package service.filestore; import; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import javax.jcr.ItemExistsException; import javax.jcr.RepositoryException; import javax.jcr.Session; import models.User; import service.EventManager; import service.EventManager.Event; import; import; import; public interface FileStore { public enum Permission { NONE, RO, RW; private static BiMap<Permission, jackrabbit.Permission> jackrabbitPermMap = ImmutableBiMap.<Permission, jackrabbit.Permission>builder() .put(Permission.NONE, jackrabbit.Permission.NONE) .put(Permission.RO, jackrabbit.Permission.RO) .put(Permission.RW, jackrabbit.Permission.RW) .build(); public boolean isAtLeast(Permission other) { return this.compareTo(other) >= 0; } public jackrabbit.Permission toJackrabbitPermission() { return jackrabbitPermMap.get(this); } public static Permission fromJackrabbitPermission(jackrabbit.Permission o) { return jackrabbitPermMap.inverse().get(o); } } Manager getManager(Session session); EventManager getEventManager(); static interface Manager { Folder getRoot() throws RepositoryException; FileOrFolder getByIdentifier(final String id) throws RepositoryException; FileOrFolder getFileOrFolder(final String absPath) throws RepositoryException; Set<Folder> getFolders() throws RepositoryException; } static interface FileOrFolder { String getIdentifier(); /* Globally unique */ String getName(); /* Unique only inside parent folder */ int getDepth(); String getPath(); /* Globally unique */ Folder getParent() throws RepositoryException; void delete() throws RepositoryException; /** * Rename this file/folder. * * @param newName Name following rename * @throws ItemExistsException if another file/folder exists * @throws RepositoryException */ void rename(String newName) throws ItemExistsException, RepositoryException; /** * Determine access level to this item. Note that this may vary from the * access to the node, as permissions based soley on ancestory to a child * node should be excluded. * * @return * @throws RepositoryException */ Permission getAccessLevel() throws RepositoryException; void move(Folder destination) throws ItemExistsException, RepositoryException; } static interface Folder extends FileOrFolder { Folder createFolder(String name) throws RepositoryException; File createFile(String name, String mime, InputStream data) throws RepositoryException; FileOrFolder getFileOrFolder(String name) throws RepositoryException; Set<File> getFiles() throws RepositoryException; Set<Folder> getFolders() throws RepositoryException; Map<String, Permission> getGroupPermissions() throws RepositoryException; void grantAccess(String groupName, Permission permission) throws RepositoryException; void revokeAccess(String groupName) throws RepositoryException; void reload(); } static interface File extends FileOrFolder { InputStream getData(); String getMimeType(); String getDigest(); SortedSet<File> getVersions() throws RepositoryException; File update(String mime, InputStream data) throws RepositoryException; User getAuthor(); Calendar getModificationTime(); } public static class Events { public static Event create(FileStore.File file, String ownerId) throws RepositoryException { return new Event("file:create", nodeInfo(file.getIdentifier(), ownerId)); } public static Event create(FileStore.Folder folder, String ownerId) throws RepositoryException { return new Event("folder:create", nodeInfo(folder.getIdentifier(), ownerId)); } public static Event update(FileStore.File file, String ownerId) throws RepositoryException { return new Event("file:update", nodeInfo(file.getIdentifier(), ownerId)); } public static Event update(FileStore.Folder folder, String ownerId) throws RepositoryException { return new Event("folder:update", nodeInfo(folder.getIdentifier(), ownerId)); } public static Event delete(FileStore.File file, String ownerId) throws RepositoryException { return new EventManager.Event("file:delete", nodeInfo(file.getIdentifier(), ownerId)); } public static Event delete(FileStore.Folder folder, String ownerId) throws RepositoryException { return new EventManager.Event("folder:delete", nodeInfo(folder.getIdentifier(), ownerId)); } public static Event move(FileStore.File file, FileStore.Folder formerParent, FileStore.Folder newParent, String ownerId) throws RepositoryException { return move("file", file, formerParent, newParent, ownerId); } public static Event move(FileStore.Folder folder, FileStore.Folder formerParent, FileStore.Folder newParent, String ownerId) throws RepositoryException { return move("folder", folder, formerParent, newParent, ownerId); } private static Event move(String type, FileStore.FileOrFolder f, FileStore.Folder formerParent, FileStore.Folder newParent, String ownerId) throws RepositoryException { return new EventManager.Event(type+":move", ImmutableMap.of("id", f.getIdentifier(), "formerParent", formerParent.getIdentifier(), "newParent", newParent.getIdentifier(), "owner:id", ownerId)); } private static Map<String, String> nodeInfo(String id, String ownerId) { return ImmutableMap.of("id", id, "owner:id", ownerId); } } }