static test.AorraTestUtils.fakeAorraApp; import static test.AorraTestUtils.sessionFactory; import; import javax.jcr.AccessDeniedException; import javax.jcr.ItemNotFoundException; import javax.jcr.RepositoryException; import javax.jcr.Session; import org.apache.commons.lang.NotImplementedException; import org.apache.commons.lang.RandomStringUtils; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.Path; import org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.conversion.MalformedPathException; import; import org.fest.assertions.MapAssert; import org.junit.Test; import play.libs.F; public class AorraAccessManagerTest { @Test public void testCanAccessAllWorkspaces() { running(fakeAorraApp(), acmTest(new F.Function2<Session, AorraAccessManager, Session>() { @Override public Session apply(Session session, AorraAccessManager acm) throws RepositoryException { assertTrue(acm.canAccess("default")); final String randomWorkspaceName = RandomStringUtils.random(30); assertTrue(acm.canAccess(randomWorkspaceName)); return session; } }) ); } @Test public void testGetIdAndPath() { running(fakeAorraApp(), acmTest(new F.Function2<Session, AorraAccessManager, Session>() { @Override public Session apply(Session session, AorraAccessManager acm) throws RepositoryException { String rootUid = session.getNode("/").getIdentifier(); assertThat(rootUid).isEqualTo(acm.getId("/")); assertThat("/").isEqualTo(acm.getPath(rootUid)); try { acm.getPath(""); fail("Should throw IllegalArgumentException."); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // Good } return session; } }) ); } @Test public void testPermissionHandling() throws MalformedPathException { final String anon = "anonymous"; final Path rootPath; { PathBuilder pb = new PathBuilder(); pb.addRoot(); rootPath = pb.getPath(); } running(fakeAorraApp(), acmTest(new F.Function2<Session, AorraAccessManager, Session>() { @Override public Session apply(final Session session, final AorraAccessManager acm) throws RepositoryException { // Check admin permissions final ItemId rootID; try { acm.checkPermission(rootPath, 3); rootID = makeId(session.getNode("/").getIdentifier()); // Wrapped to avoid suppressing deprecation warning anywhere else (new F.Callback0() { @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override public void invoke() throws RepositoryException { acm.checkPermission(rootID, 3); } }).invoke(); } catch (AccessDeniedException e) { fail("Should be allowed."); return session; } // Run some tests on granting final MapAssert.Entry expectedPermission = entry( new PermissionKey("default", anon, rootID.toString()), Permission.RO); acm.grant(new PrincipalImpl(anon), "/", Permission.RO); assertThat(acm.getPermissions()).includes(expectedPermission); acm.revoke("default", anon, rootID.toString()); assertThat(acm.getPermissions()).excludes(expectedPermission); acm.grant(new PrincipalImpl(anon), "/", Permission.RO); acm.grant("default", anon, rootID.toString(), Permission.RO); assertThat(acm.getPermissions()).includes(expectedPermission); try { acm.grant(new PrincipalImpl(anon), "/doesnotexist", Permission.RO); fail("Should throw ItemNotFoundException."); } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) { // Good } return session; } }), acmTest(anon, new F.Function2<Session, AorraAccessManager, Session>() { @Override public Session apply(final Session session, AorraAccessManager acm) throws RepositoryException { try { acm.checkPermission(rootPath, 1); } catch (AccessControlException e) { fail("Should be allowed."); } try { acm.checkPermission(rootPath, 3); fail("Should not be allowed."); } catch (AccessDeniedException e) { // All good } return session; } }) ); } /* * Lots of unimplemented methods. Let's be explicit which are intended to be. */ @Test public void testUnimplementedMethods() { running(fakeAorraApp(), acmTest(new F.Function2<Session, AorraAccessManager, Session>() { @Override public Session apply(Session session, AorraAccessManager acm) throws RepositoryException { try { acm.getApplicablePolicies("anything"); fail("Should have thrown NotImplementedException"); } catch (NotImplementedException e) { // All good } try { acm.getEffectivePolicies("anything"); fail("Should have thrown NotImplementedException"); } catch (NotImplementedException e) { // All good } try { acm.getSupportedPrivileges("anything"); fail("Should have thrown NotImplementedException"); } catch (NotImplementedException e) { // All good } try { acm.getPolicies("anything"); fail("Should have thrown NotImplementedException"); } catch (NotImplementedException e) { // All good } try { acm.getPrivileges("anything"); fail("Should have thrown NotImplementedException"); } catch (NotImplementedException e) { // All good } try { acm.hasPrivileges("anything", null); fail("Should have thrown NotImplementedException"); } catch (NotImplementedException e) { // All good } try { acm.privilegeFromName("anything"); fail("Should have thrown NotImplementedException"); } catch (NotImplementedException e) { // All good } try { acm.removePolicy("anything", null); fail("Should have thrown NotImplementedException"); } catch (NotImplementedException e) { // All good } try { acm.setPolicy("anything", null); fail("Should have thrown NotImplementedException"); } catch (NotImplementedException e) { // All good } return session; } })); } private Runnable acmTest( final F.Function2<Session, AorraAccessManager, Session> f) { return acmTest(null, f); } private Runnable acmTest(final String userId, final F.Function2<Session, AorraAccessManager, Session> f) { return new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (userId == null) sessionFactory().inSession(execute(f)); else sessionFactory().inSession(userId, execute(f)); } }; } private F.Function<Session, Session> execute( final F.Function2<Session, AorraAccessManager, Session> f) { return new F.Function<Session, Session>() { @Override public Session apply(Session session) throws Throwable { final AorraAccessManager acm = (AorraAccessManager) session.getAccessControlManager(); return f.apply(session, acm); } }; } private ItemId makeId(String id) { try { return new NodeId(id); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { return PropertyId.valueOf(id); } } }