package controllers; import html.TempFiles; import html.HtmlToPdf; import html.HtmlZip; import html.XToHtml; import javax.jcr.Session; import; import org.jcrom.Jcrom; import play.libs.F; import play.mvc.Result; import play.mvc.With; import providers.CacheableUserProvider; import service.JcrSessionFactory; import service.filestore.FileStore; import; @With(UncacheableAction.class) public class HtmlController extends SessionAwareController { private final FileStore fileStore; @Inject public HtmlController(final JcrSessionFactory sessionFactory, final Jcrom jcrom, final CacheableUserProvider sessionHandler, final FileStore fileStore) { super(sessionFactory, jcrom, sessionHandler); this.fileStore = fileStore; } @SubjectPresent public Result toHtml(final String fileId) { String h = html(fileId); return h != null ? ok(h).as("text/html") : notFound("can not convert this file to html"); } @SubjectPresent public Result toHtmlZip(final String fileId) { String h = html(fileId); if(h!=null) { try (TempFiles files = new HtmlZip().toHtmlZip(filename(fileId), h, request().cookie("PLAY_SESSION").value())) { ctx().response().setHeader("Content-Disposition", ContentDispositionSupport.attachment(filename(fileId)+".zip")); return ok(files.result()).as("application/zip"); } catch(Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } else { return notFound("can not convert this file to html"); } } @SubjectPresent public Result toPdf(final String fileId, String copts) { String h = html(fileId); if(h!=null) { try (TempFiles files = new HtmlToPdf().toPdf(filename(fileId), h, request().cookie("PLAY_SESSION").value(), copts)) { ctx().response().setHeader("Content-Disposition", ContentDispositionSupport.attachment(filename(fileId)+".pdf")); return ok(files.result()).as("application/pdf"); } catch(Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } else { return notFound("can not convert this file to pdf"); } } private String html(final String fileId) { return new XToHtml().toHtml(content(fileId), mimetype(fileId)); } private String content(final String fileId) { return inUserSession(new F.Function<Session, String>() { @Override public final String apply(Session session) throws Exception { final FileStore.Manager fm = fileStore.getManager(session); FileStore.FileOrFolder fof = fm.getByIdentifier(fileId); if (fof instanceof FileStore.File) { FileStore.File file = (FileStore.File) fof; return IOUtils.toString(file.getData()); } else { throw new RuntimeException("folder"); } } }); } private String filename(final String fileId) { return inUserSession(new F.Function<Session, String>() { @Override public final String apply(Session session) throws Exception { final FileStore.Manager fm = fileStore.getManager(session); FileStore.FileOrFolder fof = fm.getByIdentifier(fileId); if (fof instanceof FileStore.File) { FileStore.File file = (FileStore.File) fof; return file.getName(); } else { throw new RuntimeException("folder"); } } }); } private String mimetype(final String fileId) { return inUserSession(new F.Function<Session, String>() { @Override public final String apply(Session session) throws Exception { final FileStore.Manager fm = fileStore.getManager(session); FileStore.FileOrFolder fof = fm.getByIdentifier(fileId); if (fof instanceof FileStore.File) { FileStore.File file = (FileStore.File) fof; return file.getMimeType(); } else { throw new RuntimeException("folder"); } } }); } }