package; import static; import graphics.GraphUtils; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.FontMetrics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.RenderingHints; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.Stroke; import java.awt.font.FontRenderContext; import java.awt.font.GlyphVector; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; import org.jfree.text.TextUtilities; import org.jfree.ui.TextAnchor; import charts.Drawable; public class BeerCoaster implements Drawable { public static enum Condition { NOT_EVALUATED("Not evaluated", Colors.NOT_EVALUATED), VERY_GOOD("Very good", Colors.VERY_GOOD), GOOD("Good", Colors.GOOD), MODERATE("Moderate", Colors.MODERATE), POOR("Poor", Colors.POOR), VERY_POOR("Very poor", Colors.VERY_POOR); private final String label; private final Color color; Condition(String label, Color color) { this.label = label; this.color = color; } public String getLabel() { return label; } public Color getColor() { return color; } } public static enum Rotation { CLOCKWISE, COUNTER_CLOCKWISE; } public static enum Indicator { CHLOROPHYLL_A("Chlorophyll a", Category.WATER_QUALITY, 90, -60, Rotation.CLOCKWISE, 30), TOTAL_SUSPENDED_SOLIDS("Total suspended solids", Category.WATER_QUALITY, 30, -60, Rotation.COUNTER_CLOCKWISE, 90), SETTLEMENT("Change", Category.CORAL, -30, -30, Rotation.COUNTER_CLOCKWISE, 135), JUVENILE("Juvenile", Category.CORAL, -60, -30, Rotation.COUNTER_CLOCKWISE, 165), ALGAE("Macroalgae", Category.CORAL, -90, -30, Rotation.COUNTER_CLOCKWISE, 195), COVER("Cover", Category.CORAL, -120, -30, Rotation.COUNTER_CLOCKWISE, 225), ABUNDANCE("Abundance", Category.SEAGRASS, -150, -40, Rotation.CLOCKWISE, 260), REPRODUCTION("Reproduction", Category.SEAGRASS, -190, -40, Rotation.CLOCKWISE, 300), NUTRIENT_STATUS("Nutrient status", Category.SEAGRASS, -230, -40, Rotation.CLOCKWISE, 340); private final String name; private final Category category; private final int startAngle; private final int arcAngle; private final Rotation textDirection; private final int textAngle; Indicator(String name, Category category, int startAngle, int arcAngle, Rotation textDirection, int textAngle) { = name; this.category = category; this.startAngle = startAngle; this.arcAngle = arcAngle; this.textDirection = textDirection; this.textAngle = textAngle; } public String getName() { return name; } public Category getCategory() { return category; } public int getStartAngle() { return startAngle; } public int getArcAngle() { return arcAngle; } public Rotation getTextDirection() { return textDirection; } public int getTextAngle() { return textAngle; } } public static enum Category { WATER_QUALITY("Water quality", 90, -120, Rotation.CLOCKWISE, 60, "waterquality.png"), CORAL("Coral", -30, -120, Rotation.COUNTER_CLOCKWISE, 180, "coral.png"), SEAGRASS("Seagrass", -150, -120, Rotation.CLOCKWISE, 300, "seagrass.png"); private String name; private final int startAngle; private final int arcAngle; private final Rotation textDirection; private final int textAngle; Category(String name, int startAngle, int arcAngle, Rotation textDirection, int textAngle, String imageName) { = name; this.startAngle = startAngle; this.arcAngle = arcAngle; this.textDirection = textDirection; this.textAngle = textAngle; } public String getName() { return name; } public int getStartAngle() { return startAngle; } public int getArcAngle() { return arcAngle; } public Rotation getTextDirection() { return textDirection; } public int getTextAngle() { return textAngle; } } private static final float BORDER_WIDTH = 1.5f; private static final float CATEGORY_BORDER_WIDTH = 4.0f; private static final Color CATEGORY_FONT_COLOR = Color.BLACK; private static final Color INDICATOR_FONT_COLOR = Color.BLACK; private static final Color LEGEND_FONT_COLOR = Color.BLACK; private static final Font CATEGORY_FONT = new Font(Font.SANS_SERIF, Font.BOLD, 18); private static final Font INDICATOR_FONT = new Font(Font.SANS_SERIF, Font.PLAIN, 12); private static final Font LEGEND_FONT = new Font(Font.SANS_SERIF, Font.PLAIN, 18); // The legend will be placed at the LEGEND_ANGLE measured from the center of the beer coaster private static final int LEGEND_ANGLE = 79; private final Dimension dimension = new Dimension(510,380); private int bcx; private int bcy; private float bcr; // indicator condition - NOT_EVALUATED by default private final Condition[] iCondition = Collections.nCopies( Indicator.values().length, Condition.NOT_EVALUATED).toArray(new Condition[0]); // category condition - NOT_EVALUATED by default private final Condition[] cCondition = Collections.nCopies( Category.values().length, Condition.NOT_EVALUATED).toArray(new Condition[0]); private Condition overall = Condition.NOT_EVALUATED; private Map<Condition, Color> colors; public BeerCoaster() {} public BeerCoaster(Map<Condition, Color> colors) { this.colors = colors; } public Condition getCondition(Indicator indicator) { return iCondition[indicator.ordinal()]; } public void setCondition(Indicator indicator, Condition condition) { iCondition[indicator.ordinal()] = checkNotNull(condition); } public Condition getCondition(Category category) { return cCondition[category.ordinal()]; } public void setCondition(Category category, Condition condition) { cCondition[category.ordinal()] = checkNotNull(condition); } public Condition getOverallCondition() { return overall; } public void setOverallCondition(Condition overall) { this.overall = overall; } private void drawArc(GraphUtils g, float radius, int startAngle, int arcAngle, Condition condition, String label, float labelRadius, int labelAngle, Rotation labelDirection, Color fc, GraphUtils.TextAnchor anchor) { Stroke stroke = g.getGraphics().getStroke(); g.getGraphics().setColor(getColor(condition)); g.fillArc(bcx, bcy, radius, startAngle, arcAngle); g.getGraphics().setColor(Color.WHITE); g.getGraphics().setStroke(new BasicStroke(BORDER_WIDTH)); g.drawArc(bcx, bcy, radius, startAngle, arcAngle); g.getGraphics().setColor(fc); g.drawCircleText(label, bcx, bcy, labelRadius, GraphUtils.toRadians(labelAngle), labelDirection == Rotation.CLOCKWISE, anchor); g.getGraphics().setStroke(stroke); } private void drawIndicator(GraphUtils g, Indicator indicator) { g.getGraphics().setFont(INDICATOR_FONT); FontMetrics fm = g.getGraphics().getFontMetrics(); drawArc(g, bcr, indicator.getStartAngle(), indicator.getArcAngle(), getCondition(indicator), indicator.getName(), bcr - (fm.getDescent() + fm.getAscent()), indicator.getTextAngle(), indicator.getTextDirection(), INDICATOR_FONT_COLOR, GraphUtils.TextAnchor.BASELINE); } private void drawCategory(GraphUtils g, Category category) { g.getGraphics().setFont(CATEGORY_FONT); drawArc(g, bcr/3*2, category.getStartAngle(), category.getArcAngle(), getCondition(category), category.getName(), bcr/2, category.getTextAngle(), category.getTextDirection(), CATEGORY_FONT_COLOR, GraphUtils.TextAnchor.CENTER); } private void drawCategoryBorder(GraphUtils g) { Graphics2D g2d = g.getGraphics(); Stroke stroke = g2d.getStroke(); AffineTransform transform = g2d.getTransform(); g2d.setColor(Color.WHITE); g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(CATEGORY_BORDER_WIDTH)); g2d.drawLine(bcx, bcy, bcx, (int)(bcy-bcr)); g2d.setTransform(AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(GraphUtils.toRadians(120), bcx, bcy)); g2d.drawLine(bcx, bcy, bcx, (int)(bcy-bcr)); g2d.setTransform(AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(GraphUtils.toRadians(240), bcx, bcy)); g2d.drawLine(bcx, bcy, bcx, (int)(bcy-bcr)); g2d.setStroke(stroke); g2d.setTransform(transform); } private void drawLegend(GraphUtils g) { g.getGraphics().setFont(LEGEND_FONT); g.setColor(LEGEND_FONT_COLOR); FontMetrics fm = g.getGraphics().getFontMetrics(); FontRenderContext frc = g.getGraphics().getFontRenderContext(); Point2D.Double ptSrc = new Point2D.Double(0,-(bcr+fm.getHeight())); Point2D.Double ptDst = new Point2D.Double(); AffineTransform at = new AffineTransform(); at.concatenate(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(bcx, bcy)); at.concatenate(AffineTransform.getRotateInstance( GraphUtils.toRadians(LEGEND_ANGLE))); at.transform(ptSrc, ptDst); float x = (float)ptDst.getX(); float y = (float)ptDst.getY(); for(Condition condition : Condition.values()) { // We don't show "Not Evaluated" in the legend if (condition == Condition.NOT_EVALUATED) continue; char ch[] = ("X "+condition.getLabel()).toCharArray(); GlyphVector gv = LEGEND_FONT.createGlyphVector(frc, ch); for(int i=0;i<gv.getNumGlyphs();i++) { Shape glyph; if(i==0) { glyph = gv.getGlyphVisualBounds(i); g.setColor(getColor(condition)); } else { glyph = gv.getGlyphOutline(i); g.setColor(LEGEND_FONT_COLOR); } AffineTransform transform = new AffineTransform(); transform.concatenate(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(x, y)); glyph = transform.createTransformedShape(glyph); g.getGraphics().fill(glyph); } y += fm.getHeight(); } } private void drawMarineCondition(GraphUtils g) { g.setColor(getColor(getOverallCondition())); g.fillCircle(bcx, bcy, bcr/3); g.setStroke(CATEGORY_BORDER_WIDTH); g.setColor(Color.white); g.drawCircle(bcx, bcy, bcr/3); g.setColor(CATEGORY_FONT_COLOR); g.getGraphics().setFont(CATEGORY_FONT); TextUtilities.drawAlignedString("Marine", g.getGraphics(), bcx, bcy, TextAnchor.BOTTOM_CENTER); TextUtilities.drawAlignedString("condition", g.getGraphics(), bcx, bcy, TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER); } @Override public void draw(Graphics2D graphics) { Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) graphics.create(); g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); GraphUtils g = new GraphUtils(g2d); g2d.setColor(Color.WHITE); g2d.fillRect(0, 0, dimension.width, dimension.height); g2d.setFont(CATEGORY_FONT); FontMetrics fm = g.getGraphics().getFontMetrics(); // measured from original screenshoot int radius = 188; this.bcr = radius - fm.getHeight(); this.bcx = radius; this.bcy = radius; for(Indicator indicator : Indicator.values()) { drawIndicator(g, indicator); } for(Category category : Category.values()) { drawCategory(g, category); } drawCategoryBorder(g); drawMarineCondition(g); drawLegend(g); g2d.dispose(); } @Override public Dimension getDimension(Graphics2D graphics) { return new Dimension(dimension); } private Color getColor(Condition c) { if((colors == null) || (colors.get(c) == null)) { return c.getColor(); } else { return colors.get(c); } } }